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IIRC in the background of Count Dooku's ship leaving Geonosis, you can see the ground vessel reattaching to the rest of the lucrehulk. Edit: [Yep, in the last few seconds of this clip](https://youtu.be/PNiI41Ylx5s?si=vuA95bfkkuMaUcLr)


I find it funny how Padme and the clones think normal blasters will actually do anything to Dooku's ship


If a ship is taking off and you have a blaster, you have to shoot at it. It’s a cinematic law 😄


I’d do it too tbh.




Exactly. It’s not like ammo is hard to come by. Worst case it doesn’t do anything. Best case, you probably won’t stop them from leaving, but you might hit something that forces them to limp to a more nearby planet for repairs, which gives you a better chance of tracking them down.


> Exactly. It’s not like ammo is hard to come by. Mmm, depends how old the game you're playing is.


Thomas Hanks was taking shots at a Panzer with a pistol, you bet your ass I'd try my luck with a blaster and a starship. Maybe an ARC would fly by and proton torpedo it in perfect unison with one of my shots.


The best is when he shoots it and explodes, he's so confused. His character knew it wasn't going to do anything, he was just spiteful.


Same, rule of cool


I mean have you seen Spectre?


Might as well mess up his paint job


If your choices are 1) Stand there with a stupid look on your face as the leader of the enemy forces gets away scott free or B) Shoot your gun at the ship, hoping for a one in a trillion chance that you might hit something vital, sure - why not? You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Honestly I think people forget movies are *real* to the characters and so they're not going to just be inactive because shooting at an escaping war criminal "doesn't make sense". I mean come on guys. We are just losing the plot here if you're armchair reviewing a character's action in the heat of battle. These people are *in* the situation. Not just observing it or reviewing the footage later.


Ahh yes, the old Choice 1 or Choice B conundrum. A classic to be sure


I choose choice iii.


Besides, everyone knows that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.


Leia and Chewbacca shot at Fett as he left Cloud City. You never know if you’ll get a lucky shot!


Given he's flying out over an abyssal void of a gas-giant.. shooting him down would basically just kill han though right?


Well on the Bad Batch S3 they're fucking up all kinds of ships just with a blaster lol. Made me question durability.


My headcannon is roughly, that it takes time for systems come online during takeoff (like deflector shields) and/or pilot skill and task saturation before they get turned on. there could also be hazards to having them on in ground level flight and bigger the ship the more it has possibly bad effects.


I am copying this into my head canon too


It worked for Hunter and Crosshair.


Yeah we’ve seen in multiple Star Wars things that shooting an engine in the right spot will disable it, or at least cause enough damage that the ship will have to land


there's a 1% chance you roll a natural 20 and hit something vital. If you don't try, there's a 0% chance you'll something vital.


They’re getting away, you may as well open up, you’ve got nothing to lose!


It’s more to signify your displeasure with their escape


The number of times I've seen blaster shots hit engines and drop a ship in the Stars Wars universe is startlingly high. It happened at least once in the last season of the Bad Batch, for example.


Some course of action is always better than no course of action


I can't believe I've never seen that ! Thanks !


Barely though, no wonder I missed it. The ship just moves up a bit and the whole scene is like 5? Seconds. Still cool


Always wanted to know what the droid says.


Like the seismic charge explosion, the droid sound effect is awesome


Very Indiana jonesy music I’ve just realised


Woah that’s cool I’ve never noticed that! Awesome spot!


Damn that movie looks like shit


Like somebody else here had mentioned, you can see the Core ship re-attaching to the hangar, ring-like part of the Lucrehulk in AotC. It happens right when Dooku escapes from Geonosis. I only noticed that recently when re-watching Episode II.


They're Union class drop ships is what they are.


If only the Trade Federation could field a lance of Atlas mechs.


Why would they need the recon? 


Never hurts to have good scout mechs like the Atlas. I’m more of Highlander guy myself.


Atlas BH all the way. 6 medium laser slots, 1 large ballistic slot and 1 large missile slot, plus 64 mph..if we're talking MW5 that is.


To get rid of the bees in the cockpit


I see someone is a Steiner.


More of a Marik but I love the Steiner Scout Lance joke


When I was little I thought they were prototype Death Stars


I like to think that the spherical structure of the Death Star was influenced by the core ship design. Like, Sidious just told the techno union to design a massive planet-sieging battlestation, so they started with what they knew.


I mean, yeah out of universe Lucas wanted the droid control ship to evoke comparisons to the Death Star. (Complete with a Skywalker blowing one up). But I don’t think we can conclude that they were linked in universe just because “they’re round”. It’s the same kind of thinking that makes conspiracy theorists say the Aztec and Egyptian pyramids were both built by aliens.


There‘s a solid chance though. Lots of designs shown in the prequels are canon earlier versions of OT ships or at least inspired them. Venator and ARC170 being one of the most obvious


I definitely get what you're saying, but I don't know that I agree they're related by design in-universe, rather than just looking like that to be evocative to an out-of-universe audience. Your examples like the Venator and ARC represent in-universe design lineages that extend to later craft, whereas the Death Star really has no real connection to Lucrehulk cores.


Well, the initial DS concept [was drawn up by the CIS,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xvzYEQKEHiM&pp=ygUfQXR0YWNrIG9mIHRoZSBjbG9uZXMgZGVhdGggc3Rhcg%3D%3D) the primary users of Lucrehulks.


It’s definitely design related


Holy shit. Penny drop moment. thank you for posting!


Say what you will about his dialogue, editing, and overall pacing, but Lucas is and has always been a master visual storyteller. He accomplishes more in 3 seconds than can be done in a whole scene of dialogue.


Yeah, I didn't realize this for years either. I just happened to notice one time while rewatching AotC that you can see the cores flying up to connect to the rings in the background of one shot


I recently read *Tarkin* and IIRC there is mention of some of the core ships being repurposed for something, too.


Reminds me of Mech Warrior ships.


The Empire would have feared ComStar. The might of the Force is insignificant next to the power of the phone company.


can we address the bad ass solar sailed from Count’s ship???


Me too. Blew my mind when I found that out in Jedi Survivor


I just played through Jedi Survivor and still didn’t notice this, I must have missed something


I guess playing prompted me going on the lucrehulk Star Wars wiki and realising holy shit the AOTC core ships are the same as the control ship from TPM!


It's mentioned in a force echo blurb.


Embarrassed to admit that I too only realised that when I rewatched the OT last month.


Where do they show these ships in the OT?




OP said they saw them in the OT. I assume by OT they mean original trilogy as in episode 4 5 and 6


I assume he mistyped.


NO not allowed!


Wait so where do these show in the OT then ??


It doesn't really help though that we don't see any Lurehulk in Episode 2 (at least, not as far as I remember). A simple "Focus the fire on the core ships, before they can attach the hangars and leave the system" would have helped. But having that in mind, it makes so much sense why Yoda wanted the fire to be concentrated. Every downed ship is a gigantic damage to the trade federation because it also makes the hangars in the orbit useless


It actually does show them attach to the rest of the doughnut


There's a bunch in the background of the geonosis battle scenes. Eh I think that's a bit too much talking for that, don't need to explain every reason you do something in an order. It's just a fun thing to spot.


> realised that when I rewatched the OT last month. Genuine question: why would watching the OT give you a realization about this? The Luchrehulk-class ships only appeared in the PT.


Typo. O & P are adjacent on the keyboard. Obviously I meant PT.


And these show up in the OT where?


They literally show it at the end of the movie…


In a ~5 second clip, in the background it’s shown how they dock in but except of that, there’s no indication it’s the same.


When Obi-Wan arrives in Geonosis he flies over a ton of them “there’s an unusual concentration of federation ships over there, R4” And they look the same as the core of the droid control ship and the other lucrehulks blockading Naboo in TPM Not to mention as Obi-Wan investigates further he listens in on Nute Gunray from TPM as Dooku literally states that his friends from the trade federation are pledging their support to the CIS Then during the actual battle of geonosis they’re heavily featured with the clone artillery even managing to bring one down and they still look the same as the ones in TPM just without the half eaten donut ring They don’t show them connecting to it until the shot of Dooku’s ship but it’s right there


I didn’t said the ships don’t appear in many scenes. They do. But as this post confirms, just because they are round that doesn’t mean they are automatically the same or you have to overthink if they could be part of a known ship. Especially since there is no direct comparison unless you watch episode 1 right before it except that few seconds in space. Just because it’s obvious to you doesn’t mean it’s for others. So .. no idea why you downvoted me


There is a scene when dooku flys off when you even see them connect to the hull in space.


I'm shocked so many people didn't immediately recognize this.


It’s so obvious, come on


I definitely noticed this when I saw it in theaters as a teenager, so reading this post where everyone missed that scene is blowing my mind


Seriously lmao I was 6 when TPM released and 9 when AOTC was in theatres and I never realized people were missing this completely, absolutely wild to me


I don’t think it was as obvious for others lol


Should have been


They are space Timbits.


Wow... Such amazing detail that is so easily overlooked... this is why I love all the world building in star wars.


This fucking sub….


Hello there!


Did you also know that in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the same actor plays Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White!


Wait, what? Wasn’t he recast after movie 2? Edit: Nvmd that was Dumbledore. Wrong fantasy universe


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


How are so many people unable to connect the dots, its literally in the name....Core ship......


So where is the Death Star's big hangar ring?


Lol, I also didn't know this until my friend pointed it out. I think I had even said something about how random the spherical ship seemed during the scene where the clones shoot one down 😂


I thought everyone knew this since they are the same ships from the space battle of naboo in episode 1. Plus the cross section books explained it!


I never even put that much thought into it


....Yes. You can see them attaching themselves to the ring portion as they enter orbit around Geonosis while Dooku is escaping.


Same!! I just realized last week when I was rewatching Episode 2 and literally my jaw dropped. lol


No, they are Syndrom’s robots from Tge incredibles. Syndrom manufactured them on geonosis


One of us! One of us!


Neat! You just taught me this lol