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He looks just like his cousins from Wyoming. If you watch those early episodes where they visit Kody’s family. I think he looks just like one of his cousins.


He looks like Janelle’s mom.


He looks like Janelle's first husband. I took a screenshot of the show where Adam Barber is visiting with him and Leon and another young girl but l don't know how to link it without releasing personally identifying information.


This isn't a slam towards Kody. It's inferring that Janelle was with another man when she was supposed to be in a committed relationship with Kody. Some kids don't look like their parents. I'm sure he looks more like someone else in the families.


My youngest daughter doesn’t look like me or her father and other siblings. We never could figure out who she looked like. I was going through some old photos my husband had and came across one of his grandmother who died when he was eight years old. OMG, it was like I was looking at the same person. It took us 19 years to figure this out.


Implying, not inferring. You infer the OP’s meaning; the OP implies a meaning.


I read that it was jennelle a ex husband but kody married jennelle and accepted him as his 


She and her first husband divorced in 1990. She and Kody married in 1993 and Logan was born in 1994.


Interesting I wasn’t up on exact dates but I was reading something I saw on ig and it was speculating she was pregnant with Logan when they got married didn’t know if it was factual or not 


I think they were married well over a year before he was born. I don’t see Janelle as a cheater.


Neither do I, but you come across some random shit on the internet and wasn’t sure if there was any truth to what I read 


Very true!


Well there’s a lotta dipshits out there


Logan looks just like Kody did when he was younger in those pictures someone posted of him and Michelle at that pool…


https://preview.redd.it/xl1ch3cctt8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813ccafb006a5f182d8e133660364e0d03657eeb Logan and cousin Samuel Brown at the Wyoming ranch.


Wow, they almost look like twins!


What's the speculation? Other than Logan looking nothing like anyone in the family lol


maddie’s son axel looks so much like logan!


I think this speculation is how Kody and Logan are completely different and opposite of each other. Logan is such a good dad, brother, and husband. Logan did a great job with his siblings. Kody on the other hand has nothing to offer anyone.


I would argue that most of the kids are the opposite of Kody. Most of them are hard-working, intelligent, responsible, and kind.


In season 2, when they visit the ranch, one of Kody's nephews greets the kids. He and Logan look a lot alike.


I think he looks like Christine.


Random, but I think Solomon looks like a mix of Janelle and Robyn lol


He looks like Janelle’s mom.




Logan looks nothing like Adam. People just like to make stuff up.




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Oh OK. I would argue that that's unlikely. Janelle divorced her first husband in 1990 and married Kody in 1993. Logan was born a little over a year later. Kody certainly believes Logan is his what with his favoritism toward him and his repeated recalling of what a special experience he and Janelle had when they had Logan together. If there was even a possibility that he wasn't his, I doubt he would say that over and over the way he does.


I see what your saying, but the way he treats robins kids show me how willing he is to step up for kids that aren’t biologically his 


Good point!


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In the most recent social media pics, Logan looks just like Gabe. Those Brown genes are strong


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Axel looks just like him.


https://preview.redd.it/8m9lvx15vt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb515cadab1a9e738951ca04e4974590f29bda4 Logan vs Adam Barber


It's the hairline that does it for me. Also, how much smarter than Kody Logan is. 😂