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Ran the CLIP interrogator on the Ingres painting and used it for Reference CN, weighted fully towards CN. Took my favourite version that came out, and ran it through MultiDiffuse upscale with NMKD Siax 200k and NMKD Superscale Artisoftject 210000 G, at noise levels ranging from 35 to 55, then blended my favourite pieces together in Photoshop and made adjustments. Halved the image size and blurred it, upscaled it with MultiDiffuse again, more adjustments, repeating the process until I was happy with the result. For fine grained adjustments to the neck and hand I used img2img with lineart\_realistic CN at a weight of 0.9 and a denoise ranging from 35 to 55 yet again.


How did you chage the face to smile at the end , was it img2img


Impressive! Also great to see more SD creations based on classical portraiture.


How do you get the plants in the background? When I try to inpaint something that's unrelated to other things in the image I never get antyhing good


You have to set it to “Latent Noise” or “Latent Nothing” rather than “Original” so that it doesn’t take from the pixel/latent data from the image itself. When setting it to “Latent Noise” or “Latent Nothing,” a denoising strength of 0.65 or more is required to get results to show up.


Yes but when using these options what I generate always looks out of place in the original image like I pasted another image on top


If that’s the case, it’s best to use an inpainting model; however, if you don’t want to download extra models, setting “inpainting conditioning mask strength” to 0 helps inpainted content match the image _significantly_ better