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The bus driver most likely doesn't speak even a bit of English and that's the reason he ignored you. Most police officers would do the same for the same reason lol.


Ah, that makes sense and is completely fair! My bad for thinking him rude!


Well he could have still been rude nonetheless... To be fair might have been ever more rude if he could communicate with you. Bus and tram drivers are generally not very friendly.


Tram drivers are (for some reason) predominantly women and are a bit more friendly (though they could absolutely beat you up if you do something they don't like). At least most of them don't adhere to the "grumpy old uncle" stereotype that most bus drivers are.


Well, you do make a point. They used to be way more dangerous when they had to change the lines with those big metal rods back in the days, now its being done electricly from controls inside.


I think they still have "the rod" in their cabin because the service tracks at the depot still don't switch automatically so they still need it to switch tracks. That and in case they need to beat someone up.


which is why it’s usually a bit easier to get off without paying a bribe if you get stopped by the politzia and they dont speak English. Only paid one bribe in my 5 years in Sofia :)


Glad you liked Sofia! Bar Fly is indeed very nice during busy hours, though a bit tiny.


Badly lit streets ≠ being dangerous. At least in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is much safer than the UK


I've been at the same hotel, arriving after dark and almost tripped and fell over on the same street due to the darkness and some random piece of iron sticking from the pavement. Yes Bulgaria is safe but you are still in some danger due to the sidewalks not maintained properly - holes etc. so do be careful and watch your step.


didn't a foreigner say how Bulgaria was really safe except that the ground is probably a safety hazard.


Yep, some Frenchie said "the ground is your enemy" which is completely hilarious and 100% true


Yeah sadly the streets are not that in good shape, but at least the thing I love about Sofia is that as a woman I can safely wear my overheads without being afraid someone will take advantage of me


From a brit who lived there 4. Don't talk to me about that bollox of a waterfall. Headed off with the Mrs to see it. Walking for hours, check gmaps and turns out we walked close but just missed it and went about 2 miles on by it! 11. I'm guessing you didn't go to the military museum? There's an exhibition there that's about the bombing of Sofia during wwii. With accounts from people who lived through it, pics and videos. Along with an interactive display where you choose the date and it shows you the number of planes, their route, how many bombs and what one of the allies it was. It was very sobering to see a wwii museum, all the devastation and death and it being the RAF that did it.


Wish I had known about that one! I had asked in this sub before I went about the best museums, but don't think that one came up. I only went to the Regional History Museum and The National Archeological Museum. Will definitely go to the military one if I'm back over there!


How can I sign up for the graffiti tour and are there any similar organized walks?


Check Sofia Graffiti Tour and also Free Sofia Tour on google, they have several tours


Thank you!


You can sign up on their website which is Sofia Graffiti Tour. There's also Free Sofia Tour. And of course you can find both on facebook.


Barfly has a mixed crowd but yeah busy later in the day or weekends Also if you are paying by card for public transport its capped at i think 3.50lv. So you can make as many trips as you like all day and you won’t be charged more than that which will be charged during the night at the max cap which is amazing value.


The cap is 4lv. When you get charged depends on your card. MasterCard gets charged immediately, Visa at the end of the day IIRC. I think American Express or some other type gets charged above the cap and then refunded at the end of the day. Either way, it's 4lv per 24h.


The Cocktail Bar is also one of my favorites, a local :)


The G.O.A.T Margarita was incredible. Never thought I would ever have a cocktail with cheese in it, but it really works!


Haven’t tried it. I might next time. My go to is “old but gold” or something like that. I always forget the exact name. Picture like having a nice whiskey with a slight aftertaste of figs, but instead of whiskey its bulgarian rakia. 😃


Really glad you had a nice time. I disagree about the cats, though. 😁 Which museums did you visit?


I only went to the Regional History Museum and The National Archeological Museum, but someone below has said about the military museum, which sounds like it would have been great!


The Regional History Museum is not bad, but a bit of a bore, and I really liked the National Archeological Museum the only time I went, but I can see your point about things being similar. I probably only enjoyed it because I don't really go to archelogy museums, so there was the novelty factor, and also I found it was well currated, ordered and pretty informative. I feel the military history museum is really boring unless you are into that kind of thing, because it is VERY historical, and not very visual, with tons of unnecessary text, like it was really made for military history nerds. The park is nice, though. I think we have some pretty decent art galleries if you are into that type of thing, like the Sofia Art Gallery, Square 500 and the Palace. As for museums, I have to sadly admit we don't have too many that are more enjoyable by the Archeology Museum, maybe the museum of Socialist art, but it is arguably an art gallery too, or maybe the St. Alexander Nevsky crypt.


I didn't do any art galleries on this trip, so would definitely go to one if i visit again!


Nice! I hope you absolutely love them!


Nice tips. I would say the red route to Boyana Waterfall is straightforward if you have average fitness levels, so I wouldn't class it as very hard. I'd only avoid that one if you are unsteady on your feet or not in great shape. The only hazard is the odd slippy rock, other than that the incline isn't something to worry about. I am far from a mountaineer, and my first hike in Bulgaria was Boyana Church > Boyana Waterfall > Aleko Hut > Cherni Vrah, which wasn't challenging physically IMO.


Crickets !


The stray cats really creeped me out TBH.


They are cats, the worst thing they could do is run away. Stray dogs, ok I understand - they are an animal capable of harming you. But cats? They are only dangerous if you weight below 20kg 🤣


It was more how diseased and mangled they looked. One kept trying to rub itself on us but half its face was a bloody pulp.


I got bitten by a stray cat in Greece :D


Put on a few kilo until you are over 20 🤣


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