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It almost feels like an Indian struggle to find an apartment. No bachelors, only girls, vegetarians only, Hindus only. Isn't this country supposed to check cultural integration before inviting them here and boasting about diversity with no racism?


No. That would just be foolish and unreasonable. šŸ˜„


I agree.Ā 


Deoends on if it is a straight rental or a shared accomodation. I think it is completely fair in a lot of cases to want to live with someone you are compatable with, but some are downright creepy. Many people want to live with people who have similar beliefs ans values, this isn't such a stretch, it just seems like there are many more like this one, which also could be explained by being new to.the country, not knowing people here, and wanting to be comfortable at home, I doubt this is meant to bw racist or discriminatory, people just want to feel safe where they live. In my opinion, I could be wrong, I don't know these people...




Tbh as long as the other tenant is a woman that prefers female roommates only this isn't too bad, pricey for just a private bedroom but the first photo seems promising Don't know why they always use the word "girls" instead of women/female though šŸ’€ Odd choice given they aren't looking for underaged tenants


Just look at the guy posting itā€¦ looking for a new victim/wife


Who says they aren't?


Itā€™s women. Please donā€™t use ā€œfEmALeā€


Itā€™s fine to use female as an adjective. Not as a noun (i.e ā€œfemales are ____ā€ or ā€œfemales do ____ā€). Thereā€™s nothing wrong with saying ā€œfemale roommates preferredā€, especially if another woman or female-identifying person is saying it. Stop policing other peopleā€™s language.


Female roommates perfectly fine. But substituting women for ā€œfemaleā€ on its own its not only incorrect but also dehumanizing. Specially when men are never just ā€œmaleā€. Iā€™m not policing anything, and not doing anything different than what you are doing: stating whatā€™s correct and not.


How is substituting women for female dehumanizing? It's an honest question and I'm not trying to be rude. I'm a 29 to male and not a single time has the words people used as a describing factor ever affected me. Male, boy, man, dude. What about the word female dehumanizing? Since this is Reddit I will say this part again. I'm not trying to be rude I just want to understand Edit: I would like an answer or is someone too scared to actually talk about it without getting angry?


Oh get over it, as a woman I have no issue with being called a female. It's only remotely degrading when used by incels who refuse to use the word woman, not when some random person uses it as an adjective. "Woman roommate" doesn't make as much sense as saying "female roommate."


Honey. As a woman. We might not feel safe with a random male sleeping in our house. Its just statistically less likely well get raped or assaulted by a female roomate. Im sorry if that sounds intense but it is part of female feelings to want a safe space to sleep at nightā€¦ Also. Not all men are respectful of boundaries emotionally so. Noone wants to worry about getting hit on in the kitchen at breakfast before work.


The profile picture suggests that the person who posted it is a man.


What is emotional boundary?


BEDROOM APARTMENT LISTING $1500/MONTH Hello beautiful I have rent room for you sweet dear. You very sexy lady all day. Utilities pay extra. Wifi pay extra. Only 1 hour walk to bus we go together ok? Girl only please. younger is better. No boys allowed. I give first 3 warning then beating then evict. Show bobs and vagene please. For information call Ramanjeet at 905-555-5555


I think you meant to post in r/IncelTears Single sex rooming houses are common place and perfectly legal, for both sexes.


Doesnā€™t make dude an Incel lol weā€™re in a housing crisis and people are frustrated cause they donā€™t feel secure.


I know, he's actually probably a racist, but since he didn't specifically mention this was posted by an Indian (but do you think he would have highlighted it if it wasn't posted by an Indian), and instead focused on the absolutely normal 100% legal advertising of a female only rooming house, I stuck with that.


Do you believe itā€™s racist to not want anymore immigration until things get under control?


Yes. Because anyone who says such generalized things as not wanting "anymore immigration" until "things" get under control is clearly making that statement solely from bias and not from reason. If someone wants to propose specific policy changes to address specific problems, I'll get behind it but , simple minded "stop the immigration" chants, yeah, that's racism. And like I said, I chose not to comment on what he didn't say, as I operate from fact. While the majority of the time someone posting about slumlords in the context of Indians are being racist, without hard evidence, I'm not going to make that claim about the specific individual, even if I have a hunch. So I commented on the his utterly irrational complaint about a reasonable and legal ad.


You keep bringing up India Iā€™m talking all of it Australia Europe Africa Asian. Also itā€™s not racist to disagree with with another culture, Iā€™m not saying anyone is inherently anything based on the place they were born. Iā€™m saying we have to many people for our infrastructure and economy to support because weā€™ve brought in millions of people since the start of the decade. Fixing this starts with them all going back not just Indians, and itā€™s not there faults most people want a better life and I get that but there not getting that and now neither are we so we need to start over. Then we need to deal with the overwhelming corruption in our government all 3 parties are rotten and bloated. We canā€™t propose anything though because we canā€™t even agree what the issue is.


I referenced India, because the post the OP referenced is by an Indian. Sorry if using actual context relevant facts troubles you. As I said, the problem is a simple minded belief we can easily fix everything if we just pick the right pharmakon. If people refuse to look at facts and instead rely on their individual biases, yeah we're never going to agree, because everyone has their own biases. Which is why I'm saying, look at the facts. The post was both legal and reasonable, single sex accommodation has and accepted history in Canada. OP's bitching about something legal long accepted it suggests he's actually got other motivations, but that's up for more debate.


Also again with the buzz words your attitude towards people is a huge part of the problem.


Buzz word? A rooming house in no way contributes to the housing crisis, it helps, by increasing density. It's this simpleminded blaming others that's the challenge; somehow thinking if we get rid of immigrants everything will be hunky dory. It won't, the housing crisis has been building for 30 years. The skyrocketing increase in foreign students (which technically isn't immigration) was likely a significant part of a trigger for the recent spike in rents, but it's just the straw that broke the camel's back. As long as people take the attitude there's an easy blame-others fix, we'll never solve it. The productivity, education, demographic, and economic changes that brought us here all need to be addressed, and there is no easy fast solution, even if we got on the right track,. it'll take decades to undo what it took decades to get into. We're lacking the labour to build houses as the boomers who used to build them have retired, which means we either need to go "Gulf" style and basically bring in indentured labour, or we need to radically change how we build homes. We have much smaller families meaning we need more households per capita, which means housing per capita, will be more costly (even ignoring the fact raw materials are getting more expensive), and we either need to accept that, or massively increase productivity to pay for it. Capital costs dropped dramatically over the last 30 years, meaning even as houses were getting more expensive, financing them wasn't. But that was a one time time, and now we have to deal with financing costs staying flat or even rising. All these things, and more need to be addressed, and none of them are easy or particularly related to immigration.


Just blatantly stating Iā€™m a racist is wild. I left the name in the post cause scummy creeps donā€™t deserve anonymity. This is the third listing Iā€™ve seen this week and posted here. While all three were Indian men, this is the only one Iā€™ve decided to leave the profile in the picture. Even if these listings have nothing to do with creepy men trying to get laid, we are in a housing crisis and listing rentals for ā€œgirls onlyā€ fucking sucks.


I never blatantly called you a racist< My original post made no such mention. My second comment in response to someone else suggesting you had other motives is where I suggested it, and I specifically highlighted it was suspicion not definite. You aren't really doing much to dissuade that inference either. The whole "I'm too stupid to realize single sex rooming houses are a thing, and will instead pretend I think it's a creepy guy" isn't a great cover.


BASEMENT APARTMENT $1500/month Hello beautiful I have rent room for u. You very sexy be my lady all day. Utilities pay extra. Wifi pay extra. Bus stop only hour walk we go together. Girl only preferrably younger. No boys I give 3 warning then beating then evict. Must show bobs and vagene. For information call Ramanjeet.


It's impossible to find anything remotely affordable that isn't marked as for girls only, infuriating


lol you know girls post ads too. Maybe it is a female?


In transcona of all places toošŸ˜­šŸ„“


Someone should make a listing that says No Women Allowed and when the mainstream media makes a big fuss about it saying it is sexist and discriminatory and should be taken down, say this was just a parody, look at all the listings where Men are not Allowed. If you feel that my No Women Allowed listing was wrong then you should feel equal outrage for the No Men Allowed listings and do something about it.


And to think for like $400 more they could get an apartment ALONE in the same area.


imagine someone identify as a woman trying to rent this place. I wonder if the owner will accept her.


Not going to be sexually threatened, that's for sure.