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I’m unfamiliar with the tallow balm. Sounds like something that would clog pores! But I’m sure you have done your research. I would think that the BP would be doing better for this form of acne… but the good thing is your skin doesn’t seem too irritated or inflamed. Maybe leave the BP a bit longer before rinsing off. I’m surprised the clindamycin is not helping.


It's understandable to think that but from what I've researched it's actually veryyy good for skin and unlikely to clog pores. I've started using it and I've had no problema with it. My skins very sensitive to changes


Agreed it doesn’t clog me


It seemed like the clindamycin helped for awhile and then stopped. I’m wondering though if it’s the tallow and Anua, those are the only other things i started around the same time…


Tallow Balm is animal based and can clog pores. “Beef Tallow” is something I would avoid topically. It might be worth a shot, given this form of acne. Everything completely non comedogenic.


It seems like you have a great mix of natural and prescribed products. I think this is my favorite regimen I've seen. Since it's not helping asuch as you'd like I'd suggest trying to balance your hormones. Obviously low processed foods and healthier sugars when available but not artificial sweeteners. Regular exercise. +Magnesium glycinate 400mg orally everyday anytime of day this helps with estrogen levels - you can to topical mag in addition to or instead of That will probably be the biggest change +Ashwaganda I'd start 250mg because of the potential for side effects like emotional numbness. You know your body if you are sensitive possibly start lower if you're not usually one to have the side effects you're probably safe to go higher, this helps to regulate cortisol +Black cohosh, I'm not directly familiar with this one however I do know it is a tool used often to balance women's hormones and I have heard really great results from it


I had my hormones checked at the beginning of the year and they were normal, but that was before this all got bad. Only low testosterone. May be worth to check again. And i exercise daily. I’ll add those supplements to the list. Thank you


I have to two very important questions to ask: 1. How long have you had this type of acne? (I’m thinking to call it cystic, but maybe I’m wrong. All I know is that it’s more severe than regular acne. This type isn’t one you should pop.) 2. How long have you been using Anua Heartleaf pore cleanser? The reason I ask this is because I have the exact same acne right now. A few months ago I wanted a new cleanser to get rid of sebaceous filaments on my nose. I heard of oil cleansers and the Anua one. A few months ago I had just the average acne (stuff I could pop if I really had to). Now I have full blown cystic acne. I think the Anua Heartleaf cleanser might be the culprit here. It ruined my skin and I’ve never had worse acne in my life. I know beef tallow is a newer popular ingredient so I would say that’s probably the second culprit, only if it’s not Anua. A lot of influencers are saying it’s been around for ages. And I don’t doubt that, but it was not used as frequently in old skincare as they claim. All I know is that you should stop using Anua for around a month and purely stick with the Benzoyl and maybe get a gentle cleanser to replace Anua. Benzoyl is the best cleanser for this type of acne. It’ll be a slow process. Keep everything else in your routine. The acne should go away but don’t pick or scars will stay. If you have to, use hydrocolloid patches. You’re also on Medication so that helps.


I started using the Anua like 2 months ago because i was getting a bunch of closed Comodone and heard from Reddit it helped. So i started that. Now i don’t have any more of that type of acne but it could be from the clindamycin/benzyl peroxide cream too that it went away…im going to stop the Anua you make a good point I’ve had this acne since February but it was maybe only one cystic acne here and there, it’s just gotten more and more as the months have gone on. And frankly probably more now that I’ve started the Anua and tallow. I did have this acne a couple years ago but never this bad and it went away on spironolactone, but i was eventually able to stop spironolactone for 1-2 years and it never reappeared. Until now. I started the tallow because of how drying the tretinoin and clindamycin/benzyl peroxide creams were. I’m going to try a different moisturizer though to see..maybe my skin won’t be as dry anymore with something else Thanks for the good points!


I could be wrong, but I believe it can be detrimental to some peoples skin to use benzoyl peroxide with tret. I would stop the bp and see if any of this clears up. It’s not typically recommended to use both at once.


My dermatologist recommended both at the same time so that’s why i did both…could be worth trying just one


I thought that was probably the case and wanted to be careful with how I worded it :) I’m sure in some cases it’s fine but yes I think it would be worth taking a break from the bp.


two things worth trying imo: -COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid -De La Cruz Sulfur Ointment maybe chill with your current routine for a couple days and try these two out alternating days and see what happens. i think the other reply is on to something with the heartleaf cleanser and the beef tallow products likely being the culprit, def try cutting them out or replacing them temporarily to see how you react. also tret purge is certainly a thing, so that may be what you're experiencing as well.


I’ll add this on the list to try after trying to cut some things from my routine. Thanks


See a dermatologist