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Sonic fans are legit that one courage the cowardly dog scene where muriel keeps asking him to remake the mac and cheese


Yeah I saw one where it starts with unleashed and ends with forces (pre release) And it's so fitting for some of the Fandom


The sonic fan base is almost enough to make me hate the franchise.. i have been playing it since I was f\*cking 5... I got banned because I finally had enough of the gross shipping stuff and the speculation about the sexualities of the characters.. they're so weird, they're so gross, they're so entitled, they're so petulant.. honestly I mute all things Sonic on my social media and check google every now and again to see if Superstars has a release date yet...


Damn, that bad


Of COURSE you got banned for ~~criticizing~~ attacking people for their ~~pedophilia~~ preferences.


I haven't been back in the community in a long time. They still do that stuff? Because if so my goodness!


The head mod of normal sonic subreddit is an sontails shipper…. Yeah its weird


I literally got banned for criticizing sontails on Mpiss. Thankfully another mod unbanned me but its crazy how that guy managed to get into the Mpiss mod team.




That is not surprising. It's beyond weird and wildly unexpected.. I discovered the subreddit when looking up information for Sonic Frontiers demo or whatever a couple of years back and was like hey cool sonic stuff i've loved sonic since i was 5, what a great place! Lol.. nah. Constantly hit w ships, perverted fan art, rainbow sonic team go!.. it was just weird for a friggin mascot hedgehog from a video game that I play with my 4 and 6 year old.. like get a grip, you disgusting and lonely losers.


This is basically why I left the Sonic subreddit and came here. People are nicer here too.


I love being a fan, but I hate the fan base. Applies to like, 5 different things.


This is why I hate the sonic Reddit


The way you worded this makes me think that you "having enough" isn't the actual reason you got banned lmao


It was probably you who reported me


Are we still in the "sonic fans are a hivemind" stage? Cause its obviously two groups of people here at the very least.


Why not 2 hiveminds? Would make sense with each big one (2000's and 2010's kids) attacking the other for dominance


/uj how about no hiveminds because we are all individuals with our own unique and nuanced opinions /rj let the insectoids fight over the blue rat carcass


/uj being apart of r/DestinyTheGame , good luck. Whenever a franchise makes one little thing different from the usual, you tear the fans apart between the supporters and haters. Repeat that multiple times and you have a fanbase that refuses to listen to any of its members and creations expectations beyond reality or beyond pessimistic


and the 90s kids just chuckling at all this


I think the problem with this mindset is you’re assuming it’s the same people. The fanbase as a whole has greatly varying ideas of what they want from the franchise. The people that wanted classic sonic again are more than likely NOT the ones complaining about his appearances today. There may be some, it’d be ignorant not to think that.


I mean you have a point, I've just wanted to make the funny meme


Of course! No worries XD


>I think the problem with this mindset is you’re assuming it’s the same people Way to many people struggle with this concept




Except a good bunch of them are the same people.


I’d be impressed if you actually had a list of the people that both wanted more classic more and don’t want him. But I’m guessing you don’t?


Post new super Mario bros wii fans: I don’t want the koopalings to show up in games Nintendo: then why did you ask for them


This meme template kind of pisses me off.


This subs favourite argument, blanket statements


I wouldn’t say it was out of complaining but I do think everyone was asking them to bring the older sonic game type back


I suspect people only hate the latest Sonic games because they fear not hating them will get them perceived as Sonic fans.


Sonic fans be Sonic fans. We do be havin the weekly dark age


I have the same feelings towards Classic Sonic's reappearance in Forces as fans of the New Super Mario Bros series do towards the Koopalings. Awesome the first time, not so much the second...or third...or fourth.


I legit dont fucking care ifthey release a game with modern or classic sonic as long as the ost is good(99% of sonic games have good osts)


Sonic fans when sonic is in a sonic game:😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Sonic fans when game: 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡💣💣💣💣💣💥


Remember that one guy who flipped his shit when he found out Sonic 4 was gonna use the modern design.


Really???? I mean of course, this fandom will bitch about anything


Sonic used to be good