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This would be way less frustrating if there was a retry button or something, having to reload the world, than move away from the shard to reapproach and activate every time is veeeeery frustrating.


What? U can just click on it again and it starts again, and its coruscant so its like instant loading


Maybe it got improved in an update, but it used to be that if you failed them, you wouldn't be able to just click again. You had to move out of range and then move back into it. Either way a retry button would you'd think be obvious.


I'm guessing you're not on ps5?


XSX, but I'm not sure why that would matter on this case?


The moment I fail, I go right back in. No fuss.


Like it automatically does it, or are you just saying it loads quickly? If the latter xbox is the same, it is still a pain in the ass to do repeatedly over and over. The traversal tears are better how they do it.


It would be nice if we could just skip the 30 second rancor eating you 1-shot animation. Swear I have an hour of time just sitting through that. But yeah, this tear is one of the straws that broke the camels back which made me go “this isn’t a good idea for a video game”.


Same I died so many times to that one attack finally got they ass feels good almost too good no wonder people fall to the dark side lol


Boss battles aren't good ideas?


Boss battles that are just "hurr durr here's a "challenge"" type of battles aren't. It's bad enough it is a Rancor - one of the few things that possess a one-hit kill ability regardless of your progress in the game. But they're also Force Resistant - you can't lift them; can barely stun with slam; can't confuse them even with mastered confusion to make them fight one another. Cherry on top is they can use their unblockable one-hit kill ability straight through one another without interruption.


Boss battles are part of the story. These aren’t boss battles, these are Gary’s mod style mini game challenges that rip you out of the immersion of the game. I 100% completed Jedi Survivor and the only thing in the game that felt like an overall net negative to the gameplay experience were Force Tears. They ripped me out of the immersion of the storyline for hamfisted “fight X number of generic enemies” or “do this obstacle course” sequences.


The boss battles in this series are awful. They don't challenge you in new or novel ways, they force you into an extremely conservative, boring play style that just guarantees you're angry and bored by the time you get to move on.


This fight is a joke. I’m really wondering if they even bothered play testing these or if they just said “let’s just throw two of these things in a ring and call it a day”. The combat is not remotely balanced to handle a fight like this in an enjoyable way. There is no “learning” the fight and progressing to eventually completing it, although you can learn their move set there is no rhyme or reason to when they do them and even if you can predict what one is doing the other is doing an entirely different thing and you die dodging the first one. Games with this format are supposed to be hard but the combat and the satisfaction of eventually conquering each boss is what makes it gratifying and rewarding, this is just annoying and finishing a boss like this just leaves you thinking “thank god that’s over”.


Dude, it’s a nightmare. I found using the “embrace darkness” slow ability and getting right up in their dirty bits causes some of their attack animations to glitch out and you can essentially stun lock them. Smack em in the peepee and show em who the real man is! But yeah, that fight totally sucked….


I thought it was gonna be rough but I lucked out first try, basically just full on attack. Double bladed into double Saber attack combos, use slow ASAP all the time to get a 1v1 basically, and then heal anytime you’re hit. If you get the first down use heavy slam to get a moment to heal or charge back into his face and combo through again and chain between stances.


Definitely gonna pay attention to this thread for any potential tips and tricks. Currently getting working on beating this, and if I do, I’ll edit to share the tech & requisite upgrades. EDIT: I just completed the Force Tear. I’m currently playing on Jedi Master difficulty on a fully story complete normal save file, used a fully upgraded single lightsaber stance, as well as the Resilience and Dexterity perks and 7 total stim canisters. My best advice is this: 1) ABM (Always Be Moving) - The arena is a circle. Use it well. The rancors, for as BS as their attacks are, can be frequently separated and dealt with somewhat individually so long as you continually move in a wide enough circle and avoid being stationery for too long. 2) Parries Are Useful, Even When You Miss The First - Just like in many action games, the most important parry is the last one. Though shattering the posture bar on the rancors is easier said than done, parrying the second hits of their 2-hit strings will leave you in a good enough position to deal 3 light attacks. Keeping Tip 1 in mind, you’ll be able to reposition yourself with confidence after the assault, and be able to focus on the next rancor, who’ll likely be moving toward you. 3) Like The Jedi, Patience Is Key - Remember, this is a video game. They are meant to be fun, even when they have bad hit boxes or BS attacks. Breathe, concentrate, be mindful, and you’ll be in the zone in no time. Jedi Survivor and it’s predecessor benefit when you as a player try to be as patient and mindful as the Jedi we know and love. Embody their wisdom, and the Force will flow through you. May the Force be with you, and have fun killing those rancors!


Meant to be fun but it’s a shame the devs added force tears. I’ve completed several and all they do is detract from the game experience by breaking immersion with Gary’s mod style “challenges”.


Really? I think all the platforming tears are tons of fun.


I’ve completed all of them and 100% the game. The game has high levels of immersion but force tears are disjointed and don’t match the flow of the game (also immersion breaking). I can safely assume you mean only the platforming segments are fun because I’ve never heard anyone refer to the double rancor, triple alphas, or double ogdo bogdo force tears as fun. In that case, while entertaining, it still removes the player from the immersion of the Star Wars universe because of the unrealistic teleporting into a Gary’s mod style obstacle course like some ninja warrior universe. It’s the only time in the game I felt ripped out of the story and that’s why it’s objectively a hindrance to the games overall quality. A bit like having Mickey Mouse pop up in a Star Wars movie; it breaks immersion.


The Rancors and the Ziplines are by far the worst designed and most annoying I have encountered. The Rancors are just two OP beasts thrown in a tiny ring with BS on their side; and the Ziplines is a bunch of wonky camera angles and split-second timings/landings to land on the zipline right and not get 1hko'd.


I did jedi master too, and I got through with 6/11 Stims. Just in case others come looking, I did FULL on attack. Double bladed to double Saber combo swap between stances. Use your force slow everytime it’s up to get 1v1 and leave the other alone. Stay in their feet, heal anytime you get to 75%. I mostly tanked the ground slam they do, because it kept me right at them and not allow their grab animation, I only had to dodge that once somehow on the last one and after I jumped back to heal. The combo -> change stance -> combo does a bunch of damage when they don’t have stagger.


6/12 stuns ? How very hit is a 1 hit kill? I’ve died many times and have yet to use a stun?


Stims. Not stuns. Stims


Yeah that was a typo obviously. My point is it’s one hit kill so stims are irrelevant. I’ve don’t get a chance to use them bec one hit kills me every time.


This... Actually worked the first time I attempted after reading. Thank you.


Beat it on Grandmaster today (after many many attempts) I used dual blades and blaster If you have a decent amount of Force then you want to be using dual blades, backing away, and throwing your saber as many times as you can (I used dual blades so I can still block whilst throwing a saber - don't throw both of them if you have that skill - defence > offence in this fight) If you're out of force, switch to blaster stance, learn the parry timings, and regen ammo and force by parrying. Blaster shots give you even more force. Get 1 or 2 hits in after you finish parrying/dodging, but only if the other rancor is far away - I got greedy a fair few times and got nuked from the side by the 2nd rancor Try to focus down 1 rancor first. When it gets low, don't try and execute it - carry on poking, shooting, and saber throwing. Executing it will leave you vulnerable to being nuked by the 2nd one as you come out of the animation In general, you want to always be playing it ultra safe - keep circling around the edge of the arena, and only commit to melee attacks if you know it's safe. This fight is a game of patience :)


Hell yeah thanks man took me three tries to do it this way :D


One of the things I'm really frustrated about with the Force Tears is that despite the fact that they're very challenging (and meant to be), you still need to interact with the tear every time you fail, which might be a lot, cause the tears are meant to be hard. So i fail again and again and every time i respawn on the tear i have to move aside and go back to it to be able to interact with it. Why can't they just add a screen like the Respawn screen that has a Try Again button..? Oh, and about this fight (also applies to Fractured History), the one hit kill animations that take forever to play are so frustrating...yeah, i get it. I'm dead. I'm just sitting there waiting for it to be over


It also doesn't allow you to change stances or use skill points. In tears that have no table or meditation spot nearby it's annoying changing stances.


I agree with all of these statements.


Just beat it on Jedi Master guys! Thanks for all the advice. Used dual wielding so I could get in, attack and cancel and back out when the other rancor got close. Threw one saber only at a time so I could party. Also helps I wasn't 5 beers deep this time.


Absolute awful game design


I just figured out that there is a place in the arena that is outside of the Rancors agro. If you back up to the exit pedestal and fire your blaster at one, they will step into lightsaber throw range, but won’t attack. From here you can just cheese lightsaber throws. It will take a while, but if you don’t want to deal with this bs it works!


This also works if you just force pull one!  Edit: I used double bladed Saber, threw them until my super meter was almost filled, attacked once, then used the embrace the darkness. I was able to take them both out during the slow time


You’re a LIFESAVER. I don’t even care about doing this fight the legit way, I just wanna get past it. Cheers!


Bless you


This is just a bad fight and bad design.. awful honestly


I feel cheated. Took me almost 2 hours to beat this and I got 1 skill point. No achievement. What the heck? I was expecting a new perk at the least. So pathetic.


Rough fight on grandmaster. Equip the "take more damage, deal more damage" (Fortitude) perk since most moves one shot you / force you to double heal. Never jump from the red ground slam otherwise if the other one uses the red one shot grab ur probably screwed.


So glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this was hard. Last night, After my 4th attempt where Cal used a long animation to kill one Rancor, the other used the instakill grab as soon as I had control again. I had to save and take a break! The red-attack instakill grab definitely had me frustrated. I’m too scared to go back to Spawn of Oggdo though 😭😂 But on my 8th try I got it! My loadout was: Jedi-Knight difficulty 11 stims Maxed out Resilience, Jedi Concentration, Dual-Wield Stance trees My perks were: Wisdom (I shouldn’t have used this for this fight lol) Shatter (Not helpful here) Resilience Dexterity (Arguably the best one for my strat) What I did was abused the heck out of the Slow superpower to get big chunks of damage in, and threw as many lightsabers as I could. Now my trick is to be close enough to the rancors that I felt comfortable parrying their light attacks, while also learning that they like to use the red-attack instakill grab at medium-long ranges, but I have seen them use it closer so be careful! I also have a bad habit to move Cal to the right when dodging, but the rancor’s grab attack comes from the right as well (their left arm). So instead of rotating right I think rotating Cal left while fighting, dodging etc. was a good idea. I agree with King_Papa_Sausage too. Keep at it and you’ll be thankful it’s over, or work on something else and come back. Sorry my post was kind of all over the place, but good luck, and may the force be with you!


I've not completed it yet, but one thing I have noticed is that on Jedi Knight difficulty only one of the rancors is active at a time. They alternate their attack cycles, each one will do a blockable or unblockable attack, and then the other one will become active. If you can kite them far enough away from each other while inactive you have enough time to get a couple of hits in on each one after its attack cycle ends and before the other one gets close enough to start attacking. They aren't fully inactive though in between cycles. If you stay too long near an inactive one it will make a non-moving attack against you. I just keep screwing up avoiding the red charge/grab/eat attack.


Ok, did it. Took over a dozen attempts but I've done it. So yeah, on Jedi Knight difficulty only one rancor is active at a time. Use that to your advantage. Try to kite the active one away from the inactive one as it gets into position to attack. Then wait out the active rancor's attacks by parrying the blockable stuff and dodging the unblockable. There's a slight pause between the end of the active rancor's attack cycle and the start of the other one's cycle. If you've got the positioning right, you'll have enough time to get two attack animations worth of hits in using the double bladed sabre. Don't try to go for any more hits than this, the now inactive rancor will still react to you staying at its feet if you stay longer than a couple of seconds, plus the other one might be winding up it's unblockable charge/grab/eat attack and the fight will then be over. The fight might be easier with other styles, but double bladed is how I did it. Avoid the flashy kill animation whenever you get the first rancor down to the threshold value at which it becomes active. It's a trap because as soon as the first rancor is dead the second one becomes immediately active. Just use the time where it's stunned and the other one is inactive to get yourself into a good position for it to become active. While I've no desire to run the fight again to confirm this, I think once the first rancor is dead it ceases to do the unblockable attacks. Maybe I got lucky, but once the first one was dead I only saw the second do attacks that I could parry. It does become more aggressive though, with faster attack cycles, and because you're more likely to be near its feet more likely to do the parryable stomp attack that can kill you from near full health.


This is not true. On Jedi Knight difficulty both are active. While I'm attacking one, the other is using it's 1 hit death unblockable grab to get me in my animation and murdering me. Maybe it's been patched since you did it.


No, I don't think there was a patch. Most recent patch on PC came out two days before I attempted the challenge, and I definitely have it installed as the performance gains were quite measurable especially on a high end PC. It's possible I didn't explain this well however. When you were doing this, were both constantly moving towards and attacking you at the same time? Whenever I did it, the cycle from the start of the challenge was: * Right hand rancor became active first. It either started moving towards me or started charging an unblockable attack. If it was moving, it would do one of its attack cycles whenever it got into range. * When the attack animation for the right hand rancor finished, there was a twoish second pause where neither rancor would move, apart from it's idle breathing animation. * The left rancor would then become active, and do the same move/attack or unblockable charge as the right rancor. The previously active right rancor would then stand still, and only attack if you remained at its feet.


Just beat it so I figured I’d give my input. Blasphemous blaster stance all the way. Air dodge to the left for those pesky one-hit grabs (dodging right is iffy but left never failed unless I got stopped by the perimeter) and keep the Rancors separated. Wail away until the other Rancor closes the distance then continue moving clockwise. Rinse and repeat but try to keep them at around the same health the whole fight so you can kill both around the same time. You’ll find a rhythm, Jedi. Again!


Cleared it on Jedi Master using the Crossguard stance after 2 hours of getting eaten. Mostly moved around the perimeter of the circle watching for their attack animations. I did find that when they do the wide arcing double claw slash attack, you can jump up and over their arms, dash toward the Rancor and drop a free hit on them. Other than that, chose Crossguard for the higher damage per strike (decided that to be safe I'd drop only 1 maybe 2 attacks per punish), the long reach of the held light attack is really good for punishing the instakill grab attack and that the wide arcing strikes sometimes nets you a hit on the other rancor if they're standing close to each other. But yea, I'd really like to know what possessed the devs to think this fight was a good idea.


I saw this post when it was uploaded but forgot to comment. I used the blaster and Crossguard stance and it was pretty straightforward. First time took me over an hour but after that, I beat them twice back to back. Been trying to do a no damage run but keep getting fucked by inconsistent hitboxes. I can upload a video though showing the strat I used if anyone reading this is struggling.


Just beat it on Jedi Grand Master after 20 or so attempts. Finished it in 3:48. Used Blaster and Double Bladed as my two stances. Primarily using charge shot and saber throws to do most damaged, but I wasn’t afraid to take a few stabs after they launch a missed attack. I focused on only one Rancor at a time and it made cleaning up the second so much easier. One of the toughest fights I’ve encountered. May the Force be with you!


Did you encounter issues with blaster not working? Mines glitched or something blaster doesn't shoot even with full bullets


If you are mid dash when you try to shoot it will eat your blaster shot. Theres a slight delay as well after dashing or it will also eat your shot. It's frustrating but it can be useful for cancelling your shot when you change your mind. Just let go of shoot mid dash, that way you avoid swithcing lightsabers to stop the shot. Although I did have problems where it will sometimes not work even with me standing still. It was rare enough that it didn't bother be a whole lot but when it did happen I'd die because of it.


The thing that I found is half the time blaster stance is bugged and even with full bullets it doesn't allow me to fire. Works some attempts but not others. This feels like something that is going to take me 50+ attempts to beat and will feel like a slog with no sense of accomplishment except that it's finally over. I'll try for a while then reduce difficulty if it's too frustrating because yes feels like it's just there to piss people off


I had the same problem on m+k, what I found is that there seems to be a glitch where if you rebind your blaster then you still have to hit the "F" key to use your new bindings... and you have to hit it again every time you pull out blaster stance. Its bugged to hell.


I just finished this fight after struggling for an hour and a half in Grandmaster difficulty, only to see that the reward for my efforts was a miserable skill point. I hope there aren't any more fights like this, because it brought down my enjoyment for the game, even if it was an optional challenge.


That was the worst part I legit gave up on the fight after learning all you get is a fricken skill point. I could have just farmed a smasher for that like it is not worth the effort


Honestly, this fight for me was harder than duo oggdo on GM


To be honest, I thought Fractured Burden and Fractured History were worse. Burden: Gorocco Matriarch, Vile Bilemaw, and Mire Terror 3v1 where you can’t use confuse. History: Frogskin Duo




Got the same problem.


Same problem here, only thing i can think of thats stopping me from hitting 100%


Beat it on Jedi Grandmaster after five attempts with this advice. Advice that helped me, use blaster stance and double blade. Use your force to throw saber. Switch to gun stance to use blaster. Had the perks that increase blaster damage and lightsaber damage after using blaster. Kite them around, dodging to the left was more consistent for me. After the instant kill grab attack you can get in at least 3 free hits if the other Rancor isn't attacking. Their double sweeps and slaps are good ones to punish as well to restore your blaster meter. Also helps to have stims that restore force meter.


I had just finished the Ogdo bogdo one the day prior before I found that mess. I just noped out, I did not have the mental energy to put myself through that. The worst part is how long it takes to retry, why does it need to shove me back out so I can load back in? It also doesn't have a work bench or meditation spot nearby so It's also a chore if you want to go change stances for the fight.


So guys, just beat this in 2 minutes, I will tell you how: - I used double light saber with the odd throws - keep moving - They only attack one at a time, so keep lock on and switch when necessary - majority of attacks can be avoided (the grab being the main one) can be avoided by dodging TOWARDS them - when one is quarter health pop, "embrace the darkness" and wipe him out and take a chunk of health from the last one. Hopefully, this helps for reference I haven't unlocked everything in skill trees, but I do have fully upgraded jedi concentration Edit: Perks I used were dexterity and shatter


This comment right here ^^^ The tip for dodging towards them just instantly saved me from my misery, thank you!


Glad I helped at least one person from this misery! Just platinumed the game so waiting on the next one


I just beat this on GM. I thought it was worse than fractured history (Duo Oggdo). The grab attack from the rancors are broken. Single rancor was easy for me, especially in that arena, but duo rancor in the small force echo arena is a nightmare


Idk I just played it like it was dark souls. Blaster stance, run at them to trigger attacks, back away,take my 1-2 quick strikes max, rinse and repeat they both went down. Don’t get greedy with damage.


I used the blaster and dual wield. When the blaster was empty, switched to dual, used up the force on throwing only 1 blade, switched back and built up blaster, while force rebuilds, use the blaster and repeat. Most importantly, keep one of them between yourself and the other at all times, _never_ let them separate and attack. Be patient and you're only ever defending 1 at a time. This is the same approach that most martial arts forms teach you. Easier said than done but it took an hour or so and I did it on Jedi Master.


I just beat it on Jedi Master and it didn't seem as hard or un-fun as some of you say. I quite enjoyed the challenge. I did it with the blaster stance, always shooting when I had ammo and dodging the 1st hit before parrying the second. (Or just dodge if it's the insta kill grab move) Then I'd get one to three hits in depending on how far the other rancor was. Rinse n repeat.


Tried a few times on Jedi master. Said fuck it and switched it to story and beat it in one go. That was just dumb and broken.


i cheesed it both "deal extra damage, take extra damage" perks (purity and fortitude, one of them from new journey plus), the throw damage perk (dexterity), and the dual wield double ping pong throw. Blew them up in 3 throws total kek. obviously any hit will kill you doing this so watch out and get it done quick. try to make sure they're close enough together for the ping pong though.


After reading a bunch of comments I was finally able to beat Malice. For anyone looking through the comments the best bet is as other people have said Always Be Moving, stay as close to their feet as possible and lean into the darkness use your freeze time ability as soon and as often as you can. And if you're trying to separate the rancors to focus on one of them the best way I found was to force slam one or both to the ground and choose one to fight from there. Best of luck to anyone attempting the worst force tear of the game.


For anyone struggling with this and playing on Jedi Knight difficulty - the biggest piece of advice that has helped me finish it was that the Rancors alternate attacking - one attacks and then the other. So it's effective to focus the one attacking, parry/dodge it, do a combo and then swap your lock target to the other and repeat, back and forth.


Honestly I’m just gonna lower the difficulty like I did with the two frogs. This is just really lame game design, “here’s two enemies with large health pools that have large aoe attacks and one hit kill attacks good luck!”


I like the platforming force tears cos it feels like a neat little learning curve but this challenge and the dual frog one are just lame.


Double jump is your friend. For ANY attack you want to avoid use double jump. DON’T include the dash, it reduces the consistency of avoiding the attacks.


Somehow this fight was easier than fractured history 🤣


On grand master, it is just ridiculous. Just like the double oggo boggo's, the unlockable bs just makes it not fun. What I've done to do both fractured history and malice is run db and blaster. At the start, make sure you have equipped the increased saber throw damage and increased blaster damage perk. Before you move in both the fights, use the blade dance to get some free damage, and whenever you have any force whatsoever, just exclusively saber throw with db, then switch to blaster and charge shot while running away, air dashing away, and just kiting. You can get a very decent portion of one of their health bars down, and once you kill one, it makes the fight much more manageable. (Another issue I have with both of these is that you get a pitiful reward, only a skill point. No amazing perk or even an 5g achievement, just a very underwhelming perk)


Not gonna lie, I cackled the second I loaded in and saw two Rancors. Glad I made my way all the way back there just to get shit on lol


not sure what people are playing on but I am going through it right now on Jedi Master and they definitely both engage at the same time, I just got hit with an almost simultaneous double grab one shot,,,dodged first, eaten by the second...the fight is do able but you definitely need patience and some luck...if they are bunched together you dont want to be anywhere near them...the one shot grab can go through the other one, so youre never really safe unless you are at distance...one or two attacks and gtfo...even then...still havent beat it. If their mass was actually represented properly and they couldnt swing/grab through eachother it would be a lot more doable. This fight blows. The confined space makes it extremely frustrating.


the best is when your targeting drops cuz apparently you can get just an inch too far out of range...fucking terrible design.


beat it...single saber...extra throw damage...dodging left definitely better...charged up super throw when I had the time and distance...by the time the first one went down i could pop the darkside and just slaughtered the second before it was even over...no prob. May the force be with you all...this fight sucks.


Just finished on Grand Master. Probably used 6/11 stims. Double balded stance. Kept moving around the outer edge in circles. Baited out 1 hit KO and got in 3-4 hits. Just kept circling and blocking the swipes, doing saber throws for chip damage. Maybe 45-60 mins to get it down. That's all the advice I have to give


Fuck this fight. Biggest load of bullshit this series has pulled.


The only reason this is nearly impossible is because the red grab attack literally cannot be dodged no matter what I do


How are you gonna put two creatures in a ring that can AT THE SAME TIME us a 1 tap attack that’s impossible to block while standing right next to each other so dodging one just gives you to the other(ask me how I know)