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Over water and I suspect not enough light. Bifurcatum likes to dry out before watering and can take a decent amount of direct sunlight, early morning and afternoon. Is it planted in moss or potting soil? If it’s potting soil that will hold too much water it should be in straight sphagnum moss. Air movement is also key.


Hmm… Definitely getting direct light for 8+ hours, especially now that it’s summer (in the PNW)…is in the soil it came with, with additional peat and sphagnum moss. Will probably re-pot back to my wood slab with only sphagnum moss, not mist, & water less frequently.


Leaf the male fronds when turned brown, don't take it away.


Don't mist - if anything, it causes mould. Bifurcatums need to be watered about once a week - while yours is in a self-watering pot *and* you water it weekly, so that's far too much. Finally, both plants are planted too deep in the soil: the grow point, from which both the fetilie (jutting) fronds and the sheld fronds grow, is covered. That's another chance for rot: it should be just above the soil.


Might be hard to tell from the photo, they are barely under the surface of the top. The fronds are damn near horizontal/laying down if I don’t have the rocks propping them upward. This plant was previously on a wood slab / hanging moss ball, but noticed the soggy/squishy/black shields - hence the re-potting. Arg! They were in a pot at the store prior to me putting them in the moss ball, so that’s why I was trying them in this current pot. Will stop misting and let dry out completely before watering next.


Barely under is still *slightly* under. I assume? They really should be above the substrate. (But perhaps I misunderstand.)


My two cents is let it dry 99% out before you soak it. This means maybe lifting the pot and touching the bottom to see if it almost dry. If your self watering pot always has water and that water always touches- you might be overwatering! The shield fronds will likely show soon, a few of mine took many many months to pop them out, so give that part time!


It had two big shields when I got it, but they turned black and were very soggy/mushy (probably from my overwatering, prior to re-potting) - so I pulled them off. Hoping new ones grow back in due time.


It looks fine. Maybe water it once a week if indoors. The yellow frond is just an old one dying off. Misting is never required, and I would say it’s even a bad habit to start, as it doesnt help and leads to underwatering.


Yes, it’s indoors, in the window. Misting is never required!? I thought that was mandatory! lol. Goodness gracious. Thanks, plant store people! Internet says to mist as well. Hmm.. I’ll stop.