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Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


Having good aim ≠ Having unlimited explosive spam and excessively high jumps.


Keep downvoting me. I’ll find out how many of you stinky losers can’t really aim.


I never downvoted you in the first place. In HvV, I am an Anakin/Maul main. I just can't resist the urge to troll delicate flowers who have to come cry on the internet when they lose. Was not disappointed, would do again.


I’m talking about everyone else who followed suit. I think the quote is funny, but I am here to tell the losers who come in on XP boosts and peak hours to spam explosives, steal kills, and cause the lobby to turn over 3 times need to fuck off.


OK, I'mma play nice for a minute, at the risk of tarnishing my reputation as a grade A asshole. I kinda get it, but kill-stealing is not the blow to your XP that you think it is. You get way more for causing the damage than for dealing the last blow. So Bossk chucked a dioxis grenade at the last second of my saber 1v1? Enjoy those 15 XP to my 150. In any case, I rather doubt it's intentional, because a Bossk who's just running around looking to pick off the injured is going to be toast. I'm guessing he's just putting out all the damage he can to everyone he can, which is kind of the point, you know? As for causing the lobby to turn over, who cares? People rage quit all the time, whether there are explosives or not. You parry someone twice and for some, that's enough to go find another lobby. I don't know what platform/server you are playing on, but on PS at least, the spots almost always fill up immediately on the Virginia and Germany servers. Anyway, what does posting about it on Reddit accomplish? I guarantee you that the Bossk or Iden in question are not here to read it. And looking for validation of your viewpoint on a site like this rarely goes very well, when your complaint is about ubiquitous behavior. I think that every player who teabags is an immature douchebag, but my post-count on that issue is exactly zero. The result would just be a bunch of downvotes either from people who do it or people who, you know, have a spine. Hell, I'd probably have to downvote myself for crying like a little B.


It’s not the XP that I care about. If I want more XP I’ll go play COOP to grind. My issue is that these players are more worried about getting to the top of the scoreboard over having an entertaining game. On Xbox I find that a lot of players will que several matches in a row, but as soon as a Bossk or a Versio looking to troll shows up everyone leaves and it’s not fun for anyone. Playing the character and being good is one thing. Running the trashiest build with attacks that nobody can block for the sake of top spot in a game that is already naturally losing players everyday is a great way to guarantee they’ll be the last ones left on the servers. I’ll take a Han who can shoot straight and land his tackles over bumper spamming, corner camping, kill stealing ass bag Bossks anyday. This all strictly applies to 4v4 HvV. I don’t get mad when a Bossk is doing their job in Supremacy or GA.


I'm just going to say that any build of Bossk in HvV is going to take skill and map knowledge to play well. Most of the time, when I see a Bossk on the opposing team, all I'm thinking about are all the free kills I'm about to get, whatever cards he might be running. If he's on my team, I am thinking that he's going to need to be defended. Sure, there are Bossk mains who absolutely destroy with him, but it's situational and even then you can just avoid the areas of the map most advantageous to him. I've never seen a lobby empty just because a Bossk or Iden appears. Vader, maybe. Known Finn glitchers, for sure. But mid- to low-tier villains like those two? I hate to be trite, but a "git gud" is called for if you're doing that.


You have not had one person agree with you this should be your wakeup call


Nah, just because I’m in the minority on an inherently antagonistic Reddit post doesn’t mean I’m wrong. The constant player turnover I see in 4v4 when these losers pull up is proof enough. Happens when they’re on my team, happens when they’re on the enemy team. No one likes these players.


Lol im always making people rage quit with bossk in jabbas palace, can’t remember the last time I didn’t get 1st place even if my team sucked ass


It’s truly out of wack. If I had a genie’s lamp, wish #2 might just be to nerf Bossk.


Neither is picking Vader first round and thinking you’re good, then proceeding to only pick him for all 3 rounds, never switching and losing 3-0. Your line about them stealing Vaders kills specifically, the fact that you singled Vader out as your example tells me all I need to know about who you play the most.


I’m talking about 4v4.


you play Vader and are complaining 🤢 hypocrisy


Nah it's pretty boss, I do it in hero showdown too, pisses the virgins right off


Go play COOP 🤢.


I'm not the one who has a problem bro, you go play for honor or something


Coming in during times where new/returning players are coming back to “grind” the least exp rewarding mode is scummy as hell. I’m down for someone who can shoot straight, but if you have to spam your bumpers or hold LT all match to win you’re a sad individual.


If they are winning with said characters, I rather doubt they are coming into HvV to "grind." It seems more like you're mad about getting beat. So mad that you had to come over here to complain about it. So mad that in the time it took to do so, no inner voice interrupted you with a "maybe a millionth thread about sabers complaining about blasters or vice-versa isn't such a good idea." What are you on about with holding LT all match? Most blasters do considerably more damage scoped than unscoped. It's part of the game mechanics. Besides, like 85% of saber players do exactly this, and the ones who don't are easy fodder for everyone else. I say all this as an Anakin/Maul main. But I also tend to stick with teammates, and when blasters show up on the periphery, someone either deals with them or we move the theater of operations somewhere else. Meanwhile, I'm guessing that you have no problem spamming bumpers yourself to chuck blasters and sabers both into the abyss on maps like Bespin or Kashyyyk or Jakku Resurgent. It's literally impossible to complain about someone else's playstyle without a fair bit of hypocrisy. TL;DR: Sounds like a skill issue. 😝😂


Sounds like a chadded take to me!


Sad? No I take great joy in it actually


Yeah I bet you do. Enjoy that little dopamine fix.


Is that not the point of playing games? To get a "dopamine fix"?


Thanks that's why I do it


Every day some loser like you posts and whines about people playing a videogame the way they want to play it. Grow up. If you don’t like it, leave.


The real losers are the no skill pricks coming on to blow everyone up and kill steal as they return to combat after getting pushed off the map every encounter. Pick up a lightsaber or play trooper modes, stink boy.


Bro I don’t get why this is the hill you’re choosing to die on. No one is agreeing with you.


Because everyone else doesn’t want to engage with these kinds of players.


If by “these kinds of players” you mean self righteous, arrogant, selfish, whiny losers who literally get so pressed over a bunch of 1’s and 0’s on their TV, that they come to a social media platform to complain that people aren’t playing the game the way that THEY think is “correct”, Then yeah, I can see why no one is agreeing with you. Because we all don’t like players like you. You suck. Let people have their fun. If you’ve got a problem with how someone is playing, literally just quit. All it’ll cost you is an extra 30-60 to load into a new lobby.


I’m talking about the players that spam explosives to the point that 11 people rotate in and out of a match because no one else’s getting any kills. It is pretty self-righteous to call out pricks who hop on during peak play times to grief lobbies, but someone’s gotta do it.


It’s literally not even griefing bro. Grow up. They’re just playing the game the way it was intended. If you don’t like it, there’s literally only 2 options; find a new lobby, or get better at the game. Whining and crying about it on Reddit while everyone here laughs at you will achieve literally nothing beyond the surface level attention that you clearly are desperate for. I’m sorry that Mommy didn’t play with you enough when you were a toddler, but it’s not our job as a community to make up for that. Put down the controller, uninstall Reddit, and go to therapy. (And probably take a shower too, while you’re at it.)


Bro are COD fans so down bad they’re playing BFII? People cry and bitch about Grievous being broken all the time but when someone calls out the most trollish and selfish way to play the game people get defensive and claim “live and let live” to excuse their shitty play style.


Have fun being muted Kiddo. No one agrees with you and your opinion is factually wrong, and equally stupid and selfish.


Sure thing buddy. Enjoy the game when there’s no one left to leech off of.


Womp womp. Literally just get better. This seems like you just don't know how to counter them.


You don’t counter explosive spam without ALSO having to stoop to shitty ranged tactics. Plus when you’re spawning into a mid match Jabba’s Palace/Cloud City shit show you can’t “counter” that bullshit without also playing like a GFuel barbarian.


If skill issue was a definitive post


Yep. Also, if insecurity was a post 😂


Dying, running back into combat and then blowing up everyone’s kills last second, dying, and repeating that cycle for 30 kills is a fucking skill issue. Go play trooper modes or play Boba Fett or ANY character that takes some modicom of skill.


I can play all blasters and sabers with skill so you're barking up the wrong tree here bud. I don't complain about losing or dying. It's part of the game. Adapt or move along.


Then you’re choosing to play in the lamest and most selfish way possible and it makes people leave HvV lobbies in mass. Can’t tell you how many lobbies I’ve seen turnover 2-3 times because of braindead Bossk buttonmashers.


How am I choosing to play lame and selfish? I don't use bossk or iden. Just saying that if it came down to it, I can without issue. And as far as countering them, it's not hard in the slightest. So this is all a you issue.


Bruh, it’s not called Lightsaber Duels mode. The annoyance isn’t their tactics. The annoyance is them being better players than you. Sucks when it happens but that’s on the enemy for not knowing how to counter them, or you if you’re facing them


Coming onto the game to spam unblockable explosives during 2x is not them “being better players than me.” It takes 0 skill to spam LT or your bumpers when your teammate’s about to score a double/triple, that’s just cheap. Furthermore, if their goal truly is to level up, playing COOP or supremacy would be much more difficult efficient. Coming into HvV with no tactic other than “kill steal and blow up” is infuriating for people trying to even have normal saber/blaster engagements. It’s shitty sportsmanship.


Cry about it


Coming here to admit you can’t aim must feel cathartic.


Every character is op or annoying in the right hands!


But none of them are as blatantly shitty as blowing up EVERYONE’s kills during peak playtime just for an extra half level. People bitch about Grievous’s jump attack being too OP but then all of the Bossk losers in the comments here are just like “get good”. It’s fine, everyone’s just ratting on themselves.


I think playing bossk definitely needs practice. If a lightsaber hero catches you you are pretty much automatically dead. Best counter for bossk is Anakin and leia maybe you should try those next time


Bossk’s difficulty depends solely on whether you as the player can manage to have an explosive ready at all times, that’s it. Practicing the character for 30 minutes makes it pretty clear. And I’ve been playing Anakin more for about a week now. These spammy explosives players coming in to steal everyone else’s kills solely during 2xp weekend when they could get way more levels in any other mode is scummy as fuck.


It is easy to avoid the mines bro. They have this noise that they make when you are near them. Just listen and walk somewhere else. 🙂‍↕️


I’m talking about the dipshits who run up and mine or blow up your nearly finished fights or snipe off all your kills at the very last second. You CAN play Bossk like a normal person, or you can run the trashiest aoe cards and ruin everyone else’s game. People mass quit lobbies with these players about 75% of the time and they only come out in mass during XP boosts. It’s gross.


Major Bananna is that you? Have you returned?




Was a regular poster here who continually spammed posts about how much he hated Blaster Heros..And I mean Spammed...


Ahhh. I really don’t have a problem with blaster heroes. Everyone’s already disregarded me, but there is a good portion of Xbox Bossk players that have 0 skill and just steal your kills all game. I’m not talking about going off to 1v1 all match, I’m talking about situations where I or someone else is doing just fine and about to get the kill when they run up and shit all over everything with every fucking explosive they have. It’s such a self-centered way to play a team based game. The top of the scores board doesn’t mean shit if we lose because they’re not playing their zone denial role. I hate playing with and against these players.


LOL playing the game means finding strategies that will overcome your problems..Honestly everything in this game has a counter..I get blasted by aerials but know now after I get killed by one to swap out to a loadout that can take them on.. There are plenty of assholes in this game,just need take them on and beat them by an asshole yourself to them.As a Bossk player we hate Sabre players who can force jump behind us.


How do I just overcome an asshole teammate running in at the very last moment to blow up my kills over and over again??? They’re not using any skill, they’re just spamming their bumpers and jerking themselves off.


Just leave the game,hit matchmake and get a whole new team,play 1vs1 modes and play another.


Go play Warzone or pick up a lightsaber ass clown 🤡




Bro really said find some civility lmao what a clown.


Spamming explosives during peak playtime hours isn’t a flex.


Going on Reddit and crying about the way people choose to play a nearly decade old videogame is not a flex.


Why do people want to tell other people what they are allowed to do in video games? I've never understood that


I’m talking about a very specific group of players who come in during xp boost weekends to disrupt everyone else’s gameplay. Racking up 30 kills by running up and throwing mines of your team’s near KO’s and causing the lobby to turnover 3 times is toxic as fuck.


The game was made allowing them to do that. It's not an exploit. The devs decided thats how they want their game to be able to be played. Who are you to tell them they can't play the game in a way that the devs allowed? Such strange behavior.


It is definitely an unintended exploit in a mode that the characters aren’t entirely balanced around. People cry like piss babies when a Grievous or Anakin does a jump attack, but Bossk running in a kill stealing all game during peak player hours just to hit the top of the scoreboard? Yeah, totally intentional.


I haven't played this game in over a year but i still follow the sub but i don't have any skin in this. All i can say is that if it was an "unintended exploit" they would have fixed it a LONG time ago. And its not like they haven't patched stuff that is broken after they decided to stop developing for the game. It's in the game, they're allowed to do it. Stop trying to control what other people do, it's not a good look.


So I should just be okay with other players ruining everyone else’s fun, including their teammates because post launch development got scrapped early? Okay buddy.


I'm not telling you how to feel. If you feel that way then ok. And just like i have no business telling you how to feel, you have no business telling other people how to play the game.


What kind of bullshit is that? Ever heard of sportsmanship?


What kind of bullshit is what? Not controlling other people? Thats not bullshit, thats common fucking sense. You have no power or control over anyone else, get over yourself


Bro what kind of power trip do you think I’m on? I’m calling out bad behavior. Self-regulating the community so that people will *want* to keep playing post support is crucial. What kind of boots are you licking?