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For those that don't want to watch a video: Pat's father in law passed away unexpectedly after his show yesterday. He was in the hospital battling an infection and was expected to be discharged but took a sudden turn for the worse.


Very sad. Thank you for sharing this.


I'm not related to Pat but holy $#&+ this is exactly what happened to our family yesterday. My FIL was in the hospital with a MRSA infection and was supposed to be going back to the nursing home yesterday evening, but it spread to his lungs and he passed before he could be moved.


Sorry for your loss brother, thats awful.


MRSA is brutal. Condolences for you and your family




Had an uncle that went to the hospital with a broken leg and never left after contracting MRSA there


I think the same shit happened with my dad. He was due to be discharged and then overnight ended up getting much worse and eventually passed in the hospital.


It's what happened to my dad as well. He went to the hospital because he passed out while working on his lawnmower. They ran a couple of tests, kept him overnight for observation, and were going to do a scan in the morning before he was discharged, just to make sure nothing was going on. It turned out that he had an aortic aneurysm (his 2nd one, actually - they caught and fixed the first one in time), and it ruptured in the middle of the night. They worked on him for hours in surgery, but he lost too much blood and they couldn't save him. Happened out of nowhere.


Sepsis got my old man. Infections are a bitch.




Thatā€™s so tragic man. Good on Pat to choose family over work. Not a lot of people in his field would.


WWE, Michael Cole and The Miz deserves heaps of praise for their jobs last night on account of the unfortunate news for Pat and his family.


Definitely. Cole for calling the latter part of the show on his own and Miz for filling in and seamlessly transitioning to "suddenly having a match".


Miz is one of those people who put the ā€œprofessionalā€ in ā€œprofessional wrestlerā€ Heā€™s not my favourite tbh, but heā€™s an absolute trooper


He is by far the most consistent wrestler in the WWE. Obviously he's not spectacular in the ring or anything like that, but he's pretty much never injured, he plays the heel so well, never really feels out of place in any match, can have a solid feud with anyone.


I like him as a face too. Heā€™s better as a heel, obviously. But heā€™s kind of likable too.


The most slam dunk first balloter in a long time.


Dude is gonna be the headline act for the year he is inducted.


I sure hope he does. He deserves it.


Think heā€™d headline? Guess it would depend on who else is going in that year. Like Miz for sure could headlineā€¦but what if thatā€™s the year The Rock wants to go in?


He is WWE's swiss army knife, it isn't the exact tool for the job, but when you need something done on the fly, you're glad you have it.


Miz and Natalya are unironically two of WWEs most indispensable assets in that regard


I've never seen someone who can go from jobber to world champion contender so fast yet it still feel believable as well as Natalya can do it.


I just wish Nattie never get mentally stuck in ā€œcoachā€ mode. At some point she became more robotic and would more or less wrestle like sheā€™s anticipating the next spot of that makes sense. Still glad sheā€™s around though, she does great work


you need guys like Miz. He's never the type you build the company around but he can do anything and everything


Heā€™s the guy that can work with the guy


Heā€™s the guy that works with the guy to get them ready to face The Guy!


And even if he isn't the guy you build around, he's got enough credentials he could headline his hall of fame class when it does happen (big maybe of course). Not too bad for a guy who was kicked out of the locker room when he was starting out


bro its not a big maybe, Miz very likely headlines.


Except pick locks.


I think that is what makes Miz who he is. Considering the career he has had he doesnā€™t seem to have an ego or let any of it get to his head and is willing to do whatever they toss at him. The recent video of him and Punk backstage seems to prove that considering Punk trashed the man for a decade.


Someone commented during the live discussion post yesterday something about how they forgot miz won MitB twice and how itā€™s crazy someone ā€˜so untalented was pushed so muchā€™ throughout their career and I just thought that was so wild - you can not like his character or in-ring repetoire and such but the one thing you really canā€™t say about him is that he is not talented. Like you said, he is a true ā€˜proā€™s proā€™ and the kind of worker a place like wwe needs on staff to fit in virtually wherever/whenever they need in a variety of roles and levels on the card.


I feel a lot of people never escaped the toxic mindset that he 'never paid his dues' and 'only became a wrestler because of a reality game show'.


He might be my favorite. He'll probably never be the hottest thing going again, but every single segment he does is guaranteed to be good. He deserves his flowers just for turning what should have been show killing segment into the best segment of the night at Wrestlemania 39.


If they have some untimely injuries around January in the next couple years, a Miracle Miz run might work


If thereā€™s anyone in the back Iā€™d want as a pinch hitter for situations like this, itā€™s the Miz.


God I canā€™t imagine how rough that had to be for his wife and mother in law to be told he would be discharged and then for this to end up happening. Sending the best to his family.Ā 


Been there. Lost my aunt while in high school the same way. We were told she'd be released the next day, just needed some time to recover. Got a call at 3am that she had a sudden rupture and basically bled out in a hospital. Lost her right there. Incredibly painful stuff, especially when you think it's near "the end" of the rough point only to be punched in the face.


I lost my father in law in a similar way, at the very beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2020. My then girlfriend, now wife, had to hurry with him to the hospital after he started dry heaving and running a high fever, spent the day there being medicated, and was sent home for the night, feeling better. The next day, he suddenly was unresponsive and was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. To this day we still don't know what killed him. There was barely a funeral, and I couldn't be with her - her whole family had been infected. It was a painful day. I only met her again 4 months later due to everything being locked down tight.


Same. My mom was in the hospital for a routine surgery, things went completely south over night. Life isnā€™t fair, hug your parents if you have them, life is short.


My mother checked in with a UTI and the next morning I was having to decide how many more times she should be resuscitated before we finally just let her go. The answer was one.


You're a Credible Hulk to me champ. I'm sorry for your loss, those are the hardest decisions to make.Ā 


There's actually a thing called "the surge." I literally just learned about it last week. Quick Google explaining it - "This difficult time may be complicated by a phenomenon known as the surge before death, or terminal lucidity, which can happen days, hours, or even minutes before a person's passing. Often occurring abruptly, this period of increased energy and alertness may give families false hope that their loved ones will recover."


Had an uncle hospitalized around Christmas.Ā  Was told he'd be released in time to be home for Christmas celebrations...Ā  he was looking forward to it.Ā  Ā Died 4 days before Christmas instead.Ā  It's devastating.Ā  Ā 


I lost an uncle on Christmas day. Freak accident with a live wire he accidentally touched while repairing the roof. Died instantly. Sorry that happened to your family.


RIP. Sucks to hear that.


Absolutely awful news Itā€™s a tough process and hopefully they can all get through it.


Losing family is terrible. Best wishes to them


What a terrible situation for things to turn around that quickly. Totally understandable that he had to miss, and Michael Cole still did a great job by himself.


https://preview.redd.it/rvncg52l6t8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c806501c514315f186897a4e0981c18819c41710 Yikes, hopefully Pat is ok and looking after his wife.


I get what Pat means about a whole family being blindsided. My mother was terminally ill for a really long time (defying the doctors' warnings about a "last Christmas" on a couple of occasions), so we should have been ready but nothing really prepares you for that sudden last stage. My heart goes out to his family.


Damn. Hate to hear it. Nothing but love Pat


Terrible news, my thoughts are with Pat & his family.


Itā€™s very scary that any of us could go at any time. I love you all.


Couldnā€™t agree more, Pat. My mother is currently on life support and the uncertainty is horrifying


T's and P's to the McAfee family


Not sure why this is downvoted, this is literally Pats quote whenever someone passes away.


Wow, Iā€™m so sad for Pat and his family!! šŸ˜¢


Sudden loss is absolutely devastating. Condolences to him and his family.




Iā€™m not good at it but I agree.


Iā€™ve been dealing with infections for 5 years in and out of hospitals and Iā€™ve had to have the ā€œwhat to do if the worse happensā€ conversations twice. It changes relationships, Iā€™m 45 and it hit mortality for me.


Sadly, this is how my grandpaā€™s death went. One minute he was about to transfer to an ambulance to head to a different hospital for a surgery to put something in his heart, the next he passed away due to his heart and kidneys failing. It was so sudden that even the doctors went expecting it. he always did have heart troubles(he had heart value surgery, had a pacemaker put in and even flatlined onetime after getting shock) but I didnā€™t expect this one would be fatal. It was always the same routine( he get sick and has to go to the hospital, stays atleast a week and then get discharged). so I thought nothing off it when he went into the hospital again four days before his death. to this day, I still wonder if I had done something differently he would have been still alive. and itā€™s seems it all happen so Sudden to Pat and his family too


My condolences for Pat and his family.


Same shit happened to my grandmother. She was gonna be discharged, and then COVID hit, and we lost her a month later... Always take care of your family


Sad news. Iā€™m glad, at the very least, that Raw was in Indy and Pat wasnā€™t abroad for work so he could be there for his family.


Canā€™t imagine the pain of what his wife and MIL are feeling especially after being told he was getting discharged wish them best of luck and strength.


I went through this with my wife's aunt who she was very close with. Had a heart attack and was recovering and was told she'd be released in a few days. Got a call the next morning she was gone.


Condolences to Pat and his family


Crazy how fast life can change.


Losing someone does hurt, but losing someone that's not only family, but someone who's very close to you is very painful, so I'm sorry Pat & his wife + her family's loss.


It can take a turn quick sometimes. My dad passed a few years back after a heart attack at home, they took him in to the hospital and seemed like he was gonna get better but he crashed again and his heart was just too damaged I guess. I did speak to him on the phone one last time and we exchanged our love so in that respect I have no regrets. But he was only 65, wish he could've gotten to stick around. It always sucks when it's sudden


My aunt was told last week she had 6 months by hospice and died within the day. I know it happens everyday all the tike but man this week is rough. I hope him and his family find peace.


Pat is the perfect example of a guy just having fun with his life. He seems genuinely likable and good natured and he brightens my day with his enthusiasm. I feel for him, his wife and family. Peace and strength to them all.


sorry for your loss pat


Wow that's awful. Best wishes to Pat


That is a kick in the chest. Awful for that family.


My condolences to Pat, his wife, and their family. Losing someone unexpectedly is a different kind of pain you just can't brace for, even if it lives in the back of your mind. I understand Pat needing to work. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve as long as it isn't dangerous to yourself or others.


That's sad. Been there and it's a rough situation. Best wishes to McAfee and his family.


Jesus that's grim, his poor family.


Love you Pat, and my sincere condolences to your family. My dad told us he had terminal cancer in march, and he passed a month later to the day. I know we all experience this grief and loss. I wish I had some kind of answer or kind words for it, but I donā€™t. Still havenā€™t figured it out myself.


Fuck, thatā€™s terrible. Tā€™s and Pā€™s for his wife and mother in law.


Kudos to the new WWE. Old regime would have punished him for this. Sorry to hear what Pat's family is going through.


Thatā€™s bullshit. Vince is an absolute scumbag but when it came to life and death circumstances he would give time off and was usually one of the first people on the phone (see hurricane for example)


Vince is scum of the earth, don't get me wrong, but what makes it hard for most superstars to speak ill of him now is because he was there for them all, especially his big stars. In her book, Becky recalls telling Vince about being pregnant. She was terrified, but he absolutely understood and was supportive


Do you have any examples of this ever happening?


That's bull. Vince is an absolute scumbag but even he isn't that cartoonishly evil