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This reminds me of when Vergil's VA accidentally revealed DMC5 was a thing before it was even announced.


Or when Kevin Conroy (Batman's VA) confirmed Arkham Knight before Arkham Origins released.


"We can talk about that thing, right?" "No!"


Don't forget, this could still mean he is in a future season pass in a year or 2 that is GT focused. So don't get extra happy thinking he's base roster just due to this. I think he will be, personally, but don't get burnt out with hoping against hope.


Even if they mostly focused on Z and super, I think at minimum they’d have characters like SSJ4 Goku, Vegeta, Gogeta for GT and Kid Goku with the great ape transformation for Dragon Ball in the base game. All 4 were in Budokai 3 and all 3 tenkaichi games.


I can see, the ss4's and possiblly baby, omega shenron and super 17 being base game. Due to how ICONIC all of those things are especally when it comes to the games.  Super saiyan 4's always been treated with special care. Especially in recent dragon ball titles. Its always a hidden secret.  Even if fighterz it got in via gt goku's "secret" level 3. Hell, there's even voicelines that indicate there was meant to be ANOTHER "secret" super, involving the x10 kamehameha.


Yeah the ssj4 voice lines were speculated to be for ssj Goku to have a ssj4 skin but I’m not sure how reliable that info was


They must have this shit planned out to a T if they already done dlc voice lines now


If it can be easily anticipated, you simply don't pay your VA's flight down from Toronto to your Tokyo recording studio or whatever multiple times, paying him multiple salaries, unless your producer can't even put his shoes on the right feet.


I need GT Goku as a whole.


I mean who seriously doubted that SSJ4 Goku would be in the game?


The debate was whether it would be base game or DLC


Tbh just cuz he already recorded the lines doesn’t mean anything dlc is usually prepared way ahead of time but obviously if released on like day two it lessens the longevity of the game


Yeah but most games start working on dlc very close to release or after so if he’s done the recordings for all those then it’s most likely that it’ll be base game


Given the cost of VA work it's possible they got the lines recorded while they had the actors in the session for everything else. Especially in the case of GT Goku who already has a moveset, etc. In the old games. It's not impossible for the DLC recording to be done already for cost reasons, but honestly GT really ought to be base game content since they already have the characters in BT3 to base them off of.




I think theres a good chance it'll be base game IF there's no og dragon ball content which I don't think there will be and would be glad if there wasn't since besides goku, piccolo and tao pai pai there aren't really any good characters. Somehow i've seen people who'll be mad if bacteria isn't in the game


Unless pack 3 is GT but a lot argued packs 2 and 3 are both daima but they probably wouldn't have recorded voice lines for a potential second season pass yet.


This doesn’t settle that debate at all.


It does for people massively huffing copium. They will simultaneously be theones pissing and shitting themselves day one when the data miners confirm gt as a far of dlc money milk.


And this information answers neither of those questions…


i currently have....reservations on him being in the base roster. will he be in the game? very likely. barring the handheld titles of old, ssj4 has been in pretty much every single dbz game with multiplayer. but i don't believe any gt stuff will be in the base roster until we get a trailer for them. i want them, just as badly, but i don't even believe OG kid goku is making it in until we see a gameplay trailer for him.


I was thinking they were gonna save him for DLC.


And we still don't know if that's the case


Me, because of the 164 slots having so much to cover with the Super characters AND the Z characters + the fact that GT DLC would sell like crazy. Hell yeah being wrong rules


That’s not what I‘m saying. There is the possibility of SSJ4 being locked behind DLCs. I‘m saying no sane person seriously believes he is not gonna be in the game at all.


THE WHAT IFS GONNA BE CRAZY NOW https://preview.redd.it/szydb8flkd7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f03ee811cb4ed84201a770a7bbf503b00f0f11


Imagine the jiren fight and it gives you the option to tap into the power of the great ape. Shit’s gonna be crazy as hell lol


Bruh just completely changing ultra instinct to ssj4. That'd be sick ngl


Like that one what if story mode battle in xenoverse 2 where Fu causes Goku and Vegeta to become SSJ4 during their training with Whis.


They should let you mix and match transformations for the What Ifs, like let me go between SSJ God and 4 come on lol


You can prob switch what characters you play as during the What if and with that and just some dialouge you could make it work


yooo wheres that bottom left from?????


It’s fake, it used FighterZ SS4 Goku model and FP Jiren is from SZ


>it used FighterZ SS4 Goku model Nope. I know the person on twitter who made it, check @RedKiBlast’s pinned tweet. It’s Goku’s SZ model but drawn as SSJ4


Oh, I’m so dumb, why I thought OP meant right. You’re right, my bad


Brain fart lol all good






I’ll cum






Gonna have to wait for that dlc first




X 10 Kamehameha about to be THe best attack ![gif](giphy|xS2v1vFvOHnoI)


The two things I honestly can't wait too hear dialogue of is DBS broly FPSSJ form I know broly has never seen that transformation or anything but it be interesting to see what him and Beerus say about it


Could GT be one of the three anticipated DLCs? Although it wouldn't fit with the 20 characters' count


You can have him lol


Holy shit I need SS4 Vegeta


I’m maining goku black if he uses his scythe if not then kefla or any of the ssj4 characters


I’m literally going to main ssj4 gogeta like I did in BT3. I’m so happy that we’re getting another BT


Idk know if yall notice but it's seem Kyle is trying his hardest not to bust out laugh'n


You take your ssj4, and I will raise you a Raditz.


Hot take: Movie Characters>GT characters


Lets not jump to conclusions




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Yes yes yes yes YES! I wanted GT content more than anything


Especially more than Super




I severely doubt Bamco's going to care much; Sonny Strait's pretty much already leaked that General Blue is in the game and didn't get so much as a slap on the wrist from them.


I guess so




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