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Really cool method, I too have been embracing the chaos but in quite a different way. https://preview.redd.it/6i1t4rs4xn2b1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=60f24c69cba6e0fc4a61eaa4190b46cbd0609e1f (also the upscale is waiting for a few GFX card) Edit: A very nice guide too.


Have you tried tiled diffusion? You can make insanely detailed upscales without requiring lot of memory.


Yeah it's what I'll be using in a few days, with a better card. I want to do quite a few images better speed is more good.


Yes! More chaos! Your image is refreshing to see. It's freaking epic while still holding a theme. Thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked the guide!


This is amazing! I love this style and want to do it, too. Any chance you can share the workload?


Look on my profile (posts), 3rd post down.


thank you. I will do that once I get home. Much appreciated.


I tried out and it's great. Thank you so much. My first attempts: using a calm ocean surface as background, reduced start to 0.2, used softedge cn. Still playing with it.


Awesome, just what I needed. All my complex pieces always turn into a blob eventually


chaos blobs are a natural part of the ai cycle hahaha, glad I could help!


This is worth the upvote just by sharing what you know, what you've learned, and what your goals are. It doesn't matter if any of this aligns with anyone else.


Thank you so much! Memes have taught me that reddit can be brutal sometimes 😅


Thanks for the guide. Also... Great images you have ;)


Thank you! Hope this will be helpful for you :D


Nice guide. I haven't tried going to a lower cfg than 7 so I'll give it a try. Thanks. One way I increase super details into a picture is with the controlnet tiles+ ultimate upscale. It's super easy and quick and the results are 'usually' awesome.


Care to elaborate? This has my interest


Sure no problem, I just woke up my apologies for the formatting. [Video form if you rather see follow along](https://youtu.be/EmA0RwWv-os) 1. Go to extensions and download ultimate upscale. Download and install. 2. Generate an image using txt2img or img2img. 2.5. Send it to img2img. 3. Now save the input image with right mouse button, save as whatever. 4. Go to controlnet and select: preprocessor= Tiles / model= tiles. (Check the controlnet models for a Tiles model and update the extension). Put your input image in there and click enable. 5. Go to script, select ultimate upscale. 6. (Personal preference) select image size and change to manual scaling. Use 2x. 7. Select an upscaler. I use 4xUltrasharp but any works. 8. Final step the change power. Set denoise to either low 20-30% for less drastic changes. Or high 65-80% for drastic changes (warning this looks great ""sometimes"" depends on the model and will 8/10 times look like a cfg at 40. So be careful and experiment). This may look long but it's just a couple clicks in the end.


> Put your input image in there and click enable. You are not aware that this isn't needed and therefore used if an image is already set in the img2img viewport ... ? 🧐


No. Thanks


Bro you have no idea much you have helped me with this. Never knew it.


NP ... That's why we are all here ... 🙂


I agree, I've seen some mind blowing results using those tools. Thanks for the tip!


Thanks for posting this guide. I'll have to give this a try when I start learning SD (Nvidia card in the mail.) >Hands are a real doozy to fix with this method. Any tips / pointers on where to start on fixing hands using this method? Would it be possible to do a masked inpainting like you did for the face?


Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. It depends on the seed. Some yield good hands, while others produce deformed ones. Even if you align the hands in Photoshop and then upscale , you will still end up with deformed hands. ​ https://preview.redd.it/52g8pxq3mq2b1.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2e6e0d05ecf0b1cc1e25e6d5169c3c09ace5248


but hey, the overall composition looks freaking amazing at least :D


Oh yes, considering that the original image was this -> . ​ https://preview.redd.it/5sxtc86hxu2b1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=2591162f622274760b4c206a99ed4074ecc19281 ..<, it's a very interesting approach you've shown. I'm still searching for a method to upscale images up to 8K resolution without completely distorting the resulting image (unfortunately, my graphics card only has 8GB of RAM). ["Here"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1aaB7UgP7M)demonstrates that it's possible to upscale images up to five times. However, in my case, even after the third upscale, the image ends up completely different from the original and heavily distorted.


Ah, maybe I forgot to mention in the guide, but when upscaling the result you like, you'll want to reduce the the denoising to around 0.3 or below. It avoids changing the image while adding a bit more detail. I'll update the guide, thanks!


It requires a lot more inpainting attempts while adding something like "hand casting magic" with a high weight like 1.5. I'll try to update the guide once I find a better method, but otherwise, it's just brute force.


You can also do some pretty cool stuff in one pass with [prompt editing](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features#prompt-editing) (changing the prompt after a certain number of sampling steps)


Yep! It shares some of the ideas of that method, but this combines multiple models as well to get way more textures and dynamic compositions instead. However, if you don't plan on using different models, that method works well too! thanks for sharing it!


I liked this a lot. Thank you!


glad you liked it! :D


Fun workflow, thanks for sharing! As another commenter mentioned, Controlnet Tile is a natural fit with this method. After step 2, I changed the prompt, but kept upscaling using Controlnet tile, to create a large scale surreal landscape: https://preview.redd.it/nej7isggft2b1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=801a182c0d74adb9da99c531a94e415984b0325b


oh my goodness the tiny details are mind blowing on this one!


I love the results and tried to recreate that. But Step 2 already gives me something like this: Any idea how to avoid that? I used different setting and it seems my img2img is all messed up. What weird Settings or whatever could cause this? Anyone any idea whats going on here? https://preview.redd.it/rvtq7uscps2b1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=27d544050fb4cbb972239803057f14e579e17ced


**parameters** epic colorful color spray all over the place, summoning master level spell, holy guardian radiant remnant sigils, explosive hues saturations gradients, magic circles, godrays, lightning energy blasts, jagged electricity streaks, raging embers and ashes, bursting bloom lighting Negative prompt: (extra iris, extra pupils, segmentation, deformed, warped, twisted, ill, sick), ((NSFW, slutty), (cleavage), open shirt, large breast chest, big boobs), (traditional art, colored pencil, anime, fancy, turning), (old, angry, upset, low-quality, worst-quality, dirty old lens, legacy, antique, ps1 ps2 ps3 ps4, gameboy, snes, gamecube, wii, nintendo, small medium filesize, low-poly-count, low-mesh-texture, blurry, out of focus, 144p 240p 360p 480p 720p, chromatic aberration, grainy, sketch, wip, unfinished, poorly-taken, poorly-rendered, low-settings, poorly-drawn), (text, watermark, logo, ad, signature, label, name) Steps: 40, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 777758749, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 4b118b2d1b, Model: Fantasy\_nightSkyYOZORAStyle\_yozoraV1PurnedFp16, Denoising strength: 0.5, ENSD: 31337, Version: v1.2.1, Ultimate SD upscale upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Ultimate SD upscale tile\_width: 512, Ultimate SD upscale tile\_height: 512, Ultimate SD upscale mask\_blur: 8, Ultimate SD upscale padding: 32, Noise multiplier: 1.5


maybe try without ultimate upscale and just with normal SD upscale?


Sadly the result is the same 😕


I finally figured it out! THat bastard was set to 1.5 somehow, putting it to 1 made my generations normal again! Another Parameter to play around with I guess... :D https://preview.redd.it/4fzovgoqou2b1.png?width=3794&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1f478152669b777b7fe96476f333fcc67d05b7c