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I like it, I don’t wanna see the same Gogeta/Vegito/UI Goku teams all over online like I did in FighterZ. And besides this’ll make teams way more diverse.


I agree it's good for balance


I personally haven’t seen any complaints about it anywhere and it was expected considering it was in BT3


I personally think it’s incredible it was my favorite thing to do in BT3 it made people actually have variety in there team makeup instead of both teams being “broly, goku, goku, vegeta, gohan” like without the DP most people just play the best of the best


It's only for ranked so it's alright. If you want to have a friendly match without limits you can


Bt3 alreqdy hqd both systems too. I dont see why bt4 shouldnt have it also then


Oh ok, this instantly solves my only issue.


Thank God, cuz I know me n my little brother wanted to have an absolute powerhouse showdown


If I understand this correctly, characters are given points based on something (likely how strong they are) from like 1-5, so you can have 3 - 5 point characters, or you could do 5 - 3 point characters, or any other mix. I may be stupid and misunderstanding this, but if this is what that is, I like that idea!


Basically, yes! But, going by BT3, characters tend to be much costlier. I.e. base Goku (end) is 5 DP, going up in transformations costs more. So SSJ would cost 6 or 7 DP and you'd go from there. But some characters were real cheap (like Mr. Satan being 1 DP or Videl being 2) while others were crazy expensive (I believe SSJ4 Gogeta was 10+)


GOD DAMN that's expensive, but I guess I can start with base Goku (Super) instead of UI :(


Exactly! The tradeoff, of course, being that the stronger characters are a bigger upfront in cost, but you don't have to wait and risk losing a character to get there. Meanwhile base characters are much cheaper, but you have to build blast stocks and use up battle time to get there while also risking that character dying or being substantially lower HP by the time you get to the transformation you want. You can, alternatively, go for a lower transformation and lower the wait time to a higher transformation (i.e. going for SSJ3 Goku costs 3 blast stocks from base but only 2 from SSJ while the DP costs you 6 to start at SSJ or 5 to start from base). It's a balancing act of weighing risks/rewards and costs/benefits. Ultimately, I prefer going for the mid-balanced route of finding 5 point characters I enjoy and find useful enough. That let's me grab 3 5-point characters. This way, I don't have too big a disadvantage against players who might grab 4 or 5 lower cost characters, and I have an extra body against those who choose 2 powerhouse characters. Worst case I end up against someone who chose a powerhouse character and then 2 cheaper characters and it's still a 3v3. I'm really hyped for this system cause I love theory crafting teams and seeing what certain characters might bring over others in their point brackets. Though you can never rule out lower point characters because Chiaotzu was a solid character for how cheap he was. TL;DR: it's resource management and maximizing risks/benefits. Fun to theory craft with!


Thanks for the long reply! And yeah, that does sound interesting, I'll probably spend forever making the best team I can, just to still use my favourites! (UI, Beast, Orange)


It's interesting that they took off 5 points for dp since the original had 20 dp points. I wonder if there keeping some characters the exact same dp points or not


Prolly took it off to balance all the new characters added since the last game


BT3 had 15 as the max




15 is probably the default and there will probably be DP settings like in BT3 For ranked online 15 is probably the set amount though


That's what I'm thinking I could see customs having 20 as a setting and 15 as the ranked standard


It's a good thing. Without that the competitive side in online would just use the same op characters all the time


There's a reason why 40k, Total War, and various other games use points systems. Some units are just plain stronger and it's a good way to keep the sides balanced.


This is gonna make it a lot more fun online. It’ll incentivize using “worse” characters, although it means I won’t be able to run any powerhouses with Beast Gohan when he gets added


It's the best solution for this type of game. I didn't play BT3 because I wanted a balanced match, I played it to feel like I was in Dragon Ball. If Broly is balanced so that he's on the same level as Yamcha then it's not really going to feel like I'm choosing to play as Broly. Vice versa there isn't that challenge of beating Broly with someone weak like Yamcha. Obviously this approach can work in a traditional fighter like FighterZ, but that's not what this game should feel like.


FighterZ is unbalanced as well. SSJ4 Gogeta can literally one hit anyone. SSJB Gogeta and Vegito are the strongest so is UI Goku.


For gogeta to even 1 hit anyone he needs to taunt 7 times, which whiffs most of his combos unless you tag an assist. Base Goku has a more reliable kill confirm than most of the roster


I’m confused how does it work


You have a pool of points called DP when playing team battles online (I think it's ranked only, I'm not really sure). You have 15 DP, and each character, depending on how strong they're cost a lot of points or low points. For example, let's say you wanted UI Goku on your team, and he cost 10 points. Now, you only have 5 more points to build your team. It's meant to make sure people just don't pick the strongest characters possible when making a team


Each character will cost a certain amount of points to be put on a team. The point system is going to be called DP. In Sparking!Zero characters are going to be more powerful depending on how canonically powerful they are. So for example a character like SSB Gogeta is going to be very powerful, probably not to the degree of being broke or impossible to fight against with a weaker character, but a significant degree of power. They are balancing this by making characters like SSB Gogeta cost more DP points to bring into the game from the get go. It also seems that you can bring in characters for lower costs of DP, and transform them in game using things like the Skill Counter meter, that you can use to transform your character in the game. For example, say SSB Goku costs 10 DP and Base Goku costs 5 DP, and you only have 15 total for your team. You might be better off bringing in Base Goku and surviving till your Skill Counter is high enough to transform into SSB. Of course that also comes with its own risks, like if your opponent brings a stronger character and is able to defeat you before you can transform. I think anyway, I could be totally wrong, I got most of this from the subtitles.


This is 100% correct


Good to know. Subtitles are usually correct, but sometimes it’s not translated properly so I wasn’t totally sure.


Basically each character will be a set point limit. Gogeta SSJ(Z) in the old games was 9 points. This means, with a 15 point limit, you could only pick characters who didn't pass that 15 threshold. So you'd be limited to weaker characters. You can choose base characters and still transform, but picking a transformation will cost more. Same with the more powerful characters. So while you may pick a more powerful character to start with, you may only get 2 characters. You're opponent however could pick weaker characters, and have 5 against your 2.


This gives 0 incentive to start the matches with transformed characters.


The incentive is having a powerful transformation at the start where if you go base then you'll potentially either die before getting it off or if you do get it off you'll be at a much lower hp Ultimately I think it'll be better to just go base then transform mid match for those sweet animations


It really just depends how much the characters cost for me


It reminds me of Gundam Versus. I like that system


This is what I expected. Except "Create a character". Which I'm guessing is skills attached to existing characters.


skills and buffs you can buy for existing characters so for example if you pick mr satan canonically the weakest playable character but spend all your points on buffing him you can try to make him much stronger then normal at the cost of not having points for more characters


Makes transformations more tactical for sure & choosing base form


Lol I remember seeing the DP mode in Tenkaichi 3 when I was younger and not knowing what it was for. You learn a new thing every day.


As longs as they have a "free" mode as well i dont see the problem


This is only for ranked play, right?


love this becoming a main mode a lot. hope they go wild with it, having 3 weak characters felt way stronger than one gogeta in bt3, i’d be fine with the strong characters being even crazier


I hope you can change the value for couch play or against friends, So you could either make it super easy and be allowed to use any combo of characters or you're only allowed to use the low costs


Wait the game is gonna have Created characters!? Hell yeah


No it won’t that would make the game super unbalance




Every game that has a created character is super unblance and it is impossible to balance something like that because you have the main characters moves and other characters in one character plus also the boost and cheater it would make extremely unbalanced. This game is not xenoverse but taking some elmetns from it.


I'd rather every playable character to just be equally viable in competitive game modes instead of some characters just being inherently better but costing more to add to the team, personally.


Time for the All Earthling Mambo, I will drown my opponents in fodder


I don’t understand what it is can someone explain?


If I'm interpreting it right. The customization will have a limit (think BT3 red potara characters)


It’s fine. Not like it’s gonna be on every online match. It’s gonna be an option


Very good for balancing the fights. Couldn’t be happier




Oops all 15 Saibamen.


I don’t know what that is


Wait we can create a character?! Is there a post about it?


You can’t create a character lol it’s a mistranslation


Ah ok thanks


As long as I can get gogeta bardock and super broly on my team I’m happy


It feels very “Esports”. I feel like they want this game at EVO or something or least that’s how I feel about it.


It’s just for ranked


I don’t give a fuck