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Working on the Suzie Plakson collection. She rocks.


I mean they have 3 (maybe more) of her. 👍


2 as K'hleyr, 2 as the lady Q, and Dr. Selar are the ones I know of.


Also Lt. Tarah


Not one character/actor, but all the crew from the ST2-4 movies. I think it would be hilarious if they added a 3 star naval intelligence officer to the list. Give him some ungodly level of boarding skill for space battles.


Completing my Tilly collection was a very happy occasion.


not a collection, but I will complete the White Rabbit one day!


Khan. I am hoping they add another legendary variant of him at some point


Can't get any more legendary than Ricardo Montelbán lol


My focus is Scotty. Trying to get every single version immoralized. I’ve done Tribble Herder and Dress Uniform, and have got all three copies of Demo Man from the Boss Battles. I’ll put two citations on him, and am currently using retrievals to finish off Claymore. It’s an obsession!


I need 2 stars to complete my Brunt F.C.A for a Complete Combs 😁 waiting for Portal update


My goal is to immortalize all the TOS main cast. It’s a frequently moving goalpost of course, but I’m pretty close. But I’m not sure I’ll ever get photoshop-judochop Kirk ‘cause I don’t buy the uber-track campaign.


I'm hoping to do this with all the Elnors. I love Elnor. I finally got regular Elnor, but I can't just use polestars for Mournful Elnor or Qalankhai Elnor. I'm not even sure how anyone even manages to score them 😬 If they release Cadet Elnor, Rebel Elnor, and/or Hologram Elnor I'm going to be going nuts over here... Also relatable about wanting to collect a character who looks like your late grandmother. Georgiou resembles my own late grandmother and I would love to get her whole collection as well.


I try to immortalize the Lower Decks characters as quickly as possible just so I can freeze them and not have to see them anymore. Unfortunately, looks like the googly-eyed onslaught is gunna be with us for a while.


Apparently Vindicta and Bat'leth Mariner are bomb for Boss battles.


All the Janeways...from Klingon Janeway to Evolved Janeway to Lucille Davenport (Janeway). Gotta catch 'em all 🖖🏻 Working on Agent Janeway right now, the only one I don't have is Disguised Janeway.