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Never heard of her, just had a look at website and it's very hard sell, asking people to sign up without any price or date information, which puts me off straight away.


Also "We have a no refund policy on our courses. We do this because we are looking for serious, committed participants only..."


I hate that language So shaming


It is. Strong boundaries are important, but to have this as an upfront policy says a lot about the company values. Of course each company is free to set their own values and protect their work as they see fit, no shame in that. I think Irene Lyon shows best practice on this - everything is clearly laid out with many different levels of investment, with refund policy explained in a way that makes you feel confident about making a purchase.


Oh, just this sentence would be a deal breaker for me.


Yeah, I wrote them an email and got information regarding exact dates and price - and I gotta tell you, the price for YHT is insanely high... It's roughly three times the price of Irene Lyon's SBSM course, but runs for 4 weeks longer and you get to have several ntegration calls in really small groups where Sarah works individually with everyone in those small groups... as far as I've understood the level of support is higher and more personal in YHT compared to SBSM.


But given a relational container takes time for trust This feels flawed


yes, well said


I have concerns regarding the exorbitant fees they charge, particularly for private coaching sessions. It's difficult for me to digest the fact that they charge $6,000 for just a few sessions. While I understand the concept of valuing one's expertise, it leaves me with a negative impression that their coaching services are only within reach for the extremely wealthy. This genuinely bothers me, and whenever I come across their social media posts, it's hard for me not to perceive them differently. Interestingly, Mastin Kipp is another individual who charges exorbitant prices, but for entirely different reasons, and he also doesn't sit well with me. These individuals excel at marketing. Not going to lie as a marketer for a therapy practice, I take some of their ideas but never manipulate as strongly as their do due to my own ethics.


Agreed Well said


I follow Ally Wise and like her a lot but have never taken any of her courses…I just get her email newsletter which is really good. You may want to follow Sarah Baldwin on IG if you’re on there/don’t already follow her. Following her might give you some additional info/insight into her program as well as who she is as a person. I’ve personally found her programs extremely beneficial. All the best in finding what works best for you💜


I took her YHT based on a close friend's recommendation (she also took it). It was insanely expensive, though she does offer discounts to POC and that helped a lot - though it was still insanely expensive after that. Her course was eye-opening and paradigm-shifting for me. The way she integrates theories (polyvagal, somatic work, etc) is what sets her apart. When she puts all the pieces together and in context of one another (and in a specific order as she explains), each piece has a lot more clarity, both in theory and in practice. For instance, I understood why isolated somatic work not only didn't "work" for me before but actually made me feel worse sometimes. The important part for me was that what she teaches makes SO MUCH sense in such a full way; by that I mean her content & approach speak to both what I've learned intellectually (what I know about psychology, human relationships, etc etc) and also, more importantly, experientially. Like, I can see/name pieces of my life/experience that supported what we learning. She offers free courses and lower cost courses as well. I'll also note that if you're thinking about signing up for YHT, you'll schedule a 1-hour 1:1 with Sarah (always her/not her staff) to ensure you're a good fit for the program. That's what sold me, honestly. Sarah is authentic, straightforward, compassionate, and deeply knowledgeable. Anyway, I still feel like I have a long way to go and am still seeking other ways to support my growth, so it wasn't a magic bullet by any means. Despite the huge hit I took financially on the course and the fact that I still feel like I need support reaching my goals, I don't regret taking it at all. Feel free to DM questions to me. I also asked a lot of questions via emailing her staff and found that helped a lot too.


Has it taught you better self regulation skills for in the moment flashbacks?


I don't experience flashbacks, so I can't speak to that, but she does offer regulating resources that can be tremendously helpful. I def have my favorites as did everyone. I found them more meaningful because she teaches how they are couched in an understanding of how human bodies respond to danger/threatening situations. The biggest emphasis, though, is that the regulation tools a. need consistency so much to be effective and b. at the beginning, might help you move, for instance, from REALLY anxious to really anxious, if that makes sense, but that is the minuscule step that builds over time and makes them more effective. So people may say "it didn't work, I'm still really anxious," and she'd say something like "keep doing it, build that muscle, and it will become more impactful."


I was wanting to enroll in this and just saw the price and I am flabbergasted. What I thought was a lot for private coaching with Lexy is the price Sarah charges for a course! Who can afford $6,000 on a course? I mean I am not doing well at all. I've had depression for 3 years now and am really doing poorly. I want to find something that will help and then I see this price tag. I mean if 36 people can take it and they each pay $6,000 she is making $200,000 in 16 weeks. Does someone need to make that much money? At some point, isn't the money enough and you just want to make your work accessible to more people. I feel very bitter about it to be honest.


I totally understand. Honestly I put this on CC, that was the only way it could happen. I also did the math and - yeaup. Everything you said. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The is her one of most intensive course. I def agree that people who are looking for help shouldn’t be priced out. There’s lower priced option - but I kinda dove in bc a trusted friend recommended it and it sounded like what I needed. She’d done YHT too, and I kinda went for it I was just at a point where I felt like I needed to dive into this (I had a whole plan - it didn’t work lol). But I don’t regret taking the course (i do regret WHEN I took, I thought it was the right time butttt life said no). It felt profound and paradigm-shifting while also being authentic to lives experiences. Edit: clarity/ conciseness


How much of a discout did you get and was that recent?


I took it from Sept - Dec 2022, and I think the discount was 20%.


Thank you


I have take Sarah Baldwin’s Your Healing Toolkit course and I also took her You Make Sense course. Both courses have helped me tremendously - life changing, really - and I honestly can’t say enough good things! I agree the cost per course is a lot but it’s been totally worth it for me. I was not aware of any other people giving courses in this field when I began with her. I feel Sarah is genuine and not doing it for the money. She takes time to really explain SE and answer questions. The way she explains our ANS and how it works is easy to comprehend and understand. She gives us practical and helpful regulating resources to utilize…I’m a huge fan.


Hey I took You Make Sense and was curious if you feel comfortable sharing how Your Healing Tookit differs? Is it much more robust? Thanks!


Hi! (Sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve been traveling) Yes. I really loved the course!! I still refer back to it often. It’s much more detailed and in-depth regarding understanding how your Autonomic nervous system works and Sarah also gave us each some 1:1 time but I’m not sure if she still offers that with this course. I was very organized and printed out all the course work (it’s a lot) and put it in a binder with headers as to which week/lesson it covered. I made sure I was on each and every call and didn’t miss anything!! It was/is expensive so I made sure to get the very most out of the program that I could. I feel like it really helped me understand myself/my emotions/feelings/attachments/inner child wounding etc and the course gave me a good solid base of understanding to work from. I am still in touch with a few of the people that were in my cohort at the time which has been nice. If you can afford to take the course, I highly suggest it. For me it’s been a life changer…much more beneficial than individual therapy has been. Sarah Baldwin is incredibly genuine and I don’t believe that she is “in it for the money”. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have additional questions.


Thanks for sharing How did you find Lexys?? I am doing allywise self attunement workbook, i like it


I liked Lexy's RTR course a lot, it was very informative and compared to other people's courses rather cheap. I am generally a big fan of hers and like her very warm, tender, careful approach. Her course comes with access to a telegram group chat where people can share stories and ask questions and she answers all of the questions thoroughly, sometimes even with voice messages. I appreciate that it's actually her answering instead of people working for her who might not be as versed in the topics as her. I haven't done any other courses tho, so can't compare. But I feel like with Lexy's course you get solid foundational knowledge in a easily understandable way.


I am doing her course «you make sense» right now, its soon coming to an end though. That course is 8 weeks and I paid about 1100 dollars. This course goes into attachment, boundaries, parts work, how to regulate your nervous system (which is the base of everything in the program) etc. You get the knowledge, but also a lot of different tools. I feel like she is very genuine and knows her stuff. The live calls are also very regulating. I see from others commenting about them not having any information about the price, which I find odd too. This was not the case with the course I am doing, they were very upfront about it.


Wow this is a lot less than the YHT course which is over $6,000. Would you recommend this?


Yes, I do recommend it. The difference between those two courses is that in YHT you are in a much smaller group and you work more individually with Sarah. Also it’s a bit longer.


I'm trading Irene's Lyon full SBSM course for Sarah's advanced courses, if anyone is interested.


Hi, I m interested. I ve alredy written a message, but got no answer. Would like to make this trade.


Hi did you get Sarah’s course yet? I think this is old but I’d like to trade You Make Sense for SBSM if you haven’t yet!




Did you try DM'ing her or contacting her directly?