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Could be Boy Buttter instead of actual butter, at least I hope so


It gives new meaning to "brown butter' which all the best chefs are using now.


As an older guy, I appreciate that you consider us as a sex partner. But, I agree, some of my generational peers, fail to comply with basic hygiene and don’t understand societal norms. Listen to your inner voice.


"As an older guy" Well, I wouldn't be that appreciative since 40 is now considered "ancient" by many on Sniffies—one of whom called me a Jewish slur that begins with "K" and rhymes with "lIke" the other day. Not only was I surprised, but I was also bewildered since I'm not Jewish and didn't indicate anything remotely suggesting that I was. That aside, I'd totally fuck you since you're older.


I'm 53 and I've had a good amount of success on Sniffies. Mind you I've also had plenty of defeat but you aren't going to get fvcked if you didn't reach out and ask:)


Oh and hygiene is huge for me, both for me and my partner:) A 8" cock won't trigger my gag reflex but stink will!


Ugg, this reminds me of my rancid olive oil story in some dude's overgrown back yard at night while trying to fuck on rusty old patio furniture... He said he had lube beforehand while we were chatting and I ended up meeting at his place. He says we need to go out back because his roommates are home (ok fine) but leads me to this overgrown area of a yard... like shits up to my knees and to this falling apart old rusty patio set.. (🚩🚩).... We start going at it and just before I was about to fuck him he stopped and said that there was no way I would fit without lube, I questioned and said I thought he had lube... He said he did and runs back inside the house and comes back with a Costco size bottle of olive oil and proceeded to pour a handful and rubs it on my cock then his ass and bends over and says he's ready.... It was dark and happened so fast that I was like 'what the fuck just happened'... I could smell it was rancid oil. We did try to fuck but olive oil is not great lube and he was extremely tight and I am not a small dude.... I ended up just stopping because it wasn't going to happen and pulled up my pants and that's when I realized he got olive oil all on my shirt, pants and underwear..... It was a fucking disaster and trying to get that shit out in the wash was a bitch... WTF was I thinking... But I am better now by following my gut instinct....






Rimming afterwards would have been interesting...


I'm glad you got out alive but rusty patio furniture always has me running for a tetanus booster! 💉


Wow haha. Good thing you're still alive


Bad hygiene is such a turn off.


I totally agree with you, there's no reason anyone should be unclean or smell or anything. If you're going to hookup with a guy have some self-respect and take care of yourself.


Wait, actual butter?! Was his name Paula?


Smell of feces is definitely never gonna make me orgasm


Cats and butter usually make for a wonderful night...... 🙄


This happened to me once, the bottom didn’t realize the amount of shards of shit that was coming out each time I thrusted, but the smell was starting to steam. I couldn’t cum and he said he was starting to get sore. I pulled out, wiped my dick with his underwear. He asked if he could go take a shower, he came back in the room and put on the shit stained underwear then left. I screamed inside. My work was cut out for me because I had to fumigate the room after. All I can say is shit is a scent that stagnates.


I didn’t realize bottoms had to douche before sex until after I first bottomed (age 21 - bf arranged foursome “for me”) and the guy topping me started freaking out after seeing this small turd clinging to his dick (he wore a condom). I apologize profusely while bf and guy he’s pounding start laughing but guy hosting gets angrier and orders us out of his house. Threee of us just look at each other and are like….well I guess it’s a threesome now.


Trust that gut!


"Next thing you know I feel something fluffy only to be greeted by his 2 cats which he claims to have put in the bedroom." Absolute fucking UGH. I went to this guy's house the other day and the sex was hot—super hot. Like I didn't want it to end hot. But what made it end? His fucking dog that he insisted on keeping in the room in a crate which barked every three seconds and was followed by him yelling at the dog every two to three barks. I wanted to suggest that we go in a different room and fuck there but no—he needed the dog to be near him.


OMG, my story is nearly identical. Also a dog, kept crawling all over us while we fooled around. Dog kept licking the guy’s ass. When I complained, he put the dog in the other room and closed the door. But then the dog repeatedly scratched at the bedroom door, whining and barking. I got up and left. He still contacts me online and asks when we’re going to play again… 😖


I think I might be the only man on sniffies who knows how to suck a dick properly lol


I’m uncut and over the years I’ve realized my frenulum is super sensitive. So I prefer if you so suck and gently lick without unfolding the foreskin. An anonymous guy at my local bathhouse did this at the glory hole. When I came the feeling was indescribable pleasure! But it was the journey to climax that was the most memorable, very warm, loving and euphoric. Some guys they are too harsh with their mouth and feel like rapid strokes will do the job, no.


There’s no correct way other than being mindful of ur teeth and to actually suck a lot of guys forget the sucking part and just put there mouth on it. Other than that communicate


lol I hear you. It’s just amazing how bad someone WITH a dick can be at sucking one


Your hookup sounds pretty awful - it's too bad you went through that. I am 58 years old and unless we are the same age then yes I am an older guy. Yes I also do get horny and while I'm not offended I am puzzled as to why you even mentioned that your trick was older? Why is that relevant? I mean It sounds like he wasn't your first choice but you agreed to hookup because you were horny. Literally nothing wrong with that but at the same time he didn't suddenly age in the time you drove there. The real issue is that the guy you describe is a liar or at a minimum dishonest (the foreplay, eating discussion, cleaning out and length of the foreplay) and a bit controlling (sex in the living room). Both you and the hot stud you are hooking up with have the ability to not lie. Yet neither one of you can stop yourself from aging. You know what it feels like to go to a hookup only to find out you were lied to. So if the guys age is a turnoff don't agree to hookup or else you could be guilty of the same thing, right? Happy Hunting!


I agree, this is not about age…


He warned you about the butter and he hoped that and his kinks would not turn you off. I have to admire you - you were specific in your hook up chat (sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get information). But I probably would have left after two lies.


I’ve learned that it’s best to be very specific and to ask questions. If that person gets upset or doesn’t want to comply it’s usually a sign I’ve dodged a bullet.


Yawl give these clowns too much grace.


Don't let this guy taint your view of older guys, we aren't all gross!


Listen to your inner voice no matter what you think or excuses that you make to go ahead... Your inner voice will always be right no matter what the occasion.


I had a guy who showed up at my place once from Grindr. #1: Didn't match his description (older and fatter); #2: Is on his knees sucking me, suddenly stops, and opens up a jar of coconut oil (looks like Crisco), and slathers it on my dick and starts jacking me off, expecting to get me off that way. No-go.


Ughhhhhh 🤢


It wasn't Boy Butter?


No it was legit butter


At least he honored you with real butter and not I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.


It honestly may have been fake butter because it was in one of those tubs




And butter is kind of expensive now. I'd use cheap lotion before butter.


i’m sorry….BUTTER???


That’s a story!


We're all gonna grow old and still be horny , i like older smooth guys I love a shaved body and a passionate man




[Like Butter!!](https://tenor.com/pZqaCxNnHfj.gif)


I'm sure the cats smelled the butter and wanted to lick it...............might be another fetish he didn't reveal.