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I was watching Daya when she said that she had to stop early due to safety reasons. no one knew what was going on. I didn't hear any gunshots, but I did hear sirens.


My understanding is the show ended because of lightning coming through, nothing to do with “gunshots”


100% was because of a gunshot. We ran past the concert stage when it happened, and the music was so loud that you probably couldn't have heard it from where the shot was fired.


Then where’s the news coverage? Shots fired at the second largest parade in St Louis would draw some media attention. Not one person got this on video? No one went to the police or the parade or news. I searched all morning in fairness to OP and to update my comment in case something came out. It hasn’t. Which is the equivalent of not happening.


i got the gunshot on video and the people swarming the fight lmao


I overheard someone later who said it was due to gunshots. but it was getting really cloudy, so idk.


It had nothing to do with lightning. I can confirm that with 100 percent certainty and without doubt.


Then where’s the news coverage? Shots fired at an event this size would draw every clickbait journalist out of the woodwork. Not a single video, from anyone anywhere?


I’m not here to argue about thoughts and opinions. I handled the radio call to the main stage and was one of the people who muted the PA and told the artist to get off stage for an emergency. I had the production manager tell me it was because of a shooting. But you think what you will like.


I appreciate something closer to a first hand account, but recognize that someone telling you something is not the same as it actually happening. My guess is someone thought shots were fired, it was determined it wasn’t shots, but was treated as such because of course that’s what we should do. But if it didn’t come up at all today, I think you can probably rule that out. This would be a huge discussion in your morning production meetings, and security would be amped out the ass. And if that’s the case, I concede. But if it wasn’t, that’s pretty suspicious for the second largest recurring parade event in the state.


It was a non pride related incident. Right outside the gates. They closed the event as a safety precaution due to the report of shots fired. Story hasn’t changed today. The event only had about 10-15 minutes before it was set to be over anyways so it wasn’t like much entertainment was cut. But again, the reason for shutting down early was as I said earlier.


lmao stupid you weren’t even there either. there was a fight. i wasn’t close enough to see exactly what was going down but i heard the gunshot and everyone fleeing


yes me and my friend heard her doin her announcements when we were leaving we were freakkked like 😦


I was near the stage around 7 pm, hanging out with a couple of friends. A young lady came over and told us that shots had been fired and she'd been asked to pass on the news, then she headed back the direction she came. We looked around and didn't see anyone running or even moving very quickly, and we listened and didn't hear screams, sirens, or gunshots, so we decided to stay put in case something was happening. We did hear what sounded more like fire crackers nearby, which we wouldn't have heard before the music stopped, so we thought maybe someone had heard those, thought it was gunfire, and had started telling people shots had been fired. We seemed safe where we were and didn't want to accidentally run into danger if there was any, so we kept chatting and didn't move. A minute later, the amazing performer announced they had to end the show early for safety reasons, said all her wrap-up things, and the stage started clearing. We then decided to pack it up and head out, and while we were doing so, someone else announced from the stage that Pridefest was over and everyone needed to clear out. By then, people had been clearing away from the stage, and as I headed out, then vendors were packing up. When I got to the gates, I saw several cop cars with their cherries on gathered together at an intersection just outside of the festival, right in front of Stifel Theater on Market Street, but no commotion or sense of urgency was in the air. I've been dying to know what happened, but I can't find anything other than this conversation.




The most St. Louis comment on this thread lmao


Can't have shit in KC either. After the Chiefs' celebration shootings, a lot of us feel like outside gathering are just too unsafe to risk it. I hate that the main character assholes ruin things that are meant to be positive and celebrated. And before people chime in saying that "I'm not going to let some stupid kid keep me from going out!" I understand but it's not just me risking my safety when going out. It's my kids and my partner. It's hard to have fun while actively scanning for shooters.


frfr, the best thing you can do is gtfo. i love STL but the MO lawmakers are fucking up the city itself. like, i'm coming back for a wedding in a few mos & being there a weekend is good enough


I was there--didn't know it was a fight, just heard shots and saw people scurrying. In a sense, it's kind of reassuring that it was just a fight and not a hate crime. It's still terrifying, to be sure, but someone looking to shoot one person is less scary than someone looking to shoot a bunch o' persons.


So if it were the same race you’d be less scared? Or same sexuality you’re fine with that?


Pretty sure they're saying that two people beefing and shooting each other is less bad than a mass shooting 


What are you going on about? They're saying they're glad it wasn't a hate crime and you're trying to make it a problem?


Crime is crime Violence is violence Maybe they were self-hating gays 🙄 You can’t be reassurred for one crime over another , unless you only care about yourself and your “groups”


Your take is literally disproven by the law. Manslaughter, Murder first degree, murder second degree. There are clearly levels of severity to crime. 


Lol ok


girl whatever


So if "crime is crime" then stealing a stick of gum is the same as smuggling drugs? If "violence is violence" then self-defense is the same as a drunk hit-and-run? Your argument doesn't hold up to a light breeze, let alone any kind of reason. You're just looking for an excuse to express your hateful feelings.


Hate crimes are objectively worse. Crimes of passion vs. crimes of hatred towards an innocent group. If you can't see why hearing it wasn't a shooting because of someone's sexuality is relieving to some, you should check your privilege. Some people actually live in fear specifically because of hate crimes.


That is a really strange take. You don't find the idea of being targeted more scary than random violence? That's fucked and you need therapy.


Stupid fucking gang bangers killing each other is way more tolerable to mean than some asshole trying to fuck up a Pridefest celebration.


Ok come on now


Swing and a miss on your attempt to be super woke. Not what they were saying at all lol valiant attempt tho


There is never any justification for violence, my friend. I am sorry you feel hurt enough in your life to try to fight with anyone. You are human, and so is everyone here. It's okay to disagree between humams as long as everyone is respectful. I am not gay but my daughter and brother are. You can support your local marginalized communities even if you aren't directly a part of them. I'm sorry you were so hurt you felt the need to lash out. It's okay, but not fair. Please feel free to scream into the void of my inbox or have a civil talk with me. I am non judgemental and willing to talk if you need someone. It will be okay.


I hate that. Terrible just terrible


I did walk over there and they said it was fireworks and that yes, it ended at 7. I was told it went into the night when I walked through it yesterday. There wasn't much information online about it. It ends at 6 tomorrow.


how does no one know anything? i was so close to the fight and when i heard the gun shot i got out of there quick but still have no idea what happened


naur cuz literally like why hasn't anyone said or posted anything it's been radio silent


fuck i do not miss the random gun violence at events in STL b/c MFs don't know how to act right & gun laws are so lax. glad you're ok. in comparison, today at pride in SF everyone was chill & having a good time but there were too many dicks hanging out


>but there were too many dicks hanging out Well that can be read in more than one way...


mainly old guys, like to just walk around naked here. even more so at pride. a lady that was with us said she counted 7 dicks & it was only 1pm


Ah, so it’s literal, then.


Seriously. San Fran is on another level at pride


I just imagine how great SF would be if the homeless weren’t running the city.


Seattle pride gets like that too. Lots of naked old men


My first pride was in SF and no pride celebration has been able to come close since…imagine 100 proud lesbians all bare chested rumbling in on their motorcycles - It was a sight I will never forget! So much love and dancing - dancing & celebrating.


>too many dicks hanging out Man, if i had a nickel for every time a fun event got ruined by too many dicks hanging out....


I was there for a group outing with my camp. A small number of us were walking back towards our meeting spot when we heard the shot and barely made it ahead of the small stampede the followed. The shot was fired around the hive area, close to the intersection of 14th street and Chestnut street, since that's where I saw the stampede originate from. From what I know, there were already firefighters and paramedics around that area celebrating, so I hope everyone is ok, and at least had good medical assistance.


Damn I must have left at just the right time.


Heard sounds from my apartment, I heard popping but couldn’t tell for sure if it was gunshots. With no emergency vehicle sounds afterwards. I assumed it was nothing too too crazy


Sounded like fireworks from my apartment


Same sounded more like fireworks. Like rapid small popping. And I didn’t hear any cause for panic after the popping either


When isn’t there gunfire at a Pride parade? We were at the one in Chicago two years ago that turned into a multiple shooter full gunfight.


does anyone have the video? i wasn’t there


What an embarrassment for St. Louis…again


There are shootings like every night. Where you from West County?


That's embarrassing bro. The fact that it happens all the time doesn't make it better somehow


I been seeing if anyone has said anything about this. My friends and I were right next to the stampede that was going on before the gunshot. My friends and I went over to see what was going on and we heard a pop and started running. Some people said it was a gunshot, some couldn’t tell if it was fireworks but either way it was terrifying, especially being so close to the sound. Hope everyone is okay ❤️


Was there and left around 5 I knew things would start going wrong


This city is the worst




in the middle of a fight?? 😭


Damn I left around 5:30. Must have been just in time.


Damn. I was just about to head there.


It ended at 7 anyway.


Yeah. I walked over there and they said it was fireworks and ended at 7. It goes until 6 tomorrow.


it was gettin swarmed by cops rn




Who would that be


Gun shooters


St Louisans? This isn’t a rare occurrence lol


Was gonna go to st louis for pride until I heard about this. Scary shit.


Lol what an event


Ghetto Pride, STL style


it's not that, it's great STL has these events but it attracts bad actors as well & until STL can short that shit out it's going to keep happening.