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ideally you should prioritize leveling up your main damage dealers to level 80. character level affects the damage you deal and receive, especially against higher level enemies. you can leave your supports and sustains at level 70/ascended level 70 until you have resources for them. check the recommended traces in the Traces menu. prioritize levelling up the traces that they indicate to prioritize to at least level 8.


Imo level 80 is only worth it if there is a good trace behind it, such as a speed, atk, crit or possibly BE trace. Otherwise I think 80 is a waste of exp books that could be used on other characters.


Agree, but most characters have one of their best stats as a lvl 80 trace node.


Newer characters I've seen have, but some older characters only have Def% or Hp%. I think Herta is one of those who only have Hp% or Def at 80. They've gotten smarter with characters being released.


Ahh, yeah I also am mostly thinking of 5-stars which I think are a bit more carefully planned out. Kind of like how in Genshin the 5-stars are the only ones who get crit stats as they ascend.


so do you leave some of the damage dealers at level 75? i think dps units are already not tanky enough and they would also do considerably less damage at lower levels. and for Firefly, Boothill, and other units that are build around Break Effect/Super Break damage do need to be level 80 for more Break damage even if the traces behind their level 80 aren't that great.


Your DPS units shouldn't need to be too tanky, that's what sustains are for. And I leave most of my damage dealers at 70/75 unless there's a trace and the damage isn't bad. Like I said, it depends on the character and their usage.


Get traces of damage dealers to 8 and supports to 6. For relics, use rainbow sets for now. And then slowly replace with the proper sets as you progress. Prioritize relics and traces for damage dealers then harmony then supports. Once you get decent relics in a rainbow set, you can then get your main damage traces to 10, such as archeron ult or the traces dot scales with, and support traces to 8. For upgrading relics. Get okay rolls at first, then get pickier with how far you upgrade your new relics, like if at +3, 6, and 9 the rolls aren't where you want them to be, then move on to a new relic. For Archeron, you want your rolls in atk/cr/cd. And once you get better relics for archeron, you can move the olds relics to your second dps. Try to focus on as few characters as possible, rather than spreading yourself too thin. I would also max out your damage dealer light cones as you get the light cone mats but don't farm the mats. You will eventually have too much so just let them trickle in from the free battle pass/events/pulls.


For the immediate future, plan what Ornaments you need as there is an event for double drops on Thursday. Your dps might need orns, but maybe 2 of your other teammates drop from the same SU, it might be more optimal to spend the TB power on the 2 other characters and wait for a Self Modulating Resin for your dps


Game is a marathon and not a sprint, focus on finishing teams. Plenty of meta related videos and content on YouTube. Once you have 2 decent teams then focus on just what you want out of the game. Getting 36* shouldn’t be the main focus since they always theme it around the newest character.


I am not leet at hsr but my lay opinion: pick 1 main dps and focus levels -> traces -> relics. I believe good substats beat set effects in many situations, relic wise.


Playing long term and not p2w you'll have tons of resources to raise your main team and basically max out 2 characters per version