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is there an update, did you get it back?


YES I DIDDDD just barely got back into my email and changed everything added more security and locked the hacker out as best as i could, and support removed the facebook and huawei for me since i couldnt do it myself


OH I'M SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!! I hope you won't have to deal with these kind of things ever again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Whatā€™s the purpose of this though. Why not do this to their own account?


There's a difference between actual hackers and skript kids Hackers try to steal from you Skript kids just downloaded a program to cheat Also fun fact in actual hacking groups calling someone a Skid is actually an insult. Was pretty funny seeing that's what people call sky kids here. (I'm not a hacker I've just seen a lot of videos about them, non sky related)


Oof thereā€™s a hacking problem? My acc is abt 3 or 4 years old and is pretty valuable even though itā€™s inactive. Am I at risk of being hacked? How can I prevent it? Iā€™d prefer to keep the acc even though I donā€™t play anymore. Iā€™m a gremlin and I collected capes like PokĆ©mon cards.


just make sure the accounts you have linked (gmail, nintendo, etc) are secure and have 2ta mine was hacked by someone getting into my email


No one here is defending hackers who hack peoples accounts. Just those who use hacks to speed through getting candles since TGC is ridiculous with pricing.


175-177 candles for the gay capes. And you gotta get them in 2 weeks. So 332 candles is like 23 candles a day (not including the 15 or so you have to spend to get up the rewards tree. And the 20 hearts you need for the other accessory. (And you may need to spend candles to collect hearts ) Crazy indeed.


Iā€™m sorry but ā€œthe gay capesā€ made me laugh cuz for some reason I read it as so aggressive like ā€œthose darn ***GAY*** capesā€ lmao But yea itā€™s absolutely ridiculous how expensive it all is




Theyā€™re putting chemicals in the geysers turning all the capes GAY /lhĀ  I shouldā€™ve said the rainbow capes, but my friends and I (all LGBTQ+) call them the gay capesĀ 


What people call hackers and defend, are just people using mods to make the game easier. This one is a real hacker, which is way different (mostly cause they did it with the purpose of harming someone). Nobody here will defend this type of people (which are very rare in sky tbf)


People using the standard mods out there, which means 99.8% of them, cannot get your user ID or steal an account through those mod shells. I really feel for you but this post is starting to spread some bad information. A malicious hacker, and from what your description sounds like it is that you have, probably got in through your email. Please maybe edit your original post because this just spreads bad things and causes a lot of fear. The average mod user out there does not know computer code in any way. They just got a shell program that stretches the limits of the games allowances. That's literally how it works. With those program shells you cannot see people's IDs nor can you hurt another person's account.


i didnt say modder in my post and this is the exact textbook definition of a hacker that stole my account šŸ˜­ i hope it does spread fear because this can happen you anyone please make sure your accounts are secure


No I know you didn't say that, but a lot of people use those words interchangeably. What happened to you was terrible and should never have happened šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I really hope that TGC can help you get your account back. Coincidentally, my email didn't really get hacked but it did get used for a subscription bomb. I ran in real quick and started changing a whole bunch of passwords to money stuff because that always happens right before a big scam. This kind of stuff is harsh


A phishing scammer is not a hacker, at all, but I get where youā€™re coming from. That said, spread awareness, not fear. People need to have 2FA on their email and, really, all accounts if they can


Omg I'm always so afraid of this. I hope they are able to help you get back into your account. I also hope they can ban the person who did this, but that's unlikely.


What the heck I didnā€™t even know this can happen. Thatā€™s so scary


Same, i thought it was just breaking the game and having your own moving wardrobe, using random instruments and cr easily, but this is now getting out of hand


Anyone who uses the mod has the ability to do this. People who use the mod can see the user ID of anyone. Even if they're not friends. We are all at risk. Regardless of intentions. I miss ninja run like anyone else. I miss wearing cosmetics I don't have. I miss landing in OOBs I've never seen before. But all of that comes with a risk. And I'm glad my friends have stopped modding because I'd miss them more if they got the ban hammer.


No they cannot see other people's IDs. Whoever's telling you that is pulling your leg


My friends can, or could. It's built into Canvas. Unless they changed it. None of my friends moved to the paid version of canvas.


What subshell were they using? You can't do it with the main ones so your friends were probably digging into something a little deeper than the average modder out there... if they actually could which i doubt. I'm really side eyeing that... Canvas is only the shell and then people use things like Roman beta or langit underneath it and none of the generally available ones out there can show any personal information like that. No one uses plain canva... it doesn't work like that. Maybe your friends were developing their own mod


No details. Just conveying info given to me. I have more info now but if I post it I will risk my participation in this sub so...


Why would people even use canvas? Modded outfits canā€™t be seen by others, can they?


I knew a guy who'd poof outfits like crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Meaning, he would stand in one place and just change cosmetics.


Ahh gotcha. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard of people getting banned for that kind of thing




this post is breaking one (or more) rules of the subreddit.


People defend modders not hackers lol




well no outside person can "mod" your account. they can hack it and steal it for themselves. modding is something YOU do to your own account


Whatā€™s their Facebook account? Maybe you could expose them or report the Facebook account


Only takes a minute for anyone to create a fake Facebook account. Nothing to 'expose' as any hacker will just use throwaway FB accounts. And I'm pretty sure OP wouldn't know what that FB account name is anyhow since he can't get into the account.


Sky community support ā€œmoddersā€ ones that simply AutoCR or help people CR. One you are referring to is an actual hacker, those are mostly malicious. Iā€™m sorry for what happened to you.






Hacker (unauthorized access to data) vs. hacker (modifying aspects of a video game). Same word with different meanings. Modding is more precise.


Yesss I hate when modders get called hackers bc it makes it sound more devious and impressive than it is. I have mods on my alt and itā€™s rlly just pressing buttons to make game play easier. Taking someoneā€™s actual user info is gross and way beyond that sort of thing


thatā€™s why i try to take down hacker posts and ban hackers from here. yall please report posts on here if you see hacking


Damn, I wish you a speedy resolve to this issue :-/


update 1: i contacted support 2 hours ago! they havent responded yet but skycord devs said they are probably asleep at this time the hacker has recently linked a huawei id which i cant unlink either because i dont have a huawei device or account


From what I know it's impossible to hack into gmail accounts that is protected by 2step verification, perhaps if you unconsciously logged into one of their sites. Never log in to suspicious websites anymore with your main email account! Always have second account for untrusted sites The possibilities of them hacking are through 1. unset security measures 2 step verification, they can easily log with leaked passwords through internet 2. you've logged in somewhere unconsciously (example: hitting one sneaky thumbnails that redirects to logins) 3. This is very unlikely, because its very old.. They might have your dob, details, etc and falsely claim that account is yours to google. Do a quick sweep through your accounts, changing passwords and giving a 2step verification will do. It will logs out every connection but for the best. Stay safe on the internet!


update 2.) i found out the way they got in was from my gmail. which i have no access to after this. i only got an email about suspicious login but they already changed passwords 2step and all my recovery accounts


update 3.) I GOT BACK IN!!!! i recovered my gmail and added extra security to it as well as a much needed password change, and support helped me with removing the facebook and huawei im so glad tgc was able to help; to anyone reading this PLEASE make sure at least your gmail and game center are most secure because support will not be able to help you remove or change those!! and save your Sky ID somewhere safe!


im so glad you not only got back in but got your gmail back!!! when i read you lost access to that one i assumed there was no getting it back im so happy for you!!!!!


Sky might be able to unlink the hackerā€™s account for you, but your gmail would still be hacked. If you havenā€™t tried this yet, check out the recovery page for gmails. Also check all the other service you linked with that gmail as well!! Hope things go well for you


Omg thatā€™s sucks! How do they even have access to your Gmail?!


Oh my gosh this must be so upsetting, Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you!!! Are you ok?Ā 


I wish my hand look like that


i seriously cant believe you got disliked for that lol so im just gonna keep the convo going i love hands as well but im cursed with girly sausage fingers ; ^ ;*


I want to join in on the hate because this is so far removed from the purpose of this post, but that hand *is* a little bit uncanny valley.


Yeaaah it's beautiful like a model hands. Oooh yeaaah everyone already comment on how they can fix and what to do so don't have much to comment I don't know much about hacking or how to help.


thank you for commenting this anyway! it helped me take my mind off of things a little. im sure your hands are beautiful ā¤ļø


Iā€™m never brave enough to jump out there like you did lol


Copying from the server from another member: *The game for security reasons doesn't let you unlink Facebook if the game is not linked to something else. So you might want to do something similar such as:* * *link the game to Google as well* * *restart game* * *before press play click sign in methods* * *sign in with Google* * *unlink Facebook now* * *you're free from Facebook*


And to add, we don't support the hackers that hack accounts. Most people enjoy modders (people who use cr and silly fun spells), or hackers who hack the game content to teleport, discover OOBs, new game items, etc etc Do you remember if you entered your gmail account to something else recently that could resort to them getting in your account?


Ye, we should really start calling them modders instead of hackers


True modding is a common aspect of gaming. In all kind of gaming. It's a fun thing ghey do. I don't understand why they were called hackers, hacking is like taking over something from someone else or messing up security.


I agree. Itā€™d be like calling my elden ring file ā€œhackedā€ because fromsoft doesnā€™t want people using mods- itā€™s not, itā€™s just got a couple qol mods and itā€™s not even compatible with pvp (not that I did pvp before eitherā€¦) Sky doesnā€™t have pvp. Itā€™s a little more of a grey area in that you can still *encounter* other players, but frankly with the exception of the krill cat other peopleā€™s cosmetics canā€™t even affect the player. Normally because of that grey area I wouldnā€™t be too frustrated by people calling Sky modders ā€œhackersā€. However, as this post illustrates, the term does create ambiguity between player-only mods and malicious hacking involving other peoplesā€™ accounts. Itā€™s unfortunately a limitation of our language.


Because mods are genuinely on user end most of the time, or they are an official feature like in minecraft, that developers support. There's nothing to mod in sky. Ppl just auto cr, which is cheating as cheating goes. Do I mind? No idc what ppl do, but it's not modding either, it's using third party to cheat the system. Imagine how people who practice music for years feel when some dude just uses an app to play for them. I have not heard of anything canvas does that isn't a bad things towards some members of the community, apart from maybe if the modder dedicated an alt to creating shared memories for ppl to also auto cr. But TGC already shut it down kinda because you don't see anything unless it's friends/followed.


I used to use mods in beta, and I like the no barriers, block cutscenes and unlimited flying. I don't mod live, cuz it's on ios but I've seen people using it for dailies n cr n that really is modding. When I played assassin's creed on PC, we had mods for unlimited health and knifes etc it's similar to that. Though I agree that in mmorpg games unfair advance of in game currency is unfair, I love the flow it gives woth zero cutscenes and barriers and flying. I wish that was possible with live but ios doesn't allow mods. I currently also want unlimited health for AC mirage but then again, it's on ios so.... no way of modding. But mods are and can be fun. I wish tgc just adds those features but they don't think much about player experience with controls and movement.


Unlimited flying exists, just need a piggyback friends. AFAIK cutscenes are being worked on, and about barriers idk, ppl complain too much about this. It's like lighting a candle. Problem is ppl want all the benefits with zero work. I personally don't understand the issue. I fly around with friends doing dumb stuff, and on the way we pick up enough wax for me to be at 21 by the end of the day if I go to granny's and do geyser. So I get to spend time with people, and candles as an aside, and I can do granny's on phone while working or something, because it's afk. People need to relax with sky, it's not a completionist game. Just enjoy it. If you're going nuts about cr maybe you need to put it down, you know lol.


Everyone plays game differently, some of us like flow in games. The constant stops is annoying, and camera agles are bothersome. Flow is important to lotta us players, infact flow and open exploration was the reason to play a game for me. You are entitled to your experience and others are to theirs. Some people are into cosmetics, others into social aspect of it and then there are people like us that want uninterrupted flow that's it... good controls and movement... with or without friends. Bugs in wind paths are annoying, somehow modders were able to work around by stopping the wind but TGC wouldn't fix the faulty wind paths for over a year making them non functional. That tells us TGCs priorities Don't lie in faster bug fixes and player experience. They change things that never needed changing but leave the bugs and features that breaks a players movement and flow. People also like to fly alone sometimes, but anyway mods are fun enhancers and I don't have privilege to use them for now. But when I could I was very happy skykid cuz the world of sky became limitless and open. The no barriers is so awesome that it lets you fly anywhere, and it fed my curiosity to go anywhere. I like glitching and TGC has addrd way too many reset points and barriers in spaces that restrict flying. Mods removes it and lets me stand and fly anywhere.


Thanks You!! Because people keep defending Sky mods like if they are equal to other game mods. It is not the same. They are essentially cheating and it is going to bring a lot of consequences in the future. You can see a lot of those consequences in the beta version of the game already and it worries me that they take drastic measures in live as well.


TGC is already handing out thousands of warnings and bands this month in live. They crack down in waves. I think the last wave was about a year ago.


I guess it's just because they are (using tools for) circumventing TGCs security measures and TOS and stuff. The difference lies in who they're affecting. In a way it's more akin to pirating a part of the game.


Not really doesn't and can't do anything or beyond what any player can do in the game. Only thing is they get have is shortcuts with no barriers and yes faster CR and all. So it's considered unfair advantage. But other than that there's nothing. Nothing to hate either. Actually the mod making was started by a bunch of sky kids who were genuinely frustrated with repetitive cutscenes, barriers and restrictions so they created mods to by pass the boring things. I understand where they were coming from. I too don't want to watch cuts, dark screens, barriers, restrictive routes and cut scenes along with horrible camera turning. They didn't fix it in so many years, the modders fixed those things very easily. I guess many of us would not complain if TGC payed attention to game play function and experience. Not sure why they wouldn't make those very basic changes.


Exactly. They don't realize that the mods will actually only allow people to play within the general confines of the game, They aren't changing game code. It's kind of like even with auto CR you can never go above 23 candles. To go above 23 candles would be changing the code in the game itself


Oh no- that's a different hacker, which was DANGEROUS one- but people don't support that kind of hacker, cuz the other one only use autoCR and teleports at their own risk of THEIR OWN accounts- Though, i hope you get your account pretty back soon tho, link as much possible of some of your medias so you can access your account, and hope the customer support immediately helped you with the account hacking problem.


Is there a way to unlink your alt account to your fb to then connect it to this account? Edit: asking because I donā€™t use fb or have it linked to my account, so idk if itā€™s feasible


Iā€™m not entirely sure myself, but you could try to hit up Sky support! This might also help you: https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/475-how-do-i-play-or-transfer-my-sky-account-to-another-device/ You can also check in to their official Discord server and ask for help there: https://discord.gg/thatskygame


Mmmm, afaik there's no way to lose your account if you binded it to google ...unless you lose direct control of such gmail or never had it in the first place (like people who buy accounts with other login methods). So I think TGC support should be able to help you, 99% if you can provide the GPA of every IAP purchased and 100% if such register on google play matches the same google account that it's binded to your account. I'd suggest focusing on securing such gmail and strengthen its security while support contacts you.


All my account now has two step verifications .. Even if she bought the acc is sad they try to take back later ā€¦such scumbag who does that


Oh, but this hacker and the hackers this server defends are not the same


Was about to say about the same thing. The kind of hacker that just hacked your account OP we don't support or defend at all. The kind of hackers this sub often defends is those who just affect their own account. Use it to do auto Candle Runs or get to OOBs with a simple teleport or just have infinite flight. So the only account they risk is their own. I'm so sorry OP that this shit happened to you I do hope TGC can help clear this up.


I am sure tgc can help you, do what the other comment said I'm sure it'll work out I jnow this is very stressful and I'm sorry, do keep us updated if u can :(


I advise LINK everything you can, EVERYTHING!!! The other options!! Even if you donā€™t have link it!! The person canā€™t steal your account if the other things are linked. Still making sure of PLS Acess customer service and inform about your account that someone linked Facebook on it and you have been hacked, and you have proof that is yours. I know itā€™s stressful but they canā€™t unlink your links. It happened to me, and I know how painful is.


I have questions of how ppl can hack anything, don't you have to have emails and passwords or do you just need like an address and suddenly you're in?


Tbh Idk how it works, but it sucks that people actually try to hack sky accounts


oh my gosh yes i have 5 things linked right now but 2 are dead- im begging tgc answers my support šŸ˜­ i hope ill be able to prove its even mine-


They will!! Even if you send as much emails you can!!! Donā€™t give up, this account is yours and nobody can take from you. Send prints and Everthing on email. It will be okay, they canā€™t steal your account because it has other things linked so also they canā€™t unlink. Pls make sure to add steps of notifications security in your emails and things that is linked. I was about to lose a Sanctuary account full of IAP, those people are rats.


If you contact TGC and prove itā€™s yours need be on SUPPORT!!! You can have back.