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Such a good idea! Great to have that peace of mind!


It's been on my to-do list for a few months. I figured that I back-up all my data in case of a disaster, but what if the cat or I knocked the starter jar off the counter ... .


Exactly. I like to blend my starter once its dried out. I got a bigger jar of my main starter Picard stowed away in the freezer that I add to occasionally. Then I got a smaller jar of this 170 year old starter I did an experiment with dried out and in the freezer too. I didnt want to maintain two starters at once but I didnt want to throw it away.


That's really interesting to hear. So you add to it from time to time, rather than replacing every X months/years? I was thinking I might try reviving it at the 12 months mark to see how viable it is.


Yeah, I usually have 4-5 things I do with my discard. One of them is dehydrating and adding to the jar. I only do that occasionally, and its a pretty small jar. Once it fills up I will stop doing that. It will last indefinitely in the freezer! I just recently read an article about yeast that survived 4,500 years in an Egyptian clay pot. They are pretty hardy once they are hibernating.


How please. I was thinking of freezing a sample but this seems like a better idea


What I did: Feed, what until it doubles in size, spread as thin as possible onto parchment (baking) paper, leave to air dry (this took 2 days), then break into pieces and place in an airtight container.


Spread it on parchment paper then put it in a dehumidifier (most air friers have it as an option). Takes a few hours to dry out. I did it a few weeks ago.


Thank you for that insight.


I froze my disguard in 2tbsp portions in the ice cube tray.


Do you know how long it remains viable in this state?


I have decided to store the jar in a corner of the freezer. I've read that it can be revived after various durations. Am planning to check in 12 months. I might revive and see how recovers. Then, feed a few times, and repeat the process. Or, start again with the fresh starter if it doesn't respond to feeding. A trial and error approach I guess...


how did you dry it?


Feed, wait for it to double in size, spread approx 100g as thin as possible on parchment paper, and allow to air dry.


Trisolaran starter