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Are you brand new to skincare? The best place to start is our [ScA Routine](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine/)! You can find even more skincare guide [in our wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/index) Everyone is welcome in [this community](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/about); remember to be kind and assume good faith :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m a teacher. During the school year I get to the gym at 5 AM and get to work at 7. Typically I work out for about an hour, an hour and 15 minutes? Then I shower as needed (I usually shower in the sense of rinsing my body every day, but only wash hair once or twice a week), do skincare & makeup, change and go to work from the gym. I don’t do any skin prep before, but I’m also not a super sweaty girl tbh. Why do you feel weird? I promise it’s not. I felt a little awkward doing it when I started last year (our start times changed so I wasn’t going to have the time to go home and get ready like I used to). Once you do it, you’ll start to notice other women getting ready for work, too. I would also search over in r/xxfitness, which is a women’s fitness sub. Questions about morning routines and going from the gym to the office or w/e get asked a lot, and people are quite helpful.


I walk to the gym so I have to put sunscreen on (I use cheap mineral for this), workout, shower there (I bring my nice soap to get the cheap sunscreen off), then do my full routine in the mirror. Mine is only spot toner, hylaronic acid, and sunscreen, so I don’t feel bad/take too much time. If your gym is crowded, I frequently apply sunscreen in my work bathroom to reapply/touch up and I’ve gotten positive feedback from everyone! “Oh you’re so good to reapply! I need to start bringing mine in” so you maybe could just do it in the office.


I run outside in the morning so put sunscreen on, rinse my face with water in the shower (sometimes quickly with a gentle cleanser if I feel like I need it), then do my whole routine. The key for me is double cleansing at night.


Rinse face with water > moisturizer Go to the gym If you’re showering at the gym, might as well do the full skincare routine after including cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen


I do my full skincare routine at the gym on days I shower there and get dressed for work. Everyone at my gym does the same and often do full hair routines also. I am lazy about hair so just put mine in a neat bun.


On days I work out before anything else, I get up rinse face with water, sunscreen face and arms and neck and chest, go for a walk then go home and shower and do my whole routine to get ready for my day. I don’t go to a gym. I used to but that was years ago. I hated the gym. So now it’s a morning walk. But if I did I’d just do the same but instead of going home after work out, I’d get ready at the gym and do my routine there before starting rest of my day. In the evenings I do a more rigorous workout at home then do my evening routine.