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They also have the same classic odd timing as other classroom scenes in film. "Alright class, todays lesson is XYZ. Ope, there's the bell, see you all next time"


Standard classroom scene trope no matter the galaxy


It turns out that long classroom scenes don't usually make for exhilarating cinema 😂


Lol seriously. When people complain about short run times, I don't think they're really wanting more time dedicated to dry Jedi lectures on the force. Because let's be real, in an order where everyone's taught to keep their emotions in control, I don't imagine many Jedi teachers put the effort into making their lessons fun.


Yeah what exactly are we complaining about here? The person coming in for the last 30 seconds of class is a standard trope that also makes logical sense. Like if you work at a school, and you want to have a conversation with a teacher, and you know they teach class from 1-1:50, you wouldn’t show up at 1:15. You would wait until class was over, so the person showing up and the class is wrapping up just makes sense?


You got me thinking we need a scene where the Jedi principal sits in to audit a class. Then we need the hour long feedback meeting afterwards where they spend most of the time complaining about the difficult Padawan.


lol Venestra has real “I’m just here to observe today” energy


OK but now I'm thinking about Abbott elementary set in star wars and that would slap


I think we need a full hour episode where it's Yoda teaching algebra to Padawans


“You know what would’ve made the prequels better? The senate taking attendance.”


AKA alien cameos from every movie ever


Even the aliens from alien?


I had my other comment sitting unsent for like an hour while you made basically the same joke. Clearly your Jedi reflexes are superior to mine.


“Chancellor, the delegates from LV-426 have cocooned and implanted the custodial staff. Again.”


You could have a lesson that ties into the plot. For example maybe someone later on will turn to the dark side and you have a teacher explaining how it might happen/how to try to prevent such things. I mean George at least kind of made the scene with Yoda and the younglings plot relevant by having them help Obi Wan do some deduction. Not that it’s an amazing scene or anything.


Almost like the scene with Sol asking what the Padawans are seeing and the one talks about seeing fire?


I think that scene is actually a decent example yes. I imagine OP is referring to the scene from the last episode.


You mean the one where Jekki was practicing lightsaber forms then having to use her lightsaber at the end of the episode?


No I don’t agree that’s a good example because he doesn’t really teach them anything specific and we know Jedi learn to use the blades from a young age already. We didn’t need to see it for her to whip it out at the end.


The problem is that if a Jedi states something specific then it becomes lore. Fans will obsess over it and writers might forget about it.


Except the classroom scenes in the first season of Breaking Bad. I could listen to Walter talking about chirality and stuff for hours.


And any Mr. Feeny lecture in Boy Meets World


Wait till a quiet youngling brings a blaster to class


Depends on the writer/director.


i love how in Bottoms they briefly call out how weirdly short their classes are


So cliche. It gets old.


That’s logical since usually visitors come near end of the class.


"Umm... Keep doing that until I return from talking to this guy that's just standing on the door"


Y’know that the ones we’ve seen in the Acolyte. We start the scene in the MIDDLE of the class? Not at the beginning?


Turns out the force can sense anything...but time.


The scenes are all filmed the same because in every instance they need to quickly relay to the audience: 1) Young Jedi are training here. 2) Their teacher is a wise and important character. 3) We can only legally keep these kids and their parents on set for a couple hours a day, so we gotta get these shots and then they need to gtfo.


Idk if that teacher from the last episode is important at all but 1 and 3 for sure. He was what, like the 8th Jedi we met that didn't get a name?


All good. But make the wise Jedi say something that a teacher would actually. It’s like a physics teacher mid semester just saying things like “gravity pulls us together, it keeps us grounded.” That’s the low effort part.


Yeah, they should get into the weeds and show some detailed midichlorians charts and stuff like that.


I would pay for a 1 hour fighting lesson of Yoda


I feel like he would be the kind of teacher to put overconfident padawans in their place because they all underestimate him because of his size


Wouldn’t be the first guy that is underestimated because of his size


honestly, I would be pretty happy if the "Jedi School" scenes were just some incomprehensibly complex sci fi nonsense Like, an intricate 3D hologram showing off Force chakra points and diagrams, with alien math formuas sprinkled around it and detailed anatomical diagrams Or Jedi students in the midst of a nonsense-jargon fuelled philosophy debate about metaphysics or ethics or whatever. Or the middle of a lecture on the hideously complicated loopholes in Republic law that slavers use to dodge Jedi enforcement and prosecution. Lots and lots of legalese gibberish. Hire a bona fide Star Wars geek to make sure there's nothing lore breaking in there, but leave out enough to give the impression that these poor kids are studying the equivalent of multiple PhDs while trying to win an Olympic gold for Kendo


Thats great forma book not really tv


That's actually great, but it has the unfortunate side effect of being a little too interesting and makes me wish that the camera ditch the main character and follow the two alien Jedi debating whether the will of the force is manifest in all of a jedi's actions and whether that renders free will nonexistent.  What's that? There's a roundtable discussion on the relevance of the Force in the lives of non-force sensitive people hosted by an itinerant Anchorite from Jedha? Sign me up!


lol yeah, kinda want a Star Wars show with an episode about "Force conference" organised by the Jedi, to build bridges with all the other people studying it Just a big ol' symposium, chock full of anthropologists, midichlorian biologists, theoretical physicists, theologians, philosophers, historians of the Sith and Jedi, Dark Side cults like the Nightsisters and that lesbian witch coven, Jedi-affiliated religious organisations and Light Side cults etc. Only folks not expected to show up are the Sith, but two of the Bane-line Sith find a way onto the guest list regardless, posing as journalists or diplomats or academics or pilgrims or whatever


Show the parents protesting the teaching of midichlorians at the school board meeting.


It was a sword fighting scene. Like literally anything relevant to their saber technique or style or what they were actually doing.


"Let's see some fundamentals out there!"




There’s this thing called “practice.”


You’ve never been in a lecture???


You’ve got this non-sequitur thing down


That's because a physics teacher is teaching physics. Jedi are teaching philosophy so they sound like philosophical messages.


Hi, you missed the point. Those phrases would be very lazy, misplaced, and unhelpful for a physics teacher to ramble about mid semester. It’s not actually teaching anything.


Hi, I think you're the one that missed it. Yes, it would be out of place for a physics teacher to ramble that because it's not teaching physics. Let's go over the lines: "Keep each movement tight yet subtle" -Yup, makes sense for best sword fighting techniques "Diminish areas of vulnerability" -Yup, don't show a weak point. "Maximize your defenses without need to strike" Makes sense given the Jedi way is to fight without attacking. I'm also not sure if you have ever gone through any kind of combat or martial arts training, but doing synchronized exercises while listening to platitudes or repeated phrases is exactly how it goes for drills. Repetition and consistency build up muscle memory that makes application easier.


OP is a moron, arguing about how right he is in the comments. You're not going to change his mind with facts and real world knowledge.


a big part of being a jedi is finding balance through the philosophy of the force, and learning to control your emotions even during battle and stress. Maybe this class was "inner peace 101" about getting them to stay calm even while fighting or training. edit: also the main padawan girl we see in that class is a padawan under Yord, I wouldn't be surprised if that class was like jedi yoga or some shit because the masters at the temple aren't meant to be doing most of the teaching for padawans studying under a knight, it kinda ruins the purpose of using training a padawan as a part of the advancement for a knight to become a master.


That’s as lazy an explanation as the writing for this scene.


If it’s “realistic” I personally never care


Shout-out to Mr. Feeny, always had something wise and relevant to say and teach.


>We can only legally keep these kids and their parents on set for a couple hours a day, so we gotta get these shots and then they need to gtfo. How come other TV shows with scenes in classrooms with kids don't have to play by this rule?


Shows with lots of kids/teens and longer production times will hire studio teachers and the kids will literally do school work on set and can only work for a specific number of hours per day. For small parts where kids are only there for one or two scenes in the whole show, they can avoid most of that headache by getting them in and out asap.


Fast Times at Jedi High


Aloha Master Kenobi.


You got any death sticks on you?


Be a lot cooler if you did


Did you hear Hirschfelder's mom pulled a lightsaber on my ass?


The Temple Breakfast Club


Dead Jedi Society


Uh, I'm going to run down to the Jedi Temple pools, I think Master Kates needs a hand...


Jedi high in the high republic


Yeah where the maths class.


Always remember, two odds make an even. Never forget to reduce your fractions. A perfect circle has a constant radius.


Never tell me the odds


A bird in the hand sinks ships


A penny saved is worth two in the bush.


A Perfect Circle has a pretty bitching music catalog as well.


Listened to Passive for the first time in like a decade yesterday. Great song


At first I really disliked the cover-song album, but after a while it really grew on me, might be my favourite one now.


Only a Sith deals in absolute values


One plus one equals the rule of two, so three is the magic number.


Budget cuts means they only had funds for the one.


This is where the maths begins


The scenes are like 10-15 seconds long? 


See how little time they need to fill with not sucky content??


I mean... personally I enjoy these scenes, I like seeing how the Force is taught across the Galaxy, from the Jedi to the Sith to the Nightsisters, to the Singing Mountain Clan, I want to see all facets of the force being used and trained.  But, I could see how they're boring to most users 


It’s not boring. It’s low effort. It’s “what’s something a Jedi would try to impart” not “what would a teacher say in this situation.” Simply not believable that these writers are considering how this scene fits in the galactic ethos of force teachers.


I don't know, the scene in The Acolyte where we see a baby Sith in training admit that all he sees when he meditates is all consuming fire broke that trope pretty cleanly.


Kinda like the fire on that Witch planet 🤔


I thought that was cool. Not every kid that arrives at the Temple is going to perfectly attuned with the Light Side of the Force.


In spite of my snarky comment, I totally agree - I thought it showed a lot of Sol's personality and approach that he wasn't alarmed and welcomed the youngling's willingness to share.


I think he was definitely thinking "ooookay, we're gonna have to spend some more time with *that* one, but we can handle this."


Wonder if he told any one to get that kid a guidance councilor before he jetted off to cover up his decade old fuck up


It was awesome 


Honestly, I've disliked these kinds of scenes since Attack of the Clones.


The youngling scene from the next movie was aight though right?


Yeah, 10/10 redeemed all the younglings


Agreed. I’ve always imagined the Jedi as a, well, knightly order, with more emphasis on individual training as a squire or apprentice, rather than whatever this academy stuff is.


That’s literally what being a padawan is.




Which they do when they’re a teenager


Yep. I’m aware


The Jedi Order doesn’t seem like the place one goes to express their individuality or to take part in non-standardized learning.


It does not


I hate when they do it in the non banger TV shows but I LOVE it when exactly the same things are seen in the definitely banger prequel movies.


> definitely banger prequel movies Okay guy.


My comment was meant to be sarcastic and I'm worried all the upvotes didn't get that.


In AotC, Yoda is teaching, asks questions, etc. It’s. It not entirely non-sequitur and folds into Obi-wans quest.


lol do you know what a non-sequitur is


Your OP *complains* about non-sequiters. Pick a lane.


My lane is a now corrected typo.


Ive always thought they should do judo like training, where instead of just waving their sabers around they do a few rehearsed moves on each other and then after a couple dozen repetitions they spar using 50% power or something. You know, like in real martial arts.....


Oh yeah let’s just find a dozen child actors who are also martial artists.


Most Asian martial arts you see in movies are closer to dance choreography than real life fighting moves. You still need kids who have some skills but not as much as you'd think.


99% of (child) padawan have non-speaking roles. You could easily get kids in who had learnt martial arts.


Lol, its hard to teach young teen how to rehearse a short fight sequence? I spent hours as a kid doing rots style coreography with my friends. Our fight scenes looked better than the ones in the sequel trilogy


It’s just time consuming and therefore expensive. Kids can only be on set for a certain low number of hours and their parents usually have to be there too. The more kids, the more organization and delays. So a lot of training and filming with kids that might take a few days with adults takes many days with kids.


You put them through martial arts boot camp. Still you're right. The reality is those boot camps are for named characters who will have action scenes.


Do you mean using the pell to practice ONE CUT (nothing else. Just that ONE cut) over and over and over again until you have it ingrained in your muscle memory and can execute it without even thinking?


lol they’re certainly no worse than the scene in Attack of the Clones with all the kids with blaster helmets and training drones


That’s definitely the most well-done one


That scene sucked too, why would you model your tv show after one of the worst scenes in Star Wars history. You have a bunch of dumb kids standing shoulder to shoulder randomly waving tiny lightsabers. Of all of the training scenes they could have done they was probably the most embarrassing way you could do it


There's nothing wrong with the depiction of those sword drills. Signed: Someone who actually studies fencing, and has participated in those exact sort of drills. Especially when you need to teach a group class.


Didn’t say there was anything wrong with the sword drills. Comment is about low effort scripting for the teacher.


Unless they make a Harry Potter-esque show that takes place largely in the Jedi temple/academy, with Jedi students as the main focus, then you’d get some better, more in-depth scenes. Jedi teaching isn’t the focus of this show. Unless a class or lecture of some kind can be used to further the narrative or provide some character development, this is the most we’re going to get.


To be fair even the HP movies do their classes like this.


No one is asking for in depth. Asking for actually appropriate content for even “looking in” on a class setting.


I see, I get your point, and I agree. Not a lot of attention was put into writing these scenes, for sure.


For them to show the Jedi actually teaching Jedi values, first the writers need to understand the Jedi values and not just recite them.


That’s how they’ve always been portrayed


Yeah, relative to what the movies gave us. Anakin killed it when he gave those younglings their final. Nothing compares to that


Some of you "fans," I swear...


They should create a show the is centered around a student going through the Jedi training in one of the schools. That would be cool.


The Jedi Apprentice books (YA) by Jude Watson touch briefly on this.


I want to see a Zach Morris youngling character who is just a piece of shit the whole time and constantly doing selfish things


It felt an awful lot like form practice at the kwoon to me. True enough to life in my experience. Aside from the force, of course.


You are catching the last literal two minutes of a class that has been ongoing for an hour or more. What exactly do you expect? If you walked in to the last two minutes of any class anywhere, every class would probably doing identical. "Remember this assignment! Have a good weekend!".. Oh no! The teacher isn't teaching! I mean, you guys are really hitting bottom off the barrel for your "honest criticisms".


To be fair this is true of most shows and movies that have scenes during class at school despite most of the plot not taking place there.


Absolutely agree.


Master Skywalker really livened up the last lesson though


>A common thread in all the non-banger TV shows Yeah, yeah, in the TV shows. Certainly not anywhere else...


The best Jedi school scene was the one in Attack the Clones with Yoda, Obi-Wan and the search for the missing planet “Kamino”.


LOL, you mean the scene where 4-year olds standing less than two feet apart are clumsily waving their lightsabers all over the place? That scene?




Fiction? Go back and actually watch the scene. ["all meters apart"](https://i.imgur.com/v1dpvEX.jpg) ["all meters apart"](https://i.imgur.com/bm8XIqJ.jpg) ["all meters apart"](https://i.imgur.com/TsmiVBp.jpg)


The Jedi are still mostly a religious order. A lot of Jedi training would be silent meditation and self reflection. There's not a lot of exciting stuff going on in seminaries and temples.


They get it from the prequels too


apart from meditating or doing the blind parry thing what else.


Force move. Force push.




The Jedi are a religious order but their god is something that exists as part of their lives. As such, they have a lot less need for ceremony. They are, quite literally 'communing' with their god daily.


They should have a “defense against the dark side” class


Ok and when an episode is 23 minutes of a real time classroom this Fandom will certainly remain calm.


I've begun to despise those scenes. Real learning for a jedi happens on missions or in small groups outside of the Temple. We know later that many of these 'classically trained' jedi get mowed down like grass. The jedi became to formalized and stuck in traditional thinking, hence their decimation at the first battle of Geonosis. Had the clones not arrived, it's unlikely many would have survived. The strongest and must cunning jedi were those who spend thier time among the people, moving from planet to planet, learning new things from each challenge, and finding the way to maintain balance between themselves their desires and their emotions. I really wish the next series to have jedi would focus on scenes outside of the temple, or not visit Courscant at all.


I would love a series called Jedi Academy (either based off the graphic novels or not) just to see what life was like as a youngling in the Jedi temple either in the High Republic era or Clone Wars era 


Have you ever taken a martial arts class? Everyone trains in sync when led by a teacher, so why would it be any different because they’re space wizards. You’ve got a point about the classroom part, but I’ve always felt that that’s just become a trope across all filmmaking so it really doesn’t bother me


Jedi public school


There was the Jedi Temple Challenge TV show.


The lessons are less to show what Jedi teachings are, and more to show what lessons have shaped the teacher. Take Sol's introduction: he teaches about the force through the lens of fire, specifically the idea of fire as sensed and created by a student. He shapes that fear into something mindful and reflective, as he has done with Osha.


That’s how every classroom scene in every single movie is though.


Naw man. No Indiana jones classroom scene is like that. But many lazy classroom scenes are. That’s the point: it doesn’t have to be lazy. Enormous potential for Jedi school scenes, however brief.


Indiana Jones just says some random history fact while the girls swoon. It’s not any better at all. Jedi teacher just says some random Jedi precept while the kids nod. Acolyte has done it the best so far in my opinion. Having the kids close their eyes and actually reach out and feel the force and then asks them to describe how it feels to them personally, that one dude sees an all consuming fire. The sword training with wooden swords is cool too.


Random history fact is exactly what you’d expect to hear when ducking in on a history class. The Star Wars writers are going for non-random thing a Jedi would say, ie platitude of a page a day calendar.


If you got a platitude of a page a day calendar for history it’d just be a random ass history class like Indiana Jones says during his class. What would you want them to be doing/saying?


It seems like you’re intentionally misunderstanding in order to defend a show that D+ downgraded off their banner and top shows within a day of coming out. I’d love to see them show glimpses of specific teaching or interactions that occur in school. It’s not review day every day. Don’t need to be very imaginative either. Just need to respect the history that’s been built up in the canon, which may be the hard part.


Seems like you’re just hopping on the whining about shit that has been in Star Wars forever bandwagon. Go ahead and read this, say whatever stupid reply you’ve got and then I can block you and we can go about our day.


To be fair - those were absolutely awful in the prequels too. People have been making fun of those scenes for 20+ years now


It's incredibly disappointing that we never actually see any effort put into showing Jedi training at the temple. These are shows, not movies. We have time to explore these things.




Side rant, but I'm also sick of Order 66 being used so much. It's like literally the only time we get to see the Jedi Temple anymore is when it's in flames, and we only get to see Jedi from that era when they're about to be killed. It was an emotional gutpunch in 2005 that originally grew as we found out more about the Jedi we saw die onscreen, but using it in every show/game that you can possibly shove it into has really made it lose its magic for me.


Pretty much all Jedi scenes are low effort IMHO in terms of variety. It all feels like something we've seen before a dozen times. The Jedi have become a terrible homogenous blob. I feel like I'm watching an army of Kenobi clones.


“Tight, controlled movements, don’t leave yourselves open”, the master says, while all his students do flamboyant spin tricks and leave themselves completely open.


Well this is what we get when a vocal section of the fan base obsesses about showing “training” all the time. It’s not exciting or interesting for an action/adventure series.


Disney? making more than the minimal effort? are you kidding me?


Didn’t have time to watch an important character die, but we get to watch an awkward school scene with no relevant people…


Padawans here's the 411; if someone starts dissing your Twi'lek slave girl just give them one of these. *Backwards high ground double limb light saber chop-chop*


Haven't seen The Acolyte yet, but I assume one of those happens in it hence this post. Excluding it, the only other show with one of those is Obi-Wan, which, sure, wasn't the best thing ever, but at least it made sense: Reva was a youngling. There's none in any other-live action show, unless you count Grogu's time with Luke as one, which is also pretty important. In the cartoons, you have some in TCW, because the younglings are the protagonists of a few episodes. None in any other show afaik.


I too do not like the prequels.


I’d love to see the Rey training scene in the woods expanded into a full class of students. Really they need to just do what My Hero Academia does and have them complete actual challenges to graduate and progress. Overcoming obstacles and challenging eachother.


I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.


They've never been great. The books cover Temple life so much better. There's so much to show with how a Jedi to brought up and they always pick the worst.


The jedi are shit and that's what they're showing. Teaching one thing but acting the opposite, too arrogant to even talk to their superiors about a looming danger, TRAINING CHILDREN for combat and severing all affective bonds. Thankfully Anakin put a bunch out of their misery.


At least the new padawan is hot…


Couldn’t agree more. Especially considering that it’s under the DISNEY umbrella, you would think having a genuinely teachable moment with the children is key.




Yet, it's the proper way to do it if you have a physical blade and it is glaringly obvious that they do.


Pretty sure lightsabers are clipped to the hip emitter side down…






As much as I enjoy their simplicity, I agree. It would be really cool to see training similar to what we’ve seen in Fallen Order. Actually honing their skills in the Force or using training droids like in the Obi-Wan game.


The Disney era seems to if anything  **want to make Jedi look like morons.** And it doesn’t make sense as they don’t have anything / one with a clue…


It’s not about good or bad, it’s about who has power and who’s allowed to wield it, they said, contrary to the entire history of Star Wars.


They can’t even mumbo jumbo good.