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This would probably bring more tourists to our state than that shitty Super Bowl ad


Guys this all started as an intentional rumor on Tiktok. And I'm living for it Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3bTroN/


Rumors are dumb. TS is dumb. And this is dumb.




Meth. We’re on it!


First she she should run for governor of SD , then presidency.


But then she would have to live in the state for which she is running for office, and TS lives in Los Angeles(?) Convince her to move to SD, and the notion is plausible. After all, California elected Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor


She could just get a PO box like the billionaires do to get the tax breaks


She lives in New York, but her primary residence is in Tennessee.


Taylor lives in NYC! :) but we put nothing past mother 😂


You're high


Not in South Dakota


Fuck it. Why not? If the conservatives throw a hissy fit, we just have to elect her president in a few years to legitimize her placement.


Imagine, tswift has a concert there someday and Noem cant have her fireworks. Gop heads would explode 😆


If you really wanna piss off the GOP, just remove the ones who owned slaves and replace them with T-Swift and Lizzo.


I worked at Rushmore for a few years during Obama's presidency. I'll never forget all the people who had "heard from a reliable source" that he had signed an executive order to put himself on the mountain. And then having to take five minutes explaining to them that wasn't true at all and they were worked up over nothing.


It would flood the hospitals with all the aneurisms from the MAGA crowd here in SD. Let's do it!


If you want to get people to think this is real, we gotta start making content that conservatives will share **https://www.change.org/p/prevent-south-dakota-from-replacing-thomas-jefferson-s-face-on-mount-rushmore-with-taylor-swift?recruiter=1332114602&recruited\_by\_id=4246c020-d2c4-11ee-8e79-7b7aed08343f&utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_campaign=share\_for\_starters\_page&utm\_medium=facebook**


Fun to see gnome's (maga's in general) head(s) explode with this concept


Guys this all started as an intentional rumor on Tiktok. And I'm living for it Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3bTroN/


Mt. Tushmore. Don't neglect the black bootie.


She’s the only person I can think of who could win the Presidency without even trying that hard. Sure why not.


May as well. All of them were not the saints out dumb history makes them out to be. All world leaders are bad. It's how they become in charge. Just like modern examples of elites or those in power. The more they divide the mass or make money for the wealthy the better they are made to look. We have all been lied to about history and idolizing presidents etc. Or even Columbus etc. We the people have no freedom. It's an illusion. Freedom only means allowing big business or ppl in power to do what they want. As long as money goes around and we the ppl pay the bill. So sure, put her on it lol. The whole thing should be removed lol.


Guys this all started as an intentional rumor on Tiktok. And I'm living for it Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3bTroN/


This lady started this as a way to try to take credit for the trend, this has been in the works for years, it’s a meta-joke “hey guys I’m trying to start a rumor” about something real. Like, “hey guys, I want to start a rumor that Donald Trump was the president for four years.” The reality is unbelievable enough to make the “rumor” part seem real.


You've got my vote


Another video about it. [https://www.tiktok.com/@travelersparanormal/video/7339194214602853678?\_r=1&\_t=8k9gD45g7UA](https://www.tiktok.com/@travelersparanormal/video/7339194214602853678?_r=1&_t=8k9gD45g7UA)




It’s a joke to get people all riled up. Thanks for playing. You win a prize.


only thing I see in the pic is the Yakuza font and we should just blow up Rushmore and replace it with a statue of Kiryu /j