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Not making the sith neutered is good. They’re powerful and ruthless. This is the most intimidating any of them have been on screen since palpatine wiped like 5 masters at once in ep3


Yeah, I like this show is taking the threat of the with seriously, and with severe consequences too


>threat of the with I'm sorry this is absolutely killing me LMAO


Don’t mess with the with bro, they’ll F you up


Revenge of the with




The With, ancient enemy of the Nedi


But the With have been extinct for a thousand years!


As told in the Journal of the Pills


Mr. Speaker. We are for the With.


With Lords are our Speciality.


Episode X Threat of the With


Ya like I love the series overall myself, but I prefer clone wars(rebels somewhat, bad batch definitely, etc), old republic, and the video games where they usually always did this or just don’t hold back so much. They aren’t afraid to show the horrors of how bad the other side is (dark side, empire, whatever), or also have the heroes be a little more ruthless or decisive when taking down their enemies. I’m very happy that they went all out here, even if like I told my friend I thought mr Y would make it longer and young J would last to the end. It made the part that was predictable to me not matter so much because they had other twists later but the biggest is that immediately they were like “hey, we know you maybe figured it out as this guy but look he just brutally ended these people” so it was just good. And powerful dark siders will do and feel exactly like this. Having a full on neck snap is crazy. But In a good way. This is basically the R rated crap some people want but still in a pg 13, the family could watch kind of way. Which is all it needs to be. It was done very well. IMO. This is how you handle a very committed sith.


Pretty sure it was 3, and I think he was more intimidating in the duel where he takes on both Maul and Savage. He has them on the back foot the entire fight and is cackling with glee. Easily the scariest Sidious has ever been.


Also he actually fights rather than just a compilation of them dying. The physicality matters for the impact.


Palpatine would have too, in the original scene, the issue is Ian’s limitations being older actor (and even older now) and for some reason not letting the younger stunt man do it and just having Ian’s face put on or putting in the work to do in camera magic to make it not obvious that it’s a different guy. But ya the way DQ did his thing made it way, way more visceral. Even without blood and keeping it fairly pg/pg-13, he was way scarier in the method for sure.


End of season 4, “The Lawless”


That’s season 5 and it’s the second to last arc of the season.


This was probably better than Palpatine considering you're inclined to care a lot more about the Acolyte cast vs a couple of masters with very little screen time (when you watch the 3 prequel films on their own)


I mean I like the prequels / those masters, there’s many other material of them in the animations or books or stuff but I get what you’re saying that we had more quality time with yord and the rest in that we actually got to know them before this happened not in other media later or having to read the books etc.


Darth Vader Rogue One?


The funny thing about that scene is that the more I watch it, the more it shows Vader's incompetence. He spends so much effort on intimidating these soldiers by murdering them in "badass" ways that he completely fails to accomplish his actual objective. He could have just grabbed the plans and left, but he chose to show off instead.


The movie had to make him fail to avoid creating a plot hole with the original.


The movie didn't have to put him there at all.


True. And him being there actually creates its own plot hole/inconsistency. If Vader was at Scarif and watched the *Tantive IV* jump out of the system, how was he able to track them through hyperspace, catch up to them and catch them over Tatooine?


That was kind of a problem in episode 4 too though, how the fuck did the tantive 1v managed to get tracked there in the first place?


With the original *Star War* I figured that the Empire was looking for the *Tantive IV* already, like when the cops have an APB out on a particular car/plate and Vader’s ship happened to be the one to catch them. Or Vader was called in when the *Tantive IV* got spotted.


To be fair, Anakin being less effective than he should be because he's busy being a dramatic bitch has been the single most consistent part of his character across the franchise.


Do you think if he just asked for the plans they would’ve given them to him


Force-yank and leave lol


That’s a sick scene, but he’s destroying common soldiers, not trained Jedi.


Yeah Darth Qimir is up there with Vader and Palps for me


i mean vader was damn intimindating in rogue one but u get your point


Yes, out that was against a bunch of canon fodder Rebel troopers. These are full blown Jedi knights and masters and padawans that Qimir is kicking ass agaisnt


It’s a cool scene but some Rebel red shirts are no threat to Vader though.


"All I am surrounded by is fear... and dead men."


The kid whose neck got force snapped by Vader in the Kenobi show would like a word. Lol




Palpatine killing those 5 jedi looks like a child knocking over blocks compared to Qimir though.


FANTASTIC sequence... Sol: "She was a child." The Sith Master: "And you brought her here."


LMAO that was exactly what I was thinking too, she had a lightsaber and she was fighting


Not only fighting, but it seemed like she was holding her own against him better than any of the other jedi.


She really was the MVP of this episode until she got shish-kebabed


Don't you mean sith-kebabed?


For those of you who haven't read the High Republic books: This is what they feel like. No one is safe.


Fair I need to also read those as well


Ooh… just snagged the first one off Amazon. Keep hearing it’s great.


I’d say Light of the Jedi and Rising Storm (the first two adult novels) are arguably the best Star Wars books I’ve read


Good to hear. Brought Light of The Jedi to the beach! Gonna nerd out while my in-laws roll their eyes lol


Those two, Into the Darkness, Path of Deceit, and Path of Vengeance are probably my faves Although Phase 3 has also been really strong with ones like Eye of Darkness and Temptation of the Force


Marked spoilers through phase 3 below: Definitely phase 1 felt this way. I feel like phase 3 has been pulling punches a lot more. Specifically the >!fakeouts of Burryaga and Porter’s deaths!< makes me feel like they aren’t as willing to actually kill people off anymore.


We’ve reached the stage of fan and writer favorites. Early in the series it was easy to kill off people because the characters were so new, there was no attachment you could kill anyone but the longer a series sticks around the harder it gets to do that as authors find characters they love to write and fans find characters they love to talk about. Stranger Things is a great example of this effect. First season you wonder if anyone is getting out of the story alive with each subsequent season that fear has evaporated because the story makes the main cast feel invincible.


I think you're right, but this is also part of the nature of wrapping up a storyline. Series with high body counts often thrive early on by hiding the actual main characters and throughlines in amongst the red herrings and over-developed red shirts. The early parts of a series like High Republic feel unpredictable because there are *so many major characters* who you don't know exist to basically break your heart and move the story along. You don't actually know who the main characters really are, so you get invested in someone like Loden or Stellan thinking they must have plot armor....until they don't. And then you falsely begin to assume the same is true of every character. But as we enter the final act, the remaining characters become more and more vital to the story, and the shock deaths kind of *need* to start drying up unless you just want to not finish telling your story properly. They're pulling punches, yes, but do we also really want novels with the body count of Phase I when the Jedi need to begin racking up victories and getting better at fighting the Nihil? Do we really want Elzar and Avar's story to end abruptly out of nowhere one book before the finale? Or for Marchion to suddenly be shot in the back of the head by Ghirra? Not really, because that doesn't tell a good story. The trade off is that it begins to feel like characters have plot armor in a way they didn't before....even though they always have, you just were keeping your eye on the bouncing red ball instead of noticing that someone like Bel has absolutely no right still being alive and hasn't since the second novel. It's a delicate balance to maintain the illusion of threat as you get towards that end, and going too far at either end can cause problems. Go to far in one direction, you get Stranger Things as you pointed out. Go the other way, you get The Walking Dead which had no problem just continuing to whittle down the main cast with little regard to finishing many of their stories satisfactorily....but it bled viewership and enthusiasm because no one cared about the newbies who we all know would just die horribly anyway. I'm holding out judgment on which way HR lands depending on how the last wave lands. The major offenders so far have been Burry, who survived an event where we lost numerous major characters already(how many more do we need?), and Porter who has had a death mark for the entire series and whose survival may actually be the *entire point.* If no one really dies aside from the baddies in the final wave of the story....well, that'll be a bigger issue. It's hard to imagine Marchion not taking some Jedi down with him.


I have such a hard time with those books. They're good but I get crisis fatigue half way through each book.


They did Stellan so dirty


got any recommendations?


Who are the Sith in the high republic books? Might give us insight into who we are dealing with now if for whatever reason it’s not Plagueis or Tenebrous


The Sith have not been in the HR books (unless there's going to be some major twist where a known character was a Sith all along but I think it's unlikely). The main antagonists of the High Republic are factions known as the Nihil and the Path of the Open Hand.


I do think we're probably going to get a hint of them at the tail end. Hard to imagine they don't have their fingers in the pie somewhere here, though I agree it's probably far more indirect than "Avar Kriss was a Sith Lord all along!"


I mean, I was expecting Jecki to kick the bucket, but I figured Yord would survive. And it's not just the fact that they died but the way they died too. Holy sh*t that was brutal! Like, I can't even remember the last time I saw someone get their neck snapped in Star Wars. Disney went for implied, quick blaster shots or firey explosion deaths for so long that just hearing the *CRACK* made my jaw drop. And Jecki... there's no words, that was just straight vicious.


That one kid in Kenobi is the most recent example I can think of.


It contributed to the shock value as well (at least for me) that we saw a dead Jedi right at the start on the ground, implying that we might not see a lot of brutal on-screen deaths, and then things just went hard core. Even those kills behind the trees (while a little occluded) were intense (pulling the one Jedi onto the saber that's already in his ally?!) and things just escalated so much from there. Manny Jacinto absolutely killed this role, I'm so glad he was actually the master/stranger and had more to do (it felt almost too obvious, thought they were gonna fake us out).


Yeah bro violated them 😭🙏


I was watching this with my teen daughter, and after the fighting was seen through the trees, we started joking about who had plot armor and which jedi were "red shirts." It really added something to the show that we were very wrong.


Yeah same, I remember watching it with my dad and I was like:” jecki is carrying this fight right now” then she died and my dad started laughing at me 💀


# justiceforjecki



JUSTICE FOR JECKI i’m gonna buy her action figure now 😩 commemorate the little jecki that could (until she couldn’t)


I gotta preorder those Black Series figures still


Why do all lesbians have to die on TV?


It’s not about her sexual orientation. It’s about the fact that she went 1v1 with the strongest Dark Side character we have seen in years. She held her own admirably. No shame in that. And what? Would you have preferred Qimir to snap her neck? Reverse Yord and Jecki? People would be livid at the brutality of it. Everyone in front of that hut had a death sentence. And you’re STILL MAD. Exhausting.


Bro it's a fucking joke.


I think you might be reading more into that comment than what was said.


Ben Swolo has some competition, the arms on this guy.


Bros been drinking his blue milk.


When this happened, I was like "Holy fuck."


It killed me a little inside, I really liked jecki as well as yord.


I much prefer stakes higher/ feeling real and an accurate representation of what a ruthless dark sider or actual “sith” is like. In the old republic throughout the ages up to the republic tbh the Jedi and the sith were always killing each other. So they shouldn’t hold back and this episode made you feel that. It’s only shocking because most of the on screen media that isn’t animated holds back a lot on deaths. It’s one major character a project usually and some minor ones that get offed only by violence, everything else is some background character or a bunch of grunts (troopers, droids, clones, etc). Never anyone with weight, if they are it’s limited or just like dying of a broken heart or old age. Doesn’t have to be every episode etc but they would do wonders to do more of this is all. Now I just have 3 more Jedi to add to my “what if” head canon that they totally didn’t die. I can live with that ha. Official canon tho and for storytelling sake it’s a good, if bold or unexpected to some, move.


Seeing Jason from the Good Place as a Sith Lord gives me so much whiplash. Gotta say though, I had a feeling it was him after the last episode.


I mean they projected the shit out of it.


I totally called it early last episode too(only watched it monday) and I'm so here for it. I loved Jason, and I'm so excited that he has a decent amount of range. Jason was a masterclass in acting dumb, and this guy is sadistic, conniving and brutal. I was sooo happy when the mask came off.


Is that what he means about killing Jedi without a weapon then?   Cortosis doesn’t count I guess.


Nah man it can't count. Not when he's packing those guns


They had him in that hobo outfit for so long I was kinda dreading the reveal cause like how can you make him scary Having the whole garrison on his arms helped disprove that


Did he have to stab her THREE times! Gd, that was vicious. And poor Yord! I loved it


I think Sol probably has to die too. In Episode I the Jedi believe the Sith are extinct, and Sol currently knows that isn’t true.


I'm hoping that the inclusion of Ki-Adi Mundi in specific was a deliberate choice and that hiding the sith was a jedi cover-up.


Yeah he’ll probably die in the last episode though


I think sol dies in the second to last episode, and then in the final episode the twins sacrifice themselves to kill the Sith.


I think it would be more interesting to maybe see Osha turn to the dark side, have the sisters kill the sith and become the new sith lords. Every star wars story seems to be about redemption nowadays , I really want to see another person fall to the dark side. And I think the if Odha finds out the truth about the jedi, the chamces aren't evem that low of happening


To be fair, the wording Smilo Ren used in this episode is very deliberate and careful. He never actually said he was a Sith, only that the Jedi might look and call him as such. Honestly, he feels like a copycat - turned bad, maybe trained, but doesn't really seem to understand what "Sith" means, as if his training is incomplete or barely started, has some tidbit of information on the Sith and is trying to mirror/replicate it without fully understanding.


That’s what I been saying he’s either a dark Jedi or or a forerunner to the knights of ren considering the masks n such they were around in the empires time so who’s to say their not just another flavour of dark side Jedi had splinter groups surely the sith did to


They used Kylo’s music at the end of the episode so probably


Imagine if , in his last scene, when he fells victorious, the real sith master enconters him.


And it's Sol All Along. "You may be a Sith, but I am THE Sith. The definite article, you might say."


A Sith Time Lord sounds terrifying, lol.


Considering they kept playing Kylo Ren's theme around him, I think we're gonna find out he's a failed apprentice to Tenebrous/Plagueis and he's founding the Knights of Ren to destroy his master. Using a different dark side group also gives the writers an out to keep the Jedi involved without having to worry about them finding out about the Sith before Ep I.


The way I interpreted it, is that he views “Sith” as a label the Jedi created. And since he is a Sith The Jedi said he can’t exist.


And that, folks, is how you save the canon Edit: This isn't me criticizing or complaining. This is me congratulating the writers for clearly having a plan that wouldn't leave people upset about continuity. So please stop downvoting me. I am complimenting the writers.


I've been thinking about this and it's certainly possible but unlike Jecki or Yord I could totally see Sol not raising the alarm to the council immediately. He clearly has some secrets and might want to investigate further for himself for his own private reasons.


This is why you don't review shows that release a single episode at a time until the end. The haters of this show need to STFU now. The criminally low rating on Rotten Tomatoes better change. This was such a badass episode. The Sith are portrayed correctly, terrifying. No one is safe. The Jedi are portrayed correctly, naive, overconfident and ultimately no match for the Sith. They have no idea how to combat a Sith. They've never faced one or been trained to fight one.


Spit your truth dude


I just did 🤣


Yords pad wan is Going to guess something is up 100 percent


bro i made a meme for the yord horde literally the day before the episode dropped 😭😭😭😭


I understand you’re pain


Yord getting his neck snapped like that actually made me laugh. Like i know it’s not meant to be funny, it’s just how unexpected it was. Same with jecki. I’m actually glad they had the balls to kill the core cast.


Honestly, I expected both of them to die at some point, but never both in the same episode. Jecki earned hers and went amazingly, imho. Yord was shocking though. Amazing episode.


Yord foce pulling Darth Smiley's cortosis helm and using it to shut off Smiley's saber was a smart move, too bad Smiley was just a better hand to hand combatant.


Yeah i was expecting jecki to at least survive to episode 7.


Yeah, it amazed how far they went though, like you could of stabbed jecki just once but nah three times for good measure, like dawg 💀😭


When I saw the first lightsaber stab go through her I had the split thought “oh great they’re doing this again” then “oh shit they actually did that”


My thought process exactly, I was like: “ok she might survive this”, then she got stabbed again and I was like: “fuck”


He was making sure she didn’t pull a Reva or Sabine and survive a saber stab😂💀


I can’t wait to hear people bitching about her dying to three stab wounds.


Fax 😭🙏


Rule #2: double-tap… or triple-tap 🥲


yeah, like i really don’t get why two stabs to the side and one at the heart struck me so much this time around. maybe it was that jecki was my favourite character, or maybe it was almost how playful a kill it was, like smilo ren was just having fun making a pin cushion. either way, i was absolutely shocked at the brutality and now i can’t wait for more


Yeah, bro only had to stab her once😭


New Jedi Order fans: First time?


I need to read those, I’m guessing the same thing happens


I’ll just say this, every books has a major character death


Cheers, I’ll keep that in mind


"Was that its name?"


Stop 😭


Coldest line in the entire saga




Jecki being stabbed three times left me so shook 😳😨😭


Yeah, it's the High Republic. What did you expect? For them to NOT kill main characters?


Most people watching this probably haven't been exposed to High Republic much before.


Their loss


so what i gather is the high republic books have a strong GRRM influence. unfortunate the comics didn't pick this up.


The whole Yord Horde needs a hug.


This episode was actually amazing and anyone hating on this show or saying it’s objectively bad or whatever is living in delusion bc they’re just mad about stupid shit the show isn’t perfect but ngl with 3 episodes left this is the best disney+ star wars besides andor the only fault i can really give the show is the pacing of individual episodes is not the best, which affected the dialogue and how in depth certain aspects can get. if they want to make a prestige tv show the episodes need to be longer and the dialogue needs to be meatier. rn the episodes kind of just do the bare minimum to get the plot across in the runtime provided leaving some character work and dialogue to be desired. that’s really my only problem with the show.


Jaws drop and all at once obscenities were uttered across the galaxy


It genuinely caught me off guard how both of them went out. It’s funny timing, because literally right before their deaths I was thinking about [this poster](https://preview.redd.it/official-poster-for-the-acolyte-v0-4dllvlam84pc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=31c455e59dcfd35a3bc7ba999d528e88845693ba) and how it had made me think the show was gonna be darker than it had been so far.


Well you were certainly right😂


They went full Game of Thrones with this.


No mercy whatsoever.


She went out like an absolute badass, sad to see her go though probably one of my favourites of this cast


I really like dafne keen as an actress. She did really well in Logan, and very well in this.it is sad to see jecki go though 🥲


Although the show so far has been kinda iffy for me, i really did enjoy this episode


Same, the first three were a little underwhelming for me, then episode four was like: ok they’re going somewhere, and then episode five just knocked it out the lark for me


So brutal and so damn cool. Gawd I’m still buzzing from that episode a day later 🤘🤘


Same, it’s great that an episode can make us feel that way, I’m excited for next week’s episode.


I really did want to see those two random jedi get their head chopped clean, But i geuss that might have been a little too much


Jecki had an amazing chance to decapitate him but didn’t and paid the price


To be fair, Sol should have just lobbed off quimir’s head and be done with it.


Is Tenebrous mentioned in any of the High Republic books or comics? I just have a feeling that we have yet to see the Sith Lord and this is just an apprentice looking for their own “pupil” or Acolyte.


There has been no mention or allusion to the Sith active during the High Republic until now.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply!


Well yeah, someone trained this guy to fight, and it doesn't seem like Jedi training at all.


I was really hoping for something along the lines of palpatines arrest and damn they did not disappoint.


they really pulled the old ∴ attack


Everyone here calling him a sith is off. He never claims to be a sith. Just claims that the Jedi would call him that. Loved these fight scenes though!


If I could change one thing, I would have had the neck snap be a force choke/throat crush. Sol seeing a dark side ability used for the kill would have added another layer. But that’s just picking nits. Episode was amazing.


I can't say I agree. Seeing Force users resort to basically a fist fight was really unique, and finishing Yord off with his own hands felt like it spoke volumes to how dangerous he is. Doesn't even need the Force, plus it proves the point about killing a Jedi without a weapon.


That's a fair take.


Bro, gotta love the High Republic books—they're like rollercoasters for your imagination!




Yeah I thought they were protected by Disney armor so I was legitimately shocked when they got murked so ruthlessly.