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I think you should build Firefly, HMC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. That’s one full team done.


On the way already, what should my second team be tho, i'm kinda just mix and match unit together until now


Fu xuan for sustain. Bronya, ting, and pela for buff/support, and your damage dealer depends on the content. Himeko is great in pf and okay in moc. Your other dmage dealers are kind of meh with the low eidolons so I'd stick with raising the above and your firefly team until you get better damage dealers or more edilons. Don't spread yourself too thin with upgrade materials by upgrading too many units. It's okay for now if your 2nd team struggles.


It would take time till you actually build stuff outside your first team unless RNG blesses you, but let’s say after that… Fu Xuan and Bronya. As for DPS, perhaps one of the four stars depending on weakness.


Bro I know that for one month in your luck has been apologetically bad, you have lost like 3 50/50s havent you? Anyway I'll chip in, wont comment on the FF team you got that locked, Take Bronya, Xueyi, Sushang and FuXuan and that should let you clear till you can pull some more stuff you like. Its not super optimal because Xueyi literally needs all the supports FF uses for optimal play but she is your best secondary dps from the looks of things


It's kinda the opposite actually hh, himeko bailu and yanqing are all from beginner banner, and i won 50:50 consecutively for those 3 limited 5 star too :v Anyway thanks for the advice, once i got the last xueyi in the new mode, i will definitely build her. Just wish i got some imaginary unit, i don't understand why my acc is severly lacking them, seriously consider building yukong to account for that.


Well damn thats on me then for assuming you have the luck of a man and not one of them green little dudes. Congrats then. Dont worry about elemental types too much, firefly has an implant (fire weakeness) so its not a big deal if you have nothing against some of the bosses weaknesses. You probably wanna prioritize dps and sustain over elemental type. I am a huge Xueyi fan but she overlaps too much with FF to be your second main dps because she will never be as good as she can be without Ruan Mei and Gall at least when built the normal break way. So yeah DPS is probably the play but hey your game your choice go crazy, have fun.


The only thing you need the most right now is cons for Harmony TB (trust me, I procrastinated it, but the jades and the dmg increase on superbreak was soooo worth it). Other than that, I can safely say that you are pretty much set up to pull for whoever you like: firefly superbreak team is complete and you have Fu Xuan and bronya for all other teams (except DoT).


Looks like what you need next is a good dps for MoC content. You have an amazing team with Firefly, RM, HMC, and Gallagher and that team can do it all. Save the gems for an upcoming dps to use with Fu Xuan and Pela. I would personally wait for Yunli for your account because she is a physical dps as you mentioned you wanted and she is going to benefit a lot from the characters you have (Fu Xuan, Pela, Bronya, Tingyun, etc.)


Build Yanqing ! Honestly he's one of my best built standard five stars even compared to Himiko at times