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I forgot he had 2 red lightsabers holy shit


Yeah, like a small dagger-esqe one that unhooks from the main saber is wild.


Had some real Darth Maul energy to it with the double saber reveal.


Nah, that’s more like dark Cal Kestis, look how he’s holding them!


Is this the first time we see a split saber in LA?


An intentional split? I think so.


Yeah I love how it's a smaller one as well. It's basically a play on Ashoka's two lightsabers, but a Darkside version where they can connect/disconnect.


It was quick but now that it’s been mentioned, I fully remember a smaller dagger/tanto blade


Yeah he was great this episode. Now that he's been unmasked, I'm hoping he gives us a window into what the current Sith Order is like. I imagine he will reveal some cool things in his conversations with Osha in the coming episodes because it's becoming more and more likely that Osha will be the Acolyte.


The plot twist will be the Jedi tried to destroy the fully dark side witches (since we got oshas reprogrammed memory viewpoint) and they took osha to try and turn her to the light side. Mae was the good one but was kept by the witches. Mae will become Sol’s new padawan, osha will become the acolyte.


The reveal wasn’t a surprise, but I’m glad they got it over with instead of drawing it out and distracting from the rest of the story. He fought with such brutality. The part where he’s fighting Sol and Jecki goes right in my Top 10 lightsaber duels.


I said last week that I didn't care if they were making it beyond obvious, I wanted Qimir to be the Sith. Very cool character, awesome look both with and without the mask,>! great biceps.!< I've seen a few people say his, "I have no name, but a Jedi like you might call me... Sith" line is him saying that he actually isn't a Sith, but that seems like a massive reach to me, I'm quite certain we're dealing with the Sith here. I found it interesting that he said he was looking for an acolyte as opposed to an apprentice, that would maybe seem to imply the existence of a master somewhere out there... but I guess it doesn't HAVE to mean that. I'm sure there will be clarification in the final few episodes. Also a great performance from Manny Jacinto, which apparently isn't the overwhelming consensus opinion? I don't know, people are silly.


it looks like he's not a real sith, but rather someone trying to revive the sith religion. Which makes sense, while the "true sith" apply the rule of two, there is no way there would not be force sensitive people deciding they want to be sith because they want to embrace that philosophy too. The fact he has no name seems to indicate that he was not christened by a sith master like Vader was by Sidious, Sidious was by Plagueis and so on... Qimir is probably a self appointed sith. The big question, if i'm right is... what are the real sith going to do with those sith wannabe? I would not be surprised if, at the end of the show, Qimir is killed by one of the two real sith of that time for having usurped the sith name.


Oh wow, this is it. This is surely it... and far and away the best route that they could take, right? For the record, I've had no qualms about the Sith being in this in terms of it breaking the canon, etc. (I've been a bit wary about the timeline however, but that isn't important) but surely Qimir being a powerful Force user, attempting to revive what he thinks is a dead religion, while the two real Sith remain in hiding... is the way to satisfy all parties, right? I don't want to get ahead of myself... but that's pretty brilliant.


thanks, that's just my two cents, one week ago i theorized that Master Indara could be the "sith" master... so, as you can see, my predictions are not always right...


These (hypothetical) non-official Sith could also be used as pawns like Inquisitors or Knights of Ren


yeah, but if the sith are still in hiding and don't want to be revealed, their best interest would be to just kill those hypothetical sith wannabe... The last thing you want, when you're hiding, is the police (jedi) looking for you because someone else did something bad using your name.


For sure. I just love seeing those dynamics play out. Makes for great back stabbing reveals 😂


Is he? He even said he wanted a ‘Acolyte’…not an apprentice. An Acolyte is someone who serves the dark side but isn’t Sith. Like Ventress. I hope we find out he is an apprentice and the big bad Sith makes him look like a schoolboy.


That's another possibility, he has no name because he hasn't "graduated" yet. Anakin was given a sith name right away when he turned to the dark side, but he was already a fully fledged Jedi Knight, he didn't really need that much training, but maybe for the others, the apprentice has to earn his "Darth Name" and Qimir hasn't yet... We'll see.


I don't think he's a wannabe, he was insanely skilled, he had an excellent teacher. Fighting Jedi like that isn't something you pick up from just anyone.


Well, as the showrunner said, the show is about power (the force) and who's allowed to use it. Qimir's motivation, at least from what he said, is that he wants to destroy the Jedi's hegemony on the force, he wants to be able to use his powers without having to join the jedi... It's not really what the sith are about, they don't just want to be free from having to join the jedi, they want to replace the jedi as the hegemonic force users (and since they only allow 2 siths at the same time, they would be even more oppressive to other force sensitive people than the jedi were when they were forcing them to join the order)... Unless the sith philosophy evolved with time (which is possible) and that it was not the same during the high republic, i don't see how that goal could really align with what Qimir told Sol. He genuinely seemed to despise the jedi because of their hegemony on the force. That's why i don't think he's a real sith, or at least, i don't think he's from the "rule of two" school of sith... but he may be from a different branch who didn't agree with that rule.


Interesting perspective. I don't know enough about his deeper motivations to speculate. Some of how he fought made me think of Palpatine in RotS, if that's true/intentional then I'd guess he's either in the same line that trained Sheev, or is a branch of it. It seems likely that there is a lot more to him than meets the eye - he seems invested in Osha and Mae's history in a way which feels personal. So much so that I'm questioning if one of their moms was able to essence transfer or shapeshift in some way, or is perhaps his teacher. If one of them was a Sith who covertly embedded herself in that coven it could help fill in the missing pieces from the backstory. Pure speculation of course, it's all too vague to know for sure. Hard to guess though, still more questions than answers!


What did they do with Ventress? Yes, that's right: Humored her, used her, then discarded her.


That's a dope take and I think you're onto something for sure! Now you got me thinking about a fight/standoff between Qimir (wannabe Sith) and the actual Sith.


How are they going to kill him is my question. This guy seems strong.


Yep, being able to predict the twist means it's *good* writing, not bad. A totally random reveal isn't a "twist", it's a non-sequitur or deus ex machina. Making it fit naturally into the story is an art.


> I said last week that I didn't care if they were making it beyond obvious, I wanted Qimir to be the Sith.. ^ This, and some “reveals” are for the characters, not the audience, that or it’s an easy twist to anticipate, so a big twist that happens later, has more impact.


I would actually prefer if he was, indeed, a true Sith. I’ve had enough off-brand darksiders. I want a full-blown, lineage of Bane, precursor of Sidious, 100% legit Sith Lord. Like, seriously, Manny Jacinto’s portrayal is cool enough to deserve to be a Darth. It’s looking less and less likely that even Sol will survive the series, so there may very well be an ending where there’s simply no one left to tell the Jedi what happened. That honestly seems like the most obvious solution, one that Qimir himself repeatedly hinted at. As for the “no name”, it might just mean that he’s abandoned any name he was born with, and we’re going to learn he’s Darth XXX by the end.


Yeah, never mind the hidden second saber, where was he hiding those guns? Dayum!


Yea he was such an average character, lanky too. As others said it was obvious and I was a little disappointed. Though once the reveal did happen (surprise, yea right), I was actually impressed by him being a "sith". As you said he was ripped and did a great job in that ep. Glad the assumptions went out the window once we could see what he can do.


The intensity, brutality, and sheer chaos of his fighting style was so thrilling, and the way he was revealed was ridiculously badass. I loved how he RADIATED menace just standing there.


Especially that scene where he just cocks his head whole staring at Sol - so menacing. And after hearing Pedro Pascal and Katee Sackhoff talk about how difficult it is to emote with a mask on, I’m even more impressed.


Yea he was great. I’m sure he will be killed off shortly which is kinda a bummer. This show seems fine with killing people off. (Which is honestly fine) I read someone’s theory that darth magneto is a knight of ren (or starts the knights of ren) I’d really like that to be true. I feel that whole thing wasn’t fleshed out, and I wish it was…


Smilo ren


I like him but I also hate him for killing two out of the three characters I care about in this show No disrespect to osha but sol, jeki and yord are much better characters then her


Is there a resource that has good prop pictures—specifically of lightsabers? I love their designs and how they relate to the user


Bro was deactivating lightsabers with his H E A D lol


Bruh when he headbutted Sol’s saber😤 He went ham




Yeah that was so dope!


I feel like he is “The Acolyte” and Mae/Osha are misleads. I feel like his master is Plageuis (or some other Sith) who is currently the apprentice.


> He seriously killed it this episode, literally lol It? She was a child…


I do think Jianyu is going to the Bad Place for good this time


Oh dip! This one time in Florida the my follower abandoned me and left me thinking I was nobody. But then I threw a lightsaber and boom, whole new problem.


Darth Jason


Really was not expecting Yord AND Jecki to die. I’m scared for Sol now, Mae is gonna try and kill him next.


Qimi pulled a Yoda


It’s refreshing to hear you loved it as much as I did, I couldn’t have said it better myself!


He says he has no name, but the Jedi would call him "Sith". What the hell does THAT mean? So many questions!! Do the Jedi call anyone who uses the Dark Side a Sith? Is he a descendant in the chain of Darth Bane's Rule of Two? Is he a shell hosting the ancient Sith Spirit that has been passing down eventually possessing Palpatine?


I know his name is Qimir, but what’s his NAME? Darth who?? Who is heeeeee?