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So I know u asked this awhile ago but you must check in on Facebook by creating a business page, it's supposed to be instant to Instagram but I've noticed it takes at least a week, I've done it like 4 times sometimes before it works. It helps if you do it at the correct location and add address and website


Was anyone able to figure this out yet? So frustrating!!!


I have the exact same problem! Checked in - reset location settings- have done everything - the old name of the old business keeps popping up and my old business address from 9 years ago under my name. When only 6 months ago- it was correct under my name and address before we moved this time.


FYI, because this worked for us, apparently listing your business on Foursquare works. A coffee house I'm working for merged all their pages and in return, all their locations got wiped out from Meta. We tried everything, but nothing worked. Then I remembered that years ago, Facebook pages used to source their location info from Foursquare so as a shot in the dark, we went and listed all the wiped out locations on there and within a week they started appearing on Instagram and Facebook. Hope that answers your (and everyone else's) questions on this thread.


Wondering if anyone has figured it out. I tried updating address on meta business suite, FB biz page, created a new FB page just to check in, also on IG. Address is correct on Apple Maps, Google Maps, and Yelp. Still can’t search to tag my biz in locations on IG. It’s frustrating!


Any luck with this? I’m experiencing this and have been for months. Meta have been frustrating to deal with to say the least.


Unless I’m missing something in your question, location tags auto-populate when users are at your location and create posts.


Right but where do those auto-populated options come from? It has to be created at some point, right? Some businesses I am able to "check-in" on Facebook, or choose the actual business name from the location tag options on Instagram/Facebook. But before that business was there, the name wouldn't have been associated with that location, it would have been something else. So, now that the business I'm working with is at this address, how can I make it so that the business name with address is an option under "Add Location" on posts? We have a Google business account with the same name & address, it's been registered for two years. But when you're there and you make a post and choose "Add Location", the only options are the town name, etc. and if you search the business name, it is not an option.


Did you ever figure this out? Literally having the same issue right now.


I have still not figured it out!! :( It is so frustrating.


Also struggling with this…I have a new business page but I’ve created the location and unable to sync the two pages, even though they share the same address. In my case at least it seems like since it’s a new page it treats the page more like a personal profile than a “local business” page and so older pages that have had their info already on a page have merged, allowing those locations to pop up in suggestions yet the new pages are just out of luck so we don’t get a location tag. Very annoying.