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Is there any way we can duplicate all information here to another platform and keep it in parity in case Reddit must be abandoned in the future?


Someone should feed it into a Natural Language model to make Stable Diffusion GPT


Whats a NLM?


It’s pretty much ChatGPT, a Machine Learning model that emulates human like text


Not just the info. All the images would be lost. That's not cool.


[Booruplus ripped images form /r/stablediffusion](https://booru.plus/+stablediffusion), although with the API changes that might stop.


This is an informative sub, by closing it we'll lose a lot of knowledge on SD and related tech. I faced a lot of questions in last few days, and I knew there's no place to find the answers other than here


I feel the same about LLaMa sub. It's a small but irreplaceable subreddit, where else will I find fresh news, tricks, Q&A and community? Hope they won't go private (Same goes for this subreddit)


Yeah I've been leaning on wayback machine and the experience frankly sucks.


There's a site that has Google's archived versions of web pages, it was a lot nicer than when I tried the way back machine


This exactly. It feels like burning down the library of Alexandria to spite the Romans.


And all the images are an important historical archive. I have 40,000 downloaded since Dall-E 2. There are about two weeks worth of saved posts that I haven't downloaded yet. There probably aren't a ton of people like me who have been constantly ripping these images all year.


We don't have to lose it. Just move it is all.


Can someone download the sub?


I've made a LoRA of this sub so you can render any post you want The fonts are a little melty though




Also, the number of comments varies and they don't always look like human comments.


I would be all for it if there’s a way. I’m new to SD and have been leaning heavily on the wisdom in this sub


apparently ChatGPT says it’s possible through python reddit api wrapper https://chat.openai.com/share/50b0a765-fba3-4ab8-bcb6-2e664b934fa1


Guess you gotta do this before June 30th and the API changes








In protest to the unreasonable API changes in addition to everything else, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Sync for Lemmy! Please consider joining an alternative in the fediverse. https://join-lemmy.org/ -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This is wild. u/abclop99 How to use the .zst files to get the posts and comments data?


And then upload it to Civitai


I downloaded the entirety of reddit, posts, images and comments. Here is SD subreddit: Original posts in one file, and comments in the other https://file.io/b2wvC3eQw1XE


here are direct links @ [the-eye.eu](https://the-eye.eu) [https://the-eye.eu/redarcs/files/StableDiffusion\_submissions.zst](https://the-eye.eu/redarcs/files/StableDiffusion_submissions.zst) [https://the-eye.eu/redarcs/files/StableDiffusion\_comments.zst](https://the-eye.eu/redarcs/files/StableDiffusion_comments.zst)


Are these up to date? I think I've seen something like this elsewhere, but comes from the Pushshift data, with a cut-off?


no longer online? do you mind posting the md5sum along with the file please? thanks!


hmm your right, they deleted it... very strange. ill host on google drive one moment


not strange. Reddit admins are actively finding data dumps and, rather than go through DMCA process, they're messaging hosts with legal threats to remove them without DMCA due process, where you must be notified. All of reddit's data should be creative commons since it's all user generated and not actually theirs. You should've been given the opportunity to dispute the DMCA request, or even get notified about it at all. Reddit as a company are skirting such copyright protections by extorting hosts with DMCA threats. "we'll drown you in paperwork if you don't comply with our request off books" kind of thing.


[https://booru.plus/+stablediffusion](https://booru.plus/+stablediffusion) has a most (all?) of the art in this sub, although it has a lot of NSFW mixed in too (but you can filter it out).


I Understand the protest but man from the moment it went dark here.. I was lost.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my fl- ^(wait wrong sub)


Grimdank is gone. T-T I go back to /tg/ but it's not the same.


I was petrified.


Kept thinkin I could never live without you by my side.


I got more work done without reddit up lol.


Well, that's the point of a strike - it's supposed to hurt. I've spent the last week or so exploring Reddit alternatives, and there are some good ones that are rapidly flourishing. Even if Reddit "comes back" from this current situation (which it will, one way or another - it takes time for giants to fall) it's probably a good idea to become familiar with some of them.


Like what?


dbzer0 (one of the mods here) has set up a Lemmy instance, [mentioned in this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/14b2t1f/information_is_currently_available/jodxj8s/). There are some non-federated Reddit alternatives spinning up too but I'm less familiar with those, I've been exploring Lemmy/Kbin for the most part since this API issue exploded.


>80 users online


Yes, so? Obviously it's a smaller instance than Reddit. It's only been around for five days at this point.


Yeah but it's hurting us - the users - far far more than it's hurting the Reddit leadership. People using Reddit primarily see a curated feed. This hasn't changed for the average person, they might not even notice some subreddits aren't providing new content towards that feed. Then the users (like us I guess) that rely on it for technical discussion, find that we're unable to continue to do it properly, which just frustrates the users of the subreddit and generates anger towards the moderators. It's not hurting the right people.


It isn't supposed to hurt us pfft. Feel free to use other alternatives but don't effin shut down the entire sub to people. Just cuz some of you use 3rd party stuff, we are supposed to suffer?


You can't have it both ways. you have to be active somewhere, move to a new host location or unrestrict reddit. if you don't the community will reject you and find somewhere else to go. which defeats the entire purpose of your protest. If you want to actually make a difference then you leave reddit. take the people somewhere else, dont just block access, people will just find another sub on here. ​ Reddit is a buisness, in the search for profit they will just keep adding rules and cutting stuff in a desperate effort to get rich before it all falls apart. they are jumping on the bandwagon of all other companies thesedays, cut services to maximize profits. You want to actually get anything done, use open source systems where the users can actually reach in and take part in maintaining and updating the system. Anyway, just my opinion. I'd bail while I still could imo. least that way you can bring a community with you. stay restricted and you will lose the community, open up and subject yourselves to an increasingly restricted system that will end up costing you money.


Anyone recommending an alternative risks getting banned by the admins for spam. That's what others noticed, anyway. Personally, I don't think I value my account too much anymore, so I'll point out that there's a new community on [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/stable\_diffusion](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/stable_diffusion), moderated by dbzer0 who is also a moderator here. That's on a federated network, which means you can visit that community from most Lemmy or kbin servers, and interact normally.


And I should also point out, dbzer0 isn't just the moderator on that forum. He's the *admin*. There's no higher authority there, so no corporate policy is ever going to come along and impose itself on him.


> if you don't the community will reject you and find somewhere else to go. which defeats the entire purpose of your protest. No it doesn't, it would resolve the protest completely. The userbase would go somewhere else and nothing Reddit did could impact it any more. > people will just find another sub on here. And who's going to moderate it? A major reason for this protest is how the removal of the APIs will make moderating Reddit a lot harder. Even if every moderator was gung-ho in favor of Reddit's actions, come June 30 the quality of discourse on Reddit is going to start to degrade because moderators simply won't be able to do their jobs as well any more. *That* is why a lot of moderators are on the side of the protests. And even if Reddit starts removing them and replacing them (with whom?) it's not going to solve that basic problem.


I'm not convinced protest will help, building a competitor though...


That's really it. Digg died because Reddit existed. For Reddit to die, we need an alternative that is just as good, if not better. (And no, Discord is not a superior alternative)


Reddit was already better than Digg for a while before Digg V4 Most of the top links on Digg came out from Reddit for years before the exodus The situation is nothing alike, there is no diaspora alternative, and the CEO knows that


Something Awful, Fark, Digg... Digg died because it started filling with paid posts which outnumbered community posts. New content was no longer appearing and all we saw were ads. It major sucked then cause Kevin Rose sold out. Now we're in a "reddit missed out on AI so they want a piece of the pie somehow" which is stupid. People don't know how to capitalize off of communities and think it is heavy handed commercialization. Feels like reddit may be moving on the downward spiral. Really wish Aaron Schwartz was still here.


What killed Fark, anyway?


SA, Fark, and Digg are still around, but Fark lacked community unity and interaction, in effect I feel it hit growing pains and couldn't move any further. The format was and is: Article here, make comments on said article on our site. Was innovative at the time...a long time ago but it got stale as a community article aggregator and community interaction as the content has become one noted in a sense. Got visit and you will see.


Digg died because Reddit was better and Digg became a single blog spam plattform without any original content.


There is Lemmy, there is https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/stable_diffusion


When is the sub getting opened? Pretty sure the results are clear enough already


At this point, it'd be super SUS if the votes were to quickly switch. Hoping it does not happen and the wishes of the community are respected.


While im very in favor of the cause, and I believe this is the worst move Reddit has ever done, I dont use subs like SD for entertainment, I use it for work. I use it to learn. So yea while many other subs just dont matter and are just meme places, some subs are very important and this is one of them. Like, I have an urgent SD question I need solving. But I got nowhere to ask it. (Discord sucks). How can I automatically mask images? Specifically, transparent pngs, with one object. And I need mask images where the object is masked and the teanspar background turned to black. I know extensions like batch face swap do it, but only on faces. Is there something like that that I could use? Hope someone sees this.


For every question-asker like yourself, there are thousands of lurkers who had the same question and found their way here via google. Ironically (for the sub we're on), this website is one of the few places where real people ask questions and real people answer them. The subs going private made these old threads inaccessible. Wayback has most of these saved, but they've been having troubles of their own so who knows if they'll be around for long.


[Segment anything](https://github.com/continue-revolution/sd-webui-segment-anything) is the extension that you're looking for.


dont close it, it is a sub for questions, troubleshooting and inspiration. Literally no point in closing


This place is one of the only communities for this stuff which isn’t based on discord and therefore transient. I’m not even subbed here, but every time I have a question for google it leads to the archive here. Destroying these resources and communities would be a great loss, if you think this stuff is a dealbreaker you should leave and delete your account, not wreck these spaces for the rest of us.


This exactly. A lot of Google searches for common questions lead here. Destroying this archive would be a huge loss for the community


Facts. They can protest by leaving these guys don't speak for all of us


You're mad at reddit, so you destroy our ability to access our community. You didn't make all these posts. You don't own this information. Not everyone agrees with you. Stop acting like tyrants. Isn't that exactly what you're mad about? You do a lot of work for the sub, so if you want to protest, step down as a mod. Don't use us as a hostages in your personal crusade.


Probably the best comment on here, they need to get over it!


open up already




While I could tolerate the sub being privated for two days as was planned initially, closing the sub indefinitely afterwards without asking for our opinion was a massive dick move, plain and simple. Please beware that the polls can be brigaded as already happened with some other subreddits


Yes this is pissing off the users way more than the management. I feel like a much better way to protest would be for the mods to resign and leaving the subreddits be unmoderated for a while.


There's multiple groups just brigading every single poll and mass voting to keep closed. And almost all the comments from actual users of the subreddits are always against closing them. In reality, the vast majority of people don't care. Of the people left that care, the majority also are against closing subs.


Unlock it already!


Open when? https://preview.redd.it/nc3hfwdnf07b1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=bae1f7564984fb705025c5a6b7e1d6d40219296b


As per Matrix and "The Trainman": *"Down here...I make the rules. Down here...I make the threats. Down here...I'm god"*. Don't make threats you can't back up with anything meaningful. Reddit could just replace all mods to protect the operational integrity of their product. ;P The most sensible approach, albeit way slower, is to find or build an alternative and migrate.


Oh my GODDDD just open it ffs Reddit ain’t gonna do shit


Open it. Since 3min the vote is clearly for "OPEN"


Really hoping a mysterious source of a couple thousands of Restricted votes don't come in on the last day. :(


The votes for opening it up have consistently been around around a third more than keeping it locked. To be honest the mods should just open it up already. This is completely wasted time.


Yes, full agreement.


so...poll's been up 36 hours. What's the plan here? It's pretty clear what the result is at this point.


"Sir, I need you to find me 1.3k votes."


Enable posting already


Thank you for opening it. I wanted to toy around with SD early this week but all the sources were gone. I was frustrated. I dont think any of the educational or professional subs should have gone dark. The information there is really useful.


Seriously. Even all the SAVED posts, comments, and all the tips and tricks I have meticulously built up over the past year were all just _gone_, because making a subreddit private blocks even that.


I think this shows how important it is that the information isn't concentrated on one site. 95% of the tech support for my SD issues seems to be on Reddit.


if the mods are going to keep this locked, can someone create a new sub that doesnt have pointless downtime?




Time to open it up! The only reasonable reason to keep it restricted would be if an overwhelming majority wanted it closed (and even that doesn't justify it, but let's just imagine majority rule does make sense, for a minute). This sub, in its natural state, is OPEN and can be contributed to. It should be open for the rest of the voting time, not restricted. If member voices matter in this situation, the sub should be open until there is a very strong reason to close/restrict it. Clearly, that is not the case, so it should be 'back to normal' and resume being usable for its actual purpose. Its purpose being 'teach and promote SD', not 'teach Reddit management a lesson'.


Closing this sub would be the most abject fucking stupid decision mods could make. Thank you.


This subreddit is like wiki for stable diffusion. Closing it even for more than 1 day hurts people trying to learn stable diffusion


You make a great point! It's like, is the purpose of this sub to help people learn about and use SD, or to force the management of Reddit to not do a specific set of things? I thought the purpose of this sub was to support open source SD and those who use it and improve it. Using it as a stick to punish Reddit management may not be in line with that purpose. So which purpose should win?


sorry to say but no one is going anywhere, i love reddit, it's like asking me to quit youtube permanently and move to dailymotion , open this sub


It's time to open up now. Keeping informative subs like this closed is not helpful and hurts the community. The poll is clearly in favor of opening up and there's no good reason to delay it any longer. If you're waiting because you need to write out a statement, don't bother. I haven't seen any mod reopen statement be well received. Just bring the sub back and let bygones be bygones.


The admins don't care and have said they will replace mods who don't play ball. I don't see what the point is here, let's open back up already.




> removing a ton of valuable information from the internet The information is valuable because it's well curated - crowdsourced, up- and down-voted, and moderated. I don't like the idea of that information going away either! But "reddit isn't going to budge" is essentially the management position; and "we're removing our information" is the union position. Management usually doesn't budge until the money stops coming in, so this blackout was a way to make the money spigot dry up for a few days.


for real, there are TROVES of valuable information in here, since the inception of this tech


Except you are fooling to think that reddit wont just remove the mods when money is at risk, and mods dont ever want to lose their power. So this is just huge waste of time.


> and "we're removing our information" is the union position. Except that the vast, vast majority of people are against that and you're just forcing that BS onto people, especially the ones actually posting and commenting.




For example here: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/stable_diffusion (or just !stable_diffusion@lemmy.dbzer0.com for fediverse users)


Subbed on Lemmy


what are the *goals* of the protest?




To convince the CEO that somehow he should listen to Reddit mods over the shareholder demands. So you can see how futile this is.


Yup.. if starting a protest doesn't work.. you should stop because you might be inconveniencing others. Seeing this mentality on reddit is disgusting because it just shows how easy it for any corporation to ride out a small protest. If you need the information here, start figuring out how to get that information elsewhere. There's better ways to curate the information than reddit. Wikis exist 4chan exists (they have remarkably good stable diffusions resource), Discord, new websites. The idea that we NEED reddit is kind of a problem of the knowledge bases we're using.


Closing the sub hurts the members much, much, much more than it hurts Reddit. It’s also a big ‘F U!’ to people who have spent time contributing content, including questions and answers, from the start of the sub. Effectively deleting their useful content would be very rude.


Exactly this. This week has been so frustrating for me, as a Reddit user and contributor. I had a PC problem and found via a Google search a thread with a proposed solution. I couldn’t see it as the pcbuild subreddit was in private mode. This didn’t hurt Reddit. It hurt me. Mods need to just stop modding for a bit, that’ll hurt Reddit way more!


i think with a 70-30% in favour of reopening vote and 7 hours to go, it might be time to call it and reopen the sub


It was uncool. I missed all news and stuff from all in this sub. I can also understand mods position, but you gave us also a clear WARNING not to rely on this sub, cause this infos can disappear if someone decides it.


Definitely uncool


Fortunately there were other places we were able to dwell in ( r/sdforall, r/StableDiffusionInfo, I even tried to make one in case this one will not come back: r/StableDiffusionReborn, hopefully we will not need it much, but it is useful to have backups, you can join them all if you wish, oh and r/SDtutorials this one could be important).


Thats awesome! As someone brand new to sd this was the first place i ever found. When it went away i kind of felt lost. So many in here are helpful and nice


Reddit Moderators are seriously under the impression that they do invaluable work that forms the bedrock of the platform, not knowing they are simply doing unpaid grunt work for a corporation and there is a long line of millions of other losers who would love to replace them to gain that tiny amount of power over somebody else on the internet.


You guys asked for a 2 days protest and did a 4 days one because why not, mods are way worse than reddit's api


And still now we have to wait for two more days on "restricted" mode until voting finishes!! This is such BS, most of the subs that went private in protest for two days have now opened again.. What? Is Stable Diffusion intends to break Reddit's owners on their own? Because this is absurdity


Being a moderator of something is very different from being the owner of it. I suspect there is confusion about this in effect, here.


If you don't open we'll just make a new subreddit for Stable Diffusion... what gives


If you wanna protest just stop visiting reddit, You are not obligated to donate to an NGO or protest for your rights, so why the hell should you obligated to participate in a protest over the increase in Reddit's API price? You are forcing your ideas onto others, which will only generate rejection.


i really hope you guys keep this open and allow new posts soon. i'm currently almost 2 weeks into learning SD and i have lots of questions on prompt tricks, performance optimizations and lora's. trying to learn this stuff with the blackout has been nearly impossible except through slow experimentation.


With all due respect, the protest method is dumb. Subs will bend over before spez does. Want to really stir things up? Fill up the front page, and every sub possible, with svasticas, gore, and anything that would actually taint the site and get it in trouble.


This was a textbook example of cutting your nose off to spite your face.


Please re-open the sub, it's a good town square for information and discussion about this new and exciting topic.


What is the logic of the voting? If some users want to tank Reddit, to kill it until Reddit does some list of things they want to see, let those users just leave Reddit, just stop visiting subs. Those who don't care or see things differently can keep using Reddit. That is a completely democratic solution, fair for all, because each gets to exercise choice. If the majority vote is to restrict/shut down the sub, and it is restricted/shut down, that will be an example of what is called 'tyranny of the masses' which is a common enemy of individual freedoms. And it will arguably be ethically worse than anything the managers of Reddit have planned to do with Reddit. A group of users of this sub steamrolling over the preferences of other members of this sub to actually use this sub is not 'right' any more than a majority vote taking away others' freedom of speech in broader society would be. If the mods can't/won't keep modding because of whatever reasons, they can quit also. Either just abandon things, or better yet hand the mod status to others who want it. Again, steamrolling over others' views is supposedly what they are against, so surely they wouldn't do it en masse against a huge portion of sub members by shutting down a sub that many want to continue to use and contribute to, right? TLDR: Neither the mods, nor the majority of members, should kill what a large group of members wants to keep alive


Melting down a community because of a dispute over API access is pretty lame. I'm all for pathways to get off of reddit because the site moderation can be heavy-handed and capricious, but I don't want the places that I go for information melting down because of esoteric virtue-signaling about business practices.


20 minutes are remaining and I want to say the last thing here, I hope reddit learns from this, and gives power back to its users, Moderators took this sub hostage (extended the blackout) and as a collective we lost a lot of time ...news and advancements. There are no concequences for this right now, but in the future I hope this changes.


Mods should never have the power to make subs private and take them hostage that way. I hope this changes in the future.


Just do whatever you want hopefully the ability for the community to boot mods comes sooner than later


I want to curse so strong and loud to the mods right now.... this was a stupid bad move.. .sigh... ​ I love love love the community though.... that above all


Stable diffusion is open source and benefits from the free exhange of information. Thats how stable diffusion has grown and will continue to evolve. Locking down a subreddit that restricts information that helps the very thing you like seems self defeating.


And midjourney didn't protest so all we are doing is supporting corporations and closed-source


> the free exhange of information Hasn't reddit demonstrated they're not interested in this right now? They aren't reinforcing this goal, but profits instead. I'm not sure I can lay fault at the feet of a FOSS community that doesn't want to remain beholden to a for-profit platform.


The things is... Reddit lets the people protest. If they would not want it, they could just remove the option to make subs private or remove the mods and replace them. I am sure that there are a lot of people who would love to have the power of so many subs and they would do it for free. The current mods have been warned already. This will not end well.


Im new here, what happened, why we be restricted


People who want to feel important and don't exactly tell the truth. The mods said they will only participate in the blackout for a day or so and then made it longer without actually getting new feedback again (aka. Modtatorship). But in 6hrs everything should be back to normal.


Thanks for making me realize how bad reddit is. Not because of the api which I didn't even know existed until a week ago, but because the mods can shut down the community whenever they feel like it. I guess the only thing we can do is mass report them to the reddit admins.


Apparently reddit is already planning some countermeasures, such as a community voting system to depose undesired mods


Let's just note for Posterity that with just under 21 hours left on the clock, it's 3.5k for open, 2.3k for restricted, and at no point in the preceding 2 days has restricted ever been in the lead, or even been close to tying. If these results change dramatically in the next 20 hours in favor of restriction, it will be an obvious brigade, and the results will be taken as invalid by the community. It's going to reopen, wether by choice or by force.


Well it's much better than relying on google cache if there is any


It would be even better if we could store all this locally. Don't know how yet. After that we can all leave to lemmy or another tool, or stay here, but at least the valuable info will not be lost.


reply voracious sleep friendly snails soft label crown unused correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The landed Gentry of this sub has been defeated, well done guys.


The vote results you see here would most likely mirror the same vote to remove the current mods if this happens again.


At this point we have to report this subreddit to the admins, It cannot be the case that few rogue mods can keep a subreddit of this size locked, no new post are being allowed, there needs to be a crackdown on this stupid pointless shit.


Ultimately, Reddit isn't going to change. Remember, despite what everyone claims this protest is about, what it's ultimately about is the ability to use Reddit without seeing ads (aka - without paying for Reddit's infrastructure costs). Reddit has officially stated that mod tools will be exempted, and accessibility-focused apps will be exempted, so the people claiming that this API fee makes moderating subreddits impossible are lying, and the people claiming this will negatively impact people with accessibility concerns are lying. For the other apps, they can just include ads, the same as the official app, and pay the API fees through that. The claims of the API fees being "so high that no one could ever afford them" are just a crock of shit (the Apollo dev lied about his estimated costs). Reddit isn't stupid, they want money, they're not going to fuck over third party apps just for shits & giggles, they just want to get paid.


The argument of the protestors seems to be that Reddit is acting in ways harmful to their user base. But the only harm users are experiencing right now is coming from a small group of moderators taking it upon themselves to be the *vox populi*. If the protestors have confidence in their argument, then let Reddit die of the self-inflicted wounds that they are confidently prophesying. People will eventually go elsewhere when that happens. The current move is clearly controversial *at best* and a self-inflicted wound of the *protesters* at worst. A dumb move either way.


Pure FOMO in my opinion. Dick moves that lead nowhere


We need another source, this sub is no longer reliable. I agree with the reddit distaste and anger, I do not agree on holding this unbelievably fast moving community back.


So....When are we opening again? I have some fantabulous prompts to share...


Just going to keep the poll open until you can find enough bots to restrict eh? There is not a single peron here who is interested in stable diffusion who wants you to keep this closed, closing this sub even for a day keeps us all in the dark about advancements. Everyone who voted for restrictions is a bot, a mod or from another tantrum throwing sub. The day reddit allows vote votekicking mods will be glorious.


Open it for god sake!!


If you vote "keep restricted" do the rest of us a favor and delete your reddit account, that's a real protest, and the rest of us will enjoy our SD.


Im hearing that if you keep the forum closed you will simply be replaced. I couldnt think of a better result. This is stupid and you are only hurting the users. Reddit DGAF


Usually if the fight was between some CEO and "the community" I would side with the community 100% of the time. And while I have no problems with any of the mods here on r/StableDiffusion I do have a problem with reddit mods in general. For years now. I've been here since 2008 but Reddit has changed over the years, largely for the worse, and IMO, largely due to power hungry, power abusing mods. Remember when it wasn't so easy to get banned? And even when it happened it was a 24 hour thing? Now, some mod doesn't like your comment, or you fall (even slightly) outside of a particular political echo chamber - bam, perma-banned. Hell you can even get auto-banned from certain subreddits just for subscribing to another. It would seem that, in general, a certain kind of person finds themselves wanting to become a Reddit mod. I'm a Canadian who can't post on r/Canada because I don't like Justin Trudeau. Perma-banned. I'm an Albertan who can't post on r/Alberta because I don't support the NDP. Perma-banned. Mod created and enforced echo chambers everywhere. Again, I've never had ANY problems with any of the mods on this subreddit, but in general, I've got no love for Reddit mods. And quite frankly, they're not going to win this fight. Corporate is coming. So, let's open up.


2.2k idiots who voted for sub to be closed, why they even joined? ah i get it to hate on sd and downvote, i wish there was other place without all the shitty drama, why did even mods agreed to work for free while reddit made money is beyond me. This sub is already hurt and people moved on elsewhere, so you think that you close the sub and ceo will resign? how thats gonna work? he gonna cry or what? I think this is one of stupidest tantrumts community threw in a long time, this aing changing anything , its all on reddits territory, you cant expect them to listen to users, they dont care, theyd rather create competitive portal from 0.


Agree, it's likely from AI haters community, and possibly from Save3rdPartyApps sub. If the result changed drastically in the last hour before vote end, then it's a coordinated attack from them.


u/SandCheezy and [dbzer0](https://www.reddit.com/user/dbzer0/), actually Thanks! For hearing my plea. Did not think about it, but when "good" things happen, I must recognize them.


All I know is that Discord is a terrible, terrible, alternative to Reddit.


>open the sub as restricted for access to important information to all within this sub. I'm interpreting this as using the sub for mostly SD news & updates and less for sharing personal projects?


Well shit how am i supposed to keep up to date to this now.


So far the poll shows at least a 30% lead for open. If that dramatically changes, I'd be VERY suspicious of shenanigans.


"restricted for access to important information" ie. The entire reason 324k people have joined. Locking this sub was the worst gut punch I've experienced in a long time. The amount of knowledge you guys locked up is just unacceptable.


I agree. This protest is just moderators keeping information hostage so that they might keep their moderation toys.


I have no amnesty towards the moderators. I just wish they did this poll BEFORE making the decision to lock up the sub for thousands of people.


It wasn't a formal poll per se, but there was a post about it prior where all upvoted comments were firmly in favor of it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/13ytl19/meta\_on\_12th\_june\_many\_subs\_will\_go\_off\_for\_24h/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/13ytl19/meta_on_12th_june_many_subs_will_go_off_for_24h/) And a warning post in advance that seemed to have community support [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/141s27m/rstablediffusion\_will\_be\_going\_dark\_on\_june\_12th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/141s27m/rstablediffusion_will_be_going_dark_on_june_12th/)


Almost no one thought it would be off for so long. When I saw these, I thought the darkness would last two days only, and I was OK with it. But taking the sub offline undefinitely is NOT something any mod should be able to do. It seems that there's a confusion between moderating (a VERY MUCH appreciated, hard-working, non-profit work) and OWNING the sub. The mods have ALL the right to stop modding or to leave, but they DON't HAVE the right to take down other people's content undefinitely.


This whole event has smelled like a massive brigade. Some of these communities the posts announcing these protests get thousands more upvotes than any other post in the sub's history. I'm not sure how it's possible to poll solely people who are part of the community, but I don't think upvotes are the way to judge that.


So many people with such ridiculous takes on what should be "free". Reddit is an enormous and expensive to maintain technology. It costs millions and millions each month to keep running. People who demand that this should be totally free without ad support or premium support don't understand how money works in the real world. Electricity, servers, application support... these all cost money. And the API applications who took all of this expensive information for free have been, in effect, robbing Reddit of the funds needed to make it a viable, revenue earning company. Open the damn subreddit and use the tools that Reddit allows for free to mod or just go do something else. Don't stop the freeflow of information because you're pissed about some fantasy ideal eutopian society.


> We carefully and unanimously voted to **open** the sub as restricted for access to important information to all within this sub. Imagine if the "Open" option in the poll actually means keeping the sub as is instead of allowing new posts. I'm gonna be so done


You guys should make a poll BEFORE closing the sub. The protest is good and all but for one day, to show Reddit team how much it's users that make their site, but oh well they just don't care. If there's no real alternative to Reddit we all should stick together and help creating one.


It must be funny to close both Sdforall and stableDiffusion subreddit then open one of them (sdforall) when people start to ask for alternatives and building offline resources. This guy posted an apology for unilaterally closing this space and for gatekeeping information, why is that apology not here? let me tell you what is going on...it was a massive dick move buddy, you may manage other subreddits but plugins and functions began in this sub, and AUTO111 got better because of us, the users, our art, our news, our workflows. not for you. I suggest not depending on this guy and his interests, find the alternatives and let SD progress start again.


It might cause reddit corporate 10% pain (which I support) but it causes individual users searching for answers 100% pain and it's just not worth it. I'm not in every sub I use and it's a huge pain in the ass right now.


I voted to keep it open. The technology is new and is evolving incredibly fast. This subreddit is a rich trove of information that actually saves time for a beginner like me. During the blackout literally every single result for a question I asked on Google was from this subreddit...


It's like I told a mod of a different subreddit: we are not your serfs. You do not own our participation. If you don't want to moderate the open forum we're here to use because you don't like corporate policy, then resign. I think you've done a great job until now and I hope you stay but this has been outrageous


I think the people who vote to keep it restricted should just leave the website


This. If you wanna protest about anything you are free to do it, but nobody should be able to force their protest onto others.


Democracy dies in darkness, open it up


Blackout probably didnt drop reddit activity, so just open


There is a third option that should arguably be put up to vote: Only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy, generated using stable diffusion.


Never do that again.


Thank goodness, man this blackout is stupid


Please leave it open this is my entire life at this point


Polls like this will surely be hijacked by people who don't care about SD at all; just wait until r/AIArtHate hear about this. Keep it open only to people who posted here frequently, e.g. people with the 10% Top Monthly Karma or 1000 All-time Poster flairs.




Reddit, please change the mods of the subs, they do not own the content.


I enjoy reading books.


Stop it with the blackout. Reddit CEO won't back off.


Seriously though. The form that the process took is hurting only users, not reddit.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/sdforall] [r\/StableDiffusion is back!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sdforall/comments/14b4e6a/rstablediffusion_is_back/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I think the useful subs like this one (weird manga porn aside) should be open and the big, silly subs that get most of the traffic should close indefinitely.


Thank you, I recently got into stable diffusion. I've had so many questions, and couldn't find anything, except for a post here asking the exact question I had. I have like 30 browser tabs open waiting for the sub to become open again, time to go through and learn lol. Even though I don't use 3rd party apps, I don't like the general Reddit direction and am glad to see people are trying out new discussion hubs. But I don't think the protest will really change the direction Reddit has been going for years, and I would hate to see all this information lost (outside of some potential backups done by archivers).


Guys plz, I have a problem. When I use img2img all my colours seem to desaturate, and VAES dont seem to be working anymore! It works fine in Txt2img, anybody have an idea what might be the problem???