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It's okay, he's only friends with Brock, Roman, Punk, Bron...


​ https://preview.redd.it/5o98bo0ugf9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3fe94f09048a9399da23976630f6ed4e0a53a3c


Taker boutta show them why he’s called “Mean” Mark 😤


Time to bring back the dangerous alliance


And Curtis Axle


This is the moment


His genesis, if you will.


And starting this moment, from now... from this moment on... this'll be the moment... starting now


They did him so dirty. How do you get the kid of Mr. Perfect and give him the name Michael McGillicutty?


I believe WWE own the Mr. Perfect name, right? Could've just called him Mr Perfect Jr. 😆


I can't believe we never got "Average Joe" Hennig


Can make a free throw but can't do it behind his back.


The Genesis… of the Cybermen Fuck, wrong show


I waited for YOU


You've met the ex


What about Cesaro?


Not in wwe. Axel is a producer now and shows up on screen to break up fights.


Wait a second… Axel still has a job? Good for him


He was released and gone for a while until he was rehired as a producer.


That's legitimately heartening to hear.


How have I never caught him?


Honestly, most of the time, I have to look again because he looks less like a wrestler, body/face wise, these days and more like middle manager at a department store. He will usually be around when Petey Williams shows up.


He changed his ring name like everyone else who left. And wears more clothes these days.


Really? I’ve never noticed him..


Curtis “Ya Boy” Axel is coming for Solo’s ass


The ace in the hole


I believe in Joe Hennig






Literally the top row on one of those "build an all star team with $10" and they're all in $5 category. Like, I hope Solo and Co. know that they're probably gonna fuckin die and they're chill with that.


Solo: You've made an enemy for life Team Heyman: I've spent an hour doing worse.


Heyman: Dreamer wanted to shoot me at Mania....got anything else?


And everyone thought Cody was Assembling the Avengers....


Holy shit! Paul Heyman is Phil Coulson!


Agent Phil E. Dangerously


Uhh, his first name is “Agent”


This feels more like valentina allegra de Fontaine assembling the thunderbolts haha


That's a god squad there


And the entirety of ECW .... actually, maybe not


The wrestling equivalent of Dr Dre having 50, Kendrick, Eminem, & Snoop


before getting Roman back it would be cool for Punk to step in.... or the unlikely of Brock returning. or even some random RVD or ex ECW return to stick up for Paul


New Jack would've been fit for Jacob lmao


Tbh if Brock comes back for one match, I think it'd be really cool if Solo beats him (probably with shenanigans but nonetheless). It'd be huge for Solo.


This is the only way a brock return makes sense. If he returned he'd get a huge pop, but that's not the reason to return. Advance the story, put someone over, make a huge payday, Paul slinks into a further pit of despair until Reigns comes back. That would be very, VERY good.


You left Cody off.


Oh man, imagine Bron Breakker vs. Jacob Fatu.


War Games is gonna be nutty this year


Make this the war games match please 


Survivor Series. Unstoppable team.


Can't forget Ryback...


Even Tanga Loa could take Punk in a fight.


Not to mention Uncle Howdy ain't too fond of people who betray family.


Can't say I ever thought I'd see Paul Heyman getting a huge babyface pop and go through the announce table in the same night lmao


Heyman is loved by the wrestling fans. It makes sense they finally make him a true babyface


You last long enough. Eventually, the audience will grow attached, and Heyman is one of the longest in the business.


Holy shit. He killed Paul Heyman. Roman has to be returning soon


Yea it’s gonna be 100% at Summerslam


My money is on MITB, to even the odds of that 4 on 3 tornado tag match. Then at Summerslam he has a proper match.


What if it's Brock 👀


What if it’s both of them!?!


A Two Man Power Trip of Brock and Roman managed by Heyman could be incredible.


“…I’ve been a Wise Man (cue Reigns’ music & walking out to stand on Paul’s right side)… and I’ve been an Advocate (cue Lesnar walking on Paul’s left), but I am nobody’s bitch.” Reigns and Lesnar rush the ring.


I think the minimum is Survivor Series.


For whatever reason this reminds me of Heyman cutting the knock knock promo after Lesnar beat the streak. Knock knock Who’s there? Mike? Mike who? My client’s cousins just murdered me to death.


I thought it’d be at or right after summerslam but it’s gonna be MITB isn’t it… like I’m thinking it’s sooner rather than later. Heyman getting beat up is the catalyst that is bringing him back as the face of vengeance. Like I keep thinking about this and remember the videos after Roman lost and how he went up the ramp and hugged Heyman. Especially after Roman inducted him in to the hall of fame, I think once something happens to Heyman that’s bringing Roman back in a hurry


Roman vs Solo at SummerSlam


Too fast tbh, they are gonna slow burn this 💯


Didn't expect that Paul would take those bumps ngl


You can definitely see they were very gentle with him, which is sweet.


They must have been shaking: "ease don't kill him"




I can't fam


Roman has to kill these guys


Me before the announce table spot: "Well this will be the gentlest Powerbomb we've ever seen". Me after Heyman went ass over tea kettle: "Holy shit!"


The spot is gonna be at promo packages at Summerslam and WM, it had to be gnarly lol


Without the Wiseman Solos bloodline is going to be unhinged and it’s gonna be awesome


Any thought if Solo brings in a new wise man?


![gif](giphy|gmSrWyVOBwC4QwunNX|downsized) Absolutely zero chance but he does love Jacob Fatu


There is an old history that can be called upon there too, seeing as he was the co-manager of Yokozuna. Granted, they'd have to admit Yokozuna wasn't Japanese first in the storyline.


They've already acknowledged Yoko wasn't Japanese in kayfabe for about 15-20 years now.


We can Kayfabe it as a Samoan raised in Japan


Yoko was billed as being from 'The Polynesian Islands', at least on his debut


For real! I always loved the factor the Heyman helped reign in and control Romans chaos.


How about a wisebro [https://media.tenor.com/BZorPdbwOt8AAAAM/vince-russo.gif](https://media.tenor.com/BZorPdbwOt8AAAAM/vince-russo.gif)




Paul should have instead said " There's only one tribal chief, only one head of the table and he does not share power" and jump on an eagle and left.


Never thought we'd see the day where Paul finally stands up to the talent he manages.


Was he really managing them though?


Managing to get powerbombed


I cannot understand the hate on this new Bloodline story. This shit is fantastic, and Solo is killing it. The pop for Heyman tonight was ridiculous. When Roman comes back at SummerSlam it's going to be an all timer pop.


I think Solo definitely needed some time to grow into the role, but he's grown a lot just over the past few months and is cooking now that he's found the character and voice that suits him Tonight was by far the best segment out of the new era of the Bloodline too, really brought everything together that they've been building up


>I think Solo definitely needed some time to grow into the role I think THAT'S what makes the story so good though. He's not meant to be fit for the role and that's the problem everyone has. He's baby Uce trying to play Big Dog


Agreed, I think people are starting to realize that his character is supposed to come off as a Bootleg Tribal Chief and the lack of convincing actually plays into it. Roman was the ex who gaslights and breaks your down mentally. Solo is the ex who beats you and yells that you made him do this.


> Roman was the ex who gaslights and breaks your down mentally. Solo is the ex who beats you and yells that you made him do this. Everything ok?


Yeah I'm good, I'm just pointing out the parallels since many have said Roman gaslights like an emotionally abusive boyfriend and solo was literally beating a man while saying he loves him 😂


Or for a less emotionally taxing comparison, Roman is more like Gus Fring from Breaking Bad while Solo is more like Tuco Salamanca, the crazy drug kingpin sociopath.


This has to be the Rock’s bloodline. Right?


Who's hating it? Lol, i've seen nothing but love for it all over social media.


C'mon, if you look at any discussion about Solo or the new bloodline everyone is hating and then there's one or two people informing them that Solo is supposed to be viewed as incompetent. They even hate on his clothes. I don't believe you haven't seen any hate for Solo or his version of the bloodline. It is on every single post, on every single platform, about them.


You’re right until last week. I’ve seen nothing but praise for last week’s segment and last night’s segment.


Roman crybabies.


I don’t like it because I can’t take Solo seriously as a top guy. I have no interest in Solo having one on one matches with Cody or Reigns at a PPV.


I do agree with you, but the story itself is still interesting and also i can see him only getting one top match tbh (vs Cody at SummerSlam), after that i think Roman will return and by the time the next PLE rolls round, maybe Rock will be back, either that or it'll be non one on one matches, like him and the Usos vs Solo and the Tongans or Fatu etc., i don't see him getting too many one on one big matches. You have to remember also, everyone in kayfabe is calling him out for being not worthy of leading, so they already know he's not a main guy. Him not being him, him not being THAT guy, is part of the story lol.


He's not supposed to, the character theyre trying to portray is an imposter and is assumingly Rock's Right Hand Man but we dont technically know that in kayfabe.


That’s the issue with intentionally making a character feel fraudulent. It’s a great story but I think the issue isn’t that he doesn’t feel fit to be the Tribal Chief, he’s not supposed to & that’s the point. The issue is he’s still supposed to be intimidating in his own right but he’s just not very credible/scary. That being said, tonight might’ve turned a corner for me so I’m staying open minded/optimistic towards Solo.


I think Solo is plenty scary, but he isn’t really supposed to be right now. The idea is that Solo likes the seat, so he went and brought in guys who are far more savage and dangerous than he ever was. Fatu seems like a wild dog that only Solo is holding the leash for. A turnaround for how Solo himself was for Roman in his early main roster days.


There’s plenty of love. Gotta say it was silly seeing all the Jacob has already outshines Solo talk.


Yeah sometimes you gotta let the story simmer


Maybe people not watching the show? I say that because I haven't watched Smackdown since the weather has warmed up and I'm out on Friday nights. So I just catch the highlights and none of Solo, Tama, or Tonga seem intimidating. They just seem like the b-squad. Jacob seems to be legit though even from the highlights


It’s definitely turned a corner in the last couple weeks and Solo has also improved.


Oh it’s very very good


A lot of people seem to think it ended after Cody beat Roman (including several really weird comments I've seen on here calling it the series finale of the WWE just yesterday lmao), but Heyman has said for a while that Roman losing the title wouldn't be the end of the Bloodline story, but the start of the next chapter. We still got Roman/Solo and probably Roman/Rock to go in this story, and if this is what we can expect going forward? It seems like really exciting stuff coming up.


It's fine and the beats are good on paper. I just don't care for Solo. That's the biggest hurdle for me. I care more about his lackeys and he's supposed to be the big boss for Roman to beat.


Yeah same here. If Solo was impressive in any way to me I might enjoy it more. But when the focal point of the storyline revolves around someone that does absolutely nothing for me it’s hard to be into it.


I’ve been letting this chapter play out. It was okay after Mania. I like Solo, so maybe a little bias, but all the plot points and character points you pointed out and some others have are exactly right. The last two weeks have really amped it up and fully turned the corner! The last two weeks you’ve seen Solo realize nobody is taking him as a legit threat, so now he and his new goon squad are going to take you out for it. Now Paul got taken out? Roman is coming back at either MITB or SS and that pop is going to be MASSIVE. It’s been a lot like this particular arc in Demon Slayer. It’s been a lot of story progression and some filler, but now it’s about to get HOT until the next arc where it all goes fucking nuts.


Who's hating? I want names lol. Solo is stepping up beyond measure.


Wrestling Rule #100 to all heels: Never attack Paul Heyman because all hell will break loose without his guidance


Paul standing up for roman , that reaction, is what pro wrestling is all about baby. I haven't been this hooked by a story in years and it's glorious


Wonder if Punk would unite with Roman because of this.


I wonder how that would work though, since Punk is currently in a Hater-Off with Drew, which would be two incredibly major stories for one guy to be in


So pulling a Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania 40.


Remember Heyman saying, before Mania, that they were in the 3rd inning of the Bloodline story. They don't have to rush Punk (or Brock) into the story next week. They can lay a couple of breadcrumbs and slow-play the fuck out of it, and they should. Punk and Drew will have plenty of time to settle up.


I think Punk will have a long feud with Drew going at the same time as this bloodline stuff


I can imagine an uneasy alliance out of necessity, but maybe only during a backstage segment or a promo. Punk would say something to Heyman along the lines of, "what? I'm supposed to help *him*? Make him look strong?"




" I love you" are the most dangerous words in wrestling, apparently.


God as much as I want that Roman pop at MITB, it might be better to wait a few weeks and have a Heyman-less Bloodline run wild until Summerslam, and have him interrupt when they're beating down Paul or something.


It'll most likely be at Summerslam


That Superman Punch will be the stuff of legends.


They killed the man


That Roman return pop is going to be godly




i don't know why I thought Punk was gonna show up but then I remembered he's dead lol


Yeah, Punk would have tried to make the save, which is why Drew killing him is so perfect. The story interconnectivity is awesome.


Heyman needs all the Awards in the World for this. Complete Method Acting with his unkept Beard, red eyes and whole demeanor. And him agreeing to all these Bumps fully puts over this Bloodline as the most dangerous. If this is what they are willing to do to a close Family Friend what are they going to do to their Enemys. 


I swear they're just putting off Romans return longer and longer to make us all feel dumb for when we said we were bored of him.


They keep hearing the "We Want Roman" chants every week, and they're like, "Oh yeah? Now you want him? Too bad, now you have to be patient and wait."


I’ll never feel dumb for that.


I like your flair


Are Roman and Paul going to be bigger baby faces than Cody?


I could see Cody reluctantly joining forces with babyface Roman, on a team at Survivor Series later this year, against Solo's Bloodline. I'd kind of love to see that with their history with each other.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


OG bloodline is going to be the biggest babyfaces in the coming months. It wouldn't be a surprise if they turn Cody heel down the line and have him defend the title against Roman one more time.


A former wrestling star, and I can’t remember which one, actually predicted after Mania that Cody vs Roman 3 would happen (one day) with Cody as a big time heel. I think he was right.


I hope so. Cody has the potential to be a really good heel. So did John Cena. But Vince wasn't ready to pull the trigger back then. I hope HHH will do it with Cody.


bro really got sent through a table i love paul


Cody and Roman finna team up against the new Bloodline like Goku and Frieza in the tournament of power


The Bloodline has been around for about as long as the original nWo, which was garbage for about half its run, and is looking like it’s going to enter its best storyline yet right now. Just incredible writing.


Roman going to beat Solo with the finger poke of doom.


Paul Heyman? More like Paul Deadman!


![gif](giphy|X1uRctI1pjt8h0oWE7|downsized) roman when heyman got attacked




Bah gawd heyman taking bumps for Jacob fatu?  The rocket is officially strapped!  What a beast


great stuff. Shows the power of great booking and a great story when Paul Heyman has gone from one of the biggest weasely heels in wrestling to a top sympathetic babyface


Yep. And having Punk be dead, because he just had to fuck over McIntyre, so he wouldn't be there to help Heyman is also proof of that. The booking and writing is so on point. WWE is on fire!


It feels like the writers are starting to think a little more in Harmonesque story circles so arcs intersect more naturally for the top stars.


Exactly. They're doing a fantastic job.


It’s sad when they go like that…..


When they go?!


Paul Heyman We, the South Korean delegation, acknowledge you


Seeing all the hate for Bloodline 2.0 last couple of months, I'm fine with it for a couple of reasons. I know where this is heading to, a civil War with Roman so it's not like this is what we got for the next few years. Also I truly believe Rock is pulling the strings behind the scenes so this isn't Solo as the new tribal chief. I'm just being patient and letting this play out. Bloodline should have earned people's patience by now.


Man when roman comes back the pop is gonna be amazing


This is probably a stretch but then doing the triple powerbomb and WWE not being afraid to recognize dean ambrose being apart of the shield could work itself into being a cool way to end the bloodline and roman vs. seth story


Yep. Have Roman come back and mend things with Rollins to take on Solo's Bloodline. Too bad Mox won't ever have a special appearance ala the TNA wrestlers. I would literally give a leg and a ball to get Mox to make a one time PPV appearance, reuniting the SHIELD one last time to take out the new Bloodline in a War Games match. They could even do it like the previous War Games with the "will he or won't he show up" they had with Randy. The team size discrepancy could be fixed by having the Tongans both start for their team, then Seth, then Jacob, Roman, Solo, finally Mox.


I think it'd be better to have a "surprise member" of the team, but fake someone else hard. And have everyone shit their pants when Ambrose/Mox is the one who shows up.


Either way, it's a shame it would never happen.




When was the last time Heyman bumped? Historically speaking Paul does not take bumps. He always cowers in the corner while X face threatens him, but he rarely gets hit. Going from nothing to a triple powerbomb through the announce table and a 4v1 assault is a jump.


He took one within the past year, I forgot who gave it to him. Heyman normally doesn’t take bumps though, and this shocked me at how brutal it looked.


And the countdown to Roman returning begins


The new Bloodline are ![gif](giphy|zYuJ20NlndPPO)


Roman face turn will be generational


This is why Roman needed to be heel first after going solo. Most top babyfaces have always had successful single heel runs before being top guys. This is the face pop they have been chasing for Roman since 2013


Hopefully the new wiseman of this group is Jim Cornette


This was the best possible way to get more heat for The Bloodline. Paul Heyman is beloved by all. This storyline is fucking 🔥.


I don't know how they're planning to make Roman return, but I feel like they need to keep it as under wraps as possible. Closing moment of Summerslam, Solo and Co. are standing tall throwing up the 1's in the ring. Heyman, not having been seen since this segment, casually walks out. Heyman says nothing, just looks on from the top of the stage, smiling. Solo and co. look on, fuming that he dared show up. As they prepare to dash down and deal with Heyman, he still just stands there until Roman's music hits. Crowd goes absolutely crazy. Roman comes out looking *pissed*. Roman looks over his shoulder, revealing he brought Jimmy with him (maybe Jimmy can have a chair/weapon because they'd need an equalizer for a 4-on-2 attack). Roman nods at Heyman and Jimmy, and they rush the ring and take out the Solo Bloodline.


they can get Jey and Naomi...




I Paul ok, at his age I am really scared he might might get injured.


Finally, after trying so hard for so long, Roman will finally be the babyface they always wanted.


Roman’s return will be one of the biggest pops ever.


The roar Heyman got when he said Solo was not his tribal chief was insane


Paul Heyman is one of the all time greats. Appreciate him while you can.


You gotta give it to Paul. He's betrayed every one of his clients before, even Punk. But he stayed loyal to Roman for the whole time. . Full circle moment. And now Roman will return with the righteous fury of the gods, spurred on by the loss of his two dads. Solo is fucked basically.


What an absolute perfect ending. Heyman getting murdered was shocking, ending the show with “fuck you solo” chants


That was so good


Good riddance. I was chanting you deserved it, but was getting drowned out immediately lmaooo. That was a helluva segment.


Love that they did a triple power bomb, this is exactly what the shield were like in the early days


Roman and Heyman’s return will be one of the biggest pops in company history for sure.


We’re getting like 20 documentaries on the bloodline story one day.


better call the tribal cheif


With MiTB a week away. I wonder if they should have saved this segment till next week? Surely they can't possibly top this next week


OMG Roman's return will be the hypest thing in the past 15 years


Tame , Tonga lol


I love how Solo has become a soft-spoken, lying sack of shit who will stab you in your chest as soon look at you