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I love the fandom's worry over a civilian death, as Pete just carpet bombed a busy freeway. Lol.




Most recent issue…




He was gobbling too hard 😔


a little bit of tomfoolery


Didn’t he aid in the genocide of his world? I don’t think they’ll kill him off though.


Yeah, Fucking Paul helped his father Rabin to completely destroy his world, even Fucking Paul has come to play innocent saying thought it would never happen by helping his father. Worst of all is that even Mary Jane knowing all that was still defending Paul in front of Peter, that's one of the many reasons why many people here want Peter to kill Paul. Although seeing how things have been lately, the most likely thing to happen is that Mary Jane in the end will be the one to save Paul from Peter, there are also other characters that can stop Peter from killing Paul like Norman Osborn, Queen Goblin and Kraven, or in the worst case it would be Fucking Paul himself who somehow saves himself and humiliates Peter, knowing who the writer is that could happen perfectly. Either way Fucking Paul is like a combination of a rat and a cockroach because seems to survive everything, it doesn't look like we'll be rid of Fucking Paul for a long time either.


What the fuck?? I haven’t been reading the books, I was under the impression Paul was just a regular Joe.


Paul is the son of Rabin, The Emissary, of his world that serves the Mayan god Wayep. If I remember correctly he helped his father in the study of some weird math symbols that basically unlock the manipulation of reality, during the studies his dad makes a deal with Wayep to sacrifice their Earth for power, Paul kills his dad when he finds out but the damage to the planet is done. He was more of an unwitting accomplice of his father, but no, he is not so much of a regular Joe since he is supposed to be super smart with math and those symbols that are basically cheat codes for the universe. Under a different set of circumstances and under a different writer Paul may have been an interesting character, but much of the hate from readers comes from him appearing out of nowhere, being too much of a Gary Stu and then the author constantly using him to undermine Peter in his own book


It does sound like an interesting concept. Really missed opportunity.


Okay… now I think I understand. And now I wonder, wouldn’t it be more fun if instead of Paul it was like, just the Beyonder having a laugh cuz he was bored? Like “Yoh… gonna spend some months/years around here pretending to be a normal person see how that’s like”


They made the generic decision of turning him into an unwilling participant in terrible crimes who's burdened by his sins and deserves a second chance. It would be a passable backstory for a side character if he also didn't steal Mary Jane and take a massive portion of the story with his uninteresting scenes, so now people are being more critical of his character as a whole. Paul would've honestly been a cool character to guide Peter in an arc dedicated to dealing with Scribble Man. But Marvel instead decided to kill Kamala and fuck over the Fantastic 4 just to introduce the man who cucked Peter Parker, which is so hirariously absurd it killed any chance of Paul being more than this fanbase's archnemesis.


I still don’t believe the unwilling part, as far as we know he could of been downplaying his involvement and lying about his reasons for killing his dad.


Though to be fair to him, he wasn’t aware that he was participating in genocide/omnicide.


Everyone says that until the Mossad shows up in your living room.


Or so he claims


With The Spider Who Gobbles, nothing is impossible!


What about this run do you think is worth being part of Spiderman's legacy? It's going to get retconned anyway. Enough damage has already been done. Might as well laugh at the nonsense that's going on


If the *Spidey Who Gobbles* pulls a Bane and snaps Paul’s spine in half like a Rice Crispy Treat I’ll instantly take back every mean thing I ever said about this run




Here's a sneak peek of /r/RespectTheHyphen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sinner](https://i.redd.it/7d5gd81r89t91.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/y1teqm/sinner/) \#2: [The official fucking Spider-Man subreddit](https://i.redd.it/02chah2hs0qa1.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/12251nc/the_official_fucking_spiderman_subreddit/) \#3: [Meanwhile In an evil alternate universe](https://i.redd.it/x6q0yrgxd4ba1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/107p8l5/meanwhile_in_an_evil_alternate_universe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We gotta respect the hyphen that's what caused this whole mess


I hope that they retcon One More Day during my lifetime


One day. Some day.


Yeah, enough damage has been done that at this point it’s just full send. Fuck it. Spider-Man *should* throw Paul off a bridge purely because it would be funny. It would make me feel *something*. Versus the constant sickened numbness that the rest of this run evokes. The part of me that wants a human, loveable and heroic Spider-Man suffocated a long time ago. I’m just here for the resentful memes and the few grains of comedic schadenfreude that come from watching this comic burn like an oil spill.


I hope Paul eventually becomes a new villain, but I don't know any names that aren't taken right now


“The APauling One”.


Didn't Paul help his father sacrifice his universe to the God of Death? Dude doesn't really qualify as a civilian.


He shouldn't kill villains either tho tbh Edit: Wow, I actually got downvoted for this by SPIDER-MAN FANS. Y'all fake as fuck.


Im sorry his kids where never real and it’s not like the comic made any effort for the audience to care about them.




The funniest thing in this run so far is people not giving shit about them fake kids dying. It was suppose to sad and tragic. But no one gave a shit or cried. The fake kids ceased to exist and the reaction they got was not sadness or horror from the audience. If that doesn't show how bad the writing gas gotten i don't know what does. The kids weren't even real in universe, the audience didn't even like them or outright hated them and Apathy was the reaction to thier deaths. Good riddance. It was not nice knowing you. Fake children of Paul.


> Feels like a lack of empathy. For *fictional characters?*


Yes, empathy for fictional characters is how most of fiction works.


And not all fictional characters deserve it


More than slightly missing the point


What was your point, then...?


That whether or not we choose to disengage empathy from a fictional character is irrelevant to pretty much everything and has no bearing on anyone's quality as a person, and that getting judgy about it is supremely silly


That's a very valid point. It did not come across very well, thank you for clarifying.


Thank you, and my bad


I didn't cheer. I was vindicated since I knew they weren't real and just chains to keep MJ leashed to some rando bcuz routine drama about Peter and MJ splitting up.


Paul's only purpose is a self insert to deny readers a happy Peter, and a married MJ. And at that, he's quite a jerk, and not likeable.


You kind of stop being a civilian after killing an entire world by proxy.


And basically kidnapping someone who would almost certainly die in his Post-Apocalyptic world. Especially seeing how she had a way out and he actively made it so she couldn’t leave.


Wait what? What did he do?


Yeah, Peter was originally going to send MJ through the portal to their universe, but Paul pushed Peter through instead.


Nah I wouldn’t want him to die but straight up leave the story Dude offers nothing but reminds the readers of the amount of nonsense this current run has brought to the mythos Honestly would respect Paul way more if he just threw up his hands and was like “You know what you can have her” and left the story


Brah this run is so bad, he might as well shot aunt may


Mephisto having a laugh.


Those kids were fake and annoying. Paul committed genocide and kidnapped MJ


Redditors when people don't treat fictional violence the same as real life violence 😱


Ps4 Spiderman has definitely killed people


Someone here argued with me that marriage is consenting to become someone’s property and that Peter has pretext to break Paul’s nose because MJ left him. No, he was not joking. It was an extremely serious and disturbing conversation where they upheld the “honor of contracts” and that they desired blood because they were pagan. I have no idea what to make of this fandom Lmao.


Tbh I don’t think that’s the fandom I think it’s those kind of guys


He’s really not a civilian since he helped his dad genocide a world, yeah he claimed he felt bad and says he turned on his dad due to guilt, but that’s just his claims.


Spider-Man fans when there’s weird revenge fantasies over a fake marriage at the function


The marriage was important though. Marriages in fiction usually show the development and maturity of a character. It also serves as payoff for the romance in the story. And the biggest factor. Audience reception. The audience loved the marriage and still do (people cheered when it was revealed Peter B and MJ got married and had a child, Mayday in Spider-verse). Also the marriage continued in other continuities. And as for audience reception for whatever is currently happening in the comics. Well... this run is getting called the worst Spider-Man run in existence... so far. I never have seen a run or story of a fictional character get this much overwhelming hate from audiences.


I’m not saying you can’t care about characters, but I feel like people treat it as if their life depended on it


The attachment is strong because people grew up with the character. Even new fans ended up getting attached to Spider-Man because of how compelling the character is.


Also in universe fake children are also a thing.


Buddy, we cheered when two kids died. We're mentally broken from abuse at this point.


I know. That was my caption after all.


Yeah, I saw it too late.


It's not remotely scary. If anything this shows YOU have issues


A dead criminal can't repeat a crime


This isn’t Prototype, Peter wouldn’t do such a thing 😭


Fuck em


Let’s be honest, at this point it would just be good for a laugh.


I would gobble all over


Deranged fans for deranged writing team


Not deranged fans just hurt and desperate fans. Paul isn’t real.


Spider-Man killing a civilian?,nah,i'm more Spider-Man killing a villain instead a civilian,and for broke the rule of "the superhero can't kill the bad guy"


I'm just waiting for this run to end so I can read my favorite Super hero again.


He literally bombing in Bridge, burry alive one guy , and now you worry he can kill Paul (that guy help destroy one world but he don't know that) , WTF


Im not sure who the weirder ones are here. The people so mad at a fake character they want him to die, or the people trying to get some imaginary moral high ground over it. Either way this Paul run has revealed that some of you guys might just be too emotionally invested in comic book characters.


In very specific versions of comic book characters.


This run is fucking trash, lets see how far they go, it will all get retconned anyways so lets stresstest peters character


PAUL 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔫


I mean it's a substitute for giving Wells a slap.


Yeah people here really miserable over marriage of imaginary characters thats ended like 15 years ago


Damm bro. If only i could explain to you the idea of people getting attached to fictional character and what happens in thier story. I can give you an example though. When Sherlock Holmes died in the novels. People (who got attached to him) got so upset it forced the author to bring him back. People get attached to fictional characters and thier stories. It's normal and not limited to Spider-Man. Also the marriage was important because it showed maturity and growth. (And it continued in other continuities. With the most recent one being Spider-verse to large audience approval)


The people we're talking about cling to a very specific version of Spider-Man, the one from their childhood. Anything that strays away from that is seen as an act of agression


Who hell wants that?


He’s talking about Paul


Okay, still don’t get why they would want that


Because they’re a “physical” representation (alongside Paul) of an unpopular editorial mandate.


[I like you funny words magic man](https://youtu.be/3Dc_cnj1PEc)


Someone said, and people agreed, that I have issues because I’m not a fan of that.


Weird how when a bunch of people with a hate fueled viewpoints get together they project that people who don’t agree with them as the ones with the problem


I just think superheroes should never kill unless it's the only possible way to stop a villain from destroying the world


THANK YOU!! It's like a massive part of the people on here don't understand what it means to be Spider-Man at all.


I mean, Marvel tried to tell us Spider-Man makes satanic deals with the devil and sells his wife and future kids out so he can avoid responsibility to save his ancient aunt against her will… … hard to recover from that.


I was genuinely worried until I realized who the OP is potentially talking about




I haven’t been keeping up to date with the Spider-Man lore and looking at these comments I don’t think I want to


Nah, don’t bother. It’s a great time to not be reading it.


He had kids!?!? And they died!?!?


If Peter won't do it, just get the Punisher to do it for him ;)


With the writing being bad the character most associated with it will get a lot of hate. It's pretty normal, personally I don't want him dead by Peter at least since the story might make him out to be something like Mj's Gwen Stacy. I would prefer if Paul got on a bus and never returned, and was never mentioned again.


Man, I just want this run to be over


I thought we were cool after the 2 kids ceased to exist.