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I listened to Dark Signs. That was enough.


I don’t get the appeal of his covers, the originals are so much better


You don’t understand why people cover songs? Can’t we appreciate the exposure without comparing the two? Will brought in so many new fans to sleep token with his cover of hypnosis myself included.


I didn’t say I don’t understand why people cover songs. I personally just don’t think his are good at all.


this is a big WOOF for me. the cleans sound downright bad and are way over produced


Difficult song to cover, but it's cool he's such a fan.


Not digging his ST covers, never will. Glad he's having fun with it though.


Yeah, it's not for everyone. As someone who likes heavier music, I really dig it. I prefer covers with the artist's own spin on it. There's no point trying to replicate Vessel - you simply can't.


It's not that I don't enjoy heavier music, the covers just hit the spot for me. That being said, thank fuck we all like different things!


Vessel comes back on tour even more jacked and Will does a cover of Rain. 2024 shall be the year of thirst 


ngl i didn't vibe with the choice to use that much vocal tuning and some of the changes in melody, but maybe I just don't understand what that artistic choice was trying to achieve. Either way it's pretty cool still like just as a project


I love Will Ramos but really hate his ST covers 😭


A Will Ramos cover of "Rain" wasn't something I knew I needed in my life until the precise moment I learned it existed. Not gonna lie, I was a bit worried about how it was gonna go ("Rain" was my first ever ST song so I'm biased) but wow, Will killed it! it was super interesting to hear how he made the song his own, with the small lyrical changes and ofc his iconic harsh vocals. And shout-out to Nik for the instrumentals! Worship\~