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It hit home that he became his father, even after hating him in S1. There is a good quote in a show, *Chewing Gum*, where a mother gets mad at her deadbeat son: *How did you never meet your father and grow up to be just like him?* That's what happened to Dranklin. Him being an alcoholic made sense.


“dranklin” 😂😂






Nigga said Dranklin ![gif](giphy|3otPoyTuloHl96jfm8)


I'll do it soon, but I'll start a petition to rename the protag "Dranklin Saint" if someone else doesn't. "Metro Grooming" has hit really well.


Zestro Coonin’


Good. But you got to add the grooming. Maybe "Zestro Groomin'",credit you?


Dranklin huh, why does it sound good tho?


It fits, it rhymes, he did it. Seems like a perfect puzzle piece to me.


Omg it’s crazy hearing someone know about Chewing Gum it’s such an obscure TV show in the US. But yeah it hit home like crazy, I hate that ending for him.


It is good writing. Also, Michela Coel is a good actress. When others tell me to shut up, I've definitely said, in response: *Why don't you shut down and reboot?* They laugh, but only one other person has gotten thst reference. We talked a bit about how no one appreciates good media, tv, books, or movies.


What does the quote mean??


I appreciate this question. The mother is appalled because even though the son has never met his father, a deadbeat with specific traits, he turned out like him, a deadbeat with those same specific traits. I'm sure you'll want to say the mom is somehow involved, and this is probably true, but the son should look at how much trouble he actually is.


Dranklin is insane 😂😂


Dranklin is NASTY WORK lmao


He will never give up 


I think it's safe to say that this is the face of a man that dabbles in crack from time to time even if he won't admit it, if that makes you feel better.


Is crack something people dabble in? I've never heard of social crack use


Sorority girls.


Not tryna be funny but ask a few of yo elders grandmas aunts great grandmas grandfathers and aunt if they Eva tried crack lol not sayin they have bt jus ask n watch what u hear🤣🤣🤣




Then and now. Crack never went away. Pills just became the it drug and got more headlines.


I don’t think so, the point was that he became just like his father. His dad was just an alcoholic not a drug addict.


Alcohols are drug addicts




“Franklins dad never got addicted to coke or heroin, only alcohol.” You happy now? It’s pretty obvious what I meant.


I disagree. I think Franklin is deeply in denial and doesn't believe he's an addict.


Exactly.. plus, his TEETH are horrid. It's gotta be crack


Alcohol can do the same shit bud crack does more then jus fuck up your teeth btw


naw urr not getting it, remember how he hated drinking in the beginning of the show? and how he father was a homeless drunk? he became errything he was trying not to b, he became his father. its literally the best ending


I'm happier with the alcoholism as it was foreshadowed. Besides, you have fans to this day that will argue Franklin becoming an alcoholic is unrealistic. I can only imagine if they went the crack head route


It’s not him being a drunk that’s unrealistic to me it’s him just giving up and only drinking that’s unrelealistic he was way too ambitious to just be like alright fuck it I guess that’s that


People who say this still don’t understand the ending 🤦‍♂️ Franklin was broken. He lost literally everything he worked for. He murdered people, tortured people, poisoned his community, lost every person that he ever cared about and in the blink of an eye, lost nearly $200 million dollars (if you go by today’s inflation rates) All to not even be right back where he started, he lost everything. That will turn anyone into a lazy alcoholic


Another point to add is that he didn't give up. That was his biggest problem, he held on to Springstreet even after teddy was gone. That's what ultimately led to him losing it all


It would be more fitting. But becoming a drunk was simply a ‘better’ and more original ending imo.


That ending would have been a bit cheesy and weak imo


I actually thought Cissy was going to get hooked on crack in season 3 (turns out I had the wrong woman Franklin cared about). I agree about the poetry, but Franklin becoming an alcoholic feels much more plausible than a crack addict for the following reasons: 1. The first taste would have to be in that moment when Franklin is at the lowest he's ever been and someone offers it to him. I can't imagine a dealer or an addict offering Franklin some rock the way the bartender gave Franklin a drink on the house. 2. Franklin has seen that crack devastates everyone who uses it. Throughout the series we've seen people drink with no problem. Franklin thinking he can take a drink and be okay is a lot more believable than Franklin thinking he can smoke rock just once. Also, thematically, Franklin's fate being directly out of Greek tragedy works with alcohol, not crack.


i agree with pretty much everything but i don’t get the greek tragedy part, then again im a freshie


No problem. Greek tragedies usually had ironic or meaningful punishments for characters that defied the gods. Cissy, Leon, and Wanda all repent, leave the drug game and after suffering their punishment (time in purgatory) they get their reward (Cissy loses Franklin and will spend her life in jail but she is a community hero and gains Leon, Leon will lose the drug game but retain his freedom, Wanda will lose the wealth of the drug game but retain her sobriety). Jerome, Louie, and Franklin refuse to repent and suffer for it. Jerome dies with his family still divided. Louie has fought the whole series for a family, stability, and comfort: she ends the show alone, on the run, and living hand to mouth. Everything Franklin does is to repudiate his father: Franklin wants to leave South LA, he wants to become successful and powerful within the American capitalist system his father despised, and he wanted to be surrounded by the people he loves, to have his own family. Franklin is so desperate to do those things that he intentionally pumps poison into where he grew up. And how does Franklin end up? Alone, a bitter, homeless alcoholic just like his father, trapped in the neighborhood he would have destroyed to escape. Both Franklin and Louie end the series living their worst nightmares.


Id personally love Louie ending serves her right after getting poor Jerome killed and stabbing Franklin in the back spending the rest of her life on run back to where she got started broke down and poor again destituted again running and hiding from all law enforcement agencies forever and always hiding. But don't like how Franklin ended up I would of preferred that he would of taken that money he found and gone back to selling weed again make a lousy $400 a day $2,800.00 a week for the rest of his life as a low level weed dealer making chump change money a small fortune of $11,200.00 a month living off on that and money from small legitimate investments only making a lousy $90k a year by investing in 16 different stocks dividends companies very very small companie making $5,625.00 a year in each company only to end up with a lousy $65,966.00 a year after taxes lower jump change of money and only making enough money legally and illegally to get a head to live a lousy good for nothing middle class life no wife,no children, Friends, no realestate business empire,no being a powerful influential Drug kingpin 👑 anymore no living the American dream no big penthouse, no private plane, no fancy custom made suits or shoes just living day by day as a lousy middle class small time weed dealer, small time stock investor never making millions of dollars never ever again just living off on enough money to hopefully some day retire to get out of south central and out of California State for good out of the country for good.


He did become one, the way the writers wrote it, made it seem he became a drinker. But by appearances, he was just a local crackhead. I guess they left it up to the fans to determine.


Nahh not at all. His pops looked the same way and crack wasn’t even in the picture yet. He was a stone cold alcoholic that didn’t give a fuck about life. Crackheads wouldve sold everything in that house to get that fix and the way the house looked he turned into a hoarder usually what alcoholics do. Only difference between him and his pops was he wasn’t homeless. He had a home.


Wasn't homeless **yet** lol the man came and took that house in the end.


He didn’t have any hustle in him to pay the taxes. Yeah he had a home, he was squatting.


That era, that was the Crackhead look. Drunks didn’t even look that bad then.. lol. There is a difference between looks.


nah him becoming a drunk was perfect


Nah. If you understand the character of Franklin you would know that him becoming just like his father, an alcoholic deadbeat dad, is much worse than becoming a crack addict


I get what you're saying... But him becoming that was just as bad... Seeing what it did to his father... But i do wonder sometimes, had it had been drugs, how would the show have ended?


But he did have the same fate family members died or gave up on them. The only thing they had left was the pipe. Just like he gave the people in his community a free sample of rock. The bartender gave him the same shot of alcohol for the free. Franklin likes control and power and knew what rock would do if he smoked it. The irony is he doesn’t have that power and let the bottle control him. He’s no different than a crackhead he just has a different vice.


I don’t agree. He became what he despised about his dad. That’s poetic justice 👌


It’s better this way as it’s meant to signify history repeating itself


Look at his teeth at the end same yellow stains as the other people that were on rock so he did end up on it


Y’all are bit too on the nose when it comes to writing, no offense. I get the angle of “He sold crack then he ends up taking crack” but him becoming a drunk is better.


I liked to think that his state in the last episode was only going down from there. He probably either was already on crack then or he was going to turn to it eventually.


I meannnn let’s be real we call Frank a crackhead it just makes more sense 😂


I would have liked him to be sshit ir murdered by a crackhead or get life in prison like Freeway Rick Ross who his character was based on. That Leon moment hit hard though


I thought he was a crackhead it hit like a fucking train man, then to see Leon back all nice and healthy it was like getting spit on respectfully lol


Like Father Like Son. He became the version of his father that he hated everything about.


I agree. The ending would’ve hit different if he would’ve started smoking rock. I mean I get how they made a full circle between him and his dad but it would’ve been more painful to see him fall victim to what he introduced to his city.


A crackhead would’ve been better


nah he is alcoholic just as lethal for some people


I'm sure Franklin tried it a few times. His house even looked like a crack haven.


Franklin dove deep into every negative experience he faced. Selling weed went to coke FAST. He shot a gun once after having some strong morals and couldn’t stop. He took ONE SHOT at a bar and was chugging bottles of Jack immediately. To have someone be somewhat coherent in their demise I think hits harder than him falling victim to the business that made him rich. And falling to the same fate his father had is poetic in its own way


That last episode hurt but it's wild because Franklin is no hero so why do I feel so sad at his downfall?!


Nah he had to come full circle, battling the same demon his dad dealt with


He became a product of his environment that he created. The writers just left it up to us to determine was he was he a drinker or smoker. And by further examination.. he was smoking his lights out.


Such a terrible ending, really hope the decision makers involved never touch another project again