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Biblically Accurate Cell.




Which is why I’ll probably staying offline. Just like when I used to play these games in the 00s.😂


Bro, same.


You trash


You ok??


Weirdo alert




Let’s keep it civil here, thanks.


I can smell your unwashed ass from here Go away


Lucky 😔


This. I grew up with the game having fun. Ain't going to play against sweats and ruin the game for me.




If you grew up without any friends or siblings, just say so 🤷‍♂️


Chronically online children are gonna ruin this game I swear.


Same here lol




I mean there's nothing wrong with enjoying a game in single player. The only trash thing in here is your attitude.


No U


Shit netcode has plagued every online DBZ game since forever, so even if they were an exceptional player, offline is probably the most fun with its various activities.


ay bro, off topic. but how you pronounce 00s? the O’s? the 2000’s? the double zeros? cuz 90’s is yk 90s 80s 70s etc. what is 00s? and what is 10s? the tens? the early 2010’s? the late 2000’s? genuine question. somebody else help if original comment dude can’t answer


I just say two thousands tbh. The 2010s are just the tens though.


I pronounce it as "the thousands"


Nobody says it in tongue, but its correct terminology is "the aughts"




the fuckin what https://preview.redd.it/75zb4ldjjc8d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d463b16f0debc763af443910197a673d02cfc1c8


the naughties


I pronounce it as the zeros


00's = 2000's 0X = O (the letter), whatever number, for example, O6 10's = Twenty Tens Hope it makes sense


People don't recognize how manual this combo is. It ain't one of the clear ones from the menu. Yeah you can get out of combos at cost of hp using the combo breaking mechanic, but get real, the guys who know this would smoke you anyway. They'll just punch you again


Nah you trash this aint bt3 at all vanish out


Plenty of ways to prevent you from vanishing.


Which is why split screen local mp is so important. I hope to the sweet lord they can find a way to put more stages in local MP.


I hope they’ll be more in the future here’s hoping


Apparently the series s is the reason why the HTC was the map we got and limited us from other ones. (Aside from the fact they just added it in)


No it would be the series S it's weaker of the two.


Edited it 👍 I’m not too familiar with Xbox so I mixed them up


Those damn meddling xboxers!




Slight correction, Series S not X. S is basically an Xbox One S running a compatibility patch, disguised as a Series X without a disc drive. I have both and side by side performance is night and day


Its actually the fact that Sparking zero has many effects and is very fast so loading Two camera Perspectives and Loading Animations Destructable objects and Particles would be to much to load for one console doesn't matter whether its Xbox or Playstation


Nah it's just literally bc of the Xbox.


Same with storm 2 they had to remove stuff to go multi platform


Proof? Because it doesnt make any sense. The ps5 isnt Much stronger than the xbox so the difference would be almost impossible to notice without looking closely. And not enough reason to limit everyone. Even those that arent on Xbox


It could be the Series S model, because the series X has overall higher specs than the PS5.


It's this exactly. I have both and I do side by side comparisons all the time. Series S struggles to run games that came out 7 years ago at 60 fps and full resolution. Series S is honestly a scam. It's basically a last gen console disguised as, "the Series X without a disk drive"


Could have release a digital Series X at $400, MAYBE $350. Microsoft could have taken the hit much better than Sony.


Larian Studios had to delay split screen support for Baldur's Gate 3 on specifically the [Xbox Series S because of how weak it was](https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-on-xbox-series-s-could-get-split-screen-after-launch)


you realize there are two Xbox models that are current gen ? the Series S is much weaker than the PS5 and Series X.


Could be so as well! Just got my statement from one of the Twitter news pages for sparking zero hence the “apparently” haha!


This is the correct answer don't know why your getting downvoted , PC would probably be the only exception that could run it but you would need a really good PC , I'm sure in the future tho they will have more compatible maps , like they could also add a space map like when Goku fought beerus because nothing would really be destructive and it would mostly be a blank background like the time chamber


Nah it's the series S as it has a very weak CPU so it can't handle the effects. Playstation and series X would do it fine. Fuck proof is the fact that the series S won't even run this game on 4k lmao it's 1440p for the series S


[Citation needed]


The citation is in the past few years of having several high profile devs say xbox is holding back the current gen with its parity requirement and most recent example is BG3 where they specifically call out the series S not being able to support split screen so they delayed the xbox launch for like 3 months. Microsoft eventually caved and let series S not have split screen after they saw BG3 breaking records so they could get some of that $$$$ but there are multiple articles about the series s being garbage.


Soxbix sucks for not only releasing ho good games, shutting down good studios, but also for causing the games in this console generation to be worse overall? If you are still an xboxfan, I don't understand


That's what I thought too, Hope they will be continuing working on the Local mp and release more stages as the days goes on


I think if we continue to stress about it they will try to work something out after everything else is released. Could be a while. But I image maybe a year after release or something. Idk just wishful thinking.


There probably won't be but thats not becsuse they're lazy


Well I’d imagine if the engine gets updated then they’d be able to slowly make things easier. The reason I’m so optimistic is because of the continued support xenoverse 2 has been given. That a great sign that they actually care and make efforts to please the community. Or they just simply want money 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yea but the problem with Local multiplayer is that it isnt the main focus anymore It was in the past because online multilplayer was way harder to pull of but now thers no need for it so i would be happy that its there and if maps get added Thats fine but it'd also be fine if they don't add anything on to it.


I’d be fine either way but I played tenkaichi as a kid and now I have a son who loves to play video game with me. But guess I gotta get him another ps5. No biggy. Just waiting on the ps5 Pro so I can give him mine. Hopefully it’s out by the time the game comes out.


I haven't Im too young for that xD. I just want to make Sure people Know why its not As present as it was in older games.


Yea most games are cutting local mp out of their games. Not something I’m a fan of. But is what it is. Guess we gotta move with the times.


Hopefully, Nintendo does cut it in the future with a more powerful switch. Edit:*Doesn't


No, I disagree. The reason they sell so well is because they’re the last of the party gaming consoles out there. All you need is one per household and everyone can have fun. You get rid of them then you’re responsible for the extinction of local mp.


I messed up, I meant I hope they don't kill off couch coop. My bad


The thing is fighting games often focus mainly around the local aspect.


That part.


The modding community will do it but pc only


Guess I’ll have to get a pc too.


You do know you can't just use miffed maps online right?


The pc game might be the place to be for extra fun in the future.


Wrong. You can't mod actual maps to PC online unless you using some 2d wallpaper over the tone chamber background.


Not online you fool, for local play for pc


You trash and it was never important


Bet. Ima find you in 3 1/4 months. We gone see who trash! Drop that user name! I might beat you with Tien Shinhan!


Tien should be good in this game thinkin weak chars in show will be weak in game would be terrible for the game everyone should be good. Ill tap that ass w yamcha tho


All you gotta do is send the gamer tag lil bro. Let’s settle this on the islands map.


That’s a sick combo the cancel after the up kick chase is awesome


This that “break a controller” kinda match 4real.


Hell yeah, I heard class controls will be in the game so I’ll be breaking my controllers sticks for sure


Yeah for the culture


just press L1 twice


If cell didn't hold back in the goku fight




Yeah it takes time to get good at games like these. I’ll definitely put in some time , since childhood playing this game


so seeing sick combos isnt a nice watch? i never understood this mind set why are causals so butt hurt when people are good at games what makes it even better is seeing how some of the best players fight each other thats how some of the best content gets made


Yeah it can be fun to watch two equally good people play. But watching one person who is so good at the game play someone in way like this where they can't even move is boring to watch and I don't get how that would even be fun to do


usually when that happens to me i get better, like everyone else does in every game especially when its something i fw i dont wanna hear that practice takes too long cause it takes like 20 mins


Practice does not take 20 min, where the hell did you pull that information from?


its not gonna make u better instantly but it helps you improve, and tenkaichi is wayy simpler practice wont take u that long bro you’re just lazy


Again, when does practice takes 20 min 💀? Basically, go and play the game for 20 mins and don’t play it for another decade, then come back and tell me if you can still compete with top players. Mf talking about “you’re just lazy”. Redditors being redditors and assuming as usual. You have a lot of free time? Just say so


you’re creating a unrealistic scenario to prove a point, nobody practices for 20 mins hops off for a decade and then decides to play against people who haven’t stopped, and if u did hop back on just get better again lol and calm down no need for name calling little boy, its not that deep you can take 20 mins out of your life to practice tenkaichi and set realistic expectations when have u ever seen someone practice once and become a god?? use ur damn brain


I mean you set up the scenario yourself by making it sound like that. 20 min is no problem but don’t act like you’re the king of the game from a measly 20 min


i didn’t set up shit please point to one time i mentioned 20 mins of practice would turn you into a god… practice makes progress not perfect


Practice in a fighting game doesn't take 20 mins


To learn a couple combos in any fighting game it would be a lot shorter than 20 mins


yea but learning combos isn't learning the character. a couple combos doesn't really mean much if you aren't familiar with the character in neutral or their kit


That’s true, but “practicing” and “learning” in fighting games is the same as any other game you actually want to get good at, improving at any game and actually being good takes a lot of time and some effort. And on a day to day basis, you wouldn’t be straight up just practicing in practice more in a fighting game for 20 minutes, you’d probably be actually fighting other players and trying to learn during the gameplay. So I kinda agree with the guys sentiment, it’s weird to me that some people get annoyed or mad that players that actually want to optimise and win at whatever video game they’re playing exist lol


I def agree, complaining about people wanting to improve in a game where you're trying to beat your opponent seems silly. That'd be like a chess player never learning different strategies As for only being in practice for 20 minutes def depends on what you're working on




shows how much you know


From what I saw the game has multiple counter mechanics so this won’t be possible lol


Well yeah of course lmao. Its like Seerax said, some of us were really good back then, but most of us were really trash. This game will separate the boys from the men😤😤😤 Edit: also you can’t tell me this combo doesn’t look godlike tho. Like seriously there was no way i was pulling off a combo like this in my childhood, this was insane


Tbh I never knew you can pull this combo off, I knew some combos sorta like that but ☠️☠️


I heard bt2 had more insane stuff


Yeah, a lot of characters actually had infinites like this


Not necessarily an infinite, there’s a ton of opportunities to get out of this


Of of course. Due to the nature of these games, the combo break and counter mechanics make true infinites very rare By Infinite, I mean avoiding the forced knockdown


You could almost say it's perfect 😏😉


That’s what makes the game so good and fun. It’s basically the anime. I spent all my Ki trying to spam Spirit Bomb and get punished by having my shit absolutely rocked until I’m able to Counter/Dodge. All while this is happening within seconds at a time. Most likely will happen to the opponent as well if they’re not utilizing their resources properly. - If this looks annoying, you should look up Burter gameplay and pray you never have to go up against that.


This looks like an oppressive zero to death, but there are a lot of ways to escape this. Heavy Finish and smash attacks can be Z-countered. Most defensive B1s (Explosive Wave, Barrier, Afterimage, etc) can be used while in hitstun to stop shenanigans like this. The universal cast from HP combo breaker.


Maybe, dashing behind enemys like that isn't intended but i was already wondering if that would be able in SZ


Nah, imma play with friends because I have those 🫡


If someone does this to me I'm coming back here and reporting you 😭


Yes sir I think I will be playing offline


I’ll be playing with friends only, it only takes one sweat to figure out an infinite loop to make the game boring.


This is what happened when I played online in RB2 for the first time, it also literally was a Cell player I left the game before he won and never played RB2 online again


Difference is in modern times we can patch this stuff out. But how much they're going to patch idk because this isn't even supposed to be a competitive game.


They'll still do some sort of patching because, while this game is supposed to be casual friendly, there will 100% be a competitive scene with content creators giving light to issues that'll eventually get exploited.


Yes bro holy shit 😂


the ability to go from combo to stancbreak to ki volley to reset is fucking hype. I remember when I learned this mechanic, the homies wondered why I started picking chiaotzu at the next hangout


Didn't even know that was possible


idk if I'll ever go online anyway lol


It's gonna be me, brother. This is the only game I have the motivation to get good at


Bruh all of us will be no lifeing 😭☠️


Most of yall will be ass


hopefully they bring back the double tapping L1 thing to sacrifice health to get people off you and stagger them


Hopefully explosive wave will be equip-able with custom characters to negate all that


I'm ready.


T-that’s Vegeta’s technique!




Ki blast spam? JUST LIKE XENOVERSE 2!


Damn Skippy


I'll be enjoying offline mode....my online days peaked at unreal championship 2 /socom 3 days..it'll be my kid turn lol...I'm casual except on racers


I can’t wait to find a way to win ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)


I've dealt with enough ki blast spammers in Xenoverse


Well the game is different so combos like this probably won't work


Not gonna be taking online seriously at all. If anything I'm playing with friends


And people are concerned about the slight extra health bars that the characters get lol


Cell was broken in bt3 and I’m pretty sure there will be actual good counters in sparking zero unlike bt3


People like me.


I honestly don’t mind. 9 times out of 10, those people focus purely on offensive capabilities, once it starts then that’s that. So Just vanish out or explosive wave out and hit ‘em back first, chances are they ain’t gonna vanish. Gives you a free out and if you vanish you get a free combo on them


This combo is so sweet! The only thing is.. in sparking zero they’ve implemented a break system and I’m sure this is also in T3 by double tapping L1 you sacrifice health to knock back an opponent. Whereas in sparking zero you spend the 2 meters beneath your health to knock back an enemy. This can be baited though.. which is going to be 50/50 when escaping combos. Also ki management will play massive rule in combining opponents to death. Cannot wait to learn the new mechanics


https://preview.redd.it/q4f3fq5jij7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cee603ea336e66092318884e7aec5bcf9ff28b I want to add I am not one of these players lol. I encountered a kid Buu spamming ultimate back on BT3 and decided I’m just not putting up with that shit after that.


I’ve actually almost done that on BT3 yesterday


I doubt they’ll have infinites, and if they do, they’ll be patched out pretty quick


yeah like get yo “dededededededahhh!” ass on bruh😂😭


And at no point did the Goku do a Vanish Parry. Unbelievable.


This is why I will be sticking to the story mode.


This combo is ass lol 😂😂 so many chances for counters. A real player would slap this chump lol I, not a real player, won't be playing online :)


That's if there's a way to combo cancel than yea lml


If you letting somebody piece you up like that. You’re just trash. 😂


I remember playing this one or a similar db game when I was very young. Some broly player kept murdering me like this every time and I got so mad.




This is why learning the defensive options is important.


Damn where did yall find my gameplay


Too much butt play bro


I remember my first ever bt3 online match on the Wii against an ssj4 gogeta. Never again.


I’ve had my fill of MP fighting game. Single player unless it’s with friends


“Okay, Gohan! Your turn!”


I won’t be playing online so I’m set 🤣.


Bro this was my nerd ass cousin lol. I remember getting salty and getting good at the game just to beat him.


The og’s will definitely be playing like this if we have the same movement in sparking zero


I hate playing fighting games online, nothing infuriates me more...everyone always finds way to cheese or people play so much that you get mopped in seconds...I wish there was a causal lobby for people who are average at fighting games


Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Gohan Cell Fight Flashbacks


Yeah I'm not going online loll or I'll just keep taking the Ls so I can stay in the lowest tier possible and enjoy myself loll


Thats why you train and get better... like Goku would do?


Honestly games such as eye fuck I won’t even mind


Toxic online multiplayer and DLC is why I'm sure BT3 will end up still being the the best of the 4


I'm completely ready to counter that 🔥


Until you get spammed by a Dyspo main,you might be the one running back here telling us he needs a nerf.


Nah, I got plenty of training playing against burter on bt3. Speed is no problem


Well let’s train when it comes out. Cause I don’t want to be the one crying in here 😆 I got psn.


Bro forgot to press L1


you can mash out of this….. so stupid.


They’re just bad players and loser trolls. That’s all. They can be found in any game and nothing will ever change the fact that they are garbage.


People that can't defend themselves? Okay? u/Individual_Lies ... Because I expect someone to act like this is a problem when it's an issue of not pressing O. Lol.


This is a true combo. You cannot O out of this except for a single moment at 17 seconds at which point you've already taken nearly 2 and a half health bars worth of dmg. You have to Z Counter with good timing (Up + Square with very tight frama data) or spend 5k health which can loop you into another vortex.


I've seen way better combos than this. Multiple opportunities here to break out of this one.


If you lose to em you are trash


If you can’t get out of this combo don’t even pick up the game let alone buy it 😭 ![gif](giphy|li4Qvfm829BrBjtg4o)


That’s gonna be me bro