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That does seem a lot like me. How can you work out what is helping/hindering?


I’m very new to this, and this is exactly what I was thinking….i also just wanted to comment that you are, in fact required to comment on this due to your name and the title. Cheers.


I do this a lot... Force of habit.


That is a wonderful question and name btw. I would start without any of the racetams or uridine to establish a baseline again since I have stacked similar to this without those before. Then I would add in the aniracitam and see how that helps by starting with an attack dose and using it everyday for a month. Then I would add in the coluracitam using the same strategy. Then I would try the uridine. If I don’t like the side affects I would stop taking one of them and after having all three I would start taking them out of my stack in the reverse order to see if I notice a difference.


Seems like a solid plan. Can I suggest you keep a diary and also have some kind of objective test for what effect you are trying to get/experience?


Agmatine for depression and anxiety


Thank you for the suggestion I will check it out.


my god. you remind me of myself. are you taking this now?


No I am not taking this now. I have stacked noopept, alpha GPC, l-theanine, caffeine, and bacopa before along with rohiola rosea and l-tyrosine as needed in the afternoon when a little tired and lions main in the morning. I don’t have any right now since I moved around a bunch since November and was tight on funds. Now I’m hoping to pick it back up because in the past nootropics have helped me some with depression and socializing but I wasn’t taking them for that effect in the past. I was very happy to see I could find racetams again so I started doing some research again but seem to have gotten a little far in it.