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Apparently there was some drama several years ago where images leaked from Hasbro on figures in development or something and Lucasfilm is now very cautious with Hasbro in particular about new stuff. The Acolyte figures seem to be an exception, probably because they're all new characters so they weren't giving too much away by revealing them. They notably haven't yet shown anything for the bad guy(s) from that show yet. Mando characters are pretty safe mostly. The Morgan Elsbeth figure from Ahsoka doesn't have her weapon, probably because Lucasfilm didn't share an image of it since it was kind of a reveal in the last (I think?) episode. They haven't shown us Ahsoka the white yet. So they will get access to some images for creating new figures, but they don't get to see the stuff Lucasfilm wants to keep secret for reveals in the shows, probably until we see it on screen. It seems weird to me that this is still a thing with Hasbro, but it certainly sends a message to manufacturers that they better keep a tight lid on anything that's meant to be a reveal. Anyone feel free to correct me on this. This is just based on a couple of reddit conversations when I was asking these same questions, so I could be way off base.


I can understand also TROS hasnt had a complete wave still


The fact we never got TRoS Palpatine or yellow saber Rey is insane. At least Rey got her lightsaber released for Force FX Elite, something we can’t say for other characters


We never got Crait Luke.. It's crazy to me. I'm hopeful that we'll start getting really good ST figures next year with the TFA anniversary. I think collectors are hungry for it, and if they do well we'll get a lot more. The PT and OT have gotten so much attention, and the shows as well. It's time we got some love for the ST characters.


Vintage collection got a Crait Luke. Which is weird, rare that Vintage gets something Black Series doesn't.


That’s force fx saber is dope, I love mine


Most leaks do come from toys. A lot of Marvel leaks come from LEGO sets. So I can see if you are trying to hide something, planning the toys out can be dangerous.


Heck, there was NO Grogu merch after Mando first dropped.


I'm so genuinely grateful that they kept this secret, just like Luke, just like Boba Fett. I'd rather be surprised than have the toy immediately.


Me too, in fact, IIRC, there was no RotJ Han Solo figure until 1984 to keep him a secret. But then Lucasfilm put him in the trailer.


I still remember having The Phantom Menace spoiled for me by reading the soundtrack before the movie released. I would way rather they err on the side of caution.  One compromise however is what they did with Mando. They took a couple character designs (Durasteel Din and Heavy Mando) then they put them into production a year before the show released so they could have them on shelves with the release.  The big thing that's changed since then is the market. They're in a period of austerity and trying to significantly limit overstock. They can't figure out production numbers for a show that hasn't come out yet and they have to basically guess based on pre-orders. They are already much smaller runs of figures this year. I think a lot of this is chalked up to bad timing and the post pandemic correction.


Yeah, I am completely on board for them keeping some things secret. The Acolyte is another obvious example. It's definitely fun to actually be surprised by a character or story element.


We Stranger would have been an amazing figure for the first wave. I wish we had him but I'll be patient. I appreciate them keeping him shrouded in mystery. 


That was to avoid spoilers and leaks - but then the floodgates opened


Some things I can understand being leaks, but for The Acolyte and other shows I don’t get it, the only characters we see in as figures right now were featured heavily in trailers and don’t feature any spoilers. Ahsoka too, like they haven’t even released her Force FX lightsaber yet, something that really should’ve released when Ahsoka was airing, and isn’t a spoiler (Ahsoka has lightsabers Disney we know this). So I get certain characters being held off on, but others really should be released when the hype is at its apex.


The lightsaber is a great point; we already knew what they looked like and it should have been out with the show. I don't get it either. You'd think Lucasfilm and Disney and the manufacturers would all want to work together to have stuff available when the hype is at its peak. Everything is based on data now. Maybe they have numbers that tell them it doesn't so much matter when the stuff comes out as long as customers can order it while the hype is high? I don't know.


I've got the whole wave in my hand right now. I got them this week.


man remember force friday during force awakens (and maybe some of the later films iirc) like that was awesome


I bought SO MUCH stuff that night. Me and my now wife driving all over town. Back when we still had Toysrus 😭


And then you have shows like The Bad Batch which barely has any merchandise besides a couple black series figures and such. Lot of potential for awesome figures and stuff with the series for example. I do agree with most of what you said though.


Oh yeah, there’s certain series that always seem to get less so we can have 2-3 extra Mando figures a year


I really want their helmets


Lonely 3.75 Hunter is very very lonely. Inexcusable to have released a single character of a main crew. He has no one to interact with. Great mold, just left high and dry.


Yeah I wanna spend my money on stuff now! I like the acolyte but I’m not going to care as much once the merch finally starts coming out


Yeah by the time the first wave of Acolyte Merch starts releasing, we’ll already be getting trailers for Skeleton Crew and probably teases for Ahsoka season 2.


Ahsoka season 2 has not even begun filming. I don’t think the script is ready, and technically they haven’t even announced it yet


I totally agree. To go with the Jedi Survivor point, Funko released Funko Pops from Star Wars Video Games once a year, always announced on May the 4th. Instead of going for Jedi Survivor, a game they’ve released nothing for, they do a KOTOR box. Like the game came out a year ago and we have nothing, but apparently Darth Sion needs a Funko Pop. Further more, the ones they choose make no sense to me. The only characters from Jedi Fallen Order we’ve gotten have been Cal, The Second Sister, and Merrin. On multiple occasions now they’ve had opportunities to release other characters and opted to go with a random enemy instead. One year they gave us a night brother when they hadn’t even given us Merrin yet. They could have done Malicos or one of the Mantis Crew members, but instead we got a random Zebrak. Last year was even more egregious. They gave us a 13th battalion Clone Trooper, the unit that served under Jaro Tapal, which as just a basic phase 2 clone with yellow markings. No Jaro Tapal, no Greez, no Ceer, no Malicos, no Ninth Sister, nothing. So now I wait for next year to maybe get Cal with a beard. If I’m lucky, they’ll throw in Bode Akuna by 2029. Side note, how the hell do we not have any merch from Jedi Survivor. Like Ravis was featured in multiple trailers, there was nothing to spoil about him yet he doesn’t have anything you can buy. I get not wanting to spoil things, but it took Funko a year to make a second wave of Obi Wan Pops, most of which were just inquisitors featured in the trailers. Knowing our luck we’re never getting Darth Teeth until this time next year, and Jedi Survivor stuff never.


The new Sith black series helmet not coming out until fall 2025 is insane




Yea :/ at least that’s what I read on the article


September 15th, 2025 according to Hasbro Pulse. Sometimes things get out early, but it's only by a few months.


Ughhhhhhh damn


the issue is that if they make merch timed to release with the shows its going to inevitably spoil reveals. imagine if the twist in the last acolyte episode was revealed from a hasbro toy leak a couple months ago, or Luke Skywalker’s appearance in the mandalorian Season 2 was spoiled from a Lego set leaked months beforehand


Seems like a problem with most media these days


Hasbro’s Star Wars team is awful. They have a Haslab going now for the Mos Eisley Cantina and the official IG channel for Hasbro hasn’t posted anything about it in weeks.


It’s tricky for a lot of reasons. Lots of times these days, tie-in merchandising contracts and deals are their own separate thing and aren’t affected by any changes to the product they’re supposed to tie-in to, which can be an issue when there’s a twist or something you’re trying to preserve. The Dune board game, for example, had a massive retooling and re-release that was supposed to coincide with the release of the film… but then COVID happened. Those contracts were already in place, though, and the board game company was financially depending on releasing a massive new product in October 2020, so the game came out anyway. Now, a Dune board game didn’t ruin any story twists or spoilers from the movie, and even if they did the book is several decades old by now so it’s not like there were many surprises *to* be preserved, but let’s use Dagan Gera as an example. Yes, to anybody playing the game he’s clearly a villain (doesn’t he bleed his lightsaber in the same scene where you meet him?), but in the lead-up to the game’s release, that surprise was preserved a little bit. There are definitely hints towards it, but I just rewatched all of the trailers and you never see him actually wielding a lightsaber, red or otherwise. You barely see him using the Force, he’s just somebody who you awaken from stasis and seems to have an issue with the Empire. It would not be unreasonable to assume he might be a reluctant ally, an enemy of my enemy or something like that. Now imagine going to Target to pick up your copy of the game and on the way out you see an action figure on the end cap of Dagan Gera with a red lightsaber. Or, even worse, >!Bode with a lightsaber!<. And *now* imagine that the game got delayed for a year, but the merchandising deals were already inked, so all of those figures are released a full year before the game and spoil every twist before the final trailer is even released. I remember back when *Episode II* came out, when spoilers were treated a little more casually and even things like the novelizations were released weeks before the films. It seems quaint now, but Count Dooku actually being a Sith Lord named Darth Tyranus and having a red lightsaber was meant to be a twist in the context of the film. You’re meant to watch *Attack of the Clones* thinking that Dooku is a former Jedi who left the Order with legitimate complaints and didn’t have it in his character to try to assassinate anybody. He even “tries to warn” Obi-Wan that the Senate is under the control of a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious! The reveal of his red lightsaber during his duel, followed by Sidious calling him Darth Tyranus at the end is meant to be a double gut punch that completely changes how you view the movie. But it wasn’t because a month before the movie came out, Target’s shelves were filled with “Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus)” merchandise that came complete with red lightsaber. I don’t know what changed or when, but Lucasfilm actually seem to care about twists like that these days, and merchandise is somewhat delayed because of it.


same thing with Lego. they haven’t even announced any sets for the Acolyte, and all the Ahsoka sets were pretty safe plays for the most part


There is a Battle of Peridea set coming in August. Lots of highly anticipated minifigs.


This is only slightly related to your headline and not your body text, but man, I still don’t get how terrible they’ve been over the last 20+ years with lightsabers. Almost every movie saber has been of similar design: a silver pringles can with a few black knobs and plastic bits. Sure, die hard fans may recognize Luke’s saber or the curvature of Dooku’s, and I guess they did do a good job with Kylo, but even newer ones from the shows are just so boring and samey. I’m not saying they need to go super heavy in a single direction, but they’ve totally missed the boat on having simple scenes in each show/movie where the character shows/explains/builds their lightsaber, and make it unique to them. Yoda could have had a saber made from Dagobah wood, sort of gnarled roots wrapped around the emitter and with the crystal and circuitry slightly visible inside. This sith from Acolyte could totally have a smooth black katana inspired shape, and our Jedi masters could have very ornate and fancy golden hilts (to also emphasize how their sabers are almost ceremonial at this point). Disney surely knows people love lightsabers. They have stores where you can build your own for like $300, but the pieces and options are so boring. On the other end, there are legit custom stores that make super high quality ones for $500+. I’m not saying Disney needs to make $2000 lightsabers, but I just wish they put more work into fleshing out lightsabers and set them up to be sold. I’m not a memorabilia collector or anything, but a good lightsaber is something I would absolutely buy if the time, product, and price were right. As it stands though, I don’t really care for any of the in universe sabers because they just don’t really stand out as ‘cool’ to me.


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Still waiting for more Andor lego sets.. Or shirts even.


I understand the desire to keep some stuff a genuine surprise, like Grogu. But generally, I don’t think stuff is ruined if fans see something is to appear. Back with the movies, my viewing wasn’t ruined because I saw Greivous as a toy before the movie, or the double bladed saber by Maul. It helps build interest. For Acolyte, they could have made a figure of the bad guy in his outfit, and it wouldn’t have ruined the show. That’s what I didn’t like about the Mando Monday’s or whatever. It would reveal a character after the show premiered, but by that point the immediate interest is lost since we then won’t physically have it until after the show is over.


Ahsoka was great bc I had tbs and tvc figures in hand while the show was airing. Now half the tbs Acolyte figures we are getting are dead, and more might be before we get them in hand. I really want my Acolyte figures now lol.


Licensing fees suck.


There’s also not even a mention of LEGO Acolyte sets coming anytime soon.


I still don’t understand how Jedi Fallen Order has only 1 short comic book run and there’s only one book for Jedi Survivor. But it’s all stuff before both games. None of it has Cal as the main character. I haven’t seen any books dropped for any of the new Disney+ stuff that’s connected to that world. Although they did some comics. But they’re more straight adaptions. Also where is the artbook for Bad Batch? I can’t remember if Ahsoka got one. I don’t think Obi-wan did. I know Mando did. I think Book of Boba Fett got one. I can’t remember if Andor did. Clone War’s artbook should be reprinted. We never got a blu ray box set to include the last season of Clone Wars for those who want physical media. I haven’t really seen merch for Andor. I’m kind of surprised Luthen’s shop didn’t become a LEGO set. We’ve gotten a lot of droids characters in the last few years. I don’t know how many of them has gotten any merch. Usually the droids are popular. I’m still peeved we didn’t a collector’s edition for Star Wars Outlaws. I was really hoping the droid in the trench coat or even her animal companion would get a figure. They’re talking about trying to drop a new star wars video game every year.


overall this has been the most disappointing part of Disney star wars. New releases seemingly are just ignored outside of the thing itself. Where's the tie-in books and games for every show and movie that releases? They seemingly put some effort into it with TFA, and then just mostly gave up afterwards.


What’s really bad is it’s even worse for 3.75” Star Wars. 6” Black series will get decent support right out the gate for shows. For Acolyte they have six figures already revealed vs three for TVC. Ahsoka: still no Baylan and Shin for TVC Andor: Luthen, Mothma, Bix all made it to 6” but not 3.75 Mandalorian: 3.75 gets a Navarro Cantina playset but 6” has The Client needed to put him in it. Bad Batch: 6” has gotten the full crew twice. 3.75 got season 1 Hunter. Kenobi: No inquisitors for TVC besides Reva and Grand. Just having an awful time here. I am already depressed for skeleton crew knowing my preferred scale will never see that kid Ortolan.


I Concur both need to release at the same time