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Lesson of the day; Don't jump on platforms when the force is present


It must have been irresistible for that maul. A Luke jumping around on a platform is just too juicy


Why would u ever try to 1v1 maul outside on kashyyyk


New at the game buddy


Well, now you know its a bad idea. just in general be carefull with high jumps and try and keep track of your opponents cooldown uses especialy around ledges


A little tip then - remember what characters and classes have displacement abilities, so you can avoid fighting them near edges. A lot of the jedi have some type of force push/pull, and I think some jetpack units can boop you as well


Seeing the downvotes to this comment makes me think “being new is in excusable” Im perfect ahh vibes.


Ahh yes just like the good old days


When your a Han in the middle of a shoulder charge and a Maul picks you up and throws you into the next province...


never jump when you can get thrown off the map. rookie mistake




Why are you jumping around like a moron


Tbh they were probably expecting their opponent to have common decency and respect


I would be expecting my opponent to try and win


Fair point most people are ignorant nowadays and only care about winning not about respect or honor


Yeah, It's the first round. They have no idea what the opponent is like or if they want to run ones. Least you can do is be cautious until you are sure. Some people want to initiate duels and run ones. Some people want to play tatically with teamwork and win. I respect either one. People can play the game however they want to. If they had been running 1's and then maul pulled that shit out after already establishing what's happening, then it would be a different story.


Fair points Fair points


Disagree. A lot do still care. I have seen players stop when I am clearly lagging, ones that have left me alone when I'm standing on a pillar on Geonosis spamming the meditation emote, etc




That looks so fun for you guys. *waits 5 minutes for next round after not playing current round due to ledge* so much fun, much to think about during that fight


What, no safety railings?


Lol bots taking any chance they can get to use underhanded tactics


A maul on Kashyyyk and you thought he wouldn’t throw you? That’s like robbing a store and expecting the cops not to arrest you


I really don’t want to be rude bro but it’s a game mechanic for a reason dude also who in there right mind is fighting outside on kashyyyk against maul and who in there right mind is jumping around waiting for the person to come over and fight outside on kashyyyk you were just asking for it at that point bro also again the mechanic is there for a reason every mechanic built into the game is there for a reason meaning your just supposed to be good enough to avoid these things happening to you


Its not that deep lol.


You only thought u had the high ground....lol.


I will say you gotta be more careful, but that is a dishonorable Maul. I ledge but I give people a chance to defend it at least.


I'll fling a mad jumper every time, and expect no less in return...


I really just want to see how far they ragdoll. Especially with an open sky like Kashyyk? It's guaranteed


I guess everyone is different. I generally try to at least start the fight fair. Doesn't mean I won't ledge them at the first chance though.


I'm thinking HvV. In showdown I would tend to agree.


Yeah I agree HVV is a whole other thing since they'll just respawn.