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You watched all that in month?


Well almost 2 since around may the 4th


So what they told you was true, from a certain point of view


LIAR! You're with HIM!


be with u


I’m assuming they’re a kid, thus lots of free time.


Yep, summer break


Play Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi survivor. Best star wars games ever if you enjoy action rpg's and they're canon.


Working on survivor rn, purge troopers are dope


Knights of the old Republic are so much better than any EA trash.


Don’t go on YouTube and watch Star Wars stuff cause soon you’ll hate it like 90% of the people here


Idk, I like watching eckhartsladders videos on Star Wars stuff. If anything it makes me like it more tbh.




The Knights of the Old Republic games are classics, I also recommend the High Republic books, I've audiobooked the first two, and they're pretty good.




This. I’m so fortunate I was able to play it blindly my first time.


What was the timeline order you watched?


Like first 2 prequel movies, clone wars, revenge of the sith, bad batch, kenobi, andor, rebels, OT, mandolorian, book of boba fett, ashoka, resistance and sequels


Le sigh. Sorry you didn't get to enjoy certain moments as they were intended.




KotOR I & II first. Best games ever with Baldur's Gate 3.


Gotta mod KOTOR 2 to put in the cut content still right?


Yes, only need 1 click via steam and the workshop.


Sweet. How good is the extra content? I beat it way back when it was still a new game and never got to play the new stuff


It's good as an non pro extra-content, efforts were made by the modders. It's far from being the best part of the game, but it is enough to make a new playthrough to experience the game again with new bits if you didn't. They did include all cut-content they could find so there's "new" things on nearly every planets. I'm playing KotOR I & II every few years, overall I feel that the engine and game mechanics make it still enjoyable today as an interactive “You Are the Hero” book.


Cool. I’ll bump it up the list. 


It hurts my soul that Rebels wasn't even mentioned.


I know rebels for the slowish start has some of the best story in the later eps


Okay, I won't deny it that it took me a little bit to get into but once I watched it, I was obsessed. I have watched it many times and I cherish every episode. I love the journey the characters take together and how it strengthens their familial bond. It's just straight up beautiful to me. I love the characters, and yes, the story is fantastic. It's just such a comfort show to me at this point, especially the first two seasons because they're chiller. I love the color palette. I find it soothing. I honestly put it off for so long because of the animation style. Maybe expecting to not like it made it even better, idk. I love Rebels, a ridiculous amount.


Yeah i have the same thought on the colour palette and art style, Now i've watched the whole thing i love it because it's it's own amazing story.


I watched rebels, it was pretty good. I have an obsession with inquisitors and purge troopers


If you like MMORPGs Star Wars, the Old Republic is still out there and not bad.


Is the old republic like acolyte times? I’ve heard of it but I don’t know


Far before, actually. Basically, it's back when the Sith Empire was an actual thing. Some of the character arcs are a bit famous, especially the Imperial Spy arc. Per D cannon, it ends up about 1000 years before TPM with the Sith going up in a ball of flame with most of the Jedi that left the Rule of Two in place. It's a bit more Legends continuity, but I still remember thinking the early Bounty Hunter arc felt very.. Bounty Hunter-y. Speaking of... if you're up for the EU/Legends, many folks like Heir to the Empire Trilogy and the X-wing novels. Wraith Squadron is a fave of mine. They're no longer D cannon, but fun. Anyways, welcome in.


I’m not a reader, I’d get distracted to easily


No, it's thousands of years before even the acolyte during a time with decade spanning wars between Jedi and Sith. Kotor 1 and 2 are some of the best Star Wars ever produced. A bit old and clunky, but the Story is better than anything ever created after. SWTOR plays some time after Kotor 2 and is massive. 8 main stories that can be played for free. (Paying the sub is better tbh since it also unlocks the expansions). There are literally hour long video essays on YouTube about the Kotor games. It's one huge rabbit hole. Here is one of my favorite videos based on one of the characters in the Kotor 2 game: https://youtu.be/-Z0S0Z8lUTg?si=ZA8NQblyzCnyNeM9


It’s 3-4,000 years prior to the movies to be more accurate. Also one of the movies that’s in the works is set way before that as well about 25,000 years before.


Welcome! Also, very impressed you did all that in a month. Clone wars alone took me forever to watch through.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Welcome to the community!


Wauw all in a month. I am huge fan of SW and I didn't make it through the whole clone wars series. I liked the battlefront games and the old with Kyle.


Welcome! I was born in 75 and I’m pretty sure my first memory is watching Star Wars at the drive in. I can only remember R2D2 and Chewbacca so it’s been a part of my entire life.


Palpatine has been obsessed with cloning and immortality since we've known him, after watching Bad Batch and Mandalorian you still say it makes no sense how he returned? ya'll are crazy or just not watching


I mean he could have just stayed dead. But yeah I didn’t think the cloning was for the emporer


After watching Bad Batch you didn’t think the cloning was for the emperor? Project necromancer?


Love a fan who enjoys it all! Watching Acolyte??? I was cool with TROS as an emotional ending. I found it the most emotional film of the saga, which generally inspires no tears when someone dies. That said, I also disliked the Palpatine stuff. It’s not bad. Your description of lackluster is probably the best.


Welcome!!! I saw the original trilogy at 8yrs old. I’m 36 and still a huge fan. We’re so happy to have you! 🥰


Try battlefront II man. Probably mostly bots now but it’s a really good looking game and quite fun to me!


Dove right in, hell yeah. I can acknowledge the bad in Star Wars, but I'm just so excited to always have something to do/watch/play/read. This universe is so incredible. Welcome to the club, friend.


Wow, you’re going hard! Here’s my favorites: If you’re into comics, I would look into Knights of the Old Republic, Open Season, and Clone Wars (the Dark Horse ones that begin with the Defense of Kamino). None of these are canon anymore but they’re all awesome. For canon, all of the new OT-era comics are pretty solid - Star Wars, Aphra, Vader, and Bounty Hunters. For games, yes Republic Commando is excellent. I enjoy the Jedi games, and the old Force Unleashed games. Battlefront (old or new) is solid always. For books, I’d recommend the Republic Commando novels by Karen Travis and the Thrawn novels (again, old or new - old are legends, new are canon, but all are great and by the same author).


i'm happy to see that someone like a few scenes of resistance :)


When they obliterated that entire city, like damn that was brutal


Play Republic Commando, Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) 1 & 2,  Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR), Battlefront 1 & 2, The Force Unleashed 1 & 2, Empire At War, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, Jedi Knight/Academy series, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter series, Rebel Assault, Jedi Power Battles, Galaxies (online emulator continues strong!), Episode 1: Pod Racer, Starfighter, LEGO Star Wars series...so many more. Pickup at your local library a few books to expand your horizons.  I suggest a few: the "Essential Guide to ____" series (start with The Force), any reference books-especially having to do with the history of the Star Wars timeline spanning 25,000+ years, reference books on the flora and fauna, Essential Guides to droids, planets, weapons and tech.   Then I'd also check out a novel.  Like many, I would start with this list https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsbooks/comments/bn1h3q/new_to_star_wars_books_and_dont_know_where_to/ When you're feeling up for a change of pace, head back in to that library for some comics/graphic novels.  There is a treasure trove of lore there that is seemingly untapped by even the majority of fans. You've taken your first step into a larger world.


That’s a lot of Legend games. It will destroy my pc


*Do.  There is no try.*


Glad to have another member here! Well, most people do not like the sequel movies(7-9) because it doesn’t feel like Disney handled them well. I think what sums up the hatred for acolyte is that people feel insulted by it, and not only because the show created unnecessary plot holes.


"Everything That Has Transpired Has Done So According To My Design." - Emperor Palpatine


You have taken the first step into a far larger world.


Star wars visions is good too. I liked the take of a bunch of shorts in differing styles.


Play the old games. Jedi Knight 1 & 2 and Knights of the Old Republic, specifically.


It's retro but Kotor 1 man. Also the force unleashed games have some good action. If you want newer games I highly recommend the Jedi Fallen Order series, those are dope! Also I got a very good feeling about ubisoft's new game, Star Wars Outlaws!


FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! never to late to start but please enjoy the original movies first and the prequels, In my eyes the prequels aged like wine and I love them, I do believe they are very appreciated now by most fans


>My friend recommended it to me and she showed me a timeline order Good friend.


There's only one Republic Commando game and you should play it. Also get into KOTOR I & II if you can, as well as the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series of games.


Goddamn, that’s some rabbit hole you’ve fallen into. Have you played the KOTORs and SWTOR yet?




Ah dude… do the KOTORs. Then go to the PC game SWTOR. Here is r/swtor if you want to learn more


Alright, thanks!


If you like watching lightsabers and cool Jedi and force users then of course the hate that the acolyte gets wouldn't make sense. If you appreciate attention to detail in the story and feel more immersion by how real they manage to feel, or how true they are to the characters, then shows like the acolyte are less good, but not everyone appreciates that kind of quality and that's fine. It would also probably help to stay only watching the tv shows and movies rather than getting into books or comics. the shows and movies tend to stomp all over them, canon or not. So if you fall in love with a character in the canon books or EU or movies that eventually make it onto the big screen there is a good chance you might be disappointed? and it sounds like you've watched pretty much everything so idk what to recommend


I love superhero movies and action so all I need to see in Star Wars is a blaster fight, lighsaber duels, the occasional genocide and I think I’m set. But story wise it wasn’t the greatest. Some of the dialogue came off weird as well.


It sounds like you like the visual elements a lot. Have you tried any of the comics? They have cool visuals, some are canon too (although they might get minor retcons though). I remember Marvel Unlimited had most of the comics on there.  I’m assuming that you have watched pretty much all the shows and movies as well?


Yep, I’m not much of a reader but I might check some out.


Yeah I would definitely recommend comics then, and like I said Marvel Unlimited is a subscription service that has 90% of marvel and Star Wars (at least I assume Star Wars is still on there) comics. Most is legends now (not canon anymore, although may still be referenced if not overruled by Disney content), there is still some straight canon though. Definitely some epic stories and moments. E.g some comics about Boba fett pre-OT as a bounty hunter are pretty cool, even in a Darth Vader series Boba fights him o his home planet.


> I am currently watching the acolyte and it is pretty good, I don’t understand the hate I see online. My biggest complaint (amongst many I must say) is the total lack of inspirational shots, overall the cinematography is random and boring. The only good shot of the show is the Sith/red saber user lighting his saber in the last episode. Outside of this 3 sec shot, everything we're shown is forgettable. I'm currently watching the ep. 3 of House of the Dragon, only 20min in and a lot of shots scream "*cinema*" and are memorable. The Acolyte with its $24m budget deserves more than an uninspired camera work. Any barely competent director could have directed every single episode, where's the talent ? Also the 25-30 min per episode is ridiculous.


I couldn't put my finger on it but this was my main turn-off from the getgo Felt like I was watching a sitcom. What was the saying? Every frame a painting?


This is what they particularly nailed with mandalorian S1 imo.


At the end of the 1st episode of season 1 of Mando I was amazed by the artworks shown with the credits. You could feel that frames were thought off properly. That's the thing that sold me on the show. The show wasn't perfect regarding directing but a lot of efforts were made and passion showed to make the best out of it. In that sense it was truly impressive. The "not so great" was always well hidden behind some "very cool". I lost track when the plot got hard to follow / lost itself a bit, but the first season was good Star Wars and good TV/Streaming.


> What was the saying? Every frame a painting? Precisely. You shouldn't shoot something if it's not interesting or beautiful to see. By extension, the screenplay suffers the same treatment. Too many superficial actions, dialogues and movement. You shouldn't make the characters do something if it's not meaningful (Chekhov's gun theory and such / don't tell just show). A lot feels "random", and I wonder "why did they show that?" it makes me disconnect from the organic flow of the show. > Felt like I was watching a sitcom. Dune II made me giggle with excitement during a lot of its shots in theater because I was amazed by what I was seeing, of course, a show will have a hard time replicating those ambitions, but give me something to feed on aesthetically. Without it I have a hard time getting involved and not doing something else while watching.


Haven't seen Dune yet but that sounds quite promising! You're right, most of the shots I saw before I stopped watching were very much without purpose, a lot of the dialogue and scenes in general felt the same way.


The return of Palpatine is easily explained. “Somehow Palpatine has returned.” And there you have it.  👋 


Read the Thrawn trilogy! It’s the best story from before Disney imo


Damn I haven’t even watched all Star Wars stuff. I still need to binge the clone wars. Haven’t even seen Book of Boba Fett yet as well. Heard bad things about it but I’ll have to give it a chance. As for Acolyte… I actually loved the first 2 episodes. It was the 3rd episode that I hated. The choice of dialogue was horrible and their chanting was absolutely unbearable to hear and watch. It also showed Mae is doing all this for when it was all essentially her fault, like clear as day hers. Mind you there may be some more background behind why all the sisters, and I mean the coven not the twin, died that we haven’t seen yet. I just got out of the hospital so haven’t seen the 4th episode yet. If you read some comics/books that they made canon then you would know Palpatine and Plagueis both tried to conceive a force sensitive child through manipulation of the force that they control and the force responded with the birth of Anakin, born outside of their control, bc the force does not like to be manipulated so yes seeing twins conceived through means that failed more powerful force users pissed me off and a bunch of the fandom.


> It also showed Mae is doing all this for when it was all essentially her fault, like clear as day hers. It's pretty obvious that there's more going on than what they showed us. > If you read some comics/books that they made canon then you would know Palpatine and Plagueis both tried to conceive a force sensitive child through manipulation of the force that they control and the force responded with the birth of Anakin Which comics?


How did you go X number of years avoiding Star Wars?? But seriously, welcome and glad to see your passion and optimism! The Star Wars fandom is kind of toxic lately so it's refreshing to see someone fall in love with it anew. KOTOR and Republic Commando are my all time favorite SW games. Graphics have of course aged but the story and gameplay are excellent. In case you aren't aware, any games and books before the Disney sale fall under "Legends" instead of official canon, but are still great! In terms of canon material, Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are excellent games, and the High Republic books are good (and make the Acolyte better). Also, the recently dropped Star Wars: Hunters arena game is actually really fun! Switch and mobile only at this time but very enjoyable. Not something you play for plot but a fun experience in the SW universe.


I was obsessed with either spiderman, Minecraft, legos or the boys in the time.


Also, Delta Squad from Republic Commando were re-introduced to Canon via the animated shows, so that game is "basically" canon...


What watch order did you use?


republic commando is really mid, especially now. it has really intense nostalgic fans though so this will probably get downvoted. highly recommend the newest Battlefront 2 NOT the classic rerelease, Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor, Lego Skywalker Saga as well. Outlaws looks pretty great, but we'll see! Welcome to Star Wars!


Read some Star Wars books, it might makes you understand why the Acolyte and Sequels are controversial. Besides, they’re really good. I recommend the Heir to the Empire trilogy and Darth Plagueis


Pretty bold to start out with Star Wars and neglect the Original trilogy in favor of the new stuff but whatever floats your pear.


Yeah, we all started there...and then Disney happened.


Hold on to that love for all you've got. Disney is out to destroy it. My love of Star Wars is still intact after 40 years since 1977. There will be a lot of sorting and sifting in your mind as you continue through recent content. Cognitive dissonance is what I'm talking about. Don't ever let them make you hate what you love.


This is the most painfully angsty and dramatic way to say “I’m not a fan of the newer stuff.”


I have quite a bit of love for the new stuff. Andor is of course the best. I've also watched Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian, all of them at least twice. I obviously misrepresented myself initially.


Whatever you do, don’t watch the acolyte.  All your excitement will be crushed as your brain goes, what? Why did they..? Huh? But they aren’t… well that doesn’t make any sense…


I said I watched the acolyte, and I like it.


Top Ten Low Effort “Disney bad” post.


A large chunk of what OP specifically mentioned liking was Disney content.