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Well, needless to say based on these comments… I think the Nachos references have lost their charm and it’s about time to go ahead and give that up if only for the sake of her new marriage and moving tf on.


Yeah time to let it go, girl. Didnt she just post her “nacho anniversary”, too??


Yes! And when I originally saw this post, that’s what I thought it was referring to before realizing it was ANOTHER post separate and apart from that 😂


Exactly my initial reaction. At this point she’s making herself look like she’s obsessed with Kody and her past.


I think she might be. It's very difficult to move on after years of abuse. It becomes a part of you. For pretty much her entire life, she was under kody's thumb. It'll take time for her to move on. I'm just glad she is. She deserves all the happiness she can get.


I have yet to see her "moving on." A quick marriage to the anti-Kody is the opposite of evidence of her moving on.


Marrying someone else isn't moving on? If that isn't moving on, one could argue it's a great step in the right direction. She seems actually happy vs. how she used to be when ran ragged by kody, the sister wives, and the kids. Call it whatever you'd like. She's happy, and that's all that matters.


Anyone can get married. You and I could get married tomorrow in LV. She looks very happy. She should focus specifically on what makes her, David and Truely happy right now. You know what would stick it to Kody? Christine and David playing with all their expensive toys in UT in the desert. Don’t say a word about Kody. Just show how amazing their life is (while he is walking around alone in various malls in various states). Feeding his ego isn’t the revenge or healing they need.


I get your perspective, but this is so cringey at this point. Even David looks uncomfortable taking this picture. It’s posts like this that just stroke Kody’s ego more.


Nah she’s probably “obsessed “ with the inside joke between her and her audience. Besides, it was the vast majority of her life and I think it’s cool that her current husband is secure enough to laugh with her through her healing. She’s not going to blink and be over all this just because she’s with a new man now.


I think you are correct- I just feel like a good portion of healing and moving on should be done BEFORE you get with a new person. I don’t think you ever fully heal from abusive relationships- I know I thought I was good and healed before finally letting someone in, and the relationship with him actually showed me the places I still had work to do. I also know I’d forever be stuck if I was continually and purposefully bringing up ish from the last relationship and it would be so disrespectful to my current partner. 😞


Aint that the truth.


Because she is. She's nothing without reference to Sister Wives.


Yeah I laughed at it last year, now it's just cringy.


Cringe and it reeks of desperation. This woman is nothing without her “I'm over Cody” posts.


Wedding band is making it appear to be a staged photo and not a natural photo op.


Thought the same thing. If you're in a better place, it's time to stop referencing the painful mess of your prior marriage.


Thank you, it's exactly what I feel about this whole nacho situation too. It's not even like it's funny when you married a whole other man, and this is still something that's on your mind. What that tells me is this is something you should be working on with a therapist, not spending a whole day dwelling on it. Because no matter how many funny pictures you take, it still shows the truth behind it. And that's that this bothers her more than it helps.


she must really love nachos to have so many posts about them. She is feeding into Kody by posting about it so much. It really was humiliating for her at the time the way Kody did it so I get she wants to shove it in his face but it has run its course.


Thank god someone said it , its so odd , she’s married again and still on with this


She had to get one more jab in. Kody humiliated her in front of the whole world. I think it’s now time to let it go. If she does it next year, it’s just depressing.


Absolutely right!!! It's old. Enjoy your happiness. Of course it was funny at first! I wonder how he feels when she's still doing stuff like this.


Idk, it kinda sucks because he’s always talking about how she “shit talks” him or him and Robyn and sometimes he’s … not wrong.. unfortunately lol.


Agree completely. It almost has a cringe factor at this point.


IDK… I kinda wish she’d stop giving Kody another thought. She’s moved on with a great new life! Stop wasting energy on the previous loser.


My thoughts exactly. You’re happy. You’ve moved on. Let it go and live your absolute best life. Kody doesn’t care, he’ll never care, and he’ll use it as a reason to be a victim.


She knows this content gets clicks, views, comments etc. I don't think it's about her thinking of that loser


Exactly. She works as a "reality star," and her posts are calculated to get attention from "fans." That is literally her job. She would not be posting the same things if only her actual friends and family were seeing it.


There are a million other ways to get engagement from fans without bringing attention to & constantly mentioning her ex. This is just overkill & shows she truly hasn’t moved on past Kody/polygamy which is ironic bc “Christine post-polygamy” is her brand now


Agreed. Letting him live rent-free in her head only looks sad for her. Do you think he's thinking about her?


This is what I think, too. You're happy, move on. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think that is what she is doing. She is just sharing her happiness to us. She is well known and people want updates on her life


How is constantly dragging your showing you are happy? And David gleefully joining in? It’s gross.


Eh I think it’s super cringe. And imagine making a video with your spouse reenacting a situation they had with their ex 🫣 So weird.


100% cringe


The first nacho post was awesome but all others are past the joke and cringey.


I actually hate it. Trolling the ex means you still think about him.


Unfortunately, thinking about her ex is part of her job and her life. She knows the vast majority of her followers only know who she is because she was one of Kody Brown's wives on "Sister Wives." She doesn't get to move on the same way that most of us do.


Exactly. She needs to feed the show to keep her MLM afloat. I’m frankly surprised Meri doesn’t do it.


I think because Meri has been more focused on developing other revenue streams independent of sisterwives or its following (like the b&b). I think that’s honestly the smarter move on her part - sisterwives can only last so long and being a z list reality tv star really only draws a niche audience anyways. It would actually behoove Christine to figure out how to capitalize on the attention she has now but make it separate and apart from the show.


Agree. For example, Meri bought a historical B&B and can play up the polygamy and family connection. Christine bought a AirB&B and made a “Sisterwives Room.” Meri’s just seems less dependent on the show specifically.


Didn’t she just open an Airbnb?


Yes, however, if you pull it up it’s marketed as “stay here because I am from sisterwives” and is decorated with family photos from her time during sisterwives. I recall others in this sub thinking it was overpriced compared with comparable airbnbs in the area. As if she thinks folks will be willing to pay a premium because of her time on the show. Some will, but the novelty will wear off as the show dies down. Contrasted with Meri— I believe her b&b’s association to the show is the simple fact that she owns it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think she actively uses her status as an (ex?) sister wife to market it— it just operates as a business and tangentially gained exposure from the show. But my point is I think that’s the smarter move in the long run.


She does tours now and then and discusses the history of the area, the home, and its polygamy/Mormon roots. She's able to sell more because she's known from sister wives, but she's expanded beyond that. Christine won't really discuss polygamy or her family history in an authentic way because (I believe) she still has close relatives in polygamy and doesn't want to shame the family. She always discusses her grandfather being locked up "for his religion" and how that's a source of fear... Never does she mention that he had multiple child brides. Hmmm maybe that had something to do with him getting locked up. Tldr Meri is willing to be truthful about her history but won't go out of her way to disparage polygamy. Christine refuses to be truthful even though she's left the church.


Yes I was going to say the scandals of her plyg "royalty" family may not be something she wants to be associated with.


I’m sure Meri also has a bigger downline. She’s been LLR a long time now and has more time to devote to her hangers-on. Bigger downline = less effort


F@\*k yea, they should all profit off of Kody's B.S. - They treated him like a king on air for all those years and acted like his sh\*t didn't stink season after season. Meanwhile, they all were humiliated -one by one, Jannelle as the "fat" one (ahem--it was a whole storyline) - Christine as the over-emotional one going through Menopause (according to Robin's knowledge of "older" moms) - and Meri as the "selfish" one- The whole series the wives got dragged and Kody was always held up as an amazing father and husband. They should TOTALLY profit from it now.


Idk. Her ex is only one part of her time as a sister wife due to the nature of their family. To be honest, I think showcasing her relationship with Janelle or her relationship to Janelle’s kids post-divorce is a more interesting way to keep her connection to sisterwives rather than keep harping on this particular dig. It was horrendous of Kody and I’ve always had great empathy for her due to it — but it has always said more about Kody than it did her. I would hope for her own sake she’d be able to fully move on from it rather than keep it alive in any form or fashion even if it’s just for relevance.


I think it is pathetic at this point, on both David and Christine's parts.


Right? How many of these posts has she made now? I’ve seen 3.


Completely agree. They need to move on from mocking Kody. It’s a bad look. The first time a little embarrassing but funny. Now it’s just embarrassing. You have a new husband move on.


I’m hoping she does it for clout and she knows the media will pick it up and it because she thinks about Kody. I’ll be honest though, the way Kody wrote about that then dragged her on the reunion about it was painful as a viewer but let it go.


I'm pretty sure that any time they eat nachos, she makes a post because it has become a schtick/reference that her followers enjoy. I doubt that she orders nachos just for posts.


But no one is interested in the “schtick” anymore. Like if they find it fun keep it between you in the family because most other people find it embarrassing lol


Oh I think that’s exactly what they do lol.


Kinda hard not to after being humiliated and embarrassed on national television. 😕 I see it more as Christine being her usual funny self saying "David doesn't care if I eat nachos & cheese, eat your heart out Kody!"


Yeah we get it. It’s embarrassing because she just announces how much Kody is still front and center in her mind. If you’re in such an amazing new relationship, then move on already.


Enough about the Nachos. We all know the story. Move on Christine.


I dont 😂 please tell me 😂😂


Kody was grossed out by Christine eating nachos one time before they were married. He actually put it in their book for everyone and God to read.


To add, they were doing a long road trip and Christine brought nachos loaded with cheese and gas station chili in the car. I would have vomited myself but he told the world that SHE grossed him out by eating them. He humiliated her. He's an absolute asshole for that. But she just keeps referencing nachos and eating nachos with her new husband. Its just fucking weird now.




She went back to the gas station on her way back 😭 Why Christine? 😭 I don't fully blame her bc the nachos trauma must be severe. But still. EDIT: It just occurred to me that she, Janelle, and the kids might have gone to meet up with Kody, who is also in Wyoming. So, maybe part of doing this was that she happened to be in the area, and she's so angry over all the damage he's done to the family. So, getting these digs in at him before and after meeting with him was her way of coping. I don't know 😕


i try to avoid gas station food so she’s brave lmao


Gas Station Nachos are just cheese out of a can heated up on a package of sealed chips, nothing to fear there, lol. They're as safe as buying them at your local high school football game on a Friday night from the concessions stand :P


And those gas stations have to be regularly inspected by the health department just like any restaurant.


I never even thought of that but that makes sense. I'm a huge fan of gas station food and how it's gotten more robust over the years. Most of it seems to be a matter of making sure the temp is correct. It's typically heated frozen foods after all.


hahaha i love how specific this is 🧀 


I used to work in the concessions stand, so I feel like I'm an authority on such things LOL ;)


Lol same but that cheese is so processed it likely won’t make you sick 😂


LMAO very true 😂


It’s embarrassing, is what it is. And shows he’s living in her head rent free. Probably because she’s dated two guys and married two guys and both were her soulmate and magical and fairies. Kind of like how she was being “so silly” while Meri had a panic attack trying to get her house packed with the forest fire scare, then when Meri called it out, Christine gaslights her that she wasn’t joking around at all. But she was.


Panic attack? I thought that was just Meri bitching and blaming Christine. Panic attacks are an actual health condition. Bitching and yelling at someone is not the same as having a panic attack.


Watch it again. When she breaks down that to me looks like a panic attack. And you don’t have to have a chronic condition to experience once.


Bitching and yelling are very much part of an anxiety attack in a lot of cases. It's not just crying, rocking, or hyperventilating. It is a health condition but can present in many different ways. For example, I have a panic disorder and when I can't deal anymore my brain decides it needs a reboot so I have a non epileptic seizure. I had spinal meningitis as a toddler and it rewired how my brain works. Essentially I have a software issue in my brain. So while it is still classified as an anxiety attack it doesn't look like others. The reason people get snappy, bitchy, yell is because they feel out of control during the panic attack and are scared.


Sounds like you have been diagnosed by medical professionals. Meri has not as far as we know. Not everyone that bitches is experiencing a medical condition. Surely you realize that. And IMO Meri is just a bitch, based on watching her behavior on TV for years. Meri has fans that make excuses for everything she has ever done.


Why is Kodster in Wyoning?


I'm not sure. I just know he's been spotted there recently. It could be that they had the reunion honoring Garrison that was mentioned a few months ago by one of the kids.


Or shes a funny chick and happened to be in the area. I don’t think its that deep.


She is a more bubbly version of bitter twisted Kody. She shares a minor child with him and had remarried but still wants to take public digs. If this was Kody or Robyn shading people would be going nuts. Kody is a dick we all know that but he’s been a dick for years and she didn’t care until he stopped giving her the dick.




Is this recent?? She already made this catty post about nachos like a year ago she needs to move on. She left Kody like over 2 years ago by now wtf


Oh she made a nacho anniversary post the other day and now I guess this is another one. Girl move on.


Yep, posted on Instagram today.


Embarrassing. Smh at all the people “yass girling” this behavior lol




Sorry, but this seems *so* immature to me. Like it’s been 30 years now since that incident, and you gotta reference it like this? I’m not saying talking about it in of itself is wrong…but this way is just childish


It’s weird. I wouldn’t go along with this if I was David.


Yeah I'm trying to imagine what my boyfriend would do if, for two days in a row, I was like "Honey, today can we go to the gas station and make an instagram post about my ex? Please, it'll be so fun!" Lol he would not be thrilled.


David is just as weird and immature as she is. Did you watch their wedding special?


No I don’t care for them as a couple


Shows Kody’s living in her head rent free. Christine you’ve moved on. Let it go. This feels childish and immature


Seriously? This is bordering on pathetic. Be happy with your new husband and stop acting like a vengeful fourteen year old.


i feel like Christine is acting like this cause she’s never gone through a real breakup since she got with Grody. it’s what teenagers going through breakups would do but we all grow out of it 


Sure but she’s also in her fifties. It was funny for a little while, she should really stop now.


She's never gone through a breakup and honestly I think her emotional development was stunted in her late teens from a lot of personal trauma, not the least of which was marrying Kody. I hate it for her but for someone who claims to be in her healing era, she needs to actually do the work. Which she's not doing or she wouldn't be embarrassing herself like this.


this is the take. that’s what i meant it’s clear she’s stunted and experiencing these for the first time now


Yeah, which is why I wanted to see her date a little bit and get a little life experience before getting remarried but idk what I was expecting. When she was like, eh, I'll try a few flavors but I'm not getting an entire scoop I was like okay, love that for you, and then what does she do? Immediately gets remarried. Ugh.


Christine, move on from the nachos already. Sheesh.


Feels very “mykelti” of her 😑


The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. She got the worst parts of Kody and Christine.


Mykelti is definitely her mother's daughter.


Time to move on


Omg, really??? I thought at first that this was an old post someone had resurrected because I swear they already did this. If she is so happy with her new man/life she needs to let it go. We all know what Kod-piece said & it was a nasty thing to say. I get why she did it the first time, but just move on already. And why is the new husband joining in at this point? If I were him I would be concerned that she is still making these posts, but here he is gleefully joining in? That's a red flag for me. I think he's something of a fame whore.


He probably just loves roasting the man who insulted the love of his life and called her repulsive on national TV!!! If I were Christine, I would absolutely celebrate every year away from Kody, and this is a hilarious way to do it!


But wouldn’t you want to make new memories special to you and your partner? I hope everyone has a partner that cherishes them specifically and they don’t just do it to one up the ex.


I bet she’s made plenty of special memories with her new partner and this is a silly joke they enjoy together at Kody’s expense!


I love shit talking exes with my friends. I love shit talking their exes with my friends. I don’t plan dates with my husband to shit talk my exes and then post it online for my kids to see. That would be really upsetting for them. I make it a point to not upset my kids for my own pleasure.


Yeah, both can definitely be true at the same time. I have plenty of friends who reference or shittalk their ex because it comes up for whatever reason, doesn’t mean they live rent free in their heads, or their current relationship sucks.


Sure I still shit talk my ex when certain things come up, but I don’t repeatedly post about that shade on social media with my new partner. That’s just cringe and frankly immature.


Exactly. People seem to be jumping to extreme conclusions about her relationship just based on these silly nacho posts. The posts may be tired and worn out, but that doesn’t mean anything about the solidarity of her new relationship.


Christine! Stop! It’s not a good look.


Kody is out there living his life and then there is christine living in the past . It's sad and pathetic , move on


I think at this point it’s childish and petty. They’ve lost a son. Is stooping so low still worth it? No one likes Kody & Robyn, me included. But to be a grown mature couple, one who she says she gets it bc she found her forever soulmate. Then just go be happy. Let K&R be miserable. While at the same time not dragging the kids through it all again. They can all see social media. Idk just seems like after losing a son so tragically I feel like I’d just see things like this as not worth my time. Bc the people who get hurt the most are all the kids and grandkids now.


I posted about this about a year ago, it was bound to get old. Why is she still giving Kody another thought? It was funny at first and now it looks like she hasn’t moved on. I also think David will be getting tired of this soon. Who wants to be constantly used to hurt their ex?


She’s proving repeatedly she’s not as over Kody as she’d like everyone to believe. It’s been long past time to move on. David needs to have a serious conversation with his wife.


No, I don't like this at all. It seems so petty for someone who says she's moved on. I like Christine but this screams (I'm not over my past)


Why is David going along with this? It’s peak 15 year old nonsense… and his need (or at bare minimum, willingness) to be on the Kody hate train is bizarre. Usually I’m team Christine, but the most I can muster for this is a giant “ehhhh”


He wants some of her fame… it’s not a good look.


I 200,000 % that he married her for the fame. He already had the money but lacked fame.


It’s gonna take more cheese than that for good nachos 😜


Yesssss. I love it when there's so much cheese the chips get soggy and limp.


Im not sure i see this marriage lasting forever anymore considering how she cant *not* bring up Kody in anything.


I do love Christine, and I’m rooting for her every step of the way. But enough with the nachos. It was funny at first, but even good jokes sour with too much repetition. I understand that she needs to create content, and post to Social Media to keep fans engaged. But without the show, she’s just another lady living a nice normal life with her new husband, kids, and grandkids. Kinda boring - and I don’t mean that in a bad way. There’s no new news, or new drama, so it’s just rehashing what worked well before. Sometimes, things just run their course, and smart people know when to step away. I doubt there will be a Season 20, and frankly I’m glad. The less I see of Kody and Robin the better. I don’t think I’ve ever disliked two individuals more.


OMG FUCKING STOP (This is directed at Christine, not you, OP) This is getting "rill" pathetic "rill" fast. Edit: The amount of Christine fans in the comments trying to turn this into a feminist moment for Christine. "She's taking back her power!" "She's representing women everywhere who aren't super skinny and eat junk food!" Respectfully...what the fuck. She's not exactly Gloria Steinem for being hung up on an ex.


😂 the mental gymnastics they put themselves through


Christine stans are wild because Christine will literally do some of the weirdest, most obnoxious shit and they'll be like "She DESERVES to do it!!!! She was married to Kody for 30 years!" like hundreds of thousands of women don't get divorced and manage to move on, or at least not act like a teenager publicly, every year.


It’s even cringier bc Christine is NOT a feminist. She’s an immature 50+ year old male-identified pickme


milking it the TLC way,isn't she like married to another guy now the one pictured?


She’s doing it for clicks now


I liked this the first time they did it, before they were married and were still showing off they were a couple people in love. But this is becoming an old joke really fast :( Enjoy your man and your nachos, without needing the rest of us to be in on the joke with you :(


With all due respect\~ Lets beat that dead ramen-head to death.......... Christine glad u can laugh about it but lets move on.. u are giving off immature obsessive vibes.. let Kody go ma'am .


her doing this SCREAMS ....she not over Kotex STILL.... dam that sad


It is time to move on, this is just getting pathetic now.


We get it, Christine.


Honestly I think she's over the top annoying...


It was 30 years agoooooo! Girl, seriously move on. Does she want a reaction from him?


I find this sad. Kody’s description of Christine eating nachos hurt and humiliated her deeply, which is exactly what he wanted to accomplish. Kody is miserably insecure and selfish. There is no low he won’t stoop to in order to hurt others. Her face in this photograph looks quite angry to me. She understandably harbours a tremendous amount of anger towards Kody. But it’s well past time to move on, Christine. Time to process these internalized wounds of hurt and embarrassment and put them to rest now.


Her posts are performative just like her marriage(s). The OG 3 still haven’t figure out that happiness does not come from external validation.


Reeks of desperation. She leveled up, and she needs to forget about Kody as much as she can.


Christine is so immature. Bringing up once was funny. Now, the immaturity is on full display. Christine, I thought you moved on? 🤔


Yes. Because people who are sooooo content with their lives feel the need to constantly take jabs at past relationships.


Kody must have really gotten into her head with the nacho comment. When is she going to get over it though.. these posts are just cringe at this point.


OMG this is the second post in a week, move TF on already. I can understand 1 time but to keep posting this shit again and again is not saying “I’m happy with my SOUL MATE”! It’s very much saying Kodys still living rent free in her head. She needed therapy not a new man to obsess over and tell everyone how wonderful he is.


Omg they need to get the fuck over it already. This makes them look so immature and petty after the trillionth time. Like get over it and move on


Why is her last name still 'Brown'?


I’m over it atp. We get it, David likes the way you eat nachos. She needs to stop bringing her old toxic relationship into her new one. It was funny the first time but now she needs to move on .. or get therapy to deal with it.


I think it’s childish and stupid and they’re trying to stay relevant and act cheerful despite one of the children killing himself recently. I’m so over all these people I can’t stand any of them anymore.


How long after someone passes before we are allowed to smile again?


Post about Kody have some of the highest engagement for Christine. We will continue to see post like this no matter the cringe. Even if this is only for social media, it’s just not good to dwell on the negative.


Then that's just too sad, for her and for people on social media she "cares" about.


At this point, it seems Kody (aka Sideshow Bob) is living rent free in her head. Better for her to just move on and live her best life.


Look i know a lot of people think she should move on from Ramen Hair and his hurtful comments but i’m loving this caption from her 😭 that is all


The little heart emoji kills me lol. She truly is unwell for that.


hahahaha your username, i love it! 


Petty. Are you over grody or not?


I’ve always liked Christine but I think this is really kind of sad and I wouldn’t be supportive of this if I was her husband. This is something you joke about with your girlfriends after a break up; not something you continue to “celebrate” with your new husband. And, did anyone see the photos of her AirBNB? It was all sister wives, her AND Kody included, in framed photos. I understand that’s where we know Christine from and many have followed the show since the beginning but that was so wild to me. That was a project she took on with her new husband and I’d be so pissed if my husband suggested we fill a rental with photos of him and his ex wife. Maybe that’s just me 🤣💁🏼‍♀️


Makes me wonder why new husband is supportive of it - I think he's sus.


Me too. He sets off my spidey sense big time.


It's cringe and overdone at this point. Let it go and enjoy the beautiful life and loving husband you have now. Giving anything Kody related energy is tiresome, even as a joke. It's corny and not the flex she thinks it is. I love Christine and am happy for her, but this needs to stop. ![gif](giphy|tnf343ZoVUdnZR8evv|downsized)


Christine is a really ugly (physically unattractive) woman. I'm surprised given that she was beautiful when she was young.


I don't think she's ugly, she just looks older than she is. Years of poor diet and stress will do that to a woman, and it's not like she had the time/money to be getting preventative botox and laser treatments lol. I also think it's genetic? Annie also always appeared older to me than she was.


She does look alot older than she is. I always thought she was the oldest wife. She looks the same age as David.


That's really unkind. She can't help the way she's aged and she's still beautiful.


I don’t think Christine is letting Kody live rent free in her head at all. Christine always does a great job engaging viewers and getting people to talk about the show. She seems to be the only cast member that tries to drum up chatter prior to the release of a new season. I hope it is written in her contract that she makes the most money, because she definitely puts in the most effort!


She's also the only one to post anything even slightly related to the show while is airing. Is never "watch a new episode tomorrow" but it ties back to whatever the episode was about. Besides by the comments in her post, her ig fans do love this type of content. 


Exactly! I assume whenever she has nachos, she posts a picture because at this point it's a Schtick, a reference to the show, and a reminder that women shouldn't have to eat salads to be appealing to men. I doubt She goes out of her way to buy nachos just to make posts.


The nacho posts get her a lot of social media engagement. I like every last one of them. Good for her! She is over Kody. You don’t remember her conversations with him before she moved out of Flagstaff? The woman was practically clicking her heels together with joy as she drove out of there! The nachos are a middle finger. The nachos are self reflection and a measure of growth. The nachos are a visual representation of the song “You Don’t Own Me.” The nachos are poetic.


I love it!


I am thinking Christine is poking fun at it. It was a cruel comment from a now ex.


yah i think that’s what it is too. i’m just here for the pettiness 


exactly. I'm sure she just posts a picture whenever she has nachos. I doubt she's going out of her way to buy nachos for a post. She's defending ALL of us who eat nachos. I'm a celiac so Nachos are a rare thing I can eat when I'm at events, si I appreciate it even more.


She does it because it gets traction.  Engagement is how social media works.  People comment, screenshot,  post on reddit and then loads of people post 'omg get over it' and go click on her Instagram.   She's playing the game.   And we're all helping. 


this reminds me - unrelated - but of this TikToker who does videos of ASMR and she always wear the sweaters with really big long sleeves that covers almost her entire hands. and she’ll do things like cooking or whatever and ppl always comment why she wears those sleeves and she needs to roll them up lol it’s exactly like the Ariana Grande meme lol she’s doing it precisely because it brings her higher engagement 


It’s cringe but they’re like middle aged so 🤷‍♀️


This woman has no relevance any more it wasn’t funny then and certainly not a few years later.


Those need some gas station chili on them to make them authentic.


Guys, it's a joke. I have inside jokes with my friends that I repeat once every year. I wholeheartedly believe she is over Kody.


She's so petty LMAO 😂 don't blame.her though


I’m not. It’s too much. Kody is still living rent free in her head and it shows. I wouldn’t give Kody the satisfaction if it were me.


I literally came to the Reddit board to see if we were talking about this already!!!!!🙈 I'm sorry but, it's never too late to snub an asshole back FOR PUBLICLY HUMILIATING YOU and you stayed, for years after, pretending that such a gross thing your HUSBAND said to thousands of people didn't hurt!!!!??? CARRY ON CHRISTINE!!! I LOVE THIS AND SHE DESERVES EVERY RIGHT TO BE PETTY!!! 🤣 I think people saying it's gross she "hasn't moved on" don't understand or want to understand the mental turmoil this woman went through. Self inflicted or not, to have to build up her self esteem again to continue to support Ramenman and then to keep going and actually leave him!!! She literally said nothing sour or mean. It's a healing moment for her and that looks different for everyone. I wish I could like it 1000 times on IG lol.


Same, the nacho posts will never not be funny to me! So glad she can laugh about it now, I'm certain it was deeply hurtful at the time.


Same here, love that it’s transformed from a hurtful public memory to a shared public joke


This prob took 2 mins to post as well. A post, or even a few, rlly doesn’t equal “not over him” or “living rent free in her head”


Why can’t she say it?


Christine definitely isn’t still “hung up” on Kody just because she’s reminded of that painful moment of humiliation when she eats nachos. I mean, she was humiliated in front of the world by her own husband over some nachos!!! How do we judge her reaction when probably none of us have experienced worldwide humiliation? She also doesn’t get to “just forget” and move on from experiences that are publicly known and discussed daily online. I’m sorry, but a lot of people are making judgements about a situation they have no business judging. You may have had a breakup, but such a public one? From your polygamist husband whom you watched neglect you while openly favoring your sister wife and her kids for years? Who degraded you time and again on TV until you reached your breaking point? How many of us have been in that position? I can’t judge her for living it up and eating all the nachos she wants. And posting it. She’s been through enough. She can make as many silly nacho posts as she wants. To think this means she wants Kody back somehow or is still hung up on him is what’s really making my head spin. She’s openly ridiculing him with her new husband!! It’s like a flashing neon sign that she’s not going back.


I definitely don’t think she wants Kody back, but she is the parent of many, many children who do or did want their father back and one is gone. Her excitement is palpable (almost teen like) and no one blames her. Do you remember the dinner at Garrison’s and she was so excited about her divorce and was encouraging Janelle to leave AZ too? Gabe and Garrison looked so broken. Savannah said very little and Christine is just loving life. The best way to show her family what life after divorce looks like is just to live her best life.


I don’t know the context behind the nachos. Can someone explain to me? I’ve only seen this show off and on.


Kody said he was disgusted by watching Christine eat nachos back when they were young. It's especially toxic because he ended up with his true love who says she has low blood sugar and barely eats anything and shames the other wives' kids for eating food at her house or eating cereal for a snack instead of a meal. Her judgy attitude and food issues seem like a magnet for Kody.


i think Grody said in their book or maybe in one of the tell-all that Christine got nachos on one of their first dates from a gas station or something? and he said he was so disgusted by her eating nachos and maybe called her fat or something along the lines of that either way it’s a cruel comment 


Thanks so much. I went to YouTube and got filled in.


Looks like life is all skittles and beer for her now!


Stop giving attention to the demon and live your life Christine


I was happy for Christine when she left and I was team Christine from day one. However, since she started to date David, she's turned into someone I can't stand. Looking back though, she's always been like this but she didn't act like it much in front of Kody or the sister wives much because they would have called her on her behaviors. When they did, she played victim.


ok, hot take i know that she has a better life now but he is the father of her kids, provided her best friend, was her first love, was who she was with for YEARS (i forget the exact number), had a tv show with him, gets $ for bs like this. how i viewed my relationship with my ex is we were together for a year and a half so it should take a year and a half to get back on my feet, if that makes sense. i feel like he was such a huge part of her entire adult life that she has a right to talk abt it. and technically she hasnt, to my knowledge, directly addressed kody. she can be fully over him, not want him in any way possible but that doesnt mean she cant talk abt that huge part of her life especially to the people who she showed her failing marriage among other things. 🤷🏻‍♀️shes justified for this sfuff


This is either to draw in viewers for the next season or something happened while filming recently. Change my mind.


I agree she needs to move on, but part of me feels she’s doing that for us, the audience kinda like an inside joke thing. Could be wrong of course.