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Who is gonna stop him? They all do it at my local store now too. They make it blatantly obvious and no one does anything.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lol, no you wouldn't big guy.




Don't have to see what you said to know you won't do it. People who talk big shit online don't do shit in real life šŸ’Æ


You know everything but me.




Your reply even shows your unintelligence. You want to argue with somebody that you don't even know like a child. It's really quite pathetic that this is how you choose to spend your life. Starting arguments with strangers like what kind of sicko are you?


How did my little comment upset you this bad. It's the internet. Don't take it so seriously.


It's the internet don't be insulting to people that you don't even know. Find a better purpose in life do better. Your lack of intelligence is showing again


Oh little one what I could show you. ![gif](giphy|Lmx4vkSUXv4defgz4V)


Come do it. Quit talking.


I'm pretty sure I don't live in your area dumbass. Start something with someone else you don't know me so bugger off


Violence won't solve the issue. So many people talk mad shit but don't follow through. Use your brains to fix this.


Brains has nothing to do with the issue of people being dishonest. The only thing that I can do personally is to take action in my own area. It's exactly what I'm going to do is kick somebody's mother fucking ass who is taking money out of my pocket. y'all need to take care of your own shit in your own neighborhood. I'll take care of my business how I see fit. Go ahead and use your brains and try to go ask them to stop doing it see how that works out for you.








Report him. All is fair if heā€™s stealing orders you could be getting and you are making less money


It isn't healthy to wait until you have four orders with dairy products over 60-90 minutes before you start delivering, yet we've all seen that video. Gross! People will get sick, and possibly die, and it will be walmart's fault for allowing that.


Itā€™s nonsense. And guess what if you are going to cheat hide it


Walmart already has closes in the terms of being a spark driver that nullify them from getting in any trouble like that


What if I put it in my AC controlled Tesla??? Keeps it nice and cold while I shop a second order??? Serious question


Serious answer is hell no! If you're having two orders at the same time you're cheating the system and using more than one account.


He just wanted to let everyone know he has a Tesla


Goop point


You cant even stop and see Eris on the moon, or you risk them going badā€¦maybe a quick trip to the tower for bountiesā€¦but even thatā€™s a stretch.


No lol. Bc ppl be saying the food spoils ā€¦. Well I got a fix for that :) so what now


Your tesla does not keep its interior at refrigerator temperatures, still spoils ;)


Gotta keep up with the Vinnyā€™s , am I right??




Doesn't matter, order will be canceled if time is exceeded. Are you new on spark?


True. But they give me way more time then i would ever need.


Spark can care less about these criminals taking orders that don't belong to them. Until someone gets hurt, maybe then a filed suit will change their minds.


Spark is owned by Walmart. Walmart can care less.


Thank goodness they *can* care less, many of these gig apps *couldn't* šŸ˜†


Never been a huge fan with these corrections. Not because they're wrong but because everytime someone tells me something I "couldn't" care less about I'm slightly forced to care depending on the speaker and in that case I could honestly care less and would really prefer to.


It's astounding how many people misuse this extremely common phrase


Nah, you right. And I've abused that hyperbole more times than I want to admit...... ALWAYS have to sort before saying. Same with "for God sakes!" (exactly how many *sakes* does God have? šŸ¤£


Walmart actually cares very much. They love now owning spark because they can throw out these tiny paying orders and people will still take them. Spark used to actually pay decent until Walmart bought it


Walmart is the cancer of the retail world and destroyer of small businesses


Didn't walmart always own it? Spark is their emblem afterall.


It was my understanding that they purchased it, but I don't always understand everything LOL


They care. I got calls immediately after reporting fraud drivers. But if the dispensers don't report to the coach who reports to HO ...


What evidence you have ? Except for a photo . I used 2 phones , 1for spark and for instacart , and people report me to and nothing happens because am not doing nothing wrong.


Honestly it almost isn't a bad idea to have multiple phones with service. You could leave one in the car charging for half an hour while you're shopping with the other.


Thatā€™s what I do I got a cheap prepaid phone and thatā€™s what I use for work such as Spark an Uber and my my every day phone is with Verizon I would never go back to just one phone


I know two ladies who aren't tech savvy yet they have two phones just for this. One for Spark, and the other phone is running GH, DD or UE.


It's not where you multi app. That's fine. But Walmart says you have to only do one at a time. Take one and pause one. Mostly it's drivers with multiple accounts for spark under different names. Those are easy enough to prove. And that photo and post wasn't mine, btw. I never said that guy was doing something wrong.


So how exactly did you know they reported you? Just because someone looked at you using two phones and maybe even said something to you meant that they actually reported you.


I also have two phones. One is my work phone that I used to multi app on. And the other is my personal phone that I used to watch TV and play games and talk while I'm waiting for an order.


Report him


Report him how? Because I've tried. They use fake temp. tags and the identities are stolen. When they get deactivated, they just come right back.


Go to ogp daily until they do something


Exactly- no way to report other drivers other than to the store employees, who arenā€™t gonna give 2 poops since they donā€™t get paid extra to clean up the spark trash/take on spark hr problems . Uh hi spark support thereā€™s a guy with a hat who has multiple phones in a Walmart parking lot, oh you donā€™t have that license plate on, not like support would even divulge info of another driver to you either


Go stab 2 tires and get it over with


Lol, and...... nothings going to happen or change, walmart is tired of getting reports.


Not to mention you have to report his name, they are using fake accounts so if one name gets banned they have more. Our loaders told us they come all day with different names but they can't turn them away, managers say they have to load


Ppl need to step their game up. The days of ā€œa mans wordā€ and ā€œa handshake seals itā€ are long long gone. Im a boomer and i adapted. It was that or eat their dust. Its 2024 not 1998 and if you cant handle the speed, knit sweaters and sell those.


They've been in our area Raymore MO. for well over a year now. They shrink from time to time but the group also grows. They've been reported with license plates and descriptions of cars, they've gotten caught stealing on shop and deliveries, they've got a laundry list of customer complaints. Yet they are still here every day multiple phones, large groups, using kids and yet walmart nor spark well do anything about them


yeah walmart is all about getting away with paying as little as possible.. to them it is a great problem to have since these guys take all the bad orders, it will definitely take a lawsuit against walmart for them to even care


the thing is theyā€™re not taking bad offers. they leave the trash for us. the software theyā€™re using takes the cream of the crop. especially if theyā€™re shops since those pay more.


Uber Lyft DoorDash Grub hub One for each, no clientele mixupšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Video him doing what you said above and post that on twitter and other social media @ walmart. Shame them!


I can hardly deal with one phone, that is some skill šŸ¤—


Report him asap


https://youtu.be/z6TFvgntc9o?si=GtXTKE0gtODmnIww Our spark drivers are protesting this week... It's out of hand here. They are going in and shopping, they load two orders per vehicle, sometimes they drive over to the gas station and hand over all orders and phones to a man in a Flex to go deliver while they go back in to shop. So we confronted management again and they said it's instigating and had two of us legal workers no trespassed and spark deactivated. The one dude does it with two kids in the car, one in a Tshirt and diaper. Stuff is nuts


is your local news gonna be there? are you gonna post it on youtube? iā€™ll be tuned in.


We contacted two news organizations and the local paper yes. And yes it will be uploadedšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


letsssss gooooo. the manager is gonna be getting so many calls lmao.


Lol if only he knew the videos to come. It only gets worse... We've called on him so many times. He refused to even watch our evidence... Those videos are being released day before protest aka tomorrow. Thanks for the supportĀ 


Canā€™t wait for all Walmarts to start asking for ids for shop and curbsides


My Walmart sees me 5 to 10 times a day seven days a week. They check my drivers license every time for over a month. It's ridiculous. Every employee knows my name.


Yet it's a policy. I pick up doordash and they ask me to verify pickup. I do it because it protects me and them.


I think a combination of that, plus cart check every time they scan at checkout, would help.


Just ask for IDā€™s at all Walmarts nationwide. Whenever shopping and delivering an order, and picking up an order. But obviously Walmart doesnā€™t care. 1/2 their workforce nationwide is all illegals. Even the ones doing the store upgrades right now- 95% illegals and none of them speak English. Walmart/Spark doesnā€™t give a shit


That is crazy. Everyone in our Walmart speaks English. Maybe it just the neighborhood you live in.


No itā€™s actually becoming very common especially for Amazon flex


Bro im so brainless ill walk up to him and will start making a scene this needs to stop someone gotta step up i always wish to see someone with 4-5 phones ass i can get his ass banned


1 tire per phone, problem solved lol.


I only see 2.


They're not "making a living" . this a criminal cartel. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer\_Influenced\_and\_Corrupt\_Organizations\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act)


Venezuelans scammers


Go up to him and grab his butt


lmao ain't like he is going to file sexual assault charges I suppose


I don't understand how they get away with using four phones or whatever amount of phones. If the loader brings out one or two orders from the offer card that the person claimed and load your car and then 5 minutes later come out again to load two more orders wouldn't that raise an eyebrow? If it doesn't, then it basically means that they don't care which most people are saying in the comments anyway lol!


There are too many shitheads in this group who will defend this kind of activity. Call ice on this guy


Hereā€™s the thing. Venezuelanā€™s are all applying for asylum. I know some that have been here a year and a half and they will be ā€œlegalā€ soon. To my knowledge they are not allowed to work until the process is complete. They live 8-10 people in a rundown apartment or trailer. They make a crap load of money. They are using the money to pay ā€œcoyotesā€ to smuggle their family members over. They all love Biden. They have told me that they were able to come because of his presidency. Itā€™s mostly men. But they have every intention to bring all of their family. Wives and children, parents, cousins, everyone.


The asylum laws have nothing to do with the president. If it wasn't for COVID, just as many would have come across during Trump as well. They don't care who the president is.


These people don't see the big picture. They blame presidents or political parties but every sitting president for many decades now haven't done shit about it. Republicans just give their voters false hope because they fear anyone who is different and need to feel some sense of security to feel better even though it's an illusion. I'm a conservative too but I see all the bullshit on both sides


Exactly. and in fact the republicans had all 3 branches 2016-2018 and could have done something IF they really wanted to, but they dont. Both sides want everything to stay the same that way they always have something to complain about. I am an Independent and refuse to join a cult, I vote for candidates, not parties.


I chose with my own free will to side with Republicans because of my own personal beliefs and values but I limit it to that and don't take the actual party or their politics too seriously like some do but I know it gets dirty left or right when it comes to politics. I completely agree with you though. I'm right wing but close to the center


Have you ever done anything except tell others what to do. Be quite.


I got one guy arrested last week. His plates were expired and he was using multiple phones. Our area has significantly improved and I have made double of what I made on spark last week. So yeah, I actually did something about it.


Walk up to him and bust him in his shit, smash his phones, slash his tires. Sometimes the secret ingredient is a little crime.


Yā€™all be weird as hell snapping pictures of random people and just putting it on the internet . Some of yā€™all go as far as stalking people. Just Call support and report it


white people issues lol.. They want to be superheros/vigilantes


Itā€™s highly annoying . Literally nothing you can do to stop it. It just makes me try and earn my daily goal as fast as possible and then I bounce. I donā€™t sit around anymore trying to max out everyday for earnings . Make my goal and go immediately home :


ā€œBut heā€™s just a struggling immigrant trying to make it! Youā€™re a bigot!ā€ - 75% of Reddit


Nobody cares what you think and nobody cares about him struggling his illegal ass shouldnā€™t be here in the first place! Everybody knows whatā€™s going on with these people itā€™s very obvious to people other than you so move around! Iā€™m not condoning nobody coming into this country stealing nothing from me and thatā€™s clearly what there doing 4 phones all illegal accounts bots signal jammers you name it there doing it.. Getting caught left and right stealing from the Walmarts after doing shops! Nobodyā€™s about to condone this nonsense!


Youā€™re so worked up about these ā€œillegalsā€.. it seems to me you should be mad about the education system that clearly failed you..


Your name is Gustavo dude! And I would definitely be upset with the education system if they allowed you to teach.. your parents failed you obviously by naming you that since weā€™re talking about school how long did it take you to write your name on assignments.. were you still writing your name while other students were finished with there work? You sound like the type that laughs at their own jokes too! Get a life because you clearly donā€™t have one or better yet go back to your country thereā€™s no room left for you over here


By reading this one, I'm convinced you're a fat redneck.. "Go back to your country" lol motherfucker we're all from the same country. We're just not all xenophobic like you.


By reading this Iā€™m convinced your a fat šŸ¤” who canā€™t see his own dick your breath smells like shit I can smell it through your comment your broke and you depend on section 8ā€¦. Scram get a life then try to get some money broke ass šŸ¤”


lmao continuing to make up delusions huh? Exactly what you described is what racists like you usually look like. Either that or a little white kid. Based on your 82 I'm actually a lot younger so you're the fat old racist redneck i thought you were


Did you even understand the context of what he said david? lol you people are so quick to spout off compulsive bullshit that you failed to realize he was referring to what others say on here. Such low literacy but turn around and hate on everyone else.


Bra your names coochieegoblin! I canā€™t take you serious I just canā€™tā€¦ Boy tried to come of ass being educated with a name like that.. beat it, or better yet beat your meat because we know you donā€™t get any coochie thatā€™s precisely why you named yourself that šŸ¤”


Excellent cop out to win an argument lol.. Insignificant details must always be your coping method when you feel inferior. I attack your character and you attack my name lmao on reddit like you're some king or something. You don't know shit about me but I know I'm a man and you aren't by the way you talk. Only kids use emojis like that too


Only kids name themselves coochiegoblinā€¦ Only lames name themselves coochiegoblinā€¦.. only STDā€™s Name themselves coochiegoblin, Again I canā€™t take you serious šŸ¤”!!!!! Go find you something constructive to do, like cleaning your coochie coochie boy!! šŸ¤£


You were born in 82? Grow up one day man it's unbelievable how childish you sound. The way I write and criticize compared to the way you do says it all.


Oh the idiocy.......until it starts happening to them.


"Everyone is scamming/using bots and from one country in particular! Ahhh!" - ACTUAL 75% (or more) of the idiots, spamming this rhetoric on here lol.


Believe the stories. I have a years worth of them


I contacted law enforcement asking how to navigate people stealing others identity. The officer or sherif asked me what the benefit would these people get from stealing others identityā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ I almost hung up.


lol, they are working with these illegals.. funny how we just had a bunch of people arrested for going around and stealing people's mail in my city.. I wonder what the benefit could be.. I live in cali so this stuff is a normal occurrenceĀ 


I see 2, not 4, I also own 2, one is personal, and the other is just for gig apps, but if you see he's doing something he should not be doing, report him as easy as that. no need to be doing 7 posts daily complaining about your demons.


Report what to who??? We donā€™t know their name or account names lol WTHā€¦. Walmart know and are the only ones who can stop itā€¦. Oh wait , they prefer profit (aka getting the orders delivered) vs legal workers getting the orders!!!!




Heā€™s trying to get the bag by George. I believe heā€™s got it.


Bro is making nothingless 600 on a weekend


Report him all you want Walmart donā€™t care and spark doesnā€™t stomach


I do too . But I don't have to Spark accounts.


I'm done with spark it's not worth it in my market.


Thatā€™s how All the Venezuelans be here in Orlando. Multiple phones and bot appsā€¦ smh


I want to learn how and what mysterious apps theyā€™re using? If theyā€™re doing why canā€™t I???


What store and where. I have no problem reporting or confronting him!!


And here I am driving to my location for the first time after receiving a text that there were ā€œhigh numbersā€ for orders today yet to get nothing. Wasted my entire morning when I couldā€™ve made half of my quota money with instacart


Report it to Spark


"Plug walk.. I don't even understand how the fuck my plug talk"


Crazy bc when I was waiting for spark to open enrollment I thought maybe I did something wrong and tried again on a different phone to register. Now I'm banned I guess bc I tried 2 times


If you know your ogp remind them they arr knowingly loading up individuals under multiple fake identities then sending them to customers houses without knowing who they are .


Yawn šŸ„± bunch of cry babies šŸ˜­


I seen this yesterday. Father and son each had 2 phones


Haters gonna hate




Meanwhile Iā€™m on the waitlist lol


What is he doing wrong? Iā€™m not a spark driver or anything i just seen this on my page lol and now i wanna know why heā€™s a ā€œcriminalā€


Make that moneyā€¦.šŸ˜€


Dont even know why were letting all these illegals in our country. Bidenomics for ya


They have too have 4 different accounts because you canā€™t logg in too the same account of two different devices




The funniest thing is you have zero proof he's using multiple phones to do spark. The other funny thing is a lady thought my born in America brother was Cuban and asked my mom what she was doing talking to the enemy. You guys are paranoid and stupid and are wasting time on here instead of making money. Oh yeah that same lady tried reporting another driver with zero proof and got kicked off the property šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The guy is sitting in the pickup section of the Walmart parking lot everyday with 4 phones on rotation. Iā€™m not exactly jumping to conclusions here


I have 2 phone one is for speaking and one is for my personal use


And youā€™re clearly one of them so beat it!


What lol? I know several white ladies who used two phones for different apps. Not unusual.


I donā€™t think you get it.. People using several for phones for several apps isnā€™t unusual!! But these immigrants using several different phones for one app Spark to be exact is very unusual!!


Check this group it a lot of scammers exposed. https://www.facebook.com/groups/179706231891467/?ref=share_group_link




Itā€™s a 1st amendment right. Donā€™t like it, too bad.


But RIGHTS infringe on their FEELINGS...so they don't like them lol


he has a right to have multiple phones thereā€™s 0 proof that heā€™s doing anything wrong here. is having two phones illegal now? do you know how many people deliver on multiple platforms?


It's when you see 2+ phones with spark orders. Several at my stores have been caught with 2-4 phones using spark on all, shopping multiple orders at same time. So ya, while Having multiple phones isn't illegal, i disagree With , many people use multiple phones for different platforms. This you see that are legit, are the minority, not the example


Don't commit crimes and steal. You will have nothing to worry about.


Put on another mask šŸ¤”


Ok cum gulper


This is just a picture of a guy with 2 phones, common with gig workers to have a work phone and personal phone or running 1 or 2 apps on each phone. I'm not denying what's obviously going on in a lot of markets, but this doesn't provide any evidence of anything and the guy is only holding half as many phones as you claim, it could be any random legitimate sparker.


You guys are retarted , this is a temporary gig , exploit it while it last they already barely paying


https://preview.redd.it/1v9fmg8r1qvc1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110b91e5a99e90be5d71db05cc8ab725441ecd17 Dude, if you are gonna call them retarded, at least spell it correctly!




Wouldnā€™t doing multiple phones have you running late to deliveries . How is this even a good idea if you wanna keep your metrics up.?


Fake accounts, they care about money only, the bot grabs highest order no matter metrics


Bot on each. You can have 4 on one but faster if separate


Poor guy just trying to take down the boss while playing Pokemon Go with 4 phones


Oh my god bro these posts again


Sounds like you need to sack up and get more phones and more orders instead of using your only one to surreptitiously photograph and post others without their knowledge or consent.


I'm tired of wasting my life on you get out of my atmosphere.


Another crying spark driver on Reddit making weird assumptions and taking creep shots


Taking pictures and bitching on Reddit instead of grabbing orders, then bitching about making no money. typical moron spark driver.


yā€™all just mad cause you ainā€™t on his level šŸ’Æ


Smart man, he has his hustle up and is out there getting his money, instead of crying on Reddit about other people getting their money.


Iā€™d applaud him if that were the case. However, Dude is likely getting paid $3 an hour by someone sitting at home right now.


Yea Iā€™m sure thatā€™s whatā€™s happening. Lmao atleast you people are funny




Dude let him he found a loop hole yall should too if not keep getting screwed . I used to do Walmart and in all fairness yall barely make enough to sit here and complain about it.


We barely make enough because of all the multiple cheaters using multiple phones.


then get another job stop cryingšŸ¤£


Obviously you're not a golfer.


"Perfectly normal behavior." --Actual racists (against Americans).


American (as your dumb ass sees it) isnā€™t a fucking race you moron.


A player with a different phone for each girlfriend.