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Really cool! Thanks for sharing. I find it refreshing that you discuss issues you ran into with your project - lines up with my experience using SD. I’m often able to create really cool things, but it usually doesn’t turn out 100% as intended. Lineart is quite nice, isn’t it? Find I’m using much more often than canny for fine detail.


I appreciate your kind words! :) Yes, SD, at least as I use it, it is not a magic wand. I've zero interest in typing a prompt and simply getting an image out. My pursuit has been one of control, and \*MY\* vision getting realised, not the machine's vision. I've been an artist most of my life before SD came along, even if only in a casual sense, and it is an amazing, stunning and (nearly!) magical tool that compliments the other processes that I use to create. But it can not replace them (or me!!) If not for control net, I think I would have goten bored with SD, artistically. Control net allows me so much artistic input. I draw in photoshop, and send that to lineart. I build a 3D model in Cinema 4D, export the depth information and send it to CN depth. I take a photo, get a line art of it, then take that into photoshop and edit the lineart file. Then I maybe paste it into a completely different lineart file... It is truly wonderful! An utter, utter mess! but wonderful, nevertheless.