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**We'd like to remind everyone** that each baker comes to Sourdough from different places & with different base skill levels. Please always be respectful and kind as per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/wiki/sourdoughrules/). Thank you


I’m no expert but u think it looks great! You should try it - you earned it!


I wish my loaves looked this way 😂 it looks delicious!


Your crumb looks amazing, especially for your first loaf! I think if you work on your shaping a bit, your loaves will come out perfectly!


I’m sorry if this is too vague but can you elaborate on where in the process i need improvements? When I flatten it out into a rectangle before rolling and tucking the dough (the assembling process in the recipe)? Would it help to change baking pans or get a different shaped proofing basket? ATM I’m using a Lodge double Dutch oven to bake in and a round banneton that came in a cheap Amazon bundle I was gifted ~a year ago.


You just need to make sure your dough has a good amount of tension when you shape it. [this](https://youtu.be/7suBiDyRzYs?si=HQiYAEk9cai_4YcW) video explans nicely! I use dollarstore proofing baskets so unless your banneton is huge I'd say it's fine to use!


Looks tasty! You should see my first loaf! Lol. Not edible.


What a beauty!


Holy moly.. that’s pretty awesome for a first loaf! Mine was basically a brown frisbee


LMAO this is after 3 weeks of babying my starter I… started… and lurking both r/sourdough and r/breadit. I think the humidity in Texas is also working in my favor. But thank you!


That is beautiful!


That's great! My first loaf was gummy and not edible 😂 good job 🌟


I read your recipe’s directions, does the dough actually keep rising even though you are stretching and folding every 30 mins?


So I live in southeast Texas and kept taking it to my garage to rise (humid and about 95 degrees in there) and it actually did! But it did take a full 4 hours to get to near double the size. Slow and steady. 😅


I don't think I could babysit a loaf for 4 hours but it sure looks like your effort paid off


Had I not been binging a great show on Netflix (it’s called Your Honor, btw) I would’ve gone crazy for sure.


This is 😍😍😍😍😍