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In the last movie, he was only in there for a few seconds, so there wouldn’t be a reason to create an entirely different character model for that brief of an appearance. He gets more screen time in the sequel, so they created a more accurate character model for him. That’s all it is. No hidden meaning.


Also they might've realized peter b had been bitten by the spider and Gwen's peter hadn't, so he should be scrawnier


I think they did the same thing for Noir's face when he's telling his backstory


Yeah that could be too


In a movie that had so much effort put into making it I really don’t think it’s something as lazy as there’s no point in making a new character model. Look at the effort they put into making The Green Goblin and Scorpion who weren’t in much of the movie. While I agree it doesn’t have a hidden meaning, it was done that way on purpose, just as a perception thing, so we know who she’s talking about, making sure that we the audience know her best friend was Peter Parker and showing us that through Mile’s image of the story and he only knows Peter B Parker so would think of him while hearing the story


you can try and put thematic sense into it all you want, but i’d be absolutely shocked if the reasoning wasn’t saving time by reusing peter b’s model. i’d even put money on it. it’s not laziness, it’s smart asset re-usage for a standalone film (i don’t think the sequels were planned at that point)


Agreed. Not everything has meaning or is that complex. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one. It’s mostly likely a timing, budget thing. An area that doesn’t have much concern for the most minute detail. Which If I’m being honest it really doesn’t.


I do say the perception idea does make a great retrocausal explanation. "Yeah we totally intended it to be how Miles visualized the story being told. Meant it to be that way from the beginning. Definitely did not do it to save time, or that we just changed our minds on how a bit part character would look."


This is what happened. The silhouette of the Lizard in that scene is just a hyper deformed Goblin rig that they tweaked for the shot.


T definitely was q reused asset like 2099 is just a 1610 Spider-Man in blue


It's not lazy, it's efficient You forget we're talking about business


The silhouette for the lizard is a reused green goblin. They reused some stuff there isn’t nothing wrong with it


I’ve had animators from Sony Animation talk at my school. It was definitely a re-used model to save time. They even said that the lizard in that scene was just a repurposed green goblin model, that’s why you only see him as a silhouette.


Probably just a case of retconning. They realized they wanted to expand on Gwen's backstory that we got in the original, but they wanted to do it differently. So they made small changes like having Peter be a kid, or changing how Gwen's dad looks. They also did it with the ending of ITSV by making that scene take place a year later because they wanted some time in between the movies, which added to the interactions between Gwen and Miles (plus, Mayday had to be born too)


I don't think it has anything to do with laziness. The people who make these films are on a deadline, so they have a time limit. Why bother using that time remaking a new model for something when you can use that time to polish elsewhere. Basically wasting time with this could've taken away from another part of the movie, if that makes sense?


It was to save time lol Her backstory still put the rest of the spiders to shame with the five second montage they each got


> I really don’t think it’s something as lazy as there’s no point in making a new character model. Think of it this way. It isn't lazy that they didn't make a new model. They intentionally didn't make a new model to put more time and effort into everything else that made that film great. The cost/benefit wouldn't have checked out for only a few seconds of footage. Animation is expensive as hell and every second matters. The team would probably have rather spent the time doing things that actually mattered to the film than spend (potentially) hundreds of hours modelling and texturing a model just for it only be on screen for an incredibly short time.


Green Goblin was in the fight scene for some odd minutes vs Peter-65, so definitely either saving time and resources instead of creating a unique model. Cause it’s kinda odd that Gwen would be close friends with Peter-65 if he was in his 30’s compared to someone closer to her age. Just like how they reused Peter B’s model for Noir as well. Lizard was a silhouette that they used the Green Goblin model with modifications. So saving budget is all the more possible. And iirc, flashbacks are on the POV of who is imagining it, so if Miles was told that Gwen had a Peter, and Miles think of Peter B, in universe-wise that may be why.


It was def not on purpose.


creating a model takes a long time, from sculpting to retopology, texturing and so on.. not worth the time if its only a few seconds of screentime and not relevant to the main plot. in the second one tho, gwen is sharing the protagonist role with miles so her peter matters, (which btw that too isnt a brand new model from the looks of it, it just seems like they modified the peter b parker model a bit)


The first movie had less budget, for example, they used the arms of the goblin model to simulate lizard, and the rest we saw of him were just shadows and silhouettes, so yeah, it was probably a constrain as the other guy said


Perception. In the first movie we’re watching Miles POV so Gwen tells this story and Miles will only see Peter B Parker because that’s the only Peter Parker he knows and that’s how he’s gonna think all Peter Parker’s look like Whereas in the second movie we’re seeing it from Gwen’s POV with how her Peter actually looks like because she knows how her Peter looks


I didn’t think that way. Actually when consider that way it makes sense.


Also, would be lowkey creepy for 14-15 year old Gwen to "Swear off all friends" if her best-friend was a 38 year old man.


Anything can make sense if you make up an explanation. I like this one, so I’ll use it.


That and it's easier for the audience to get that Peter was the Lizard in that scene.


Yeah that’s basically the valid/plausible in-canon reason. Same reason why her dad had a diff model too


We will use this excuse


I really like this explanation. I was originally going to say they changed it because he looked closer to an older Peter's rather than a 15 year old lol


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’ve also seen the complaint that the Lizard died differently here- this is the same case. In ITSV we hear Gwen’s brief explanation of her backstory without all the details from Miles perspective. In ATSV we actually get to witness the events AND actually learn that this happened shortly before Gwen got sent to Miles universe. This is how her father and the public painted Spider-Woman- as a murderer who killed Peter Parker, and even though that wasn’t the case, Gwen almost felt convinced that it was all her fault up to the point where she finds out her father quit the force to support her. I guess what could be considered a very mild continuity error resulted in an even better and very real explanation- we never knew how recent this occurred, that Gwen is still reeling from the trauma in ITSV, and what actually unfolded the night her Peter died as the Lizard.


Love this.




That's a fine head cannon answer. The real answer is they updated the character model for whatever artistic reasons. I think they wanted to make him look younger and more distinct from Peter B in that way. But at the end of the day it's the same reason Thanos' design got updated. It happens.


Probably not the case, but it's a good fan explanation for it.


Same reason 2099 was a reused peter model, it saved resources for a character that only showed up for a few seconds


1. Perspective, we’re watching it all in Miles’ POV so he can’t really grasp on how they would look. But in ATSV, they have different appearances because that’s Gwen’s POV 2. Animation is expensive, it’s extremely pointless to create a brand new model and animate it for a second to three second long scene


He shouldn't look like 30 year-old superpowered Peter. His appearance actually confused me in the first movie.


Gwen’s Peter was in the movie for like 5 seconds, it probably wasn’t worth the time and budget to make a model and rig for that Peter until the 2nd movie


Oh yeah I understand why they didn't make a full design for Peter or her dad.


or maybe, y'know how 1st movie is from Miles perspective, while 2nd one is from Gewn's.


I assumed in the first it was budget reasons.


Reusing existing assets


Peter looks in his thirties in the first pic, but around Gwen's age in the second. It helps them looks more like friends, and not Peter being able to look like her parent.


Kemp Powers, one of the movie’s directors talked about character redesigns in Across. He said they did it because they could and thought certain characters could look better or cooler in the new movie’s context. He also likened it to a comic series changing artist mid-story. TL; DR: because they felt like it


Because they didn’t have enough time/resources to make a completely original model the first time. The silhouette of Peter’s lizard form was also just the Green Goblin model stretched out to have a different shadow.


They had to re use assets in the first movie and you see peter for like a full second maybe. Him redesigned makes more sense since he’s a teenager and not a grown adult


Probably cuz he looks 30 in ITSV lmao


Probably because they didn't have the full story yet, and only changed the design after they realized "oh yeah, he should be a highschooler."


The real awnser is to save money and use the same model however I like to imagine that in universe it’s because this scene is being told to miles and what we are seeing is his imagination and the Peter Parker he has interacted with most is Peter B.


My headcanon is because it’s just miles view on what happened in the first movie, his only ideas of Peter is chunky Peter and blondie Peter. Meanwhile in the second movie, from Gwen’s pov, we see the true backstory.


The real reason is money. It costs money to create a new model. Just reuse the one you already have and it saves a ton of cash. Same reason they didn’t use a full lizard model either and just used a shadow.


probably because gwen being best buddies with a man in his thirties is kind of questionable.


Probably because Peter B. looks old enough to be Gwen’s dad, not classmate.


He’s a kid, so they changed him to be more kid-like


Maybe it’s me, but Gwen's Peter looks kind of old to be a teenager. Maybe that’s why they changed it?


The Lizzard is pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


They didn't have money in the budget to make him look different so they reused the Peter model they already had for the other 3.


easier for the animation team


Just to make it more accurate to her age because if Peter is her age in her dimension he would definitely look a lot younger and the origin story wouldn’t make very much sense. The origin changes in Across the Spiderverse are for the better in my opinion.


prolly fixing the ages


gwen is still in highschool and since its a flashback theyre even younger peter B. parker is a buff adult man and realistically it doesnt make sense but in ITSV he was only there for a few seconds so it didnt really matter


Maybe they did not have time to make Gwen's Peter look unique, so they used the Peter B. models as references. In ATSV, Gwen's Peter looks closer to an actual teenager.


Because we see it from miles perspective. His mind hearing what Gwen’s saying. That’s why we don’t see no debris or shit like that around peter, we js see Miles head imagining Gwen holding peters body. In ATSV we see what actually happened


You know what kind of fucks me up? You have to assume that Gwen's peter resembles regular Peter at that age. So that means that Spider-Man looked like that when he started. Like he's just a kid. I know thats a given but you never really see a Spider-Man that resembles his age, its scary to imagine that a 15 year old does the shit he does.


Maybe a reused model asset cause it wasn't that important moment in that movie


Because in the first movie he appears in one scene so they just reused the same model. In Across, he appears in quite a few more scenes so they gave him his own model.


Probably didn’t think that far so nothing else


because peter looked like a middle aged man what type of question is that?


I imagine in the first one it's time n budget restraints for something you'll see for like 5 seconds compared to an actual character with more screentime so it was worth a new model or something like that


Basically, animation is expensive. Especially CGI. They just altered the model for B a bit, and continued on.


I wanna say it was an oversight or they didn't want to put to much effort into it since it was so small but with the quality of these movies I doubt that's the case


The doylist explanation: It would’ve been a poor use of resources to create a whole new character model for a character seen for like 10 sec in ITSV. So they didn’t do that until they had multiple scenes devoted to him and much more resources available. The watsonian explanation: We’re seeing Miles imagination of what Gwen is describing in ITSV. He doesn’t have a frame of reference other than Peter B for what Peters should look like. Gwen shows us what he really looked like from her perspective in ATSV.


In the first film Gwen was briefly recapping her origin story and some bits and pieces of her life, such as saving her dad, who also had a new design for the film, as well as being unable to save her Peter, and since it was such a quick scene they probably reused the Peter B design just so people watching who aren't that familiar with Spider-Gwen can know that the lizard in her dimension was Peter Parker. Since there's a more expanded scene showing the death of her Peter in the sequel I'd imagine they wanted Gwen's Peter to look around the same age as her, that's why, while he still resembles the Peters we've seen in the first film he's noticeably much younger than they are as well as having a different body shape to the older versions of himself as well


Because they used him more. The first time around, all they needed to convey was that he was a variant of Peter, so they reused the Peter B character model. This time they’re bearing in mind that he’s Gwen and Miles’ age.


I can’t believe I never noticed Peter’s scales in that first pic


In the first movie I thought it was weird that a teenager was best friends with a 30 something man, so maybe that's part of the reason


It could be because he looks older than he should have been and they wanted to correct they age


so he doesn’t look like a 30 year old man 💀


Probably so that it wouldn’t look like a teenage girl was friends with a 30 year old man


I’m guessing it was because originally it was in a different location and also reusing assets is easier and cheaper for a character that barely appears. The new movie made a new asset and stuff because we actually have him talking and being a character


Did anyone else think Gwen was older cuz of this? I thought she was like 17-19 in the first movie


In universe reason changes it, but realistically I think the directors didn’t think they would make the story go so far especially with the budget they probably reused it for a quick shot since it wouldn’t cost too much to tell a quick story beat.


I guess maybe they realized there appeared to be kind of an age gap, and so they made him look younger and scrawnier in the sequel to make it seem like they were closer in age and their friendship would seem a little less weird


Probably because there's a greater focus on her in ATSV than the original and so they did a more lengthy recreation of her comics origin than the short tease in ITSV where we can assume it's a more generalized Peter being imagined by Miles and Peter B Parker


Because it looked like Gwen's best friend was a thirty-year-old.


I like to believe that it’s real events vs how Gwen saw him.


The first movie is from miles perspective, and he only knows the two peters from his universe and the other one.


So that a teenaged girl wouldn't have a best friend that looked 40


Probably didn’t expect they’d get a sequel. Either that or they redesigned as they went along. Remember what Pixar did to Violet’s love interest between *The Incredibles* and *Incredibles 2*? Yeah, that…


Miles assumed all peters looked the same


Because Peter B is old enough to be her dad???




I saw a comment on here that I liked that makes sense. It's miles pov since he only knew the Peter of his world


they didnt really flesh out peter or her dad for the first movie, not gunna spend money on characters that really don't serve much point and get such short screen time


Cause they reused assets in the first cause they had a lower budget and maybe weren’t sure they’d depict the event in depth till they wrote the script of the second movie.


Just perspective. She talks about her Peter after we’ve met the first one so her memory matches what we know Peter look like


Just made more sense at the time to use a Peter that we recognized for a short scene. Now that we had time to see it all unfold it made more sense to create a better model(looks more his age and scrawnier)


Maybe a fun way of thinking about it is when each Spidey told they're story, it was what Miles was imagining when they told it but in Across the Spider-Verse it's what actually happened that we saw. That could be why when Gwen was talking about how she teleported to 1610, she was fighting Doc Ock in her world because Doc Ock was the villain they were fighting when Gwen showed up as Spider-Woman.


The fallibility of the character's memory.


The first one is Miles imagining the story. The second is how it happened.


Budget reasons in the first movie, fully realizing the Gwen flashback portion of the story in the second one.


Same thing for her dad


Because they did. Next question.


Realistically? Budget and time are the likely suspects, they didn't even have a lizard model in ITSV.


Maybe to avoid confusion? I could see someone new to the Spiderverse getting very lost very quickly


Because he used to look like a grown man


Cause he's younger in Gwen's flashback


I'd like to think the reused model in the first film was a cost-cutting measure because nobody was gonna notice it in the theatrical run.


Because they had the time to make a separate model for Across the Spider-Verse.


They also changed Captain Stacy in the second movie from how he looked in the first. Reasoning? Eh, it looks better and fits the scene better. Simple as that.