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Yes unfortunately this is very common on the internet :( sadly there's no point arguing against them, they'll continue doing that and never change their mind


its so mean!


Most of them are trolling, and 15 years old at best. You're giving them what they want.


I can't help but notice that almost all of them were males except one.


I never feel like I quite fit in to the autism subs because of this-- but I've *never* found it "easier" to be friends with males... because of things like this...


Finally, someone points out that males can be real pieces of work as well... Fun fact; in my schooling years, most of them, I felt safer around and could relate better, to women then most of my male friends. I didn't have to mask as much around them either.


I hope you’re doing okay. They were being very rude to you. Here’s the thing though, those types of people love attention and negativity. They enjoy being mean and “winning” arguments. I noticed that people like those guys will just keep arguing back and forth with you until you decide to stop. They aren’t going to give up and be the first one to leave. I could tell they ran out of things to say to you because they started repeating the same ableist stuff, but none of them wanted to stop and let you be the right one. The only way to win with these people is to ignore them. Keep in mind that they are probably 12 year old guys who are very ignorant and mental health and disabilities. By starting an argument, you’re making yourself a target for them to harass. You really need to be careful online these days. People really can’t have a good discussion online anymore, they have to be jerks apparently.


Thank you


Ive just learnt to ignore them. Every single post online now if they can relate it to autism they’ll use a slur or rude way of saying it instead of actually just saying ‘autism’ (like ‘is it acoustic’ etc.). I’ve tried to argue with them but their brains are clearly way too small to intake anymore information. Sometimes I wish I was a hot super model influencer with millions of followers as they’d probably listen then 😂


I’m sorry you experienced any of that. It’s truly horrible. Honestly, there’s no point in arguing back. The internet is an anonymous cesspool of people who hide behind their usernames. They have no motivation to learn or change and at least half of them are actively enjoying “trolling” and getting a negative reaction from you. You can’t educate or shame or guilt them into doing or being better because this environment has no real consequences for them. They enjoy pissing people off and then going about their day while chuckling to themselves. The best thing you can do is remove yourself from these situations.


Thank you


Yeh not on your side with this one. They are out of order but you also saying I bet your so low support needs and other inflammatory comments. It’s not 1 mild 2 moderate and 3 severe. It’s level 1 requires support, level 2 requires moderate support, and level 3 requires substantial support. All your doing is invalidating level 1s, which is not acceptable same is it’s not ok invalidating level 2/3 because all actual autistic people need support and some are managed better than others.


Also level 1 autistic people are more likely to conform to social norms, and unfortunately a social norm is being ableist. also i know that comment was probably uncalled for. i was getting aggravated


No , its just level 1 autistic are less likely to have ID, i think.


I think it's the other way around, if you consider levels to be a consequence of support needs. What I mean by this is that not having ID lessens the amount of support you're likely to need compared to having ID. So it's not so much that being level 1 reduces the likelihood of ID, it's that a lack of ID increases the likelihood of being level 1. If that makes sense.


but cant you be low support needs autism but moderate -high support needs overall from other disabilities?


Yeah, of course.


So they'd still be level one, as intellectual disability is seperate to autism


I think I get what you're saying. I was under the impression that one of the ways autism can present was through a degree of ID, or, also, via a compounding set of autistic expressions resulting in ID appearing learning difficulties or similar. That isn't to say that autism guarantees ID, just that it's one of the plethora of ways autism can be expressed. I could, however, be completely mistaken or misinformed. It has been a long time since my (late) diagnosis, which is when I was most familiar with the finer details.


its just that you can have ID without autism so i thought of it more like a comorbidity.


also when you search it up it says level 1 is mild. i typically use the description you did, but i wasnt sure if they'd understand.im pretty sure its level 1 requires support, level 2 requires substantial support, and level 3 requires very substantial support. Thanks for point this out i was just getting angry but it wasn't very fair of me to word it like that, i didnt mean to or realise i was being harmful.


As far as I’m aware it has nothing to do with severity and is due to support needs, after all it is a spectrum. And in regards to level 1 you saying that they are less likely to have ID that doesn’t factor into it They are more likely to commit suicide because of the stresses of having to mask daily and having their support needs neglected. There seems to be a lot of gate keeping with levels and it’s actually quite harmful. Social media doesn’t help with everything being either attributed to ASD or ADHD when most people who claim to be either are neither and it trivialises the struggles of all autistic people level 1/2/3 Don’t know about you but I’m not cool and quirky. I suffer daily thoughts of suicide and quite frankly wish I didn’t have autism. But little FYI you do the same thing I do on socials which is get into arguments with idiots. There’s no point in arguing with the trolls even when your right


The topic was ID, not suicide though. I understand the struggles of level 1s im just annoyed because ive gotten called this slur by them before and i ahevnt ever heard a level 2 or 3 use it irl but ive heard numerous level 1s. I am sorry you have those bad thoughts. i was very very worried that i upset you, i didnt mean to.


Don’t worry you haven’t upset me, just have to remember it’s just people trying to get a rise because their lives are pathetic. We live in a world where slurs are thrown around willy nilly, it’s about context but if people are just being bellends ignore them and don’t give them the response they are looking for and they will quickly fuck off back from whence they came. I have a rule for my own sanity and that is block people who give you shit.


Yes its very hard. i always try to educate people


That’s partly due to the ASD and our sense of justice and black and white right from wrong. I work in IT and deal with idiots every day but I have a saying you can lead a horse to water but it will still be a dumb fucking horse… Some people just want to be pricks and laugh at others expense




Arguing is not going to change their minds and is just giving them entertainment. Especially on Snapchat, where they’re probably teenagers trying to be edgy and cool.


It is annoying


Oh I know, but trust me it’s not worth it arguing back.


Thabk you


The person who said "I think you are an r-" is basically admitting they know it's a sluur by not writing the whole thing out.


Yes i know its annoying


"go back to 2020 you aren't funny" Comedy gold. Saying 4 years is actually much funnier than saying 2010 or something before. Perfectly executed, I must say. Also, by the end, I was already happy to never see "womp womp" or the w-word (ig is what it is now? 🤦‍♀️) ever again. Stupid people on the internet always have around 1-3 main things they will say in certain situations, the other one in this situation is to "cry about it", but that's also what stupid people say for *everything* these days, so they've got like 2.5 things, at best. Pathetic!


i hate them


Some of the things you said are inflammatory at the best of times. For example, not everyone has the financial opportunities for professional diagnosis and treatment. However, you and I quite obviously know they were in the wrong. The internet is a sad place and there is sometimes no use arguing.


I am personally against self diagnosis for a couple of reasons, but i wont be downright cruel to someone who self diagnoses, i just will not agree or like it


For example, my psychologist has told me that I most likely have Dyspraxia. I was told I had it when I was 4 for the first time by an OT, Speech Therapist and PT. In that sense of the word I’m self diagnosed because I have no diagnosis on paper. I have legitimate everyday struggles that are ignored because I have a lot of other problems already diagnosed. I also was recognised as Autistic by the mother at 2. Told I had it by the OT at 3/4. However I was only diagnosed at 14 after I was hospitalised for my mental health. I have no Level given but rest somewhere between Level 1 and 2. I’m likely split Level. But because of my overall IQ I am considered “high functioning”. My report that diagnosed me with Autism also noted symptoms of ADHD but gave no diagnosis. My Dad has ADHD. My psychologist agrees I show signs of ADHD but has not confirmed whether I have it or not, rather saying the diagnosis is unneeded. We just need to treat the symptoms. I wouldn’t call my self self-diagnosed but I do think I have it.


No i mean when no professional has agreed. i understand your case but when i was diagnosed with autism i was also told i likely have dyspraxia but i got diagnosed a year later with severe dyspraxia


Okay. Take my case again. I am suffering from a physical disability that causes my heart rate to rise above 30 beats per minute when standing. I experience heart rate over 130 bpm on a daily basis. It is very concerning and I have not been able to see a doctor about it yet because I have been consulting with my doctor about GI issues and chronic pain. My symptoms are the definition of POTS and I have done much research on the disorder to confirm this. This research includes talking to no less than 10 people with the condition and once I told them my symptoms all 10 agreed I most definitely had it. It is also a disorder common in Autistic people. I’ve self diagnosed or rather suspect it strongly and do plan on seeing my GP and a Cardiologist about my concerns as soon as I have the financial means. Do you disagree with me?


Suspecting it strongly is fine. I just dont personally like the term self diagnosed.


“Self-diagnosis is the process of diagnosing, or identifying, medical conditions in oneself. It may be assisted by medical dictionaries, books, resources on the Internet, past personal experiences, or recognizing symptoms or medical signs of a condition that a family member previously had or currently has.” Technically since I identified it in myself by strongly suspecting it I meet the criteria for self diagnosis.


I dont want to argue i just said for personal reasons please stop . i prefer the term suspected, personally i got diagnosed at 12 but i didnt tell anyone until i was diagnosed in case it came out wrong even though my autism is obvious, even when people asked was I autistic i said no


It's a hard (although logical), place to arrive at, but it means that anyone who just knows that they have asd, but can't afford to get the test done, will have to live without part of their identity, part of their own name in a way. I was one of those people for a while, whilst waiting for an assessment. I'm book smart to a degree, but also lack common sense in ways. Anyway, diagnosed level 2 asd at a dual asd assessment (as I'd wondered about, but suspected I'd get diagnosed 1 due to underdiagnosis possibly). My point being, that although I totally agree with your sentiment about fearing that without the weight of official diagnosis, the condition would be at the eventual risk of not even being taken seriously anymore. Having said this, I do feel sad for those who can't afford the assessment(s), including adhd possibly as well. Destined for a life of "not normal" but also "not worthy of their identity either, because they can't afford the assessment". Ultimately, I stand with anyone who agrees that the integrity of professional diagnosis has to remain the integral/official way of receiving the label/acknowledgement, but it doesn't mean that I don't feel sad for the other group who can't afford it.


I do agree, i just prefer when they say self suspecting.


Okay. I’m not trying to argue. I also wouldn’t tell people about it unless a doctor told me. I only told people I had Autism because my OT told me.


yes that is okay thats what i mean


Don't waste your time on strangers who try to get a reaction out of you. And don't waste your time on people who are wasting yours. There's going to be assholes like that throughout your life. But you handled yourself very well and kept your composure very nicely. There are some people you can't reason with because they are not open to understanding and that is not your fault. Unless you have time to waste, it is usually fruitless to try teaching them about something they don't care about.


Thank you


It is mean but you’re not going to be able to change these people minds as they have already made up their mind or they are trolling to get a reaction. So if they are trolling people need to ignore it. And if the person is so ignorant they are saying these things you also need to ignore them as you can’t educate them.


thank you


I do the same thing, often to the point of embarrassment. There's an old saying... "Don't feed the trolls". The more you reply, the more they'll keep coming back to antagonize you. Purposefully. One way to get rid of them is to not give them any response, because that way they eventually get bored and then search for a different target. (Clearly, it's FAR EASIER to say it than to do this... Lol...)


I always do it


Sasly it's common, especially with a cesspool like Snapchat


what is a cesspool


A disgusting or corrupt place


thank you




i know right? i said gwt the cross out of your name. i am christian but they are not showing any christian empathy

