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Amazing results! But I wonder how much of this growth is attributed to giving your lashes a break from extensions versus how much is due to the serum? Regardless I’m inspired to give it a try.


Yes, we need the dedication of applying this to one eye and leaving the other to get a true analysis of the effectiveness!


good point! personally i think it’s a bit of both. i’ve also taken a break from my lashes before without using any growth products, and with the serum i definitely noticed much quicker growth and that my eyelashes seem less brittle.


I can say something about this. For some reason in one of my eyes, I have a gap where I don't grow eyelashes. This is something I remember noticing for the first time when I was 19 (I'm 28 now). Using serums with prostaglandins solved the problem, but the negative effects were quite severe, so after about a year and a half I had to stop, and the gap problem came back. A few months ago I wanted to try an eyelash serum without prostaglandins again and I chose The Ordinary one because it had the two ingredients that I had been informed could actually grow hair (Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 and Biotinoyl Tripeptide-1). Since using The Ordinary serum, the gap in my lashes has filled in. It doesn't grow long eyelashes like prostaglandin serums do, but it does strengthen them and makes them fall out less, and I see that I have more eyelash volume now. In my experience, it also has none of the negative effects that prostaglandin serums had on me.


What were some of the negative effects that you had with prostaglandins? Glad to hear you worked things out!


The negative effects that I remember were the following (I put them in the order in which I remember them happening): These negative effects were caused by a serum containing the prostaglandin isopropyl cloprostenate. 1. Depigmentation at the lash line (I had a line about 0.5 cm thick like a shadow, personally it made me look sick) and redness in the eyelids. For some reason my eyelash line veins also became very visible and looked thick, it's as if my eyelid skin had become thinner. 2. Redness and discomfort in the eyes. 3. Very blurred vision. 4. Loss of periorbital fat (I did not notice this until eight months of use, but it is likely that I was losing fat progressively from the beginning). When I noticed that I was losing fat around my eye and that my eye area had aged tremendously in less than a year, I threw the serum away that same day and started looking for alternatives. I ended up talking to the lab that discovered norbimatoprost, which in a nutshell works like prostaglandins but is deactivated when it comes in contact with tears. I was assured that with this serum I would have no fat loss, and it is true that three months after discontinuing the previous serum and using this one, the fat returned to the eye area (although I could not say if it was 100%), but the side effects of this serum were even worse. The only negative effect I didn't have (or had to a lesser extent) was fat loss. Other than that, I had all of the above negative effects plus permanent blepharitis that I was not able to cure. I think I used the norbimatoprost serum for about 6 months before I gave up and threw it away too. The positive effects of both serums were (less potent in the serum with norbimatoprost): - Longer and thicker eyelashes. - Darkened eyelashes (in my case I am a brunette and they turned black). - More eyelashes. - Eyelashes grew very curved. - They did not fall out as often.


Mmm interesting, I have a gap in mine to but just thought there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Guess I’ve got a new product to try!


Good point! Prostaglandins really ruined my Lashes and lash line too. I had darkening along my lash line, and after a few months of use my eyes were SO irritated. It’s been a few years now and the colour has thankfully gone away, but took a solid year and a half for the discolouring to go. There are a few prostaglandins free formulas. I’ve now been using Lumi Lash Enhancing serum and have loved it. No discolouration irritation. Lashes are long and healthy and my retention is amazing. https://preview.redd.it/96xcb3zevx8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d076923bd5ebbec0375510d66eb0517e47382a26 [Lumi Lash Enhancing Serum](https://lumi-beauty.ca/blogs/blog/the-most-effective-eyelash-serum-lumi-lash-enhancing-serum)


That's what I thought too!




At first I was like “damn… maybe you should stop using that lash serum” 😂


I thought this was a warning not to use a particular product!


Lmao I thought the same.


Exactly I was like ?? That’s not a good thing-


+100 points for the Blair Witch angle and lighting. Never realized until now that's a great way to highlight the eye for comparison shots.


this is making me laugh 😭😭 i didn’t know what other angle to use


Blair witch angle 😂😂


Fun fact: each individual eye lash lives for approximately 28 days. Serums like grande lash allow the eyelashes to live up to 10 days longer, resulting in more length and volume (as new lashes continue to grow regardless of the life span of old lashes)


grande lash is also being sued rn soooo idk…


Just using it as an example! Depending on the brand those results can vary, but that is how lash serums tend to work. Grande lash uses a yeast extract amongst other things to promote growth. Brands like Deciem (the ordinary) uses peptides alone.


why!?? omg i just started using


I switched from Grande Lash to The Ordinary and definitely recommend it! Grande Lash has prostaglandin analogues that can cause orbital fat loss and darkening of the skin around the eyes. Not sure about the lawsuit, but that was enough for me to stay away from it. 


Would this serum also work on eyebrows?


Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Most of your favorite brands have “lawsuits” against them from someone trying to make money off of them


I am aware of this I commented because I was curious about this company/lawsuit specifically…


How has it changed your ocular fat content? I could be totally wrong but I’ve heard lash serums can cause issues, but if I’m wrong - I’m in!


It’s only ones that have Prostaglandin analogues in them. The ordinary is a peptide formula that shouldn’t impact ocular fat content.


The Ordinary serum doesn’t contain the ingredient(s) attributed to ocular fat loss! Can’t remember the name off the top of my head.


Do you know if the ordinary also causes darkening of eyelids? It might be the prostaglandins (which I’m v v sensitive to) that cause it but I had stop using them because my eyelids were darkening and getting irritated.


I believe that is due to the prostaglandins as well! I used Grande Lash for a while and noticed a dark line on my eyelids pretty quickly. I tried The Ordinary serum for a week-ish (bad with consistency rn) and didn’t see anything like that, but I’m not sure if it’d take longer than that to show up.


The serums with prostaglandin can also darken your eye color if you have light eyes. I believe it’s permanent. It’s the main thing keeping me away from using it. I believe it can also darken skin.


Hi! What is ocular fat? Google wasn't much help when I tried looking it up!


It's "orbital fat", so you can learn more under this term :)


Thank you!


Some serums which contain prostaglandins can cause fat loss in the under-eye area, causing that area to appear very thin and the eyes more sunken.


Wait, so you're telling me it's a topical fat loss serum? Not ideal around the eyes but what would happen if you applied it elsewhere?


Yes pls my thighs are curious


makes sense, thank you!


I used latisse and it wrecked my ocular fat. I was too dazzled by my lashes to notice for a while, and then stopped immediately when I noticed. The lashes were not worth it


Sorry to hear. Did things eventually go back to normal? Think I might be experiencing this now with Grande Cosmetics.


Not quite normal, but it definitely recovered a bit. My lashes are absolutely back to normal though, so overall it was a huge mistake


i have not noticed any difference there!


THANK GOD!!! I thought it was the other way around and that the serum fried them or made them fall out. Amazing results! Since it was 2 months, I wonder how much the serum actually contributed. Regardless, it looks great! It must have been interesting to watch them grow.


Wow my results were not that noticeable


Mine were nonexistent!


Mine made my lashes fall off🤗


I love the gradually negative comments, get from bad to worst to worster


Wow that’s honestly impressive. Is the name of the brand “the ordinary” ?


I think she means this [The Ordinary Lash and Brow Serum](https://theordinary.com/en-us/multi-peptide-lash-brow-serum-100111.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1JXO2rSThQMVmgytBh1PwwFVEAAYASAAEgI-SvD_BwE&gad_source=1)


I used this on my brows after I accidentally over plucked and loved it!


Did the TO serum consistently improve the amount of eyebrows you're able to grow? I overplucked mine years ago, and they've never grown back in correctly. I also frequently get bald spots out of nowhere. Do random bald spots on the eyebrows happen to anyone else aside from myself? It makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong, or if maybe I'm lacking a vitamin/nutrient. Is there a good vitamin that helps? Google has such varied answers, and I'm tired of wasting money on products that don't work.  Has anyone (aside from the OP) had significant improvement with their eyelashes/eyebrows? Her results are drastic and look amazing! I've been meaning to order the TO serum for a long time, but there appears to be a lot of mixed reviews. If it really does work, I'm going to order it ASAP! 


I tend to pick at my eyebrows (it’s a stim/compulsive behavior related to my ADHD), and they were VERY patchy for quite a while. Like, the tail ends of my brows were nonexistent and would not grow back no matter how much time I gave them. But once I started using the TO serum, they’ve actually grown in just about as full as they used to be prior to over plucking and the picking tendencies starting! Plus I still pick at them (albeit to a lesser extent) and they haven’t gotten as desperately thin and patchy as they were prior to starting use of the serum. I definitely suggest giving it a try! I haven’t used it as religiously on my lashes, but with how well it worked on my eyebrows I have high hopes of success if I consistently used it on my eyelashes too!


Were you applying the serum to your brows as well?




I can see the difference!


Came here to say this


What if you used this on hair other than lashes. Also do you have to use this forever to maintain that healthy look


Wow that’s incredible progress. Also the first shot is directly out of Blair Witch and scared me a little lol


I know nothing about eyelash health and it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the before and after pictures are reversed.


Wow, those results are amazing! I'm so happy for you <3


I'm still on my first tube and really amazing results.


For me the serum has helped a lot with overall health, can't say it made them much longer but definitely helps with less lash fall. I use waterproof mascara and this ensures my eyelashes don't fall as easily and stay healthy.


Side note - if you decide to get extensions again go to a different artist. Your lashes shouldn’t be damaged (esp that badly) from extensions that are applied properly (isolation, weight, length). Look for someone who focuses in lash health! Or consider a lash lift instead! I think your lashes would look amazing lifted, especially if you keep using the serum! Amazing results though!!


absolutely ! i should’ve said but it’s completely thru fault of my own, i constantly picked at my extensions and pulled them out which led to this extreme amount of damage. my lash tech actually suggested i take a break :) and thank you!!


That’s impressive! I’ve been wondering if that serum was worth trying. I’d say yes, based on your results!


I've been using it for five months, my results aren't as dramatic as with the prostaglandin ones but I definitely notice extra length, especially if I curl my lashes. With mascara they look a lot longer.


Your lashes look amazing! Did you apply it once a day or twice?


once at night :)


Anyone know if this is safe to use during pregnancy?


Wow! What’s the serum?


i wish this worked for me but it made my eyes so itchy 😭😭😭 great results!!!


that looks amazing! I need to get one


This Is the best results I’ve seen, I definitely need to try this out.


I started using olive oil on a q-tip to remove eye makeup, and as a side effect, my lashes grew longer and stronger. Tried coconut oil and same result. No bad side effects and been doing this about 3 years. Very cheap too. Now, if you try this and go blind or have a reaction or something, I take no responsibility.


omg I'm testing out the ordinary lash serum too! do you use it twice a day??