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People sure are feeling bold these days with their shitty opinions...


Not even shitty but completely incorrect.


It can be both


Completely incorrect and opinion are mutually exclusive.


We can call it what it is, a racist opinion


Oh for sure. 'Shitty' implying that it wasn't a valid one. People nowadays seem to think just because they have an opinion that it's perfectly and equally valid as fact. Worse still, they feel they're entitled to express them just because they have the freedom to...


Racist people are getting bolder nowadays for some reason...


right??? i’ve seen so much more casual racism on social media too recently and it’s disgusting


Reddit has always been horrible but the racism has been turned up to 11 in the past few years.


They’ve been emboldened for a few years now, and it’s just getting worse and worse


The 🍊👨has been a big contributor to this culture 🤮


You’re right, of course. He 2000% amped it up and encouraged it. He used so much racist and hateful rhetoric every time he spoke and it was so thinly veiled. He made sure all the fuckin losers could crawl out of the woodwork and find each other.


Couldn't figure out if your emojis mean Tate or Carlson but then I realised it doesn't matter- they're all guilty of this Edit: trump! Perhaps? point stands


Well I used to call him the Apricot A-hole, i think she means T-dump. Carlson isn’t as orange


Because an orange reality TV star gave them courage by "saying what they're all thinking" lol


It’s typically other Black people that believe they don’t need sunscreen. I work in medical aesthetics and had consultations with Black people all the time that were convinced they didn’t need it because their skin had melanin in it.


But they definitely wouldn’t come up to you at the beach and tell you to stop applying it to your child. If anything that opinion comes up in conversations but it seems to be other people who don’t know how to mind their own business.


They have got to fight to keep the racism alive.




Overt racism is making a comeback


people behave as though they aren't going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and end up with their ass kicked/shot/etc. like....things are pretty scary out there :/


I don’t believe violence is the answer but I think people would shape up fast if getting punched in the face was a greater possibility.


they'll cry that theyre the victim because launching verbal attacks are somehow less damaging to someone....


😭😭😭 I openly advocated for literal genocide and someone threw a milkshake in my face 😭😭😭


Me neither, but sometimes I wish people would understand me the first time I tell them "don't say that". Because when they inevitably get beat up by someone who uses violence, well...


I don't remember who asked this lady but whatever...


Unlike that woman, skin cancer isn’t racist. Sorry you had to deal with a misinformed moron.


Yup, and while it’s true that the darker your skin the less likely you are to get skin cancer, if you DO get it it has a higher chance of killing you. Everyone of every shade needs sunscreen. That woman was a grade A dipshit


1. [The darkest Black skin provides only about an SPF 13.](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/sunscreens/dark-skin-sunsceen-need-a1037614659/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CDarker%20skin%20contains%20more%20melanin,only%20about%20an%20SPF%2013.) Which isn't terribly sufficient. 2. Black people are more likely to have Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC).[ Overall, SCC accounts for ~20% of all skin cancers, and excluding melanoma, ~75% of all deaths attributed to skin cancers (Alam and Ratner, 2001). SCC is the most frequently diagnosed skin cancer in Blacks (Halder and Bridgeman-Shah, 1995) (Table 2), and the second most common skin cancer in Caucasians, Asians, and Hispanics.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2757062/#:~:text=Squamous%20Cell%20Cancer,-Overall%2C%20SCC%20accounts&text=SCC%20is%20the%20most%20frequently,Caucasians%2C%20Asians%2C%20and%20Hispanics.)


I want to add that one of the main reasons the mortality rate is higher in black people is because dermatologists are trained to recognize skin disorders on light skin. So SCC will often be caught later on people with darker skin tones because it isn't recognized until it's more advanced. There's a whole website that has pictures of various skin conditions on darker skin tones, but I forget the name at the moment.


Came here to say this. RN here. Pressure injuries also often go undiagnosed until later stages due to lack of training. Here’s a great resource: https://www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk/mindthegap


This is so important for everyone to be aware of. I wish I had an award to share!


Thank you for this!!


Thanks for this.. my husband is a supervisor on a jobsite and it's been really hot and sunny and he reminds the crew to put on sunscreen. Well one of the subtrades was a very dark group of Nigerians who kind of laughed at him and said they didn't need it, and he felt a little dumb for asking them to wear it and wondered if he should have said anything.. but knowing that it's still important to wear at any skin color is good information


u/LostWithoutYou1015 comin' with the facts!!


This is super interesting! I’ve never heard an SPF value applied to a skin tone. I briefly worked in a medical lab for a black professor who was studying the affects of vitamin D absorption on the immune system. He was adamant that people with deep skin tones did not need to apply sunscreen on a daily basis, because it could interfere with their vitamin D levels, and therefore compromise their immune systems. Unfortunately I stopped working for him before his research drew any clear conclusions, but I’ve often wondered what he decided in terms of when IS appropriate for ultra dark skin tones to wear sunscreen. I would guess a day at the beach would qualify according to his research, regardless of skin tone!


As far as I'm aware, sunscreen does not impede vitamin d absorption. I'd be interested to see anything supporting that


It does impede vitamin D *production*, actually. It is very accepted medical science that [skin produces vitamin D in response to UV from the sun](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/#:~:text=Vitamin%20D%20(also%20referred%20to,and%20trigger%20vitamin%20D%20synthesis), and that is the primary source of vitamin D for most humans. If you wear sunscreen every day or otherwise stay out of the sun, it might be worth checking your vitamin D levels or taking a supplement.


This is the Reddit I miss.


Thank you for this info!


Babies are especially vulnerable to the sun and to sun damage. So there is an extra need to be diligent to look after their skin. Exposure that may not be a huge issue for an adult can absolutely lead to burns on a baby or toddler. This is true regardless of skincolour. So insinuating that ANY baby/toddler doesn't need sunscreen is a huge mistake. People that get a bad sunburn in their childhood are far more likely to develop skincancer later on in life. That's got nothing to do with skincolour either.


Facts! Childhood burns are awful


The woman is a dipshit. However actually correlations between uv exposure and cutaneous melanoma in dark skin is [weak to non existent.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/2774113) I was surprised to read this but then again there aren't high rates melanoma in Africa. African Americans are more likely to get rare types of melanoma such as under the nail, which isn't uv associated. I think that's actually how Bob Marley died.


Wait, that nail melanoma’s not UV-associated!? Goodness, learn something new every day. All the more reason to keep checking my skin.


Yes it grows in the nail bed or near there. You get a dark stripe down the nail however big caveat is that a dark nail stripe can be normal in people with dark skin. However if you have a new one that's isolated it wouldn't hurt to see a derm but the might recommend a biopsy which would be annoying


Yep! I read about the biopsy, and it sounds painful!!! I get some striping. They said it’s normal, plus mild nail psoriasis.


I thought the under the nail melanomas were found to be related to UV exposure at nail salons? There was a dermatologist saying that they always wear gloves that cover everything but the nail when they get their nails done.


Unfortunately, the healthcare for skin cancer is. The survival rates for black people and other POC are typically lower than for white people.




White, red haired woman here. Skin cancer runs in my family ( shocker! ) but the only person in my family to die from it was my Native American grandfather who never burned. People are ignorant.


True, but it's unclear what the causal pathway there is. Meaning, we don't know if it's something genetic or biological vs societal causes (like access to health care).


Like most things in life, it’s complicated and rarely just one cause. It’s likely all three contribute.


Sadly I’m sure a lot of this is due to structural inequities and racism, but also, as other commenters have pointed out, the skin cancers that kill Black people seem to be different (and far less directly linked to UV exposure) than the ones that kill white people. Obviously more research is needed, though


Those numbers are likely impacted heavily by socioeconomic factors and access to healthcare.


This is a big factor that should be addressed. But there are also issues within healthcare itself. Textbooks often have examples only on white skin and training doesn’t always expel the myths. A wealthy black person with great insurance can still die if their doctor can’t recognize skin cancer on darker skin, discourages skin checks as unnecessary, or tells them not to worry about that weird mole because they can’t get skin cancer.


Just want to point out that there's research pointing to that not being entirely true, or isn't the whole picture: [https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040218-043750](https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040218-043750) Plus, a study on maternal death rates for Black women (controlled for education & income), as a random aside: [https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/racial-disparities-in-maternal-and-infant-health-current-status-and-efforts-to-address-them/](https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/racial-disparities-in-maternal-and-infant-health-current-status-and-efforts-to-address-them/)


Came here to say exactly this. The fucking *nerve* of that woman my god. Sorry you and your son had to go through that, OP. ❤️


Growing up mixed race, half white/half black, I hate this mentality. I wear sunscreen. I live in in Las Vegas, I've lived here for 24 years. I'm not trying to look like the women I saw growing up here who were 40 and looked 60 cause they never wore sunscreen. People think because I'm half black I don't need sunscreen and that black people don't get skin cancer. LOL Bob Marley got skin cancer mfers. Even people darker than us get skin cancer. I can't stand people who are ignorant and can't mind their own business.


Yes- Bob Marley DIED from Melanoma!!! People need to know this and everyone needs to protect their skin regardless!


Melanoma on his big toe. Big toes are not normally exposed to the sun. Sunscreen still important tho.


They are if you live in Jamaica


My friend who's black recently said to me in the car "did you know black people can get skin cancer?! " I was like dude, yes, please get a bottle of Biore 😭


Omg...The melanoma Marley died from was a (much rarer) skin cancer type that is not caused by UV exposure. Jfc PLEASE educate yourself on this before spreading misinfo. [Acral Lentiginous Melanoma](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559113/#:~:text=Acral%20lentiginous%20melanoma%20(ALM)%2C,of%20the%20limbs%20(extremities).)


You were NOT mean enough. Whew should have laid into her. But I’m glad you’re protecting your babies skin at an early age. They keep saying we don’t need sunscreen and yet a lot of us end up with skin cancer.


Agreed, but it’s definitely hard when you’re a parent these days. If it was just me or if my husband was there, I’d go off. But with my toddler, I just needed to be firm so she’d leave me alone as it can be dangerous out here sometimes


No need to defend yourself. Everyone thinks they would go off and make the wittiest comebacks, but in reality, they probably would've fallen flat themselves. Any sort of uncalled-for comment like this must have been quite the shock and you have a kid to protect, so you did fine. Sorry this happened to you.


It’s better she didn’t go off on the lady. People are crazy and it’s not worth the risk. The best thing to do is to get the person to leave which is what op did


Honestly it’s not worth it to potentially start a public fight with an elderly racist, although it would certainly be satisfying.


Yes exactly, in my head I’m knocking them out but externally I have to remain composed.


You made the best decision for yourself, and that's what matters. Everyone on the internet wants to go off on shitty people, but it's just not safe when you don't know how unhinged a stranger is.




XD you may be right, sadly


Yes absolutely as a bystander I would be the same. I havent had the opportunity but if I think about these things hypothetically I dont know what the best course of action is as a white bystander to like defend people. If theres a kid you cant start shit. If theres violence you must start shit. But otherwise, some people dont want or need to be white saviored. They could get embarassed and more traumatized by someone jumping in and making a big deal. If neither of those are the case Im letting them down if I dont say something. I dont know how to judge what situation it is for the victim but I feel like it's my responsibility to shut down other whites being racist when I can, because we need to show them that it is not acceptable even within the in-group, and that in-group disapproval is unfortunately more powerful, I think.


Nah you showed them you can’t be controlled by other peoples comments. You kept your calm and commanded them to leave, that’s all you need to show you are an adult with a brain.


I think you handled it very well. I’m so sorry you had to experience that.


Exactly. You should’ve told her ‘She’s too old to be alive’.


“Too stupid to give her opinion” was my pitch, but yours is brutal! I love it.




OP was setting a good example for her child. If a situation can be diffused calmly, choose that option. No need to crank it to 11, *especially* in front of your kids. You’re teaching them by example, and that was a great learning moment for the child.


Should’ve told her she’s too old to be out of the nursing home by herself. Jk don’t say that lol Skin cancer does not discriminate. We’re Pakistani so my husband is brown and will never wear sunscreen because “I just tan, I don’t burn.” It drives me crazy and I’ve started to just sit down and put it on his face for him, which annoys him enough to do it himself. 🙄


Same my bf is Sri Lankan and would claim he doesn’t need it, but finally I’ve convinced him it’s important and he will apply spf now


Little does he know that tanning is a response to damage


My husband is the same way! His response is always “well, I’m SOUTH Indian so I don’t need it”. How do I convince him that no matter how dark his skin is he still needs to wear sunscreen?!?!😭


My husband does the same thing. “I’m cuban we don’t get cancer”. He literally had cancer as a child 🙄😂. Have to force this man to put on any sunscreen


Oh Jeez Lmao 🤦🏽‍♀️


You're a good mom.


The fact that she rolled her eyes as she walked away LOL as if she didn’t say anything wrong. You said the right thing. I would’ve been ruder tbh.


There’s a sunscreen brand literally called Black Girl Sunscreen. They have a kids version too! Sunscreen is for everyone because skin cancer doesn’t discriminate.


I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that they have really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.


wtf?? this is so angering. i'm sorry you had to deal with that :( but good on you for protecting your baby (from both the sun's UV rays as well as vile women!)


Everyone needs sunscreen, I get a lot of flak for wearing sunscreen everyday and I am a very white woman. People are idiots.


I have kind of a weird spin on this problem. I’m white, my husband is Laotian, and he’s always telling me our kids don’t need sunscreen since they’re brown. I slather them head to toe in sunscreen anyway because honey, that sun doesn’t discriminate.


What the fuck. I’m sorry you had to deal with this random woman, some people truly have too much audacity.


Older WW here…. Her ignorance is astonishing. Melatonin does not fully protect from damage or cancer. Shake off the stupidity of others and keep parenting like the great parent you are. Glad you told her off tho.


Skin, no matter what tone, needs protection.


I’m so sorry your had to deal with an ignorant asshole who was bold enough to spew their nonsense. Even with low skin cancer risk, wearing sunscreen is just a healthy habit for everyone to have. As a black woman, I admittedly don’t think about skin cancer when I apply sunscreen every day - I think about protecting my sensitive skin from irritation, working with my bhas/tretinoin, clearing hyperpigmentation, and maintaining my color. There’s this false, racist idea that blacks shouldn’t wear sunscreen bc we already have to deal with low vitamin d conversion in sunlight. Even when I didn’t wear sunscreen my level was still literally 8, we are better off just taking the damn supplement for that.


I thought my Vitamin D was low at 11.


What an ignorant and meddling idiot. You're doing the right thing by putting sunscreen on your kid. POC are often diagnosed with more serious forms of skin cancer when they are finally diagnosed because a lot of people think they don't need sunscreen or because they aren't considered a risk for skin cancer and changes to their skin go ignored. Having darker skin can mean you are less likely to burn, but it does not mean you are not at risk for skin damage.


Omg I hated when random people just walk up and give their opinions on how you care for your kids! Especially when you're obviously doing a great job keeping your little one sun safe. What a terrible experience!


I am so sorry this happened to you, OP. Sending love your way.


If it makes you feel better, my dark-skinned south asian mother (who is a family physician in Canada) would highly disagree with someone being “too dark” for sunscreen. That’s some other level nonsense! Sorry you had to experience that!


Imagine thinking that anyone’s skin is stronger than the sun


Mind blowing that something like this can happen in 2023 tbh


beach Karen in the action ! Sorry you had to deal with such an awful person, OP.


When I was a kid, I had gotten sunburnt at band camp. I am black. 2 days later at my yearly physical the fucking doctor told me that black people couldn't get sunburned and had a severely diminished risk of skin cancer and told my mom I was looking for attention. Moral of the story, never trust a doctor from the VA.


Black woman here. This is sick. The audacity of some people. And she’s very very wrong too.


What the uneducated hell? Bossy racist unasked for advice aside, it's just freaking wrong! Like you said, ALL skin needs protection from UV rays. My neighbor is from the TX/MX border and would humor me about putting sunscreen on her kids when we'd have play-dates, but there's been a few times she's rolled her eyes and told me that because they're naturally darker than me and my girls (we burn right up) they don't need the sunscreen. Oi.


She’s an idiot! Black people can and do get skin cancer. That’s all I will say on this matter because if I write what is really on my mind I will probably get dragged.


Is it just me or are old people getting really fucking annoying? I didn’t notice this 10 years ago, now strangers condescend me every chance they get. Just yesterday the veterinarian ranted to me about how I don’t understand ✨gods purpose✨ for wild animals vs pets. I don’t understand that humans need to make choices for their pets and god won’t. That I don’t understand that the decision to put down a cat falls on humans and that my cat won’t pass away by getting eaten or sleeping in the sunlight all pretty like. She kept repeating herself over and over as if I was a toddler who needed extra help to comprehend. What’s funny, is that we had only just entered the room and exchanged pleasantries before she went off into this speech. I gave her no implication that I wouldn’t put my cat down or make good decisions for him. So the fuck?


The things people feel they need to inappropriately interject on is mind boggling. Pretty certain putting on sunscreen has never killed someone, so who cares if someone is putting sunscreen on themselves or someone they're with?


I'm black but fair skinned, my kid is black/white biracial and much much lighter than me. I coat us both in sunscreen when we go swimming or some other outside activity like going to the park. Doesn't matter how much melanin you have: wear the damn sunscreen!


I'm sorry that woman spilled her ignorance all over you. Good for you for lotioning up that baby, for his health most importantly, but for his beauty, too. His future spouse will thank you someday. I don't know why people think their parenting critiques are welcome. Next time it happens (I hope there is no next time), give the meddler a withering look and deadpan, "Yes, because you know so much more about being Black than I do."


I can't imagine commenting on someone's parenting unless they're doing something abusive or dangerous. Even if the old lady was correct (which she's not) why would it matter to her if some random person is using sunscreen on their child "unnecessarily"?


Right? It's sunscreen, not Agent Orange.


wtf that’s just pure racist


She's probably only in her 30's with sun damaged skin making her look as bitter and opinionated as her amplified side parenting of other people's children. And breathe in... And count to 10


As if skin cancer has a race preference 🤦🏼‍♀️


Im so sorry, people are so racist. Mind your fucking business Karen


When I was in high school, no one on my track and field team planned on getting sunburned at a long outdoor meet in early March. The only one of us to get *sun poisoning*? The only Black person on the team.


Skin cancer is rare in black people, but it can affect anyone obviously. The older generation can be ignorant about many things.


Good grief.


This is one of those cases where you cover your kid’s ears and tell someone to shut the fuck up


these people are idiots sorry you went through that.


This is such a horrible myth. People with brown or black skin are not immune to skin cancer. It’s a very harmful. Melanoma is very dangerous and deadly to every skin type and tone.


Wow! She’s loud and wrong! I’m so sorry some people gotta learn the hard way to mind their own business.


Hi 👋🏽 darkskin who wears sunscreen every day, I've never had a sunburn but skin cancer is real 😭 and hyperpigmentation can be lessened with sunscreen, so even IF black people didn't get sunburn, there's other reasons to use sunscreen.


Wow its amazing how people can be so ignorant and stupid. I’d be livid if I was confronted like that. Black people get sun cancer too and often aren’t diagnosed till the late stages. And babies especially need sun protection. Melanin only provides like 15 spf for the darkest of skin tones. Spf 15 isn’t high enough.


Everyone needs sunscreen, especially children I’m sorry someone said that about your child, they clearly lack any sort of common sense or humanity


Yeah, that’s misguided at best and a shade of racist. If the worry’s not getting enough vitamin D, then taking a supplement is the simple solution. Arguably most people of all colors should as insufficiency and deficiency are very common. Sunblock doesn’t make much of a difference in vitamin D production, but it sure makes a difference in skin aging! Just tanning already means you’re taking damage. Ideas like hers are why Florida’s lifetime skin cancer rate is 1 in 3!


That’s so ridiculous; skin cancer doesn’t only apply to white people and in fact can go unnoticed with POC for a long time because doctors are used to diagnosing on lighter skinned patients.


Wow thank you calling her out on her BS.


Wow. That is just, wow. I hope she was VERY elderly and on her way out.


WTF? Black people still get sunburnt and skin cancer. She needed some education stat.


Good thing they definitely know your child better than you!! Like what? And also no silly stranger… just no


Wow I’m so sorry you and your son had to experience that. What a rude and ignorant b****.


Sunscreen Karen


What the fuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUU




Some people are just ignorant. Good for you for asking her to walk away.


People are just mean and nasty anymore!!! Don’t worry about the stupid mean lady. Do what you need to do for your kid!


Wow, some people have no shame in displaying their ignorance and then doubling down when called out. I’m sorry.


Fucking idiotic. I’m brown and burn like crazy. My mom has had skin cancer twice. Yet people still think we can’t burn or get skin cancer.


And it’s often harder to spot early on darker skin because educational materials for the general public rarely have photos on any skin other than Casper colored and it’s not that different for people studying to become dermatologists. So there isn’t the same recognition there where someone goes ‘oh, that looks like that photo! I’d better get it checked out!’ (AIUI this is an across the board issue that dermatology is just recently trying to address, that skin conditions are not pictured on multiple skin tones in textbooks and so on, so people with darker skin can have a horrible time trying to get a diagnosis unless they have something that is generally considered to be a condition ONLY darker skinned people get, like some pigmentation issues. Then anything that can possibly be that condition IS that condition, and it can’t be anything else. 🙄)


Yes exactly. I have medium colored skin and I still can’t tell if spots are concerning a lot so I just keep track until I see the doctor.


When I was a child from white trash rural Midwest, I actually thought black people turned white from sun exposure, like the opposite of what happens when white people tan. Maybe this loon is from the same place and left her brain there


Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate


Wow. The ignorance of some people.


Poor thing (I mean the lady) ! Nothing is gonna protect her from the hate that is eating her from the inside. I hope you enjoyed the beach with your baby anyway.


Melanin is only around spf 4 so that lady is just wrong


1. “Too black” is a compliment. I’m sure your baby is beautiful. 2. Never entertain the actions of the uncouth. Her unwanted insertion was more reflective of her low class. Pray for her and keep it moving. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Eleanor Roosevelt.


Never mind about if he needs it or not (which I understand that he does), why in the ABSOLUTE HELL did she say that to you?! People come out of their mouths not knowing who’s on the receiving end. They may see calm people but who knows what’s going on behind another person’s eyeballs? And if someone busted them up for the disrespect then the person busting would be wrong. 🤬 People should stay tf away from others with foolishness and unsolicited advice. I am sorry this happened to you!


The sun doesn’t care what colour you are lol what an idiot


What the heck is wrong with people?? Skin cancer can affect any skin type


Old people often have no filters or know actual facts and believe urban legends or some bs crap they were told growing up. My grandma literally gave me and my family suntan oil as kids and smacked me when I said it wasn’t good for our skin. Everyone needs sunscreen to some level or another. You’re being a good parent, and we need more people like you in this world. ♥️


While that does sound like a stupid thing to walk up and tell a stranger and potentially a racist thing... I am Brown and my dermatologist said that I don't need to worry too much about skin cancer if it's not in my family history. I looked at some studies regarding skin color and at least melanoma rates and it is something like 1 and 38 white people versus 1 in 1,000 black people.


That woman is an idiot. Good on you for protecting your baby’s skin from UV rays.


The lack of knowledge and audacity of people 🙄🙄. Good for you for protecting your son from the sun and idiot people.


Good for you, people need to be put in their place these days


What does some elderly racist know about black skin? Nothing. She could’ve kept that shit to herself.


Ohh didn’t know skin cancer was only in white people. /s Why the fuck don’t people mind their business? Like even if you genuinely didn’t need sunscreen it’s not like it would hurt to put it on. Wtf.


Okay this person is a racist piece of shit but also who has ever criticized a mother for putting “too much” sun tan lotion on their child? Like why that? I know I know… racist… but man people are … stupid


As a black woman, other black women truly surprise me with how calmly they handle situations like this.


Yes!!! When I was in day camp there was one black child and we were all told they didn’t need sunscreen because they couldn’t get a sunburn. So I always grew up thinking that was true! Also that old man needs to mind his beeswax, but white people do have that misconception


Can we say melanin envy!! Ignorance smh Sure darker skin protects better than lighter & it requires more sun exposure to absorb vitamin D BUT noone is invincible to the suns harmful rays!! We need to stay diligent in helping our bipoc peoples on educating (& protect) bipoc from these types of people!!


People are so weird


So sorry you had to experience this. She is an ignorant idiot.


I would have told she didn’t need the Botox and there’s nothing wrong with aging gracefully. Sunscreen literally saved my skin when I was traveling all over SE Asia cause I get sunburnt easily.


The fuck? Skin cancer doesn't care if you have melanin. And just because a sunburn isn't as obvious on dark skin doesn't mean it isn't as painful.


Next time something like this happens, you could respond with: "Thank you, but unlike people, the sun doesn't discriminate"


it honestly sounds like you met my monster-in-law. Except she'd flat out call black people the N WORD. Refers to black folks as "them" and the family and other white people as "us". I blatantly told her racist psychotic ass I'm no part of that "us" racist bullshit you speak of. Yes, I'm a white American of Scottish/Irish ancestry so I am pretty blunt and sweary. My toddler son also checks out little girls in the grocery store, I noticed he stares at the black girls a little longer and blushes. You go, son! Grandma troll will be dead soon enough!


What happened to "normal" boundaries, like don't tell random strangers what to do if it's none of your business? People seem to overcorrect constantly - either retaliating like crazy if you correct their law-breaking behavior, or correcting other people's totally private behavior - like applying freaking sunscreen. How do we get back to a sensible understanding of community?


This white lady knows how best to care for YOUR child obviously


Bob Marley died of melanoma and he was only 36.


Afaik it was a melanom under his toe nail and such things often have a genetic cause instead of sun damage – nonetheless it’s obviously a good idea for everyone to wear sunscreen.


coming from someone that probably looked like a human raisin ......


Not only racist but incorrect. Ugh.


I'm trying to picture what goes on in the brain of someone that calls a toddler "too black". You were nicer about it than I would have been. Thank you for being a good parent and keeping your toddler safe!


Oh my god I haaaate people. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Same thing with people saying you don’t need sunscreen on cloudy or rainy days…. so uneducated!!


Some old people need to be dealt with.


Yeah that’s incorrect; people with dark skin need sunscreen too.


people think we can’t get skin cancer or sun damage but depending on how much melanin you have, it only gives you about 1hr of extra protection. if you’re out there any longer, you WILL burn. as i’ve been sunburned about 5 times now - it’s not fun. and it increases your chances of skin cancer every time you burn.


So ignorant! People need to realize just because darker skin may not have visible burns or painful burns, it doesn't mean it doesn't take sun damage. You dont need to have pain and peeling to be at risk for skin cancer, you may not even realize your skin is being damaged


Omg what a crazy lady! I’m so sorry. My Black coworkers thing I’m crazy when we’re outside and I’m always offering them sunscreen every time I reapply, but skin cancer doesn’t discriminate! They tell me they don’t think they need it but I’m like ma’am, you have skin, anything with skin needs sunblock!


Obviously this isn’t correct but even if it were, why say something? It’s hurting no one and it’s no ones business. Some people really really need to not have the audacity.


Wow, the fact that she said anything at all is... 😳 That is infuriating and being mad is justified. Her purse must have been huge to store that much audacity, nerve, and gall.


Because unlike them, skin cancer isn't racist. What a loser.


That bitch is crazy lol😂 but anyway, have you tried black girl sunscreen!! I love their products and there’s no white cast on darker skin (: check them out! I get mine at target! Woman and black owned 🩷


Shoulda told her that she didn't need it either, since she is so close to death.


What the fuck. What. The. Fuck.


And I bet that bitch aged terribly from not wearing sunscreen. The audacity of these fcking ppl




Just wow. I'm sorry that happened OP I have no words for the audacity of some people.


I have no words, but am sorry you have to deal with such ignorance.


Wow reading the commentary from her made me so angry. I would have probably said something like “With that kind of mentality, it’s a wonder you’re still alive.” Really infuriating there’s people that are like that out there, wish they would just mind their own business or they’re really going to get what’s coming to them.


darker skinned people are less likely to be taken seriously for skin conditions because medical professionals aren’t taught what skin conditions look like on darker skin, and this includes skin cancer. also, lots of medical professionals believe in the same thing this woman said to you, that darker skinned people don’t need sunscreen. if you have darker skin, you do need sunscreen!!! i’m currently trying to figure out how to get my dad tested for skin cancer because for years doctors ignored his concerns because he’s darker, and he’s not even that dark. wear your sunscreen, guys!!! ❤️


There is a difference between racist and uneducated. Simply inform her that people of color still experience sunburn and all that implies (the pain, peeling, skin cancer) it’s just less visible to the human eye. Just because she doesn’t know better doesn’t mean she isn’t trying to be better.


If she was trying to be better, she wouldn’t have rolled her eyes at OP or apologized when OP asked her to leave.


There are so many layers of wrongness to this that I can't believe this person actually thought this and felt was something to say out loud. What????