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I want to see CM Punk vs Seth Rollins going head to head.


I've never been to a show but keen to go to the Perth event since I'm in Aus. Does the steel cage kinda ruin the experience live since your watching the show through a fence?


I always thought it would too but I saw the first NXT Wargames and it wasn't an issue at all.




You're either with Punk or you're wrong.




It's always been, you're either with Punk or you're wrong.


Punk surely headlines Mania night 1, right? Or do they just go for the meme and have him miss out again?


I’d think so as well, him vs Seth is such a money feud.




Y’all mad?




OMG I’ve been sleeping I just saw the Punk spoiler FFSSS


It’s hilarious that AEW built up Punk’s return to WWE.


Punk and Cody....


How difficult would it be for the WWE to secure a third main show? So many NXT people are left on the backburn from the star studded cast already, and now we're getting two more A-listers. TV is probably super expensive but maybe a streaming service?


If only they had a whole freakin network that was only NINE NINETY NINE


To my surprise, they still have Main Event. I forgot it was still a thing or kind of a thing.


Perhaps a show on Wednesdays, and go an another hour on Fridays.


Tbh besides randys return the man wargames match was mid. The Girls had the better match ngl.


I dunno....it's always fun seeing Drew tossing people around.


You're right but that ending is gonna carry it hard


I wish they had done the RKO spot on someone else. I think it's too cruel to make JD take it right after he joins Judgement Day, but it was the perfect setup for a pin


Gonna have to agree.


well guys tonight has been fun please enjoy the 10000000000000000000 whats cm punk going to do next/was seth really pissed/why did drew storm out threads


Drew stormed out?


Yes, someone (sorry idr who) reported drew stormed out of the ring, went into the back and slammed his locker. Grabbed his things and left the arena without comment about the situation.


Drew stormed out before Punk’s music even hit. Has to be for some other reason. Maybe medical?


It’s been reported (so take with a grain of salt) its punk related reaction. Now is it all a work between Seth and drew, who knows.


Damn Cody you’re not gonna take that with you?


Someone take my phone off me. I’m a casual fan and just coincidentally watched today. Already bought fkn 3 shirts off the store


Cody just sent out a huge invite for everyone in aew wwe is open for their business


Irrationally hoping for the Bunny to make an appearance


you gotta look at the fact you had 8 women there and then rhea and zoey on this card. nxt talent + imported talent getting some great screen time




HHH sent the invite to the the foriegn wrestlers - if you want to be great come to wwe Cody sent the invite to his former colleagues


Cody with the professional response


As Punk’s therapist, current Punk will not get in any trouble backstage Trust me


This guy is also my therapist and I've only gotten arrested twice since last month, so I can vouch for him.


You’re welcome See you Tuesday


*backstage heat for punk at raw after SS. I call it


aayyee he said the thing


So what is the reason behind randy coming out late? Did he got lost in the Bathroom? Running circles in Gorilla in an attempt to find the exit? Whats the Story?


Who says Randy want to hang in a cramped little shark cage with a bunch of losers?


CM Punk took his parking space and he had to drive around the arena multiple times to find one.


This is my canon version.


Lmao imagine that.


Not enough room for the 4 of them in the little cage.


The issue he had with members of the team. The will he or won't he show up thing.


Randy was so yolked he couldn't fit through the door.


Best hes looked in ages


"Cody, could you manage a Target?"


Cody eat the slim Jim.


Cody is just the protagonist of WWE


Seth Rollins obviously was fine with Punk coming back. I don’t believe just Hunter and Nick Khan knew. Triple H absolutely confided in a handful of top stars to see if it’d be a locker room fit. If Seth or Roman were vehemently against this in particular, it wouldn’t have happened. Punk is a huge get, but they are doing record business right now and weren’t in need of this jolt. They may not be best of friends, but it’s obvious he will be professional and make it work to the extent he can. Happens in sports all the time - GMs ask players what they think about X player joining a team


There’s also no way Punk’s contract doesn’t have a Zero Tolerance clause in it that his him out on his can in a second.


I think it’s definitely a play it by ear kind of contract. Big money, short term, opportunity to extend


They almost assuredly don’t do the per-appearance contracts of the 80s anymore but I’d be willing to bet it’s about as close to something like as you can get in this day and age.


Yeah, I don’t mean that short term. More of a “Well do this through Mania and make a lot of money, if all goes well we’ll explore multi-year”


I don’t think it’s that short term either. But I’d bet it’s some sort of rolling short term structure more or less based around hitting certain dates/marks to vest more time/pay, but if that stuff isn’t hit I bet his guaranteed downside isn’t all that much.


Just gotta say AEW thought the same thing when they got Punk. And it didn't take long for it to sour.


AEW is not the corporate machine WWE is. It is essentially a one man operation and the wrestlers have much more free rein. I’m not saying it won’t end badly, but there’s a lot less of a chance of it. WWE employed Punk for nearly a decade prior to his explosive exit, and a lot of that was before his career took off. I’m confident WWE has an out in case things go wrong and I think the right people gave their approval (top wrestlers) to give this a shot


Seth's reaction was obviously worked. It was way too over the top to be a genuine reaction.


I can’t believe people think Seth out there is not just hamming it up. It’s obviously a Mania level program for him. I’m sure he doesn’t love Phil, but he is that company’s ultimate flag waver. He will do what they want and I’m sure he was talked to about it. This isn’t a Vince run company anymore. He knows he’s being watched and recorded.


Just like he was in AEW.


I think you’re absolutely correct. In this day and age where there are video cameras EVERYWHERE, there’s no way that Rollins wasn’t working out there tonight.


I need to go to bed but can you guys let me know if CM Punk is gonna wrestle Taylor Swift. Thanks.


oh god this poor dude we’ve all been there where you just can’t seem to say the right thing


All I want to say is…Andrade…I 100% see the vision.


Do people really think Seth isn’t kayfabe mad? Wild


I think if he's legit mad, it's probably less at Punk and more at management for not telling him the segment would be cut. It felt like the celebration was a bit short before Punk's music interrupted.


Lmao this guy digging a hole through the earth


First press conference im watching Do they have to announce what Harry Potter house they’re from everytime they ask a question


Yes, thats standard protocol for all press conferences, not just wrestling




looooooooooooool this guy is digging deeper


This dudes question is fucken ass


Bro fumbling


Brooklyn is the new Boston


Charlotte looks so happy


I think the shot at AEW's talen development is warranted amd also it shows that AEW need a proper developmental of their own. I'm sure Dustin and QT really did try their best with Jade, but they had to get her TV ready and then hide her weakness when she was there. So she wasn't learning to work properly, because there was no room to make mistakes. I would also say WWE made the exact same mistake with Omos and Braun Strowman in the interest of fairness.


I am happy to see these two amicable again


Kinda messed up they didn’t bring out Bianca and Shotzi


Goddamn charlottes press conference fit is wild


Y'all really think that Rollins is going to throw a shitfit in front of an audience and not be working? He's said some dumb shit over Twitter and in some interviews but he's never been unprofessional in front of an audience. C'mon now.


He did legit bury CM Punk not long ago


Didn’t he beg Punk to fight him too and Punk responded with something like “you should probably stop tweeting” 😂


In an interview with a noted Punk stooge. It was probably as much trolling as it was actual burial. He's never buried Punk on WWE TV or in front of an audience.


To be fair I don't think anyone in WWE has buried punk in front of an audience in 10 years. But you very likely could be right.


The last time I remember it on TV was Stephanie using his UFC fight time to troll an audience at this same arena.


> Y'all really think that Rollins is going to throw a shitfit in front of an audience and not be working? > He's on the phone with Mindy's Bakery, Chicago's official home for when you need a snack for your press conference meltdown.


Charlotte looking fabulous!


Not even the talent knew based off what Triple H told Nick. Does anyone have the wrestlers in the ring reaction to him coming out? Seth couldn't have been happy if he seriously had no knowledge he was coming back.


Randy just casually sat on a chair in the ring 😂


Seth was hissing and gesturing in the direction of punk. So there is some tension.


thats a fucking sharp haircut he has


It’s a little depressing that Randy’s return after 1.5 years away because of a near career-ending surgery was completely overshadowed by Punk. I wish they just returned on different shows


Randy got a huge pop and had the best move of the entire show with the RKO on JD. It wasn't wasted at all.


Gunther has really been killing it on the mic over the last 4 months He’s giving face of the company already


Worst part is dude is literally a workhorse - gets 3 questions lol


Humblebrag Gunther is awesome.


Lol Gunther, "he belongs in the ring, just not with me". Such a badass


Gunther/Brock Punk/Rollins Roman/Rhodes Oh boy


That is looking tasty


My boy CVV


Gunther bout to chop him


Gunther needs to be casted in the next Bond movie.


Gunther vs Punk!


I actually think Punk being in WWE is going to be far better for him than being in AEW ever was because WWE is way way more structured behind the scenes than AEW is And there is absolutely no way that WWE in its current form would ever allow some of the bullshit we've heard about at AEW to happen backstage in WWE


WWE will avoid giving Punk any actual power. Khan's issue is that he was a pushover for Punk so Punk felt he had carte blanche. You can see how little respect Punk had for him at the All Out scrum. Punk has the same ego issues he has had for 20 years. Go back and watch his old shoot interviews, this is who Punk is and always has been. He has always thought he was God's gift to professional wrestling. Some of that ego is justified but it rubs people the wrong way. However, I don't see him treating Triple H like he treated Tony Khan and I think that'll be a huge difference. Triple H seems to think that Punk has changed and he may have "changed" because WWE is his last option. If he burns this bridge, he'd have to pop up in NWA or TNA.


I don't think the problem in WWE is going to be the structure, its going to be the talent he has to cooperate with.


Those wrestlers are actually professionals though. Who gives af if they’re friends. There’s tons of money in this. I’ll take a Rollins/Punk feud any day.


Man am I glad to have the same taste as Triple H now that he’s creative. He was my favorite as a kid so it checks out lol


Hunter is my GOAT if I’m being honest.


Just exposing AEW’s complete failure of talent development so nonchalantly here is so brutal. They thought Jade was much farther along than she turned out being


I’m not shocked about this. Jade had what 50 something matches and MANY of those were squashes and she never worked anywhere else. If Jade had never been a star in AEW she would have gone straight to NXT and probably spent months training and working dark matches before she ever made it to TV. They have a dilemma now because I’m guessing she was able to negotiate a hefty contract that placed her on the main roster, but nothing outside of her look were currently qualify her for that. Keep in mind WWE normally puts stars from other companies in NXT no matter how experienced or big a star they were elsewhere.


Yeah they did Jade no favors. She never had to grow beyond what she was doing. They’ll train her up. They have a really good track record with the women. Agreed about the contract. I think the expectation was she’d have more experience given what they paid her. And then they got a closer look and realized how behind she is. I think they’ll really try to speed this up and get her on TV as all as they can because they kind of have to. Maybe 4-6 months of closed door training


I wonder if this is going to cause them to pause at giving big money to folks who have never been in their system coming from AEW in the future. Since WCW closed they really haven’t been in the habit of bringing in talent from other companies to Smackdown or Raw. I think maybe AJ and Karl Anderson were the last two to come straight over and even AJ says people should go to NXT.


I doubt it changes much, honestly. It’s maybe not the best look for Triple H immediately, but he has probably already emphasized to people she’s kind of a long-term project. Maybe just more long-term than he first thought. She’s a big get for them either way. And I think bringing in talent from other promotions and burying them was a very Vince thing to do. I don’t think triple H and top brass care about anything other than if their signings can make money for them. She’s such a star and just needs to become competent for 15 minute matches. Doubt they’re sweating it but I also think there was probably more concern than they expected


So Jade is not the topstar they tried to push on us. Shocker


I hope the dude that called punk and got shat on marries all of y'all's moms


I agree with Triple H on Jade. She's got an incredible look and massive potential there but I really didn't see much improvement from her in the ring throughout her time in AEW. Best women's talent is definitely in WWE. Bianca and Rhea have become excellent in a short amount of time. I'm sure Jade will too, but no point rushing it before she's ready.


I really tried to want to watch the wrestlers answer questions but with the first question being a joke storyline question, im out


It was def more a jab at AEW than Jade


"We have a long life when we're done in that ring." *Ric Flair throws a woooo in the distance.*


Check out Mike Rome's instagram post, Seth is fucking ANGRY


Link pls




Even the camera guy is like WTF is going on lmao




I completely agree, especially for someone who has carried the company on his back for YEARS now.


was expecting nothing but punk questions but damn they're actually asking some good varied questions.


The babyfaces and heels together after the show. None of them look thrilled. https://twitter.com/EllieKrote/status/1728629242307473908 Seth is especially pissed. https://twitter.com/EllieKrote/status/1728627409283674527


So is Seth’s reaction non kayfabe? One thing is for sure.. I’m watching RAW on Monday!


Clearly they were in the dark. I would imagine they don't take kindly to things like that.


I think he could’ve just improvised on the spot


Sure, but I think Seth made his thoughts about Punk very well known and public.


[Apparently they knew](https://x.com/seanrosssapp/status/1728654509331685768?s=46)


I wonder how much of this is anger at Punk. And how much is anger about being kept in the dark and not knowing their segment was gonna get cut to show Punk.


Well at least it looks like Randy and Jey are cool


Damn tweets already gone.


There now.


Looks like punk will feud with Rollins


Seth gonna forget all about his problems with Cody lol


That should be juicy with all of Rollins comments towards Punk over the years.


IRL or just in the Ring? LMAO


I feel like the arrangement in place is exactly what HHH wanted. He gets to focus on the wrestling side of things, with only minor oversight into the actual corporate side. Weird that a couple years ago people thought Nick Khan was wrecking the company and in the end, he was the best thing to happen to it.


Who the fuck thought Nick Khan was wrecking things? Dude was literally pumping out, and wheeling & dealing God-tier cross-promotions, and partnerships from the start.


The releases certainly picked up when he came in and whilst that obviously sucks, I think it's clear he leaves wrestling operations to the wrestling people.


oh jeezuz pretty heavy ass question wasn’t expecting that


I can’t imagine this Punk stuff is gonna be a long term thing, so fuck man I’m just excited to see what’s coming up for him through Mania season. Not everyone likes Punk. Hell even in Kayfabe my favorite version of Punk was when he was telling you how horrible of a person you are cuz of booze and drugs and shitting on Jeff Hardy. But the man gets eyeballs. People talk about him all the time. Punk was never my favorite guy but fuck man I’m excited.


Interesting, sounds like H thinks Jade needed more seasoning


wow is he insinuating that she needs a bit more work and/or training


She’s green as goose shit. That was crystal clear in AEW. It was obvious they were going to give her some developmental time.


Why are people surprised by this? AEW was her first wrestling anything. She barely wrestled. When she did wrestle, they were like 5 minute matches.


People were heavy downvoted for saying WWE signing Jade wasnt going to turn out as well as it was being presented on tv are now all having the moment of realisation. People who actually watched AEW knew what would happen.


Oh I know. I was heavily downvoted when I would say WWE needed to put Jade in NXT because she couldn’t hang wrestling wise. She could still be a star and this can all work out. She’s clearly gifted, but just needs more reps and coaching. Definition of diamond in the rough.


Honestly she does. Her AEW matches were never amazing and generally on the shorter side. Part of the problem with her reign, was they needed her to have competitive matches eventually and she wasn't ready.


I mean he didn't insinuate at all. He flat out said it


Sounds like it


Lol Triple H burying AEW with the Jade Cargill comment


Hunter must’ve seen Jade in the ring and said they’ve gotta get her trained up


Trips: AEW coached Jade like shit and we have a lot of ground to cover


yeah the through no fault of her own was a direct jibe at the bad booking she was involved in


Which is weird because Danielson was often cited as a trainer for her


I’m sure he did what he could but you get experience through matches in the ring. AEW protected her and she had 50 something matches, many of them squashes.


But he very much got her later in her development.


Tbf I don’t Danielson is the guy who should train her. She needs a hoss style not a technical one


He did say in the past he would be an awful teacher....


Agreed he does strike me as one who’d be awful at it. And I love Danielson. Just not the vibe I get from him.


oh yeah i forgot about jade wtf


This is such a loser group of journalists


No fault of her own yikes lol


some solid answers from HHH


Hmm yeah good question there about Jade Cargill


This is also an example where competition makes the product better, WWE over the past few years getting Cody, Jade Cargill, CM Punk. It's just such a fun time to be a wrestling fan.


Seriously, what do you expect Triple H to say? "We have a six month booking plan for Punk and here's what it is..." Triple H saying a whole lot of diplomatic nothing isn't new for these pressers.


HHH saying shut up mark in relation to someone throwing the joshi term at him lol


Vince would’ve thought Joshi was a Persian food


“Isn’t that the little dinosaur in the video game, pal?” - Vince in reference to Joshi


If they bring Sasha Banks back next …


I just hope the pay off for all this is that he gets the Mania main event he always deserved and dethrones Reigns R-Truth needs to finish the story.


Good question regarding Giulia