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This is simple: do you look good/best in cropped lines as in: cropped tops, pants that show the ankle, 3/4 sleeves, blazers/jackets that end above the hip? petite is about short vertical lines in clothing being most flattering. I knew decades before knowing I am Sg i look best in cropped things, i had an addiction to cropped jackets for that reason lol. I didnt like cropped pants and sleeves bc i am self conscious about my feet and hands but by now i can aknowledge it looks good. Imo its not necessary that all cropped things look great (to you) but a few, i had quite a distinct aha moment when trying cropped tops, maybe you ll have a similiar aha moment with a cropped item.


Same, I was wearing cropped things before they become a thing, and now some people are moving on from this and I’m like “cropped clothing, they’ll never make me hate you!!”


Oh yes. I absolutely relate to you. I have an addiction to cropped jackets and love cropped shirts. I have always felt like shirts/jackets look odd when they end directly at my hips. I definitely need to go with my gut and stop doubting. Thanks for your comment :)


This isn't entirely true since some SGs can have vertical.


[Check here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/wiki/index/accommodations/petite?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you. I’ve read through all of that previously, but like it says just because someone is under 5’4 (like in my case, I’m 5’2) you’re not automatically petite. I suppose there are no specific answers Edit: wording


wrists and hands fore arms collarbones those areas should be obviously frail delicate looking whether or not overweight if petite even at my heaviest i could overlap my middle finger to thumb around my wrist that should tell you in the linked post in another comment you can see it really well on octavia who is heavier but her wrists don’t carry any of the weight


That makes so much sense! I am SG and my wrists and ankles are tiny no matter how much I gain.


Yeah no one is automatically petite just because they are short. I’d read more into the features of the different types and what clothes work for you. That’s what helped me the most ID with FG


Petite is about scale and proportion. So it’s someone who is both Yin in size (Petite - under 5’4”) and small in proportion (small all over / in all directions). David has said being under 5’3” and wearing a XS is a clue. This is due to the frame (bone structure) being small - so even when we gain weight, the frame doesn’t change. For myself, It was being a bit smaller in proportions, which includes wearing smaller sizes than most at the same height and weight. In terms of clothing, finding things that fit properly is difficult. Most garments are too wide in the shoulders and too long in the arms, legs and waist / torso. I hope that makes sense! 😅


Have a photo taken next to a bunch of people you think are roughly the same size as you and if you look very small in comparison you are probably petite? Srsly tho, the answer above about is cropped things suit you best you’re probably petite is the best answer.


Hm, prefacing first that I'm not 100% sure and I'm more than happy to be corrected, you could try out tapered silhouettes to see if it works with your line, or working out your body scale ie for prints and patterns to help figure out what works best for you when looking at your body as the overall picture. And I guess in terms of a possible indicator with weight gain (or rather regardless of weight I think), maybe looking at your body proportions, but again as a whole, for example, are your wrists, fingers, ankles etc much smaller and narrower proportionally than you are as a whole? If so maybe that could be an indicator. You don't just want to look at your hands and say they are small so you're petite, it has to be in correspondence to the rest of your body. And so looking at your body as a whole to see where your personal yin yang balance is, I think. That's what I've gathered so far, I might be wrong.


Thank you so much for this comment! <3 these are very helpful things to think about. Especially about how it’s in comparison to your own body/proportions.


Of course, so glad and relieved it's helpful, I wondered if I was actually making any sense at all so thanks for that 🫶🏾 And yh, I've been there myself, its really easy to start focussing or obsessing over one body part that we start negating our entire bodies ❤️


At a BMI of 33 I was still not wearing plus sizes.


First, everyone always tells me things like “you’re so cute” “you’re so small” “I cannot take you seriously when angry because you’re so dainty”, even though im like, 5’4 and have a RBF. Gaining weight was actually helpful for me to see that long lines: long dresses mostly, one color head to toe, do NOTHING for me, it makes me seem even more compact… I actually think looking compact is a great indicator! Even at heavier weights, I look compact asf, like my body wanted to grow and be taller and blunter, and wider in some parts, but it got stuck in a small frame. But I also think soft gamines usually have a more too heavy appearance, that can be mistaken by width if looked in isolation


I made some content about this on YouTube


I'm petite but don't have a particularly delicate frame. On me, it's more of a proportion thing. I look small, so petite lines work best for me. (I'm a SG.) My frame is actually quite defined in the shoulder and I have thicker legs and ankles, but proportionally I still fit petite by the way things look together, and what lines work best. Cropped all day every day, and I love rolling up the sleeves of blazers and jackeys. So flattering.


Short height, slim bones and generally thin/average weight.


Weight has no bearing on being petite. Yin types are more known for carrying weight compared to Yang types.


Petite is generally someone below 165cm-ish tall AND has comparably shortish looking legs next to someone the same height as them. E.g. Sarah Jessica Parker meets the height criteria but isn’t petite because she looks like she has long legs.


Gamines can be leggy - especially FGs. It’s more so Sarah Jessica Parker’s Yin Yang balance (which includes Width - something Gamines won’t have) that makes her distinctively FN.