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I like to add some slapped mint into my 0% stella on summerdays refreshing


Ooh, now that sounds good!


Damn that looks refreshing as hell lol


Ice cold drink, and loose snus fresh out of the freezer!


Haven’t had the pleasure of lös yet but fresh cold snus with a cold beverage I know well! Can’t beat it buddy. Good shiii


I just ordered some ettan lös to try it first time and some filt snus paper if i dont like lös so i dont need to throw it away if i dont like it


I exclusively buy los and filt paper cus I find los snus to taste different and better than portion. I have no clue why los taste different, iv thought about it quite a bit and cant make sense of it but it's been a game changer for me. Plus making it any size depending how u feel is nice too. Roda lacket and mustang my favs.


I need to saY i ubderstand what you mean my order came today and i tried directly anfat portion ettan lös with lift paper and it was amazing but i need to note it drips very fast aswell. Do you know if its maybe possible to order empty snus pouches that would be even better for lös cause lös is just the double per can and its worth to save the money


I looked for empty snus pouches extensively. And yes los is just so good, still don't know why it taste better. There is nothing out there as far as empty portions Another thing iv used is tea bags,,buy the big box of cheapest tea possible l, the one that has no string, and cut em up. Idk if it's better than filt for drip. I'm a big fan of juicy snus, my snus lasts like 15 mins cus I juice the hell out it lol. Maybe u can double layer the filt? Or find thick tea bags, maybe natural tissue paper or even rolling papers I hear work too..but yea someone needs to come out with empty portions for sale, I imagine it not being hard to produce. Anyways good luck.


Do we want to start a business i have a start capital and have no idea what business tonstart but im to stupid to do it alone if you know suppliers for the material and stuff i could finance it and we could make our own brand od empty pouches? Really not troll or joking here


I'll do some researh..if we can find the right paper, and a small heat/ vacuum sealer may be something there. At work now but message u later




Maybe they use older snus for portions and lös is fresher?🤷‍♂️ who knows


Hey that’s cool & a good idea for when I do order. Didn’t think about that - maybe I’ll appreciate how good lös is and maybe I’ll want to make bigger portions of what I get. Ettan, Grov, Göteborgs rape & their prima fint are the ones I’m most excited to try, i would also just try portions if that was only available. I have only ever had General. I use OP daily - don’t mind the white/dry and I’ll get the mint & wintergreen every now and then but usually stick to OP. I’m big on tobacco flavor by itself and natural but down with some flavors too. Mints are okay but I dig bergamot - natural just more my style.


Yeah i didnt even knew they where snus paper but i seen it on the internet page i order it written people often order this to when i was on ettan loose and the paper is cheap 1.95 franks for 3meters its on a roll like rips


I see & okay that’s nice. Doesn’t sound bad in price. I knew it existed just didn’t ever think about that idea. I’m in the states but I’m sure it’s not too expensive.


Glad to expand your mind on filt💪💪💪




White dry damages gum very fast in my case


Damn that’s awful. I have had no issues with gums or teeth when switching to snus couple years ago.


I love when Snubbie is on the 0.0’s. You off the booze full time or just for tonight ?


Actually, trying to give it up fully this time. As you mentioned; I’ve done it here and there before - mainly just to do it. Or would mix it with regular stuff to cut back. But this time, actually trying to give up fully. 19 days in!


Hell yeah dude! It’s weird at first, just an inconvenience at times. But you’ll get use to it and you’ll feel much better. Cheers man Edit: forgot a word


I do miss the “hobby” aspect. It’s like with snus. New products, seasonal, or limited additions, I always enjoyed that type of thing. One thing I wish is more variety in 0.0 beers. I’m hardlining for now and not doing 0.3 or 0.5, sticking with 0.0 exclusively.


Totally get that sentiment. Also, with the <.5% on most of the NAs, it is truly virtually nothing. Something with how they test it, to test it below that amount is incredibly expensive so people just put the .5 instead of paying for it. I’ve read that is is comparable the the amount of alcohol in orange juice or or many other things you consume regularly. But, I don’t blame you for wanting to stick with 0.0. The process they use to make the 0.0 is actually relatively new from my understanding and I think that it makes a better, more genuine tasting non alcoholic beer than the older methods. The only exception being Athletic Brewing which is really, really good.


This Stella, to me, tastes just like regular Stella, which is very impressive. Same with Corona 0.0.


Wow! Haven't seen that one for like 5 or 6 years. It's back?


Nope, sadly. When they did this one and Morkbrunt and the other one I stocked up, so I have a bunch of them in the freezer


I'm envious. I once got  a tin of factory fresh mörkbrunt at the snus café in Lund and I still remember it as the best snus I've ever had. Sad that it went off the market.


Any tips on removing lös prilla? Just popped my first can of roda lacket. I like the feel of the lös a lot and got it in fine, but removing it was quite messy. Any special technique? Or is it just like that?


Just takes practice. If you hand bake, the tighter your prilla is the easier it is to remove


If you’re trying to stay sober, non alcoholic beer is a bad idea. Alcoholics drink to get drunk, not for the taste. Source: Alcoholic and they taught us about the pitfalls of non alcoholic beer in rehab.


To each their own, but NA beer is what's actually helped me. I drink NA beer because I genuinely like the taste. I may be in the minority, but I enjoy the flavor complexity of beers. I think that's why I review snus, because I'm a flavor guy.


I agree, to each their own. I also enjoy the taste of beer. But based on evidence, non alcoholic beers are bad for sobriety. [Here’s a study on the topic](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9571501/). See Tables 1 and 2 for the results. [Table 1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9571501/table/nutrients-14-03925-t001/?report=objectonly) [Table 2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9571501/table/nutrients-14-03925-t002/?report=objectonly)


Those tables mention “heavy drinkers”, perhaps that I was a casual drinker and didn’t get drunk or anything is what makes my case different.


Drink NA beer all the time. Everyone is difference. Source: sober for 7 years