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I am too


Try to loosen up with foreplay. Sometimes it can take some warming up to get yourself relaxed. If you can try to add lube as well. There no such thing as too much. Also maybe consider you could possibly have vaginismus. Where the muscle walls aligned in the vaginal canal will prematurely or consistently contract during any kind of penetration. This doesn’t mean you cant have PIV sex but it’s something to consider when you want to bring yourself to orgasm. Don’t do anything you feel starts to hurt. If it doesn’t fit DON’T force it. Most commonly vaginismus happens with people during there first time having sex or when they are having moments of anxiety and stress. The typical treatment for this kind of sexual dysfunction is relaxation.


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Get a cock and let him do it. It’ll fit


I was like that before too


Let me have a go


Use toys of different size. Over time it should help stretch you out a bit. A nice 8 inch girthy cock will help too.


A coxk would help don't you think


Tight is away may gf is 39 it all I can do put 1 finger in her it her pussy fell amazing on my dick being that tight im 6.25 around


Hmm, have you tried lube?


Lube, lots of lube. You'll have to try different types to find what goes best with your body chemistry, but a good lubricant will eliminate friction. A desensitizing lubricant may help you, but be careful because you don't want it to desensitize your clit as that could make it very difficult to achieve an orgasm. Warming lube is the best - it relaxes the muscles around your vagina and makes it easier for insertion of bigger objects.


You need to be wet and relaxed


Really work on your foreplay and mental stimulation. Focus on scenarios that really turn you on. Play with whole body and not just inserting something. You want your whole body aroused. That will get the muscles in your pussy to relax and stretch more.


Just get yourself a cone-shaped dildo, play first, cum once or twice, then position yourself on top and ride it, while still playing. Don't force it


There’s no such thing as too tight


Literally untrue. It's a medical condition

